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Jurassic World SPOILER THREAD | Boy, do I hate being spoiled all the time

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I'm more or less talking about how the dinosaurs are presented, such as people being upset about the raptors being trained/tamed or the park staff fitting them with gear. My complaint about The Lost World being too dark is a slight at the boring cinematography. I don't dislike it because it's different, it's not really different, the difference is that the night stuff in the original and, now looking at Jurassic World, I mean you can shoot "dark" scenes and make them vibrant. Looking at TLW is like looking at mud.

I've voiced my concerns about the raptor gear myself, but this doesn't make me a knee-jerking negative Nancy about the entire film and its ideas. If they're cameras, that's cool and makes sense. If they're radios to playback raptor commands, that might be a bit weird even with their theme of control. Or maybe they're wild raptors who don't have the tracker implant, I don't know. It's just a mild concern.
I've voiced my concerns about the raptor gear myself, but this doesn't make me a knee-jerking negative Nancy about the entire film and its ideas. If they're cameras, that's cool and makes sense. If they're radios to playback raptor commands, that might be a bit weird even with their theme of control. Or maybe they're wild raptors who don't have the tracker implant, I don't know. It's just a mild concern.

I wasn't pointing you out specifically, I see it all over the place. They're not radios to play back raptor commands either, lol. Not sure where you're getting that from? I think it's just simply meant for tracking purposes. I don't think they're cameras either because we would have seen it in a TV spot by now : p
I wasn't pointing you out specifically, I see it all over the place. They're not radios to play back raptor commands either, lol. Not sure where you're getting that from? I think it's just simply meant for tracking purposes. I don't think they're cameras either because we would have seen it in a TV spot by now : p
I'm just saying I don't know what they are.

Raptor commands isn't much of a stretch after JP3 though lol.


Forgot all about the raptor voice stuff in JP3. definitley doesn't make the raptors a stretch in JW.....though makes you wonder why they don't have a voice box either.
I'm just saying I don't know what they are.

Raptor commands isn't much of a stretch after JP3 though lol.

I used to think JP3 was dumb for this but I realized that it's more like... he blows on the chamber to make a similar sound which confuses the raptors, then they hear the helicopters approaching but don't know what they are so it all combines to spook them which prompts them to take the eggs and go. It didn't really have anyone commanding raptors or anything like that.


I used to think JP3 was dumb for this but I realized that it's more like... he blows on the chamber to make a similar sound which confuses the raptors, then they hear the helicopters approaching but don't know what they are so it all combines to spook them which prompts them to take the eggs and go. It didn't really have anyone commanding raptors or anything like that.

The raptors saw the horrible abrupt ending coming and decided to no longer be in the film. Clever girls indeed.


I think it just chases after her since she has the flare and she lures it to Indominus, which is why she's telling them to run, to get them cleared out of the way. I don't expect much in the way of the Trex being an enemy since Indominus is the "villain." Apart from it chasing Claire of course. I think this sequence will be incredible.

Either way, your last sentence is totally fucking correct.


I love that we're finally getting a realization of this unused Jurassic Park scene.



Such a great scene in the books. I get that being in the tree with the Brachs is more dramatic and it's not like you can do two "sleeping" scenes, but I really missed them sleeping in the feeding area behind the bars where the Rex couldn't reach them. Then Lex bonding with the baby and even riding it around until the grumpy mom showed up. How great would that have been on screen?
The raptors saw the horrible abrupt ending coming and decided to no longer be in the film. Clever girls indeed.

lol! Yeah, I've warmed up to JP3 considerably over the past decade and there's still stuff that I'll never really be able to get over like the stupid raptor dream and Leoni being really obnoxious and dumb at times, but for me it's a better effort than the second one. The ending is way too abrupt though. I actually think the climax with the raptors is pretty cool, but it just comes out of nowhere. There's no proper narrative build into it.

And wow, I really want to comment on the... gate! In the teaser it was very plain and early CG which many complained about but Trevorrow clarified that there would be a practical gate. Is this it?

Because if that's CG, that shot is way better than the one in the teaser. That looks really great.

I still think the main reason why the shots were the way they were in the teaser is simply because the teaser was created mostly using the website assets. That early gate shot is still on the main site as are the shots of the gyrosphere and the river.


I do prefer the jungle theme of the first movies. Even the clean parts felt like they were trying to emulate a jungle adventure. Now it's a resort, iPod looking.

The cleaner resort look of this is the only thing that really makes me wary.

