Jimmy King
I was on the WrestleMania XXX wiki page, all smiles before seeing this bummed me out:

Mania sure was a gas, wasn't it, friends?
I was on the WrestleMania XXX wiki page, all smiles before seeing this bummed me out:
I was on the WrestleMania XXX wiki page, all smiles before seeing this bummed me out:
I love the posts from people whose streams were behindI am by no means doubting Bryan's future, just very disappointed in leaving your match of the night out of the special is all. Dude was the star of that PPV.
ok maybe the streak was more important.
talk about legit shook
Terrible tombstone.
This match is going three the motions . They needed to switch the formula yp
Did You Know:
FallingEdge is also that viral Comcast dude that wouldn't let that guy cancel his account.
In an unreleased clip you actually hear him say "If I let you cancel, they take away my Koren BBQ on Fridays. Motherfucker."
It's the BJ Penn nod of food .gifs. I can see why Heel would have an affinity for it.
FallingEdge is busy meeting up with, and roofie-ing other GAFers.
Dear god no
I am fucking howling at that thread. Edge 2 legit 4 GAF
Rock at the espys, asked if hes coming back to wwe. Said if he got the right opponent. Simmons asked if Reigns called him out on the red carpet would he do it, he said no that's my cousin.
Reigns has already transcended the wrasslin bubble brehs. He's made it.
Waiting for Roman to Reign at the Box Office.Rock at the espys, asked if hes coming back to wwe. Said if he got the right opponent. Simmons asked if Reigns called him out on the red carpet would he do it, he said no that's my cousin.
Reigns has already transcended the wrasslin bubble brehs. He's made it.
Rock at the espys, asked if hes coming back to wwe. Said if he got the right opponent. Simmons asked if Reigns called him out on the red carpet would he do it, he said no that's my cousin.
Reigns has already transcended the wrasslin bubble brehs. He's made it.
Rock at the espys, asked if hes coming back to wwe. Said if he got the right opponent. Simmons asked if Reigns called him out on the red carpet would he do it, he said no that's my cousin.
Reigns has already transcended the wrasslin bubble brehs. He's made it.
Waiting for Roman to Reign at the Box Office.
He'll take over as Cobbs in FF8.Waiting for Roman to Reign at the Box Office.
If youre wondering why Cesaro has been kept as a heel and has cooled off so much even with Heyman as manager, its been somewhat intentional. Obviously, as noted in plans on who was going to be pushed, Cesaro was slated to be on the verge of a major face push late this summer. The decision was made, and this was before Bryan went down, that Reigns would be getting the big focused face push to the top with Cena, Bryan and Sheamus (who has also cooled down greatly because the way they book their secondary champions almost inherently does so) as the key guys. Cesaro is slated for a face push, but no time soon. The idea is when we need it, which would likely be after the big push for Reigns has already fully established him and they need the next rising star. The danger is Cesaro may have cooled off by that point, and really already has. Its not like if they turn him and push him he doesnt get over, but whether he reaches the level he could have had they taken advantage of the timing and momentum he had a few months ago, thats the question.
*pushes 1 guy at a time*
*wonders why everybody burns out and ultimately nobody benefits long-term*
*pushes 1 guy at a time*
*wonders why everybody burns out and ultimately nobody benefits long-term*
To be honest, we all probably seen this coming a long time ago.
the price you pay for THIS BUSINESS.
Do people think Brock's winning at SummerSlam? I mean I know we're leading to Reigns/Lesnar for the title at Mania but still, Cena is Cena, and I can't imagine Brock's going to be doing more dates during the fall/winter.
Do people think Brock's winning at SummerSlam? I mean I know we're leading to Reigns/Lesnar for the title at Mania but still, Cena is Cena, and I can't imagine Brock's going to be doing more dates during the fall/winter.
I assume that Brock will win because the companies desperate for money/subscribers and he's the only guy they've got at the moment that's a legitimate draw. Cena will sell merch to kids but he's not getting anyone to re-subscribe to the Network, probably the opposite in fact.
Also they sacrificed Taker's streak to Brock to help rebuild him after he had to job to Cena & HHH. I refuse to believe they're just going to throw that away so quickly by jobbing him to Cena. Again. How they use him afterwards will be interesting as he'll have about 20 dates left in his contract between Summerslam & Mania.
Do you really think Brock's gonna agree to lose to Cena not only after ending the streak, but after the way Cena screwed him over last time?
Do you really think Brock gives a fuck so long as the check clears?
If that was the case he wouldn't have been so upset last time
I mean, yeah, it seems pretty straightforward and easy but look at the past few months.
*pushes 1 guy at a time*
*wonders why everybody burns out and ultimately nobody benefits long-term*
Yeah I know Cena burying Wyatt was lolworthy and made no sense but this really is different. Brock's one of their few chances to really turn their declining business down at the moment, for the short-term at least.
Yeah I know Cena burying Wyatt was lolworthy and made no sense but this really is different. Brock's one of their few chances to really turn their declining business around at the moment, for the short-term at least.
Steph is the Queen of the Playful army,breh
What do you mean by declining business? Also, Bray was not buried. If you want a Cena burial you mean Sandow.
are you saying... that Brock shoot broke HHH's arm????
I have nothing to add, but fuck this thread is so Goddamn depressing.
What do you mean by declining business? Also, Bray was not buried. If you want a Cena burial you mean Sandow.