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June Wrasslin' |OT| Layin' the law, once again, prepare for war. C! Z! W!


It's not even about Lesner. They could do a shoot-style match and it would be awesome without him being thrown around. The problem is simply the day to day stuff. He still have to take bumps regardless of how he wrestle.

I mean, let the man heal. He is what? 32, 33 years old? He has at least 10 years of wrestling on him (unless he decides for life reasons to retire earlier), unless they do something dumb like making him wrestle before they're sure he can.

Edit: It's also not good to see he wants to come back. C'mon, at least himself should be aware of the risks.

Edit 2: Or he could be all right and they're leaking this stuff to their employee Meltzer to cause those feels on me. ;_;
It's just a huge bummer. He was finally being put into a position where he could get those main event matches where he could really flex his stuff and start cementing his legacy to become worthy of a promo with that Eminem song. Barring the fall run with Orton where they were victim to working around shitty finishes, he's only really had his match with Cena and Mania for big fights. You could probably include Bray at the Rumble in there too.


It's just a huge bummer. He was finally being put into a position where he could get those main event matches where he could really flex his stuff and start cementing his legacy to become worthy of a promo with that Eminem song. Barring the fall run with Orton where they were victim to working around shitty finishes, he's only really had his match with Cena and Mania for big fights. You could probably include Bray at the Rumble in there too.

But imagine the redemption story Bryan could have coming out of this. Maybe. But really just yeah, big bummer. Bummer Summer.

But really though, fuck you Vince.


I don't care how creative you can get, Bryan stepping into the ring with Lesnar in this time of the year would be dangerous as fuck.

You want to save Lesnar for the Royal Rumble, so that Bryan's eventual long run is over for good and Lesnar goes on to drop the belt to someone that looks believable enough when he "breaks him in half" with a spear, Reigns.


Put Lesnar in the MITB.

Lesnar vs Cesaro vs Rollins vs Cena vs Ziggler vs Kane
Have Cesaro earn his slot in an epic TV match (vs. RVD & Barrett).
Then have Heyman convince him to "give up" his slot to "the conqueror of the streak" on the night of the PPV.
Lesnar wins the title. Build up an angle where Cesaro gets sick of Heyman building up the absent champion whom he allowed to compete at MITB in his place.
Brock skips Battleground. Wrestles Cena at Summerslam (and wins).
Cesaro eventually turns and they feud over the belt during the fall.
Perhaps they can woo Punk back with a sack of money to feud with Cesaro and then have Brock lose the title to either a healthy D.Brine or Reigns.


I would love love love to have a body like Rude. Top 5 all time for sure.

Also the call out in this post. gg

God damn, that last quote.
"I do think that anti-white racism is more common than people realize, though. I've been jumped for being white, I've been called 'cracker' in a disparaging way quite a few times, I'm pretty sure I was suspended from school because my black vice principal took the word of one black girl over the word of half a dozen other classmates who vouched for me in a 'fish-killing' incident. Again, I'm sure most black people experience worse than this, but when you're a decent person yourself and you experience this sort of thing, its hard to feel you're not the one being persecuted."

That last line kills me. How the fuck do you turn racism into a zero sum game?
Friend Heel, level with me here; Alexander Gustaffson is known for his strikes and not his ground game right? Is he legit or just an overrated hype train in these neck of the woods? I kinda think he's pretty cool considering all I can do KTFO of Jon Jones in this UFC demo.


Jericho winning the Undisputed Title was pretty underwhelming

He was the wrong choice. Especially considering the point was to really bump him up to that top spot, but then they booked him like a doofus as soon as he won the belts. It would have been similar to ADR being the one to unify the titles at TLC. Despite beating Austin and Rock in the same night, then in the next two PPVs, and then main eventing WM, winning the titles hurt Jericho's momentum and he didn't recover until his 2008/2009 run.

Probably should have been Rock or Angle. Definitely not Jericho, though.