That's quite intentional. The park will get all sorts of fucked up and that sheen will be well and truly rubbed off.

I say keep the Trex as more of a novelty than overexposure.

I think it's going to be a key part of the film.

Here's one of my predictions from another thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=140731045&postcount=2910

I've voiced my concerns about the raptor gear myself, but this doesn't make me a knee-jerking negative Nancy about the entire film and its ideas. If they're cameras, that's cool and makes sense. If they're radios to playback raptor commands, that might be a bit weird even with their theme of control. Or maybe they're wild raptors who don't have the tracker implant, I don't know. It's just a mild concern.

In one of the TV spots, all four raptors are charging and have small side-cameras on their heads. In one of the latest spots, the raptor that smashed through the Veterinary ambulance in front of Claire looks to have bulkier headgear and something mounted on its shoulders.

They've been updating/altering/polishing shots so much since the first trailer launch it's hard to tell what will be in the final film. The gyrosphere stampede scene seems to get more dinosaurs added to the frame with each iteration!

Oh, and the lady that gets chomped by the mosasaur - Zara - is Claire's assistant, so there will be interaction between her and the kids. She might be their chaperon or something.
Well yeah. But I'm just saying it should be kept to being a novelty as only really appearing in full glory for that climax rather than seeing it a bunch through the movie.


Well yeah. But I'm just saying it should be kept to being a novelty as only really appearing in full glory for that climax rather than seeing it a bunch through the movie.

Fair enough. They don't really need to have too many scenes with T Rex to build up how big a deal she is for the climax - they've established that with the first two films. All they need is to show that she's actually in the park.

I wonder what compels Masrani to want to woo more visitors to the park? They say attendance is down, but it doesn't look that way. That flyover shot of the pavillion shows plenty of people and the jurassicworld.com website has an attendance counter on the side that's always quite high (unless the social media folk that run the site have been letting the number slide in the lead-up to the film's release).


Well yeah. But I'm just saying it should be kept to being a novelty as only really appearing in full glory for that climax rather than seeing it a bunch through the movie.

As far as the Rex goes all I want to see is a introduction scene where they explain that it is in fact the same dinosaur as the original movie and then have her come into play during the climax. That'd be the perfect amount of T-Rex for me.
In the newest trailer Claire states that every time they have a new attraction that visitor rates increase. While it looks like there's a lot of visitors, maybe there's usually more around that new attraction window and I can't imagine how much money it would take to keep a place like that going. Maybe they're also seeing very minute decreases which has them a bit spooked when it comes to the long-term.

I also don't think people are getting tired of seeing the dinosaurs per se, but a trip to the park must be costly especially where you have to take a boat, so I can imagine most families being like WELL we've already been and it costs a ton of money so yeahhh. This is why they have to make new attractions, in order to get people to make repeat visits.

Just saying it can look like there's a lot of visitors in the movie but attendance could still be dwindling.


So, based on this image from the Lego website, I think the raptors will all have full headgear and not just little side-cameras on their heads. I think they've been omitted from the trailers as to not obscure the faces of the raptors for promotional purposes. I think the side-cameras have just been a placeholder for the final effect.

Remember that POV shot of someone getting pulled through the Jungle? That's probably what we were seeing.

I do, but on the same token who knows if that's actually part of the movie. The JP3 trailer (one of them) had a very similar shot. Trailers are like... just really rough looks at movies, at least to me. Garbles of shots without any real rhyme or reason. It's why I don't really like to judge or be skeptical about movies just solely based on trailers. When I saw the JW teaser I knew it was rough stuff and as it turns out most of those shots seemed to be made just for the damn website lol

However with this new context to go from, that could very well be on point.
How do we know Claire is luring a TRex? What did I miss?

We've gotten shots of her in the trailers holding a flare, and in the newest trailer you get a low angle of her running and the T-Rex's legs just behind her, so it's easy to assume she's luring out the T-Rex out. Also a callback to the flares getting the T-Rex's attention in the original.


I'd say there's a good chance of that happening. In the inGen corporate video at 2:35, they mention the use of the dinosaurs for defense purposes and there is head-mounted night vision footage of a gun. It may be an allusion to night-vision raptor cam from the film.

No. Not like this. Don't bring back the intelligent raptors with weapons thing from Sayle's draft...

No, don't! You just said earlier you didn't want it spoiled, didn't you?

