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July Wrasslin’ |OT| The Ring’s a Field, the Field of War, That’s Where We Lay the Law


Just watched the segment from Main Event with Sandow... another great tribute:


I do worry how long he can keep it up for though...


Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B

Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C

WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C

WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+

WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-

Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
Clash of the Champions I - B+
WrestleMania IV - C
Clash of the Champions II - C+
The Great American Bash '88 - B
SummerSlam '88 - D
Clash of the Champions III - C-
Survivor Series '88 - D
Clash of the Champions IV - C+
Starrcade '88: True Gritt - B

Royal Rumble '89 - F
Clash of the Champions V - C-
Clash of the Champions VI - B
WrestleMania V - B-
WrestleWar '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VII - C+
The Great American Bash '89 - B+
SummerSlam '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VIII - B-
Halloween Havoc '89 - C+
Clash of the Champions IX - B
Survivor Series '89 - D+
Starrcade '89: Future Shock - C+

Royal Rumble '90 - D+
Clash of the Champions X - B-
WrestleWar '90 - C
WrestleMania VI - B
Capital Combat: The Return of Robocop - B-
Clash of the Champions XI - C
The Great American Bash '90 - B-
SummerSlam '90 - D
Clash of the Champions XII - D
Halloween Havoc '90 - C-
Clash of the Champions XIII - D
Survivor Series '90 - D+
Starrcade '90: Collision Course - B-

Royal Rumble '91 - D+
Clash of the Champions XIV - B-
WrestleWar '91 - C+
WrestleMania VII - D+
SuperBrawl - C-
Clash of the Champions XV - B-
The Great American Bash '91 - F
SummerSlam '91 - C-
Clash of the Champions XVI - C
Halloween Havoc '91 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVII - B-
Survivor Series '91 - D
This Tuesday in Texas - C
Starrcade '91: Battlebowl - C-

Royal Rumble '92 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVIII - B
SuperBrawl II - B+
WrestleMania VIII - B-
WrestleWar '92 - B-
Beach Blast '92 - B+
Clash of the Champions XIX - B
The Great American Bash '92 - C+
SummerSlam '92 - C-
Clash of the Champions XX - B+
Halloween Havoc '92 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXI - C+
Survivor Series '92 - C-
Starrcade '92 - B-

Clash of the Champions XXII - B
Royal Rumble '92 - C
SuperBrawl III - B-
WrestleMania IX - C-
Slamboree '93 - D+
King of the Ring '93 - C+
Clash of the Champions XXIII - C+
Beach Blast '93 - B-

That couldn't have been the planned finish of Flair/Windham, right? Barry must've messed up, yeah?

Where's strobogo when I need him? D:
Definitely. Even all the bad surrounding a Cena feud could be tolerated if there were other midcard feuds for people to follow. It would be easy to ignore a "burial" if you knew a wrestler can still go on and have entertaining feuds. But it seems common for good characters to be wasted away or forgotten about re: conspiracy R-Truth, Wrestlemania Miz, Hall of Pain Mark Henry, etc. Not all of it is on Cena, but its easy to denounce the character when its the only thing that has consistently been protected for the past decade. I don't even care if someone like Cesaro never reaches the main event, but please let him get involved in something more meaningful than another Battle Royal.

Just digging through the last few pages and found this one. I agree with alot that is said. It's not just Cena, though. It's the whole attitude of the brass and writers. Miz may not be the most credible athlete in the business, but he is one of the best mic workers they have. He deserves more than just being comedy fodder for Jericho, especially with how old and saggy Y2J is looking these days. Jericho should be putting younger guys over RVD style at this point in his career. I'm assuming he will with Bray.

And it's nice to see a shout out to R-Truth. It's shameful that they've turned him into a bonafide jobber. Dude is 42 and still has more athleticism in him than most of the roster. His cigarette-smoking attack on JoMo was one of the best heel turns of the last decade.


Struggling to get through The Many Adventures of El Genericho, had to turn the commentary off some of this early stuff. Hoping it gets better as time goes on.


