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Jurassic World SPOILER THREAD | Boy, do I hate being spoiled all the time

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I got the 3 movie box set when JP finally got the BluRay treatment. It was the only way to get JP in high def in Australia at the time, and it was a cheap purchase anyway. I've watched JP2 and JP3 once each. I just can't do JP3 ever again.


Neo Member
A few hours ago i just got a good news i want to share with you fellow JP lovers.
I made a fan art dedicated to the unforgettable Mr. DNA, i planned to make a tee design out of it as i usually do... So i sent it to TeeFury and they accepted it: it's gonna be printed just for 24 hours in the upcoming weeks (still don't have a date at the moment).
YAY for me, long live dinosaurs! :D \n/


please keep us updated with the date. Very keen in purchasing this awesome design.


Been meaning to get the Blu-Rays but holding off, so this might be nice in a couple years (or I'll just wait for one that actually incorporates JW since I don't actually even have a tv that can play 1080p).

Question: Was that an avenue that you thought at all? Like, animal rights activists would be up in arms about, like, this idea of genetically engineered dinosaurs in captivity?

Colin Trevorrow: I think there would be. I think that’s something I might want to save.

Yeah, I was wondering when we were going to get to that. Sounds like JW2 shit.

I'm still waiting on the "college kids land on Site B with shaky cams" movie.


Press: How good at gymnastics are they?

Colin Trevorrow: No comment. No comment. But, they do bad ass stuff. It’s a real– Nick is 18 and Ty is 12. And so, it’s older boys on an adventure in a really old school kind of way. We also can put them in a level of peril that you don’t get to put children in that much anymore. It’s very–children in perilous times.



Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Man can't wait to see this in a theater. I remember watching Jurassic Park when I was a kid, that was the only Jurassic Park movie I have seen on a big screen.

It better be good though :(


Unconfirmed Member
I am wondering if some of the shots we have seen of Indominous are temp. The fact that they have left effects out of the trailers like the
raptor headgear
and the
mosasaur eating the woman
makes me wonder if IRex will actually be displaying colors in some of these scenes but she has been left white for the trailers.

I still imagine we will get some stuff like red stripes on her back when pissed off but that would give it away in the preview.

I borrowed them back from my son for a little photo shoot. Took a bunch more up close shots if anyone wants to see them.

Put the original boxes and some other items there as well such as copies of the NES/Genesis games. Along with the Jurassic World line as well.
Ok..Consider I am out of the loop. Why does so many insist Dinosaurs had feathers? How many remains have actually been found that would back this up?


Ok..Consider I am out of the loop. Why does so many insist Dinosaurs had feathers? How many remains have actually been found that would back this up?

1) because they did - the theory has been like a snowball rolling down a hill over the last few decades that has become considered basic fact by archaeologists and dino fans now where it was considered theory 20-30 years ago
2) several, yes. In fact, reassessing old fossils have led to more evidence, for example Triceratops likely had "quills" on it's back

Search "dinosaurs have feathers" and even Google will tell you straight up at the top of the page:

Google said:
Over 30 species of non-avian dinosaurs have been confirmed to have feathers, either from direct fossilized evidence of feathers, or other indicators, such as quill knobs. Up until now, all of those dinosaurs were confirmed to be carnivorous theropods, like Velociraptor and the ancestors of birds


Tropes and plot stupidity is what I got from seeing the trailer, but it'll still be a fun watch in a turn your brain off kinda way.
The sickle-clawless Rapors are on Hasbro, not Universal. Though I'm sure someone at Universal had to approve it. Either way, it's a fuck up but not from the filmmakers.

Shame, because while those toys are simplistic they would be fucking fantastic with the claws, especially since they're 12" long.

LOL Hasbro was my boss's account to manage. Mentioned the lack of claws when I first saw the pre pro sample and everyone went "oh no.....". By the time I was hired these were pretty much finished so oh well.


Hoping for a 100+ million opening.
Will also accept 90+ with strong over seas like Godzilla did.

Godzilla and Jurassic Park. Two franchises whose first films were a serious cautionary tale about resurrected dinosaur(s), both had increasingly silly sequels and now even JP reached the point of having soccer playing monsters wich Godzilla did ten years ago in Final Wars.
LOL Hasbro was my boss's account to manage. Mentioned the lack of claws when I first saw the pre pro sample and everyone went "oh no.....". By the time I was hired these were pretty much finished so oh well.

Ouch, that is painful to hear. Maybe you can push them into doing a rerun down the road with the claws, haha.

It's too bad though- this line has lost a ton of its collectors, even the ones who were tolerating the continuous deluge of JP3 repaints. The quality control just wasn't there for a lot of the items. And what's up with the lack of actual human action figures??


Yeah I keep looking at the JW stuff and pretty much all I see myself getting is the RV Car. Thank goodness for the Lego game and sets.


Ok..Consider I am out of the loop. Why does so many insist Dinosaurs had feathers? How many remains have actually been found that would back this up?

Man, there are so many new things we're leaning about dinosaurs. When I was a kid, there were only a few discoveries with feathers. Now they're all over the place, and not just small theropods, but 30 foot long tyrannosaurids. The big T, rex itself was likely fuzzy. And we're finding fuzz in non-theropods too, and just recently a dinosaur with feathers and membranous bat-like wings was described. We're even finding out the color of dinosaurs thanks to studying preserved melanosomes; Microraptor was likely black like a crow, with beautiful shining iridescent feathers.

Such cool animals.


So is there no Imax 2D version of this? Looking at all the theaters around me and the only Imax one is the 3D which is disappointing.


So yeah, I did this for the heck of it;

Obviously, what I'm excited about is how the Raptor Squad plays out in the movie.

I still doubt anything drastic will happen to the Raptor Squad, aside from coming in contact with certain wild raptors and going AWOL for a while, but I think Barry will probably be the one to snap them out of it and get them back up to speed.

I don't want them to die, is all.
So yeah, I did this for the heck of it;

Obviously, what I'm excited about is how the Raptor Squad plays out in the movie.

I still doubt anything drastic will happen to the Raptor Squad, aside from coming in contact with certain wild raptors and going AWOL for a while, but I think Barry will probably be the one to snap them out of it and get them back up to speed.

I don't want them to die, is all.

Those are the legos, yes? They look great, especially compared to the regular toy line.


Unconfirmed Member
So yeah, I did this for the heck of it;

Obviously, what I'm excited about is how the Raptor Squad plays out in the movie.

I still doubt anything drastic will happen to the Raptor Squad, aside from coming in contact with certain wild raptors and going AWOL for a while, but I think Barry will probably be the one to snap them out of it and get them back up to speed.

I don't want them to die, is all.

The Lego dinos look amazing :)

As for the raptors, I'm guessing that 2/4 die. One heroicly, one because it went crazy/primal/feral.
Anyone else feel/hope the feral raptors
have feathers

At least
to just shut people up? I'm as pro-feather as the next and I was even vocally disappointed with the lack of feathers announcement/twitter troll, but I've come to realize this is a sequel to a movie that popularized so many other terrible dinosaur faux pas while only getting their postures and faster speeds right. They are not obligated to be accurate in their science fiction.

But my hope stems from my own bias as well so come what may (or may not).
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