Man, I saw it the other day, but I don't think I saved it.I need that Steph headbanging gif from that episode. Fucking need it.

Man, I saw it the other day, but I don't think I saved it.I need that Steph headbanging gif from that episode. Fucking need it.
Did he pair the shirt with Never Give Up shorts?The cashier guy in the grocery store was wearing a Rise Above Hate shirt today. I never liked him much before, but he's alright in my book now.
Ronda will need to work on coming off as less crazy if she wants to be the female Rock.
Observer Newsletter - April 21 said:They also handed out the “Cesaro section” signs at ringside, which they also did the next night in Nashville. Very interesting that they are handing them out even though he’s a heel. The idea is to create the idea that the fans want him turned and have them keep him with Heyman and not turn him, all the while giving the impression there is a groundswell on turning him. In other words, they are trying to create a Daniel Bryan on their own this time.
Fans wanted Cesaro as a face but Zeb, the theme and the gimmick were a big part of that.
You don't know man. Jesse was a GOVERNOR. He was a former marine AND a fighter. He has access to stuff we can't even fathomMaybe Jesse showed her some classified documents on Sandy Hook that we don't know about. You can't tell me you wouldn't trust this man:
Right, Sibersk?
Cesaro needed the theme, we the people (or something similar the dumb crowd can say with him), and the swing.
DONE - he was made, ready, go.
F**k the WWE and their dumb asses. AGGGGGGGRG. >_<
Cesaro could have done the "Hey I'm an immigrant and I f**king love America I wont have you stand there and disrespect it." feud they have going now quite easily and it would have been awesome.
Fire Swagger or send him down to NXT so he can teach the young guys about getting major injuries and how to handle 6 month recoveries etc etc.![]()
You don't know man. Jesse was a GOVERNOR. He was a former marine AND a fighter. He has access to stuff we can't even fathom
You forgot his highest qualification
Yep, another one of their shitty tests. "If we take away everything people like about you, are you still over?" Well no shit.
And also people like to harp on Bryan for "shitty promos" or whatever but without being able to do at least decent promos he'd have been nowhere near the top spot. That's today's business. People connected to the character, not "Bryan Danielson - great worker."
Yep, another one of their shitty tests. "If we take away everything people like about you, are you still over?" Well no shit.
Fans wanted Cesaro as a face but Zeb, the theme and the gimmick were a big part of that. Even if he turned face now he'd need more than just his ring work to get over again.
Is this post from December?
I'm from the past.
Yep, another one of their shitty tests. "If we take away everything people like about you, are you still over?" Well no shit.
And also people like to harp on Bryan for "shitty promos" or whatever but without being able to do at least decent promos he'd have been nowhere near the top spot. That's today's business. People connected to the character, not "Bryan Danielson - great worker."
Watching the best of RAW. Man, Jeff Hardy has always looked like the biggest asshole. His entrance of weird movements is terrible.
Can't believe I ever thought he was cool.
As long as you didn't think Willow was cool we're still good.
Cesaro needed the theme, we the people (or something similar the dumb crowd can say with him), and the swing.
DONE - he was made, ready, go.
F**k the WWE and their dumb asses. AGGGGGGGRG. >_<
Cesaro could have done the "Hey I'm an immigrant and I f**king love America I wont have you stand there and disrespect it." feud they have going now quite easily and it would have been awesome.
Fire Swagger or send him down to NXT so he can teach the young guys about getting major injuries and how to handle 6 month recoveries etc etc.![]()
Willow is the hottest garbage. Jeff Hardy sucks shit.
I thought The Hardy Boys were cool when I was a kid. Like, I thought old man Michael Hayes in weird cargo jean pants was cool. It was baaad.
How come during the Brood/Hardys feud, they referenced that Michael Hayes was Dok Hendrix. That's breaking kayfabe!
Swagger still has a good theme as well. Cesaro's theme was so CAW that his personality began to appear CAW as well. He might as well be one now.
They might as well start calling him Player/Wrestler 1 in broadcasts.
*Theme music hits*
"Introducing to the ring "Player 1"
*Theme music hits*
"Introducing to the ring "Player 1"
I assume that Brock will win because the companies desperate for money/subscribers and he's the only guy they've got at the moment that's a legitimate draw. Cena will sell merch to kids but he's not getting anyone to re-subscribe to the Network, probably the opposite in fact.
Also they sacrificed Taker's streak to Brock to help rebuild him after he had to job to Cena & HHH. I refuse to believe they're just going to throw that away so quickly by jobbing him to Cena. Again. How they use him afterwards will be interesting as he'll have about 20 dates left in his contract between Summerslam & Mania.
With the win over Taker, I feel like WWE is a bit more nervous handling Lesnar matches. They might not let Cena take the W in this case. I know they have the tendency of..."fucking up" on building up certain talent like monster talent but I don't think they want to fuck up the one monster they have over a Cena rematch and win
I get the feeling Bork doesn't give a shit about the results and stuff of this wrestling run, its not an ego thing he just doesn't care these days as long as the cheque clears. Wrestling is just his current job (lol) he very rarely has to do.
He's jobbed no problems even when it made no sense/would speedbump his run. The way he probably looks at it is "Its your f**king problem if you ruining my run is bad for your business, as long as I'm getting paid I couldn't care less."
Having said that he is 100% beating Cena at Summerslam.
Do you really think Brock's gonna agree to lose to Cena not only after ending the streak, but after the way Cena screwed him over last time?