How did you amass such a collection? I'd like to hear the story
When I was little I loved everything Godzilla(still do), and that naturally led to me liking anything dinosaur related. I can't remember exactly when I saw the first Jurassic Park, but I know it was The Lost World that actually got me into the toys/films, and is also why I love that movie regardless of its flaws. Ill try my best to put this all in order.
For Christmas in 97(I was 7) I asked for Jurassic Park toys, and I insisted on getting a T-Rex. I had always been jealous of my friend who lived next to us who had the T-Rex toy from the first film, so I wanted a T-Rex of my own. I ended up getting the Lost World Thrasher T-Rex, which I still have, and it became my favorite toy. My brother and I would continue to get Jurassic Park related things as presents, and I think my mom got us both the entire Jurassic Park Dinosaur line in 1999 (my mom's the best). We eventually made our own "Jurassic Park board" as we called it, which was basically a giant wooden board that we had used as a train board- we made it a diorama/play board for our dinos.
A few years after that, and the release of Jurassic Park 3, I discovered the site Through that site I developed an enjoyment for collecting Jurassic Park figures, I loved that there was other people out there interested in the same things as me. My mom and dad started taking me to flea markets/garage sales to find anything, which actually became quite difficult. During this time my brother and I also made our own websites for Jurassic Park (think it was on geocities or tripod) diorama based stories.
My collecting would go off and on every few years, and hasbro released a lot of repaints of Jurassic Park 3 stuff throughout the early 2000s- so it was not that exciting. It was not until 2009 that I really began collecting again, and being interested. My stuff had also been junked up in boxes for years (we had moved a few times), and I wanted to get it all onto shelves. So about 3 years ago my dad and I put up the setup you see in those pictures. I don't really collect as much right now, not just because I don't need more, but Jurassic Park stuff is pretty expensive and rare. When I'm out at flea markets and garage sales nowadays its non stop Star Wars and Ninja Turtles stuff with Jurassic Park toys few and far between. It does make it a bit more exciting to hunt for them I guess.
Anyway I think I have everything covered, sorry just kinda put all this together really quick- its late and I want to go to bed

Ill be getting as much Jurassic World stuff as I can, especially those Lego sets- if I can afford it, broke college student etc...
Also a side note, I now have 4 of those T-Rexes that I was jealous of my neighbor having when I was younger, including one in its box. So HA! Take that!