Jericho has done nothing but put guys over for several years. Losing often to the likes of Evan Bourne, Kofi, several guys on Season 1 of NXT, Fandango at Mania, list goes on. What more do you want? Miz is right where he is, a mediocre midcarder who has gotten worse on the mic over the years, and relies on terrible lines now with attached "Your sports team sucks" heat. His latest face run is summed up perfectly when he does "Your mom" jokes.

His feud with Bray will be interesting, but it will only work if Jericho can at least win one PPV match. Otherwise it's just another feud where he jobs all the time and there's no heat.


Jericho has done nothing but put guys over for several years. Losing often to the likes of Evan Bourne, Kofi, several guys on Season 1 of NXT, Fandango at Mania, list goes on. What more do you want? Miz is right where he is, a mediocre midcarder who has gotten worse on the mic over the years, and relies on terrible lines now with attached "Your sports team sucks" heat. His latest face run is summed up perfectly when he does "Your mom" jokes.

His feud with Bray will be interesting, but it will only work if Jericho can at least win one PPV match. Otherwise it's just another feud where he jobs all the time and there's no heat.

Yeah the feud shouldn't be just about repairing the damage Cena did, they should be trying to build some proper heat for Bray because they're seriously lacking in legit Heels at the moment.


Jericho has done nothing but put guys over for several years. Losing often to the likes of Evan Bourne, Kofi, several guys on Season 1 of NXT, Fandango at Mania, list goes on. What more do you want? Miz is right where he is, a mediocre midcarder who has gotten worse on the mic over the years, and relies on terrible lines now with attached "Your sports team sucks" heat. His latest face run is summed up perfectly when he does "Your mom" jokes.

His feud with Bray will be interesting, but it will only work if Jericho can at least win one PPV match. Otherwise it's just another feud where he jobs all the time and there's no heat.

Jericho is like the new terry funk minus the insanity. Dude would put over a lifeless corpse because it meant well for the business.


Yeah the feud shouldn't be just about repairing the damage Cena did, they should be trying to build some proper heat for Bray because they're seriously lacking in legit Heels at the moment.

Wyatt/Jericho is going to be face-v-face for the loudest parts of the crowd, which isn't going to help any.
Jericho has done nothing but put guys over for several years. Losing often to the likes of Evan Bourne, Kofi, several guys on Season 1 of NXT, Fandango at Mania, list goes on. What more do you want? Miz is right where he is, a mediocre midcarder who has gotten worse on the mic over the years, and relies on terrible lines now with attached "Your sports team sucks" heat. His latest face run is summed up perfectly when he does "Your mom" jokes.

His feud with Bray will be interesting, but it will only work if Jericho can at least win one PPV match. Otherwise it's just another feud where he jobs all the time and there's no heat.

Meanwhile Jericho is stealing lines from Michael Keaton. haha. Miz obviously doesn't work as a face. He needs to be the cowardly heel who somehow squeaks out wins ala Flair (not to compare the two). Plenty of guys on the roster resort to cheap heat. When you don't have a friggin story to work with, that's what you have to do sometimes. Rusev's whole gimmick is cheap heat. Cena panders to the local crowds whenever given the opportunity (when he's not recapping last week's events for the benefit of the viewers). Miz is a person people love to see get his ass kicked, but without any proper build up, that will soon get stale and WWE will have wasted another youngish talent. I'd let him get some wins on the lower tier guys and then place him in the upper mid card and maybe have Ziggler beat on him some.

I don't think Bray can survive a loss to Jericho after the Cena feud. He's gone from dangerous to delusional in a matter of weeks, doing that same dance spot with Cena day in and day out. I do give Jericho credit for putting those guys over a few years back. That's part of the problem though. For all his accolades, Jericho has never been a threat on the same level as other main eventers. He's a comedy wrestler at heart who paid his dues and can tell a good story in the ring, but his lack of a "tough" image works against him.
Angle on the Ross Report today,

I don't know much about the man outside the ring other than his stupid twitter "hackings" he'd have a few years back. Interesting in seeing if the man is as terrifying in real life as he comes across on tv.


