Oh brother....*big boot*
Nah. 1.73% of anime is tight. It's the other 98.27% of the slice of life ~~~uguuuu garbo that are the wrestling fans.
No argument hereOne segment in 50 years hardly makes up for all the shit there is in anime.
Sometimes I feel like I should look back and adjust grades on a curve or something, but I dunno... not my fault I haven't enjoyed anything enough to give it an A. There's just always a match or two that drags even the best event's down. Doesn't mean that there aren't great matches on most cards.
Watching all of these events, though, definitely makes me appreciate the newer stuff that I catch. I always see so much negativity online about current wrestling, but it's really about the same as it's always been. There's good and there's bad. That's just wrasslin' for you.
Most things are trash. If anyone here wants to a better quality of life, PM Titus or I and we will fill you in on the music, films, artists, shows, and places to know. We are here to help and love nothing more than to guide the plebeians to the promised land.
Indie means better
Sounds like some shit some wrestling fans would say. Embrace your brethren.
I like wrestling and anime homie, what hope is there for me?Sounds like some shit some wrestling fans would say. Embrace your brethren.
The teaming of Layla and Summer Rae is WWEs attempt at a new version of LayCool, which was a team made famous by Michelle McCool and Layla. WWE is reportedly running with the Summer Rae and Layla team because The Beautiful People are back in TNA.
I like wrestling and anime homie, what hope is there for me?
#humblebragdate with a girl who is on a local roller derby team tonight
Oh good god no, Laycool worked because they were great heels, not shitty dancing babyfaces, blah.
The teaming of Layla and Summer Rae is reportedly WWEs attempt at a new version of LayCool, which was a team allegedly made famous by Michelle McCool and Layla. WWE is reportedly running with the Summer Rae and Layla team because The Beautiful People are back in TNA. Maybe. Possibly. We don't know fuck it.
I like Weird Al, Wrestling, anime, and Nintendo. Am I the outcast of everything? :/
I am not a fan of Miz stealing Tyler Breeze's "Don't hit my face" gimmick. >:[
You've got a friend in me PescadoI like Weird Al, Wrestling, anime, and Nintendo. Am I the outcast of everything? :/
I am not a fan of Miz stealing Tyler Breeze's "Don't hit my face" gimmick. >:[
Yes indeed the "Model"Breeze stole it from Martel anyhow. The GOAT.
Dirtsheet bs.
I can't disagree. Derby is the only other sport besides wrestling and slamball that I like though. The struggle is realDerby is pretty scum cis now that they won't let men refs wear skirts.
Impressive showing by Rip Rogers.
I would almost agree, but Positively Kanyon came after the movie. One of the last gasps of greatness, though.
Oh good god no, Laycool worked because they were great heels, not shitty dancing babyfaces, blah.
They've done it before many times. Most recent one is the Dumb and Dumber suits the New Age Outlaws wore which was what Bad Influence did in TNA once.I'm going to call bullshit on that. Why would WWE be influenced by something TNA does? Why would they react to it?
They've done it before many times. Most recent one is the Dumb and Dumber suits the New Age Outlaws wore which was what Bad Influence did in TNA once.
You've got a friend in me Pescado
DBZ Kai is the best ever.
DBZ is the best ever.
haha yeah!
Also Dean Ambrose appears right near the end of the documentary when they're talking about Punk being a Locker Room leader and Big Brother to the up and coming stars! Or at least it's someone who looks like Dean Ambrose. Was he in the WWE 2011/2012?
Thanks for reminding me that King can fucking draw. Well.
Wow Heel. Against my better judgment, I skimmed through the July 17 episode of NXT from "Full Sail University," and they now have a guy whose gimmick is that he only eats organic foods. His entrance video actually says "buy local, think global."
Phil Collins is all right by me...
But let's keep Mojo Rawley and Bull Dempsey.WelpAccording to PWInsider.com, WWE Hall of Famer Ricky The Dragon Steamboat has been released from WWE due to the ongoing budget cuts.
Phil Collins is all right by me...
End of an era. Tonight is Kaitlyn's final pro wrestling match.
And Kevin Steen's final ROH match.
Thank you Kaitlyn
's thighs
*clap clap clap*
Man I got dragged to see that movie. Shit was TERRIBLEAh, Lily Collins. Remember when Mortal Instruments was supposed to be the Next Big Thing? Me neither, let's look at her in a short black dress!