The more I look at that Flair GIF, the more I feel like it's a 2K glitch.
Someone explain.
What was so bad on Raw that is causing all of this "down with the network" talk?
What was so bad on Raw that is causing all of this "down with the network" talk?
What was so bad on Raw that is causing all of this "down with the network" talk?
90 minutes in and no Sting. i give it 30 more minutes.
So if you don't want a Niconico account, there you go.
Shows range from $15-$25 or you can buy the complete package for $160.
Below is complete info (in japanese)
So if you don't want a Niconico account, there you go.
Shows range from $15-$25 or you can buy the complete package for $160.
Below is complete info (in japanese)
I don't watch wrestling, but I saw this on tumblr and laughed for a few minutes:
"...and now here's 2 sistas"
I just noticed Sting has his full Crow Sting attire in that video.
No t-shirt.
- It was not a great raw outside of a few things
- the product is not all that exciting right now
- the network is clearly flopping and wwe sounds more desparate every week
Oh, I forgot, If you buy the complete package before the 20th, you'll get it for $110. So you'll save $50. It goes on sale on the 15th!
Which is tomorrow, or today depending on where you live.
I can't think of anything.
Even though she's tainted with Cena jizz, Nikki's thickness is perfect. All the chocolate cake goes straight to her ass which is a plus.
- It was not a great raw outside of a few things
[*]the product is not all that exciting right now
[*]the network is clearly flopping and wwe sounds more desparate every week
That's my favorite part! The Network is a colossal failure and WWE's fix is to produce terrible television and terrible PPVs.
Plus, they're cutting all the original programming that, in theory, should be the Network's selling point. In its place, they're giving their subscribers old content that these suckers probably already own on DVD anyway.
I love the fact that as WWE bleeds money, their response is to hate their fans even more than they did in more prosperous times.
I really think it was a bad idea to break up the Shield when they did. The three man-group is such a cool concept, and they had to muck it up to try and fill in some tough voids.
Evolution 2.0 dying as fast as it did was also a stupid move. Instead of Orton, HHH, and Batista - you could have easily had Kane, Sami Zayn, and Ziggler form a "corporate" stable.
Instead, the Wyatts are emaciated, Shield is dead, and Cena is champ.
I just noticed Sting has his full Crow Sting attire in that video.
No t-shirt.
They are using his best theme!
Well there's Sting.
Who's that?
I just noticed Sting has his full Crow Sting attire in that video.
No t-shirt.
I want that full version of that version of the Crow Sting theme. That shit was rockin.
I really think it was a bad idea to break up the Shield when they did. The three man-group is such a cool concept, and they had to muck it up to try and fill in some tough voids.
Evolution 2.0 dying as fast as it did was also a stupid move. Instead of Orton, HHH, and Batista - you could have easily had Kane, Sami Zayn, and Ziggler form a "corporate" stable.
Instead, the Wyatts are emaciated, Shield is dead, and Cena is champ.
I think we should all take a moment to stare at the face of the most must see superstar in WWE history and current hollywood icon The Miz
That's my favorite part! The Network is a colossal failure and WWE's fix is to produce terrible television and terrible PPVs.
Plus, they're cutting all the original programming that, in theory, should be the Network's selling point. In its place, they're giving their subscribers old content that these suckers probably already own on DVD anyway.
I love the fact that as WWE bleeds money, their response is to hate their fans even more than they did in more prosperous times.
I just noticed Sting has his full Crow Sting attire in that video.
No t-shirt.
The thread on OT should get bump.
There is a thread about it now?
Is the OP Kofi?
Holy shit, is Bray shooting?
This crowd is awesome.
Guess they are not Wyatt fans
Wow at Bray getting a boring chant.
crowd shitting on Bray, finally. even they be waking up.
Loving the boring chants
can't blame the crowd on this one, i'm sorry bray.
Wyatt is boring as shit. Good crowd is correct.
Well that was boring
People are shocked by this. They done this many times before. Remember CM Punk in front of a bucket of Kentucky fried chicken.
Apparently there was a very aggressive campaign all through out RAW to push the Network.
And then there's people who are taking dream and bean breath seriously.
They should be doubling down on the original programming as that's the most compelling reason to subscribe imo, other than the monthly ppv which only accounts for 3 hours of the month. The fact that they're adding old Raws so slowly, and haven't even begun to add old Nitro, Smackdown, or Thunder episodes is just insane. They're just sitting on all of that history bu-bu-bu-but you can watch all the ppvs! News flash guys, nobody wants to watch those ppvs out of context. People want to go back and watch everything chronologically. All of my co-workers have said as much, and they won't sub until they can. I don't blame them, who'd want to get locked into paying $60 without knowing if or when the content they want to watch will be added? These programmers think they can slow drip these things like it's the virtual console.
Eva Marie has a theme?
Seriously, that orchestral theme. The full version of that shit has to come out.
Hilarious to listen to the boos when the live crowd finds out the Sting video is just a video game thing. Why even show that to the live audience? Idiots.
If WWE can make a buck off it, you can bet your ass they'll try. And they'll plug the hell out of it every night.
Dare I?!
I meant the live IN ARENA audience. You're just going to disappoint and piss them off.
Hilarious to listen to the boos when the live crowd finds out the Sting video is just a video game thing. Why even show that to the live audience? Idiots.
First Raw Ive seen in years and its completely shit. Wouldn't be surprised if this show gets cancelled soon.