I do give Jericho credit for putting those guys over a few years back. That's part of the problem though. For all his accolades, Jericho has never been a threat on the same level as other main eventers. He's a comedy wrestler at heart who paid his dues and can tell a good story in the ring, but his lack of a "tough" image works against him.
Since he's debuted his favorite feuds of mine for him were with The Rock and later Michaels. But both could be polar opposites. He had hilarious back and forth promos with Rock and both had great matches, complete with Rock taking losses frequently. Meanwhile with Michaels (in both feuds), he wasn't winning much but they did a great job hyping it up and creating the drama. That's where I feel he's always put on that pedestal beneath others, even though he's every bit as talented as anyone else. Not enough guys putting him over, whereas he'll do everything he can do to so for others.

I still despise that Triple H feud where he was a unified champion, yet played third wheel because of the McMahon-Helmsley drama going on. All after having both Austin and the Rock take falls to him.


A moment of personal amusement. I just e-mailed another manager, starting with the phrase "I've got some bad news for you". I'm now wondering how many promo lines I can fit into work e-mails without it being blatantly obvious.

"That'd be great" from Office Space is already a staple sign-off in many instances.

"BrotherJackDude" will take a little more work, methinks...
Since he's debuted his favorite feuds of mine for him were with The Rock and later Michaels. But both could be polar opposites. He had hilarious back and forth promos with Rock and both had great matches, complete with Rock taking losses frequently. Meanwhile with Michaels (in both feuds), he wasn't winning much but they did a great job hyping it up and creating the drama. That's where I feel he's always put on that pedestal beneath others, even though he's every bit as talented as anyone else. Not enough guys putting him over, whereas he'll do everything he can do to so for others.

I still despise that Triple H feud where he was a unified champion, yet played third wheel because of the McMahon-Helmsley drama going on. All after having both Austin and the Rock take falls to him.

That's honestly where WWE started losing me. After they blew the invasion angle, I tuned out for a number of years only catching Wrestlemania and maybe Rumble or Summerslam here and there. I liked Jericho's work early on in WCW. People were calling him the next Shawn Michaels back then, but the truth is he doesn't sell/bump as well as HBK and he doesn't have the exciting move set either (although his moonsault from inside the ring to the outside was cool). I cited Flair before with Miz, but Jericho really has been pretty Flair-ish over the last decade of work.

One of the major problems I have with Jericho is his in-ring work just lacks a certain crispness to it. Odd seeing as that he traveled the world with Eddie and Benoit and they were as crisp as they come. I've also read he can work somewhat stiff, which if true surprises me, because alot of it comes off as pretty light. Although those Stu Hart forearms shots can be deceptive...
A moment of personal amusement. I just e-mailed another manager, starting with the phrase "I've got some bad news for you". I'm now wondering how many promo lines I can fit into work e-mails without it being blatantly obvious.

"That'd be great" from Office Space is already a staple sign-off in many instances.

"BrotherJackDude" will take a little more work, methinks...
In high school I wrote a literary analysis paper using terms like "face" and "heel". I also mentioned how another character did something to put another character over.

I was a terrific writer too. I got a perfect score on both the the English and writing parts of the ACT but I still contest that was the best paper I had ever written. My teacher did not think so.
¡HarlequinPanic!;120170674 said:
Angle on the Ross Report today,

I don't know much about the man outside the ring other than his stupid twitter "hackings" he'd have a few years back. Interesting in seeing if the man is as terrifying in real life as he comes across on tv.


i mean i heard he had some drug problems, and was thus released from wwe, but he's always seemed like a softie to me.

i mean i heard he had some drug problems, and was thus released from wwe, but he's always seemed like a softie to me.

He's come off as friendly and polite in the interviews I've heard with him. I think the drug problems stem from how competitive he is. He pushes his body way too hard. I seem to remember some video clip with McMahon saying how he was worried about Kurt's health.
Played Alpha Protocol for about two hours. It is certainly...rough. Also the closest I could get my guy to looking like Ventura was a goatee, sunglasses, and a beret :( However, I have been assured it gets better and will stick to it. I also have to get better at the stealth.

