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Jurassic World |OT| WARNING! Safety Not, uh, Guaranteed | RT: 71?!%

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It wasn't my only complaint. The kids in JP actually felt crucial to the film. Looking back it wouldn't have been as good without them, I didn't feel that with JW.

No need to get funny because I didn't enjoy the film as much as you did. I wanted to love it.
It's not the opinion, it's the complaints with faults. You're not a kid anymore, how do you know kids today don't relate and find their ordeal to be crucial to their enjoyment? My son's favorite scene was the I-Rex, Anky, waterfall scene.
Finally saw it. Really enjoyed it. JP was a big part of my childhood and it was fantastic seeing a fully functional park. I liked how they handled the Owen-raptor relationship. Thought the CGI was extremely well done; anyone who sees this and thinks that JP's CGI was better is blind.

Can't say I'm excited with the potential sequel ideas that were hinted at.

And the kids were perfectly fine. I saw the movie with my younger brother (and we share a similar age gap), so perhaps the characters resonated with me more. They definitely were more tolerable than Lex and Tim IMO
It's not the opinion, it's the complaints with faults. You're not a kid anymore, how do you know kids today don't relate and find their ordeal to be crucial to their enjoyment? My son's favorite scene was the I-Rex, Anky, waterfall scene.

Maybe but I'm giving my opinions on the film not somebody else's. Kids think most films are entertaining, I'm glad he enjoyed it. It's undeniably a fun blockbuster, especially for kids.
Ah, I remember you talking about seeing it with your son in the old OT spoiler thread. He like the movie?
He kept telling me and wanting my confirmation of how cool it was. That was even the first thing he said to me when he woke up this morning.

I kind of forgot about the potential public stigma of taking a young child to see such a film until when we were let into the theater. He said "this is gonna be awesome" and the lady in front of me said "no, scary" as if some kind of passive aggressive attempt at telling me he shouldn't be seeing this. The kid has been told so many times how movies are made.

I fucking grew up thinking Jaws really killed Quint thanks to my dad. I still don't really know but everything he told me made sense and sparked shark nightmares well into my teen years. "You see the flesh on the teeth? That's the only kill in this film where flesh is seen on his teeth." He told me it was an animatronic failure. Fucking guy.


He kept telling me and wanting my confirmation of how cool it was. That was even the first thing he said to me when he woke up this morning.

That's cool. I didn't see many kids when I saw it, hopefully a new generation is discovering a love for dinosaurs because of this movie.

I kind of forgot about the potential public stigma of taking a young child to see such a film until when we were let into the theater. He said "this is gonna be awesome" and the lady in front of me said "no, scary" as if some kind of passive aggressive attempt at telling me he shouldn't be seeing this. The kid has been told so many times how movies are made.

I can't think of anything in the movie that would really frighten kids today. They are pretty desensitized to violence and nothing in JW was that bad.
Woah what a ride. The movie was awesome. The last 10 minutes were awful but it's definitely the best JP-movie since JP 1


The first 60 minutes are superb.
That's cool. I didn't see many kids when I saw it, hopefully a new generation is discovering a love for dinosaurs because of this movie.

I can't think of anything in the movie that would really frighten kids today. They are pretty desensitized to violence and nothing in JW was that bad.
My theater was packed with everyone from young kids to old folks.

Mr Swine

Woah what a ride. The movie was awesome. The last 10 minutes were awful but it's definitely the best JP-movie since JP 1


The first 60 minutes are superb.

Yeah the movie is awesome but I disagree that the last 10 minutes is awful, thought it was pretty great
when T.Rex came out, man I got tears and goosebumps!

But I would place it like this



Just saw it. So so dumb it hurt but we all had a lot of fun watching so it's a win imo.

Did a terrible job giving you a reason to care about the characters though. That teenager was such an obnoxious little prick.
The last ten minutes reminded me of the chase down the lake in Desolation of Smaug. Absolutely ridiculous but bloody good fun. I wasn't sure if I was laughing at it or with it.


Unconfirmed Member
That teenager was such an obnoxious little prick.

Once again this comment... Guys, let's look at this realistically:

You're 16/17ish with a girlfriend. You're parents make you watch you're little brother DURING CHRISTMAS for a WHOLE WEEKEND at a zoo, and you really don't want to be there.

