It would celebrate all fats, come on down to the FDWA for good wrasslin, good bellies and good food.
The hate on big wrestlers is disgusting. #BigShaming #notAllBigGuys
The hate on big wrestlers is disgusting. #BigShaming #notAllBigGuys
It would celebrate all fats, come on down to the FDWA for good wrasslin, good bellies and good food.
I'm still marking out, bro;
I like the concept friend, but fear the roster's going to mostly consist of the fat dudes who wrassle for shitty deathmatch promotions, washed up ECW/XPW 'stars' and juggalo wrestlers. I presume Freight Train would be the face of the promotion? No one's belly is bigger or smoother in this business than Freight Train's.
Court Bauer hinted at bullet club shirts being available in North Anerica soon.
Hopefully this match will light a fire under his ass.
I think loser cooks dinner would be a good match. The loser has to cook dinner for the winner and the crowd who watched the match, it'd be the main event and afterwards the loser would get out a giant barbeque and cook you dinner. Then you go home full and happy.
Wait, what?Noelle Foley is on the newest Cheap Heat podcast.
She's basically Renee Young but my age. Now I'm depressed as hell.
Wait, what?
Noelle Foley is on the newest Cheap Heat podcast.
She's basically Renee Young but my age. Now I'm depressed as hell.
Who is this Renee Young esque woman though? My Renee Young alert just wentoff.You probably missed the time when a bunch 18-20 year olds invaded this thread and made Sunny feel old and make Indiana Jones references.
I'm depressed about the fact that I will never spend Christmas with the FoleysMick would probably be the greatest father-in-law in the history of father-in-laws.
I think loser cooks dinner would be a good match. The loser has to cook dinner for the winner and the crowd who watched the match, it'd be the main event and afterwards the loser would get out a giant barbeque and cook you dinner. Then you go home full and happy.
Who is this Renee Young esque woman though? My Renee Young alert just wentoff.
Noelle Foley is on the newest Cheap Heat podcast.
She's basically Renee Young but my age. Now I'm depressed as hell.
You probably missed the time when a bunch 18-20 year olds invaded this thread and made Sunny feel old and make Indiana Jones references.
I'm depressed about the fact that I will never spend Christmas with the Foleys.
Mick would probably be the greatest father-in-law in the history of father-in-laws.
Woah. All those followers hyping up her self esteem. She needs ro be humbled. Gonna make her sing like a Christmas caroloer and light up like a Christmas tree.
Testing your hype meter.How many fucking times have Mojo and Aiden had a match?
Woah. All those followers hyping up her self esteem. She needs ro be humbled. Gonna make her sing like a Christmas caroloer and light up like a Christmas tree.
And I'm the one getting the Forever Alone moniker?! I mean the defeatist attitude may be warranted but I think Bionic got it out for me, friends.
No offense Rafa.
WrassleGaf, is there any genre of music better at drinking songs than country?
I need a beer.
New businesses idea: Fat Dude Wrestling Alliance.
You are obviously talking about depression drinking and not happy drinking.
I'm still marking out, bro;
I like the concept friend, but fear the roster's going to mostly consist of the fat dudes who wrassle for shitty deathmatch promotions, washed up ECW/XPW 'stars' and juggalo wrestlers. I presume Freight Train would be the face of the promotion? No one's belly is bigger or smoother in this business than Freight Train's.
The Shield is back you guys.
Is it me or is the fact that Roman getting hit with the chair and have Ambrose be the one looking in disbelief got Amborse more over as a babyface than Reigns. That sheer shock Ambrose goes through of his stable breaking apart to his very eyes is what sold me and told me that Ambrose would be the hero in this entire thing.
How many fucking times have Mojo and Aiden had a match?