First 2/3 hours are quite boring yes. Basically just rush through all the middle east crap, it's boring and doesn't emphasise the interesting elements of the gameplay. After that it's all at a similar level of higher quality than that, like I said before.


¡HarlequinPanic!;120176257 said:
Nearly a half hour in to this 1:08 long podcast, still waiting for the interview to start >[

lol wrassler podcasts are carny as fuck. always selling, never delivering.

21st century carnies!


First 2/3 hours are quite boring yes. Basically just rush through all the middle east crap, it's boring and doesn't emphasise the interesting elements of the gameplay. After that it's all at a similar level of higher quality than that, like I said before.

Playing on hard helps.
A moment of personal amusement. I just e-mailed another manager, starting with the phrase "I've got some bad news for you". I'm now wondering how many promo lines I can fit into work e-mails without it being blatantly obvious.

"That'd be great" from Office Space is already a staple sign-off in many instances.

"BrotherJackDude" will take a little more work, methinks...

Call your boss billionaire Ted
Browsing that Best of Volk Han set and there's a self defence submission wrestling demonstration from Volk on the end of disc 1 - dude is terrifyingly quick;


Love the reaction from that guy in the crowd to the savage knee kick thing Volk did, lmao. First match in the set is against Maeda (Volk's first match in Japan, I think) and is pretty good, all about setting up Volk as a super dangerous competitor as he controls the entirety of the match before Maeda wins out of nowhere.
First 2/3 hours are quite boring yes. Basically just rush through all the middle east crap, it's boring and doesn't emphasise the interesting elements of the gameplay. After that it's all at a similar level of higher quality than that, like I said before.
Yeah I got past it and its definitely looking up. This game already has a ton more personality than mass effect.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I got past it and its definitely looking up. This game already has a ton more personality than mass effect.

The conversation options and how they handle it is just the best. Thornton is dope as fuck too.



Since we're talking about games that do what BioWare does better than BioWare, I just finished Witcher 2 and man that game was good. I don't know why I waited so long to play it. Character models still look really nice too.

I kind of want to replay it but I also want the choices from my first playthrough to carry over into the next game.
Browsing that Best of Volk Han set and there's a self defence submission wrestling demonstration from Volk on the end of disc 1 - dude is terrifyingly quick;


Love the reaction from that guy in the crowd to the savage knee kick thing Volk did, lmao. First match in the set is against Maeda (Volk's first match in Japan, I think) and is pretty good, all about setting up Volk as a super dangerous competitor as he controls the entirety of the match before Maeda wins out of nowhere.

Boots, have you come across the Volk retirement match against Funaki?


RINGS/The Outsider: Volk Han Retirement Match. it was a RINGS style worked shoot.


Since we're talking about games that do what BioWare does better than BioWare, I just finished Witcher 2 and man that game was good. I don't know why I waited so long to play it. Character models still look really nice too.

I kind of want to replay it but I also want the choices from my first playthrough to carry over into the next game.

I got both Witcher games and decided not to play Witcher 2 because Witcher 1 was so damn boring. I couldn't even get past act 2 it was so dead.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I got both Witcher games and decided not to play Witcher 2 because Witcher 1 was so damn boring. I couldn't even get past act 2 it was so dead.

I hated Witcher 1 as well, and I loved the second. You should give it another chance, it's a fantastic game with one of the few proper branching paths in modern gaming.


I got both Witcher games and decided not to play Witcher 2 because Witcher 1 was so damn boring. I couldn't even get past act 2 it was so dead.
I liked Witcher 1 and I was holding out on playing Witcher 2 until I beat it. I took a break from it and then my hard drive died so I lost my save games. So I decided to just jump into Witcher 2 and I was glad I did. It's a much better game. If you have the game already, I'd say you're not out anything if you just put a few hours into it to see if you like it.


I hated Witcher 1 as well, and I loved the second. You should give it another chance, it's a fantastic game with one of the few proper branching paths in modern gaming.

Its like the characters are not interesting at all and the missions seem bland to get into. I'll try again whenever I can actually take the time to focus on the game.