Now, what is he "supposed to" feel or act to make him less of a jerk/prick/angsty teen? Would any of you guys (say you don't actually care about dinos) purposely put on a happy face? Let's also bring up that he knows about the divorce in which his "not caring" is actually how it effects him.
This was my first nostalgic movie experience. Didn't grow up with Indiana Jones, wasn't that into Star Wars until about 5 or 6 years ago

But Jurassic Park? I was crazy about dinosaurs as a kid. I read the Making of Jurassic Park book so many times the pages were falling out. I saw The Lost World (my first JP movie) so many times I had almost very line memorized. The Museum of Natural History captured my imagination with the dinosaur skeletons.

So yeah, the nostalgia hit me me hard here


Just watched it with the family. Loved the action scenes and the humor was pretty good at times. Really cheesy and filled with lots of cliches though. The boy duo I liked, but the dynamic between Chris and the girl was pretty meh. I was hoping for a film that was a bit darker in tone like JPIII, but who cares about me, gotta impress the kiddies.

It was a good movie, not sure if I'd go so far as calling it great, but it killed an afternoon.
Once again this comment... Guys, let's look at this realistically:

You're 16/17ish with a girlfriend. You're parents make you watch you're little brother DURING CHRISTMAS for a WHOLE WEEKEND at a zoo, and you really don't want to be there.

Now, what is he "supposed to" feel or act to make him less of a jerk/prick/angsty teen? Would any of you guys (say you don't actually care about dinos) purposely put on a happy face? Let's also bring up that he knows about the divorce in which his "not caring" is actually how it effects him.
My brother and I are ten years apart and I'm the older one. I could totally relate. The kids were fine; they had more character development than Lex and Tim ever did.

Seriously, I rewatched JP again yesterday and Lex is whiny and nervous and not very interested the whole movie and Tim is the daring dino-fanatic for the entire movie. They're merely there to advance Grant's character arc.


Unconfirmed Member
Seriously, I rewatched JP again yesterday and Lex is whiny and nervous and not very interested the whole movie and Tim is the daring dino-fanatic for the entire movie. They're merely there to advance Grant's character arc.

Lex at least secured the system, even though it didn't turn out to be too useful. I can't think of ANYTHING Tim does except go "LOOK AT ____ DINOSAUR!! THEY DO THIS AND THIS!!" Grant's character is one thing, but secondarily I think it added to Hammond to. It was his grand kids and well, target audience, since he wanted the park to be for kids and families etc. Then he saw what danger he put them in...
Yeah the movie is awesome but I disagree that the last 10 minutes is awful, thought it was pretty great
when T.Rex came out, man I got tears and goosebumps!

But I would place it like this


Goosebumps? Definitely! But it was way over the top...just too much. The scene could have happened in JP3...and I hate that movie. Everything else was awesome though!
Finally saw it. Not sure I will be able to add much to the discussion, but I will say it was about what I expected: it's the best sequel, but that's not saying much. It was a relatively fun, but also flawed and cliche-ridden, ride. I found it very hard to care about the characters for the most part (Pratt was OK, kids and girl were eh, the rest were either annoying or just filler). I thought all the little references and the fanservice were distracting. I lol'd at the
Steve Jobs-ized Dr. Wu; they even threw the word "innovation" in there in case you weren't getting it.


Got back from a 2:50 matinee (2D). Place was packed.

My thoughts echo a lot of others here, but basically in positives, negatives, and wtfs:

+Effective use of nostalgia.
+Kids that aren't annoying.
+Likable lead.
+Nice progression of things getting more and more serious.
+I think all in all the raptors in training idea worked.

-The score. Giachinno's new theme wasn't bad, but it also wasn't anything special, and I thought that in places the integration of the original themes was either way too on the nose and abrupt—"Hey! French Horn!
Now they find the old park!
"—or felt like it didn't correspond well to the visuals—"play the Jurassic Park theme, except don't show anything particularly wondrous on screen!"
-The kids weren't annoying, yes, but they also had a lot of dead weight. While the early scenes were humorous with the girlfriend, etc, I don't think the looming divorce or any of that added anything. As others have said, they're primarily a vessel for change for Claire, but I don't think any of the backstory added depth so much as felt like loose threads that should have been cut entirely.
-I think there was a lot of interesting stuff in the idea of how the genetic power they'd untapped could be perverted or misused, but in the end it felt more like sequel-bait than a fleshed out storyline. Definitely the weak part of the film.
-I feel like one of the weaknesses of the film is that it doesn't have the same elegant flow of setpieces that the best films (and the first one) have. I think this has a lot to do with the subplot, really.
-You know, I think there was probably *too* much fan service in this, overall.
-Masrani's arc was pretty weak:
The script didn't really seem to know what kind of a person he was, whether he was Hammond 2.0 or a businessman or a guy who took ownership of his mistakes. Also why bother building up his weakness at flying if you were gonna crash a reptile into his windscreen? I doubt anyone would recover from that anyhow.

