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Jurassic World SPOILER THREAD | Boy, do I hate being spoiled all the time

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The OG mama raptor is the actual mother of the raptor squad Pratt has. They encounter her in the wild and she turns them on him

It will be the OG t-Rex which everybody knows about


The OG mama raptor is the actual mother of the raptor squad Pratt has. They encounter her in the wild and she turns them on him

so the big raptor was the one that got stuck on the freezer? I always thought it was the one that follow them to the control room

nevertheless, I think that scene will be pretty awesome


so the big raptor was the one that got stuck on the freezer? I always thought it was the one that follow them to the control room

nevertheless, I think that scene will be pretty awesome
Pretty sure he was speculating/joking.

According to the Jurassic Park wiki "The Big One" (the leader) was killed fighting the T-Rex. (It's body is found in Jurassic Park: The Game, well, what's left of it)
Colin talking to Slashfilm on Animatronics:

SF: Can you talk a little bit about some of the practical versus CG dino creations?

CT: A little, yeah. I mean, we have one scene that is an animatronic animal. I don’t want to tell you the nature of it, but it’s really beautiful and it’s a real tribute to Stan Winston and what he did. And there’s other elements of–it’s just a very special moment. So, that’s something I want people to discover. There are other elements where animatronics are used just so people can touch them. And there are other moments where maybe in the past they would’ve used an animatronic. They might’ve built, you know, a giant head but because a scene is so short or brief in which you just see the head, we’ve tried to, you know, keep that motion and that sense of, like, slow wait.

So, even some of the CG animals will look animatronic based on the way that they move because usually when you get really up close to the head, there was just that sense that it could crush you if you got underneath it. And it’s very difficult to do with CG, but we’ve come so far that we always try to have it interact with something practical. Little things move. So, I think however far the animatronics take us, I think people will feel like we maybe used more than we did just because the way we’re executing it.

I'm a firm believer in animatronics and wish this movie utilized them more. However, the CG Dino's in the movie are looking really nice.


According to the Jurassic Park wiki "The Big One" (the leader) was killed fighting the T-Rex. (It's body is found in Jurassic Park: The Game, well, what's left of it)

yeah, I remember something along those lines haha
I need to play that game too


Hammonds jeep



Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone know which trailer (assuming there is one) is attached to Avengers? I was so disappointed when they used the Superbowl trailer for Fast 7.
Does anyone know which trailer (assuming there is one) is attached to Avengers? I was so disappointed when they used the Superbowl trailer for Fast 7.

I'm hearing mixed reports. UK is allegedly Super Bowl, but some didn't have it all. We will find out about the US copies tonight.

They kinda fucked up by skipping F7 with the new trailer IMO.. and skipping some copies of AOU is bizarre.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm hearing mixed reports. UK is allegedly Super Bowl, but some didn't have it all. We will find out about the US copies tonight.

They kinda fucked up by skipping F7 with the new trailer IMO.. and skipping some copies of AOU is bizarre.

Interesting. They really need to use the new and improved trailer out there more. Better CG and all.


When I saw F7 I didn't even get a JW trailer, I was fucking pissed. Still haven't seen a trailer for it in theaters. I better see it this weekend with Avengers 2.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm honestly surprised that the same trailers reels aren't attached to the same movie. Maybe it's a company thing? I went to a Cinnemark.
Who's going to make the crow-eating thread in a couple months?

:p Just kidding of course.

I figured Demon would want it but I would be up for it too. I've stuck with this movie through the thick and thin but Demon has did a really great job at keeping us updated.

edit: just realized I posted in the spoiler thread... really wish there was a non-spoiler thread lol


Unconfirmed Member
I figured Demon would want it but I would be up for it too. I've stuck with this movie through the thick and thin but Demon has did a really great job at keeping us updated.

edit: just realized I posted in the spoiler thread... really wish there was a non-spoiler thread lol
Official global trailer thread?


Unconfirmed Member
Here I am going to Avengers tomorrow night, and all I want to see is dinosaurs :p

That new shot looks great :) I really want to re-watch the trilogy before I watch World. I know I should skip 2 and 3, but honestly... I'm curious if they were slip in hints about it, that I might miss if it's not fresh in my mind. *shrug*
LEGO JW site is up and gives some actual character and dino backgrounds! http://www.lego.com/en-us/jurassicworld/characters/pteranodon-bfd7d3ae133d4e9a8c25094ff232c36f


In the late Cretaceous Period, the Velociraptor excelled at hunting with its keen senses, large brain, and the retractable sickle claw on each foot – and no creature in Jurassic World demonstrates this better than Blue, the leader and oldest member of the raptor pack. Larger, smarter and more cunning than the rest, she insists on eating first…which is why Own feeds her last so she remembers he’s in charge. DNA from a Black-Throated African Monitor Lizard provides her distinctive pattern of scales, which reflect an iridescent blue color.

That's a cool little behavioral detail.


Charlie is the youngest member of the current raptor pack, and its least-experienced hunter. Her instinct-driven reactions make her hard to predict, so Owen never takes his eyes off her during training sessions. As the “rookie” of the group, Charlie looks to Blue for guidance and commands during hunts, and will immediately give up a meal to her pack leader. The InGen scientists have genetically programmed her with the dramatic striping of a large Green Iguana.


The second-eldest member of the raptor pack, Delta shows the signs of InGen’s genetic experimentation and modification in several ways. Along with her unique gecko-like pupils, she has been infused with more avian DNA than her sister raptors have, resulting in her very bird-like movements and behaviors. Being watched by Delta is a lot like being stared at by an eagle about to launch an attack.


When they were both young raptors, Echo once challenged Blue for command of the pack. Unfortunately for her, Blue was the stronger fighter, and Echo was left with the permanent scars of their encounter across her face. Because of her permanent sneer, some of the Jurassic World dinosaur handlers have nicknamed her “Elvis”.


LEGO JW site is up and gives some actual character and dino backgrounds! http://www.lego.com/en-us/jurassicworld/characters/pteranodon-bfd7d3ae133d4e9a8c25094ff232c36f

Hoskins is the bad guy?

Vic Hoskins is a greedy “skunkworks” agent from InGen, the genetics company responsible for cloning the original Jurassic Park’s dinosaurs. He sees the animals of Jurassic World not as beautiful and amazing creatures, but as potential for profit…and he’ll stop at nothing to steal Owen’s research for himself!


Unconfirmed Member
Is that supposed to be Conan O'Brian with him, too?

Jimmy Fallon and now Conan's involved?! :p

Baryonyx, maybe? Has that one big pointer finger claw.

I was thinking that too, but it's still... off...

(I still own my baby Bary from the original JP set. I hated how they had to come with humans so I got rid of them and kept the dinos. And the cards, those were great.)


I thought T said that those movies are just sidelined. Plus, he also said they were gonna be referenced in some way.


Yeah they are definitely canon, pretty sure the Jurassic World website mentions that Hammond died shortly after the San Diego Incident.


Yeah they are definitely canon, pretty sure the Jurassic World website mentions that Hammond died shortly after the San Diego Incident.

They are still canon

I thought T said that those movies are just sidelined. Plus, he also said they were gonna be referenced in some way.

There was an article headline yesterday that seemed to say as much but reading it says they just don't acknowledge the events in film. So he is wrong.
Good. Thanks.


Unconfirmed Member
If anything, you can pretend like 3 never happened. There's nothing -too- important from that one. Well, except for maybe the Spino skeleton in the park now. Oh, and one less (dopey-eyed) bull rex :/
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