You guys are always going on and on about how this lady is banging but I can't get past her terrifying face.
You guys are always going on and on about how this lady is banging but I can't get past her terrifying face.
You guys are always going on and on about how this lady is banging but I can't get past her terrifying face.
Also, I wouldn't tip my tophat to Steph
That's enough Jonah Hill and Bieber thread for one A good portion of the OT should take a field trip to the wrestling thread to learn a thing or eighteen about being a tolerant and progressive person.
boys being boys
But wrestling is fake. What do we know about real life?
muh lady
Jawn would never say that!
muh lady
Jawn would never say that!
Cena in a FedoraCena merch or fedora, choose one.
lolThere's something hypnotizing about listening while watching that gif loop, though. Highly recommended.
Cena in a Fedora
Bray Wyatt is a brilliant character because it allows fat bearded dudes to cosplay with all of the clothes they already own.
I'm all for shipping and tumblr people. It's part of a fandom that brings in good advertisers. What offends me is how bad those photoshops are.
C'mon, tumblr, you can do better than that!
this is such a bad Photoshop that it's goodHave we talked about these tumblrs where people photoshop WWE couples?
Photoshopping tweets is where it becomes too much to me. Sorry, tumblr.
Also, c'mon tumblr. First of all, Nikki is the kind of person who writes horribly on twitter.
"OMG @wwerollins 2sweet #inlove #ring"
Second, if Rollins is the one that bought the ring, why is he commenting on how beautiful it is? "Yeah, the ring is awesome, I did not see it until now because I asked Roman Reigns to buy it for me"
Just got back home from a game of soccer (eat it Lambda, I'm callin it that) and my shin splints are not liking this Daniel Bryan dirt sheet news. Guess I just gotta suck it up and call it a run for D-Bry. We'll always have Wrestlemania and that's something you can't take away from him.
Yeah, he should dropped. My fantasy booking now goes like this.
On Monday he announces it is indeed worse than he thought and he vacates the title. Then he disappears from TV to heal for real. Come Summerslam, whoever is the victim with the title, loses it to Brock.
Royal Rumble, with no announcement, Bryan's music plays, he wins the Rumble. Wrestlemania 31: Bryan vs Lesner
Edit: I just realized WWE is the only company I heard of where the number of people who follow it doesn't matter because they're not quality people. I won't lie; it hurts a bit.
Another example:
This one's kinda cute.
If the ratings tank too much, maybe Vince will be convinced that he is too old now, he lost his touch and will pass the torch to Triple HHH.
The next shitty months could all be a blessing in disguise.
split the belt in half with one being an interm title. have a match to deermine the real champ at summerslam