*You're telling me Claire decided
"I'm going to outrun a T. rex"
and still had the goddamn kitten heels on? Owen specifically called her out on it I find it bizarre they didn't stick her in boots or something at some point.
*Ok, so if the
Mosasaurus can chomp the Indominus
on the concourse, how the hell were people not getting eaten all the time? There was only a guard rail, and the park's still clearly operational, so it's not like there was supposed to be some sort of net or defense.

Overall a solid film, but I'm not sure if this is one of those films that's going to leave me less satisfied when I watch it repeatedly down the line or not.


Just saw it as well. Acting and script were pretty bad overall. Pacing was weird too. It felt like most of the "exciting" scenes had little to no build-up or suspense, which is one of the things that I loved about the original. I mean, the T-rex reveal in the original is so, so great and there's nothing here that's even comparable. At least the ending was pretty entertaining (if a bit too much like fan fiction).


Dino action was awesome, Pratt and Howard were great together, even the kids and Hindi Hammond didn't bug me. The whole subplot with
Ingen and militarized Raptors
was fucking stupid and wholly unnecessary. Those scenes more than any ruined the pacing and took me out of the movie.

What they shoulda just done is gone full B-movie plot and had a dinosaur with actual human level intelligence that deliberately caused a massacre so dinos could takeover the island.


Saw it a few hours ago. It was definitely pretty formulaic and cliche, but I still had a ton of fun with it. It's just so hard to dislike anything with Chris Pratt.

I want to see a spin off TV show where
Blue and T-Rex
team up and save the world from evil-er dinosaurs.
Managed to catch a 4D showing, that was neat!

- J - D -

Kids were okay. I remember being that teenager when I was his age.

They took one step further than JP3's Spinosaurus and actually created a monster movie monster with the Indominus Rex. They get away with it by admitting that it isn't a dinosaur.

All the special effects money went into those raptors and the theme park resort. All the other dinos looked subpar.

The mystery of Chris Pratt's disappearing southern twang.

Bryce Dallas Howard getting things done in those stupid heels, T-Rex or no T-Rex.

I didn't think they'd turn BD Wong's character into a shady dude. This has potential.

Trained raptor logic didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would.

That said, I think I wrote that exact climactic battle when I was 8 years old.

7/10 best Jurassic Park movie since 1993.


Yep. Trevorrow isn't returning, though. It'll be interesting to see where the series goes from here.

Do we know Trevorrow's next project if he does indeed stay away from Jurassic World 2? I hope he follows through with his Flight of the Navigator reboot for Disney.


I fucking hate this movie and I fucking liked 3 and enjoyed 2 for goldblum's performance.

the movie was nothing but attempts at making people feel nostalgic for the other films and its filled with too much of it. The movie itself felt like a theme park ride where they expect you to go and point at all of the references.

1st act is pretty much the first movie.
2nd act tries really fucking hard to be the third movie
and the third act is a fucking offshoot PMC/Scifi movie and the 2nd movie.

Pratt is the only person who has some sort of likability and everyone else you are practilly rooting to die. A few weird editing cuts where a character goes from SCREAMING LOUDLY to just being quiet and calm.

Literally I wanted everyone of the speaking characters to die especially the
female lead. That bitch should be in fucking jail for her actions but the film white washes it.

I get the teenager is supposed to be a teenage asshole but he is straight up creeping on other women despite having a nice girl at home texting him pics and shit. Yay now I really want to root for this trust fund motherfucker who is eyeing his phone while a fucking 8,000 ton monster is in front of him.

First 3 movies all created characters you cared about so when the shit hit the fan you were rooting for them to live. This movie is telling us that the people we want to root for are either workaholics focused on maintaining their multinational coparations stock price despite putting the lives of children at risk and people who go to the colosseum to see the slaves feed to the lions.

Then they had the movie to write in sequal story point where
"the embryos are safe"
. People think that monster movies need to be filled with idiots but that's not true at all. This was a bad script if it even was a script that never should have seen daylight. This movie is like if you took the other three films and put them in a washing machine together. Everying came out jumbled up and doesn't have the same impact as the originals.

Only good ending would have been the US military coming in and nuking the island not because of the killing machines that live on it but preventing the shitheads there from breeding.


First 3 movies all created characters you cared about so when the shit hit the fan you were rooting for them to live.