Friend Heel, level with me here; Alexander Gustaffson is known for his strikes and not his ground game right? Is he legit or just an overrated hype train in these neck of the woods? I kinda think he's pretty cool considering all I can do KTFO of Jon Jones in this UFC demo.

He's pretty well-rounded, but mostly known for his striking from the Jon Jones fight. Was also the first person to score a takedown on him, too. Worth catching if you haven't seen it.
He's pretty well-rounded, but mostly known for his striking from the Jon Jones fight. Was also the first person to score a takedown on him, too. Worth catching if you haven't seen it.

I saw that fight but unfortunately I saw the Sanchez/Melendez fight before it so I was kinda ehhh on the Jones one. Good god I am too addicted to beating the fuck out of Bones in this UFC demo. It's pretty amazing. I'll upload two of my favorites in a bit because FUCK.

Would you think a rematch would be best or do you think Daniel Cormier should be the dude to fight Jones? I'm hearing if you like slugfests, go with the Swede and if you want a technical showcase, go with Cormier.

Ahhh all this MMA talk when it should be about the Wrassles, I digress gentlemen.


I saw that fight but unfortunately I saw the Sanchez/Melendez fight before it so I was kinda ehhh on the Jones one. Good god I am too addicted to beating the fuck out of Bones though. It's pretty amazing. I'll upload two of my favorites in a bit because FUCK.

Would you think a rematch would be best or do you think Daniel Cormier should be the dude to fight Jones? I'm hearing if you like slugfests, go with the Swede and if you want a technical showcase, go with Cormier.

Ahhh all this MMA talk when it should about the Wrassles, I digress gentlemen.

Haha yeah, you're spoiled from Sanchez/Melendez. Gil is one of my favorites.

Context matters a lot on the Gus/Bones fight, too. No one gave Gus much of a chance, and Bones was pretty infallible up until that fight.

I think both fights could be good, but the rematch is more of a known quantity and safe bet to deliver. Also has a bit of a story line going with Bones not jumping to take the fight.
I'm just catching up on NXT Takeover.. Why is Rusev always going up against the lamest guys ever?

Also, that Sami Zayn dude is really good.
Dragon Gate in. *edit an hour and 25 minutes;


DRAGON GATE, 6/5/2014
Tokyo, Korakuen Hall

0. K-ness, Kenichiro Arai vs. Super Shisa, Chihiro Tominaga
1. U-T, Yosuke♡Santa Maria vs. Gamma, Hollywood Stalker Ichikawa
2. Open the Brave Gate #1 Contender Match: Jimmy Kagetora vs. Shachihoko BOY
3. Don Fujii, Ryotsu Shimizu vs. Jimmy Susumu, Mr. High Tension Kotoka
4. T-Hawk, Eita vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Dragon Kid
5. Masato Yoshino, Akira Tozawa, Shingo Takagi vs. Mr. Quu Quu Tanizaki Naoki Toyonaka Dolphin, Genki Horiguchi H.A.Gee.Mee!!, Jimmy Kanda
6. Nombre contra Nombre 5 vs. 1 Scramble Elimination Match: YAMATO, Kzy, Naruki Doi, Cyber Kong, Mondai Ryu vs. BxB Hulk

*Hulk will face each member of MAD BLANKEY in a series of singles matches. He has to defeat all of them to win the match. MAD BLANKEY only need to defeat Hulk once. The winners of the match gain the rights to the MAD BLANKEY name and logo


I've only just noticed, Cesaro is the only guy in the E actually very similar in build to the Ravishing one.
I think Lashley or Chris Masters have a similar physique,Cesaro doesn't seem to have that type of body to me.


I try to avoid big group ism and icm discussions bc it just ends up with people feeling hurt or being made to feel stupid. It's cool when it's one-on-one with someone and you can talk your way through it, but in a group, too much shit gets slung and nothing gets done in the end.
Good first half to the Dragon Gate show - T-Hawk & Eita vs Mochizuki & Dragon Kid is worth a watch, really fun match that saw Mochi in full pissed off shit-kicked mode, after Eita irritated him early on.

