Cena gave us the ultimate shoot when he told everyone Del Rio isn't really rich and that he was just renting all those cars.
Whoever let that line hit air is a fucking IDIOT
Cena gave us the ultimate shoot when he told everyone Del Rio isn't really rich and that he was just renting all those cars.
Today's 2 Sweet news
I miss del rio's rentals. His audi's were the shit. I was hoping for him to come out in a Nissan GTR one day.
I'm guessing, he misses them too.
Gotta have some way to hide his blandness. Without the cars and a personal ring announcer....what do you have?
Gotta have some way to hide his blandness. Without the cars and a personal ring announcer....what do you have?
A scarf and "The kick that won him a championship"
He really did lose that rich man gimmick damn
I bet he rented the scarf too
Gotta have some way to hide his blandness. Without the cars and a personal ring announcer....what do you have?
I love all the John Sina .gifs except for the one where he's saluting The Rock after their Wrestlemania match. Whereas all the other ones posted in this thread are pretty hilarious, that particular one gives me a huge cringe feel. I hate it.
ADR only lost his cars because he tried to kill Santa with one.
I used to feel this way but recently I have found myself really getting into his matches. I don't know if they are just giving him the long ones or what but the last couple weeks he has put on some great ones. The match on July 4th Smackdown vs Sheamus for example. Ending was a little weak but the rest of the match was great.
He did before they destroyed Sandow's gimmick: Rock coming back at some point to promote Hercules? I want to see how a Rock/Bo Dallas segment would play out.
Remember when Jinder was also foreign and rich?
Yeah. They are reforming 3MB with Titus and Hornswaggle.Is Heath Slater still a rock star?
Remember when Jinder was also foreign and rich?
Alucard, you're missing Earthquake!
He did before they destroyed Sandow's gimmick:
Edit Meant to reply about Sandow, oops.
Don't get me wrong...del rio is good at times but his character....or lack there of just kills the entire concept of his matches. It's like watching a default caw on wwf attitude for the ps1 trying to wrestle headbanger mosh.
That doesn't excuse his shit taste in ring clothing and pants in generalIs Heath Slater still a rock star?
Are those his kids?Today's 2 Sweet news
Layla can get it.Old School Layla man
What a legend. Dude deserves so much more credit.
The only person of African descent ever named world champion was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, a special case. Half Samoan and half African-Canadian, Johnson identifies as Samoan and comes from a line of famous wrestlers. As WWE's first third-generation fighter, he was allowed a narrative that reflected his specific family history, not the mere fact of his race.*
yea that Booker T loss to Triple H at Wrestlemania was bullshit.
Atlantic helping creative with the next storyline.
Should I bring up how a black woman was passed over the Divas title to be given to a pale white girl instead in that thread?
Isn't Brock the beast and Batista the Animal?they will refer to a black athlete as a beast, an animal, or a machine.
Isn't Brock the beast and Batista the Animal?
Booker T was dead after that, just like RVD was after he lost to HHH at Unforgiven 2002. Neither were ever the same after that.