I liked Witcher 1 and I was holding out on playing Witcher 2 until I beat it. I took a break from it and then my hard drive died so I lost my save games. So I decided to just jump into Witcher 2 and I was glad I did. It's a much better game. If you have the game already, I'd say you're not out anything if you just put a few hours into it to see if you like it.

I heard witcher 2 was the better game. I played a few minutes of the mini game but that was it. I just really need to take time to get into those games because of how hardcore rpg'ish it is.
I liked Witcher 1 and I was holding out on playing Witcher 2 until I beat it. I took a break from it and then my hard drive died so I lost my save games. So I decided to just jump into Witcher 2 and I was glad I did. It's a much better game. If you have the game already, I'd say you're not out anything if you just put a few hours into it to see if you like it.

I felt the same way, found the start of Witcher 1 so dull. Can I just jump into Witcher 2 with no story worries?


¡HarlequinPanic!;120176257 said:
Nearly a half hour in to this 1:08 long podcast, still waiting for the interview to start >[

today we are talking to kurt angle

but first we gotta pay some bills

in order to keep this podcast free

for you

the listener

podcast one allows me to bring this content to you

i believe in all of my sponsors

it'll keep your dick at full ass salute

go to podcastone.com and enter promo code BOMBCAST1

thanks for allowing us to bring this to you for free

anyways i was on my ranch

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Christopher Donnelly, a prisoner in the state of Pennsylvania, recently filed a lawsuit against WWE and Natalya. Donnelly actually made a several page hand-written filing and alleged that Natalya is an evil dominatrix that abused him mentally, physically and emotionally from 2005 until 2009.

Donnelly alleged that Natalya aborted his child, beat him numerous times at hotels across the country, used obscenities such as "this is my dungeon, you little bitch!" and other "naughty acts" according to the complaint. The man claimed that Natalya also forced him to prostitute himself. He said he wanted $250,000 in damages for mental and psychological trauma, spelling psychological wrong in the filing. If he didn't receive the $250,000 through the lawsuit, he threatened to take the complaint to higher courts and the media.

On July 7th, a judge in Florida wrote that the filing was filled with delusional language and went on to dismiss the lawsuit on several grounds.
Boots, have you come across the Volk retirement match against Funaki?

RINGS/The Outsider: Volk Han Retirement Match. it was a RINGS style worked shoot.

Nope, I haven't seen it anywhere unfortunately - as far as I know the only clip that ever surfaced was from his retirement speech;


It might be worth contacting Tabe, as he's the go-to guy for MMA/shootstyle stuff from Japan. Site hasn't been updated in a while, though.
today we are talking to kurt angle

but first we gotta pay some bills

in order to keep this podcast free

for you

the listener

podcast one allows me to bring this content to you

i believe in all of my sponsors

it'll keep your dick at full ass salute

go to podcastone.com and enter promo code BOMBCAST1

thanks for allowing us to bring this to you for free

anyways i was on my ranch

This a podcast or a tutorial from a 90s Square RPG

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I mean, that DOES sound Stu Hart-esque

Boootaaay, I finally watched the Brody vs Bockwinkle match. Pretty great match with two great personalities. Crazy, wildman badass brawler vs the Uptight, superior proper wrestler. I think Bockwinkel is the best wrestler to never wrestle for WWF. Not Sting.


Raw Viewership for 7/7:

8pm: 4.183
9pm: 4.514
10pm: 4.447

Avg: 4.381

Viewership went up compared to last week. Up 215,000 compared to last year. Well the show is on a decent roll right now. The question is when looking at last year after the first week of July the viewership for a hour never went above 4.4 million except for the Raw after Summerslam.

So its interesting if they can keep the audience that high for hour 2 and 3 till Summerslam.


I felt the same way, found the start of Witcher 1 so dull. Can I just jump into Witcher 2 with no story worries?
Yeah you should be fine. I didn't feel like I missed anything huge even though I never finished Witcher 1. The only thing I'm not sure about is if they do a good job explaining what witchers are. In the first game you start out where you first trained so it's really easy to understand what makes a witcher different from a regular person. I'm not sure if you get the same explanation in the second game or not. You probably do and I probably skipped it and don't remember since the game is pretty good about explaining the lore.
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