Sweeney Tom
Then why are we watching this?
People thought Brock would show up.
Then why are we watching this?
It's been posted. We get it. Lesnar/Cena.Apparently everyone missed that Heyman tweeted on a plane "going to get plan c"
I saw your sign in a screenshot, pal.
The Legit Shook one not the Reigns, Reigns, Go Away one but that goes without saying.
Who's that guy standing beside Renee's midriff?
I was joking, dont want to waste brock on a meh ppv, so they tweet about it.It's been posted. We get it. Lesnar/Cena.
Holy shit, is this build going to be terrible.
Then why are we watching this?
G1 starts tonight friends. YEAOH!
You missed jhon too.WON GOD DAMMIT... WON. NOT ONE.
That's just as bad as someone using "loose" when they mean LOSE.
Why is gootecks on nXt?
You know this forum runs on the negative where I've read 3 review of the Paige vs AJ match saying is was pretty good.
So who is right?
edit: Alvarez is also liked the end of the Rusev match
When's Marvel?
blah blah blah stardust said some gibberish who cares
Why are you so bitter right now?
The most surprising thing that happened on the PPV was either Jericho beating Bray Wyatt, or the WWE using a recent international tragedy in a promo for a Russian gimmick
wow they actually doubled down on the Russian Gimmick in light of that huh
It wasn't terrible, but the Ziggler bit just really pissed me off. If they do not give Ziggler the belt at SS than fuck it. Ziggler got a huge fucking pop when he won and then silence after The Miz won. If that doesn't tell the WWE something, then I do not know what will.
so Seth is supposed to be the brain from the SHIELD, the guys who made all the plans and now he gets ambushed every week by Dean? you'd expect Seth to walk around with security after the first attack.
this is some fuckin minus 5 stars booking right here.
That was an act.Seth Rollins injured his knee as I recall. Of course, he didn't have a match tonight.
Seth Rollins injured his knee as I recall. Of course, he didn't have a match tonight.
Whoah Y2J won.
... What good did that do? To anything?
I would cancel my WWE Network sub right now if I could.I don't understand WWE booking at all. They want the Wyatts to be be scary but never let them win anything. They are just jobbers at this point
I hope you're right.This feud is going through September and Jericho has to win won and Bray will win the next two on the two biggest ppv on the network.
My six month thing ends august 21st and summerslam starts at the 17th. Someone fucked up.
yikesStephanie compared 9/11 to the steroid trial. Are you surprised that they would use this?
I agree with no Rollins/Ambrose being disappointing, but I wouldn't have wanted their first encounter wasted in front of this awful crowd on a B PPV, obviously they shouldn't have booked the match in the first place but I think they couldn't have them really do anything else and having them just not show up on the card was out of the question, so they decided to use this to get even more heat for their Summerslam match
I will give you that one, that crowd sucked, and the SummerSlam crowd should be hungry for it.
At the end of the day, I can say I'm just happy the crowd went mild for Reigns. This might be the start of "Die Roman Die". That or I'm reading too much into the crappy crowd.
People's favorite loses, thus it must be bad booking rofl. We're better than THE LAW , guys.
Ziggler still gets a pop...
Ziggler is consistently over EVERYWHERE.
Except in Vince's office
Isn't it Triple H that hates him the most?
Which is weird because Kevin Nash is always putting him over. Can't believe Big Sexy can't help Ziggler out.
Bo or Zig wins this. no one else is credible
I thought they were fairly hot for him at points.
People thought Brock would show up.
Just got home from the PPV , Seeing Cena win in person hurts more than watching it on TV.
This goes out the Cena gimmick posters
Just got home from the PPV , Seeing Cena win in person hurts more than watching it on TV.