A bit of a stretch, including the first film. Even moreso for TLW, and I wanted pretty much everyone to die in 3. That kid in JP3 should have died trying to collect T-Rex piss because that's a stupid fucking idea. Speaking of which, the kid says in JP3 that the Tyrannosaur urine attracts the Spinosaurus as if the Rex is the Spino's natural prey, holy dumb


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
I've been re-reading Jurassic Park and liked that Jurassic World's Wu was similar to the book's. In the book, Wu was trying to convince Hammand to modify the dinosaurs to make them fit more with people's expectations. They amplified it for the movie, but it sort of felt like this is what he would have done in the book if Hammand had let him do what he wanted.
Saw it this morning, really enjoyed it for the most part.

Anyone else laugh at the end when the
slow motion raptor comes to the rescue when I-Rex knocks down the T-rex?

I also thought the
looked "off model," so to speak, especially the head.

Could've done without the
of dinosaurs subplot, but luckily that didn't pan out. Hope the sequel(s) don't pick up that thread.

Really liked the Masrani character.


A bit of a stretch, even including the first film.





All of the above have more character and are more likeable than anyone in the new movie.

Hell even the grunt from the 3rd movie was likable


For the record if I had to rank the movies it would be

A bit of a stretch, including the first film. Even moreso for TLW, and I wanted pretty much everyone to die in 3. That kid in JP3 should have died trying to collect T-Rex piss because that's a stupid fucking idea. Speaking of which, the kid says in JP3 that the Tyrannosaur urine attracts the Spinosaurus as if the Rex is the Spino's natural prey, holy dumb
At least the kid was trying to survive and wasn't hurling himself into danger like World's kids. I just saw the movie and I can't remember a single characters name.

- J - D -

The idea that the cast of characters from JP2 and JP3, outside of returning characters like Ian Malcom and Alan Grant (both of whom earned your attachment by virtue of the first film) being more likeable than the cast of JW is ludicrous.

Werewolf Jones

Gold Member
Hell even the grunt from the 3rd movie was likable


When was the last time you watched these movies? I advise a re-watch to all prior to seeing JW, your nostalgia goggles will blind you, they all have flaws and JP III is as close to being a cartoon more so than the others.
I wouldn't call it ludicrous. Nobody in Jurassic World is really worth much of a shit as a character. Both Jake Johnson and Chris Pratt get to coast off the fact we already know and like these guys from other stuff. But anyone who wasn't part of a successful TV comedy ensemble heading into this didn't get that bonus.

It's funny that JPIII isn't getting the warming glow of hindsight and time that a lot of movies get when they're sequelized/rebooted after a fair wait. JPIII is just as much a straight up monster movie as this is, if not moreso (it certainly manages it a lot more consistently than World does, cramming all of its monster movie ridiculousness into the last half hour)

I think it's completely plausible people watching III shortly after seeing World are going to find a LOT of similarities, and III won't necessarily pale in comparison, either.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I watched the movie this morning. I thought it was a really fun movie.

I find critics are way too harsh on this movie, probably because Jurassic Park still remains one of the best Sci fi movies ever. I found it way better than Fast 7 and the Avengers.


Regardless of the characters I have a bad tendency to attribute appearances to Jurassic Park despite their other appearances. So now anyone who was in this film, will be from Jurassic World.


When was the last time you watched these movies? I advise a re-watch to all prior to seeing JW, your nostalgia goggles will blind you, they all have flaws and JP III is as close to being a cartoon more so than the others.

I re-watched the 3rd movie not to long ago and enjoyed it. I've probably seen that one as many times as I've seen the first movie.

There is some dumb shit in that film no doubt but at least I was rooting for them to come out alive.

- J - D -

I wouldn't call it ludicrous. Nobody in Jurassic World is really worth much of a shit as a character. Both Jake Johnson and Chris Pratt get to coast off the fact we already know and like these guys from other stuff. But anyone who wasn't part of a successful TV comedy ensemble heading into this didn't get that bonus.

Well JW doesn't get the benefit of returning favorites like Jeff Goldblum and Sam Neill's characters. If we are using the original as the yardstick to compare everything, then of course JW doesn't stack up in regards to character development.
Just got back, I thought it was pretty good. Nothing amazing but a good watch.

Oh and I though the kids would be annoying shitheads but they were actually not bad at all.


The characters are so unlikeable in JP3. Grant had redeeming qualities, but I was so frustrated that he stupidly went back just for the money.


Holy crap, Jurassic World wasn't a trainwreck. Color me surprised. It was actually pretty good. Best Jurassic Park sequel (not saying much).
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