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Jurassic World SPOILER THREAD | Boy, do I hate being spoiled all the time

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The only JW merch I will be picking up is the Lego game. I just can't justify collectibles any more. The film exists, that's good enough for me.





Unconfirmed Member
Too bad those look like they are the disposable cups :/

I really want to get some kind of JW merch, but still need to find something that piques my interest... If not, I'll just get some Papos to keep me happy (and pretend that they have "JW" stamped on their sides).


Too bad those look like they are the disposable cups :/

Yeah, I'm hoping my theater has themed cups.

I really want to get some kind of JW merch, but still need to find something that piques my interest... If not, I'll just get some Papos to keep me happy (and pretend that they have "JW" stamped on their sides).

You won't regret going with a Papo. They are way above and beyond anything Hasbro will put out.
Picked up a couple JW books. One features the dinos and renders from the film/site and has quiz cards with the renders on one side, questions on the flip side.

The other is a sort of a dino guidebook listing and detailing several dinosaurs with new, non-Jurassic art. So that means feathers and proper proportions. It also comes with a poster which looks like a grid-like collage of every dino in the book. JW in brand only.


That spot had footage I haven't seen before. So either I missed a couple spots or that is real. That damn pteranodon takes off with the baby triceratops! Insanity...

That shot of the pteranodon picking up the baby trike been seen before, but there are so many TV spots now, I can't remember from which one. It's also the first video that attempts to put some of the scenes into chronological order, particularly the I. Rex ramming the aviary, roaring at the pterosaurs, and them escaping.


If those are paper cups, and they surely seem to be, that's lame :( Sure it's cool in that moment but not very collectible. Sad. I wish places would do glass/plastic cups more often for these promos.


If those are paper cups, and they surely seem to be, that's lame :( Sure it's cool in that moment but not very collectible. Sad. I wish places would do glass/plastic cups more often for these promos.

I'm think they are paper, the white rim on top is a pretty clear giveaway.
Felt really out of place in the commercial but whatever. I like that it's not too serious and it's a legit way to go about that sort of thing. I thought the face line was pretty funny.

I mean in the end we get to see Bryce rubbing dinosaur shit on her chest, so regardless of how the movie turns out...
That's nsfl. Scat is a no.


btw Chris Pratt just posted this on Facebook and it's fucking hilarious:

Chris Pratt
I want to make a heartfelt apology for whatever it is I end up accidentally saying during the forthcoming ‪#‎JurassicWorld‬ press tour. I hope you understand it was never my intention to offend anyone and I am truly sorry. I swear. I'm the nicest guy in the world. And I fully regret what I (accidentally will have) said in (the upcoming foreign and domestic) interview(s).

I am not in the business of making excuses. I am just dumb. Plain and simple. I try. I REALLY try! When I do (potentially) commit the offensive act for which I am now (pre) apologizing you must understand I (will likely have been) tired and exhausted when I (potentially) said that thing I (will have had) said that (will have had) crossed the line. Those rooms can get stuffy and the hardworking crews putting these junkets together need some entertainment! (Likely) that is who I was trying to crack up when I (will have had) made that tasteless and unprofessional comment. Trust me. I know you can't say that anymore. In fact in my opinion it was never right to say the thing I definitely don't want to but probably will have said. To those I (will have) offended please understand how truly sorry I already am. I am fully aware that the subject matter of my imminent forthcoming mistake, a blunder (possibly to be) dubbed "JurassicGate" is (most likely) in no way a laughing matter. To those I (will likely have had) offended rest assured I will do everything in my power to make sure this doesn't happen (again).

Pretty much a commentary on how everyone turns everything into controversy these days. Can't wait for #JurassicGate

edit: he also saw the movie and posted this:

Chris Pratt
1 hr ·
About to embark on a global press blitz for ‪#‎JurassicWorld‬. Saw it last night and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!
This is a motion picture so beautifully executed by Colin Trevorrow and the people at Universal it left me utterly speechless. It's a huge project in every aspect, a massive commercial undertaking that should be witnessed in IMAX theatre if possible based simply on the magnitude of its technological accomplishment. The story is fantastic, the characters compelling, the action is earned and truly unprecedented. Grab your kids, family, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, grandparents, mailmen, etc., get some popcorn and create a memory y'all will cherish forever.
Needless to say you will be seeing A LOT of me in the press in the next few weeks as I circle the globe promoting the movie in different markets around the world. With social media the way it is and click bait marketing online you will have a front row seat to all of the promotional action if you so chose. There will be a lot. Dare I say too much if you actually take the time to watch it all!? I suggest you don't. But that's up to you.
If it gets old or you grow weary of my face just remember, you could always do what I did while waiting for the original Jurassic Park to open, go outside and play with imaginary dinosaurs! They are the best and they are free!!! And after your children, little brothers, little sisters, nephews, grandchildren, weird neighbor kids, and others, etc. finish seeing our movie that's what they will be doing anyways so practice now! Take science, add a dash of imagination, 40 thousand tons of suspense and you get an experience that defines a generation!
Well. See you in the press! Love you.
PS. I write this crap. Not a publicist or the studio. Me. So it definitely has my seal of approval.


Unconfirmed Member
Chriss Pratt sounds like an awesome guy to be around. Feels like most people in Hollywood that came from humble beginnings, having a hard, long road to stardom, are genuine people.


The scat porn scene with that redhead seems to back up that one rumour that Owen survives the Indominus escape by dousing himself in petrol to obscure his smell.


Humor seems pretty good so far without breaking the tone and is in-line with the other movies.

I was just talking more broadly in terms to trailer making as of late. Sometimes the oddest things will be at the end of a trailer. Especially jarring when the trailer didn't even need it at all.
So Delta's eyes and more bird-like behavior has me rooting for her and wanting a high quality figure/statue (I'd take them all to be honest).

Thanks Hasbro >=[


Walmart has Jurassic world pillow now. Guess the blankets should happen at some point. For those with kids or those of us who don't give a fuck.
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