Also, it looks like Daichi Hashimoto's signed with Inoki's IGF promotion, which I don't think anyone was expecting.


Just in case the rest of GAF needs an update on words that are currently not socially acceptable to say as slurs against anyone who is part of a specific social group, or as an insult against anyone since it implies weakness in the implied social group:


Words that are coming up as being socially unacceptable:

Good morning, GAF.

BHZ Mayor

I try to avoid big group ism and icm discussions bc it just ends up with people feeling hurt or being made to feel stupid. It's cool when it's one-on-one with someone and you can talk your way through it, but in a group, too much shit gets slung and nothing gets done in the end.

Fuck em. Try thinking of it from the perspective of someone who reads that crap and realizes that's what they think about you and almost everyone you've ever known because of your skin color (or gender or orientation), and they get to continually post the same stupid shit in every one of those types of threads with little to no recourse. Imagine how that feels. So fuck them and fuck how they feel.


Fuck em. Try thinking of it from the perspective of someone who reads that crap and realizes that's what they think about you and almost everyone you've ever known because of your skin color (or gender or orientation), and they get to continually post the same stupid shit in every one of those types of threads with little to no recourse. Imagine how that feels. So fuck them and fuck how they feel.

Eh, a message board is a different story than having these discussions in person. Ignorance exposed online is just fine, but people are much more stubborn and hold onto their position by the end of the debate anyways.


On TNA Impact tonight:

-Samoa Joe confronting MVP
-Willow vs. Bram
-Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne (Knockouts title on the line)
-Bully and Dixie continuation
-appearances by James Storm, Mr. Anderson, and The Menagerie

Hope The Menagerie is good again.


Jericho winning the Undisputed Title was pretty underwhelming

I started watching wrestling around the time Jericho won the Undisputed Title and I thought he was the greatest wrestler ever. I knew how big the Rock and Stone Cold where, so to hear that this guy beat both of them in one night automatically made me a fan. It helped that he kept successfully defending the title against people I considered main event level players. Of course I had to rely on the Raw Rewinds to find out what happened on the other show since all I had was Smackdown...and I was like ten.


Jericho winning the Undisputed Title was pretty underwhelming
Thought his feud with Rock was great, and both played off each other's character so damn well. Then Triple H returned, the feud between he and Jericho became mostly about Hunter and Stephanie, and Jericho jobbed at Mania like a doofus. Run over.


Just in case the rest of GAF needs an update on words that are currently not socially acceptable to say as slurs against anyone who is part of a specific social group, or as an insult against anyone since it implies weakness in the implied social group:


Words that are coming up as being socially unacceptable:

Good morning, GAF.

I agree with all of those except for cunt. Unlike the other words, cunt does have a different meaning based on context and location. The UK meaning of cunt has slowly been over taking the US meaning. For most of my life, cunt was THE worst word you could say. Worse than nigger. Now, it is used way more often to refer to men specifically and is divorced from the long time definition of the word in the US. It's a word that even 3 years ago, I would never, ever say and would be really uncomfortable when around someone who would say it. Now I use it a lot. It still CAN be extremely offensive, depending on how it is used (like used maliciously and angrily towards a woman), but I really think it has become a word that is far more acceptable and less offensive than it was even a few years ago. Especially when used towards men. You can't say, "hey, you fucking nigger" to someone and have it not be loaded. You can say, "Hey, you fucking cunt" and it is the same thing as, "Hey dude".

A word you missed is retarded. It should be on that list. It's super un-PC now. I haven't even been out of high school 10 years and in my time, both gay and retarded will still used freely and frequently as synonyms for stupid, lame, uncool, and their actual meanings. I myself used them, but have completely cut them out of my vocabulary since then. Gay especially. I wouldn't even think about saying something was gay unless it was something like two dudes boning down.

Maybe I'm just trying to justify reasons that allow me to call Bean a cunt.
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