I'm more or less talking about how the dinosaurs are presented, such as people being upset about the raptors being trained/tamed or the park staff fitting them with gear. My complaint about The Lost World being too dark is a slight at the boring cinematography. I don't dislike it because it's different, it's not really different, the difference is that the night stuff in the original and, now looking at Jurassic World, I mean you can shoot "dark" scenes and make them vibrant. Looking at TLW is like looking at mud.
I've voiced my concerns about the raptor gear myself, but this doesn't make me a knee-jerking negative Nancy about the entire film and its ideas. If they're cameras, that's cool and makes sense. If they're radios to playback raptor commands, that might be a bit weird even with their theme of control. Or maybe they're wild raptors who don't have the tracker implant, I don't know. It's just a mild concern.