Also, you're spot on about the POV shot I think.
I used to think JP3 was dumb for this but I realized that it's more like... he blows on the chamber to make a similar sound which confuses the raptors, then they hear the helicopters approaching but don't know what they are so it all combines to spook them which prompts them to take the eggs and go. It didn't really have anyone commanding raptors or anything like that.
I've never taken it any other way.

But with new tech and the theme of control, it wouldn't surprise me. However I doubt such a thing exists in the movie.


Is any of the trailer music from Giacchano? There's a good amount of his video game scoring available on Spotify that I've been listening to whilst playing Operation Genesis.
Is any of the trailer music from Giacchano? There's a good amount of his video game scoring available on Spotify that I've been listening to whilst playing Operation Genesis.

I'm guessing probably not, not unless he did that soft piano remix for the teaser but I doubt it.
Just bought my IMAX 3D ticket for June 11th at 7PM in Fort Myers. So pumped.

I just moved to Florida last week. I love it. It's beautiful, and the perfect atmosphere for this movie. Being able to watch the movie and then go to Universal right next door is very cool. I wonder if they'll have a bunch of JW memorabilia for sale by then.

edit: I just hope I don't get an STD
I just moved to Florida last week. I love it. It's beautiful, and the perfect atmosphere for this movie. Being able to watch the movie and then go to Universal right next door is very cool. I wonder if they'll have a bunch of JW memorabilia for sale by then.

Welcome to Florida! I'm sure they will have JW memorabilia for sale at Universal. That's pretty awesome that you get to watch the movie and then go the Jurassic Park section of Universal. I need to plan a trip sometime this summer.
Welcome to Florida! I'm sure they will have JW memorabilia for sale at Universal. That's pretty awesome that you get to watch the movie and then go the Jurassic Park section of Universal. I need to plan a trip sometime this summer.

I went two years ago and I'm still about 5-6 hours from Orlando, but I have a friend that lives there and we usually buddy up and hang out down there for weeks at a time. I'm probably going to buy a shitload of JW stuff if I can come up with the cash before then lol


Got myself the RC jeep. Still haven't seen the Lego. Still unsure about the other die cast vehicles. I'll have to wait and see how iconic they are in the movie.

Edit: found two Lego sets only the irex 120 dollar one and the 60 dollar Trex one. Going up see if I can find any others before I decide which to get.


24 days to go here in Australia. Movies premiere on a Thursday here. I'll go with the girlfriend on release night at a sensible hour, and then most likely check it out again by myself over the weekend.

I'm not too buzzed on 3D. I might see it in 3D at some stage, but not on premiere night.

Our local cinemas haven't started pre-sale on tickets yet so I've got no idea whether there are any midnight premieres in my city.

The Melbourne IMAX is having their midnight premiere in 3D - https://www.imaxmelbourne.com.au/session_times_and_tickets/?movie=628 (I don't live in Victoria).
I'd rather see it in IMAX 2D but apparently that's not really a thing. Plus when I saw the trailer in 3D before Avengers some of the shots were really cool in 3D. I don't really mind 3D and nowadays that's the most "quality" way to watch movies as theaters tend to use their best shit for those.


Unconfirmed Member
I'll need to go to Costco again to get tickets. Won't be able to make it to a real Imax that weekend, so XD "Imax" it is. Costco tickets make it SO much cheaper, you just need to pay the difference at the theater. I did that and got Avengers tickets a week early.


I'd rather see it in IMAX 2D but apparently that's not really a thing. Plus when I saw the trailer in 3D before Avengers some of the shots were really cool in 3D. I don't really mind 3D and nowadays that's the most "quality" way to watch movies as theaters tend to use their best shit for those.

We have one big IMAX theatre in my hometown and there have been plenty of 2D screenings on that puppy. Seeing LOTR: Return of the King with my dad and brother (both Tolkien fans) is one of my favourite cinema-going experiences.
We have one big IMAX theatre in my hometown and there have been plenty of 2D screenings on that puppy. Seeing LOTR: Return of the King with my dad and brother (both Tolkien fans) is one of my favourite cinema-going experiences.

I'd say so. Yeah I'd like to see it in IMAX 2D the first time but we already got the tickets in 3D. Not really a big deal, I'm sure it'll still be fine and I'll probably watch it in 2D like the next day. If it's good. But it will be.
Just got tickets for me and my girlfriend for the thursday premiere at the only "real" Imax screen in my area (Orlando). I saw Imax for the first time when I went to the godzilla premiere but apparently that was liemax, so hopefully it makes for an awesome experience :D
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