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Just got Psi-Ops in. IT ROCKS YOUR ASSES.


Midway is back, guys! Note that most of this is old, old information you already know...but most of it is stuff you just have to experience. Mild spoilers in the first paragraph, but you'll find it out within ten seconds of starting the game. :p

First off, you're a Mindgate soldier with a brain wipe and a face/off style makeover that prepares you for...something. Next thing you know, a guy's walking down a catwalk on an oil refinery. He tosses his cigarette over the side, and then what appears to be a frigging harrier comes up and blasts the catwalk.

Cue one of the better war scenes to be in a game in a long time.

...a short while later, you're in a jail cell. You're freed by a girl. But why?

At first, all you have is a pistol and your need to know what's going on. That's all good and well, and the game plays kind of like Metal Gear Solid. Not too long afterwards, you're reeling from what looks to be pain, and you recall the power of telekinesis. You're sent back a few years into a flashback for your training session. Nothing too hard, right?

It's even better in the real world. "TK Surfing," as the dev team references it in (rather nice) behind-the-scenes segment is one of the more fun things to do. See those guys in the middle of an area with a pit between you? See that crate/board/etc by your feet? Hop on the board, use TK to grab the object, and then use the right analogue stick to "TK surf." In a way, it's sort of like being Magneto with an assault rifle.

There's a ton of ways to off your opponents, as well. You can go for a traditional stealth kill, a few rounds of the assault rifle, even throw them into walls and off platforms. Or, for gory fun, you can "brain drain" them and blow their heads up. Nice and chunky.

So far, it's an excellent title. Obviously a big 'ol tech demo for the Havoc Engine, but one that's fun and great looking to boot.

Or, to sum it it up, think of Metal Gear Solid, with plot that all fits in decently well (so far, at least, it just exists to push you along) and a really fun ability to mess things up with your mind.

Oh yeah.


It's also on PS2, you know. I'm playing the PS2 version as of now...and it's really pretty. Reno even says that both console versions are identical in presentation, which I can believe after seeing it in motion.

Now, I'm not sure of the framerate, but so far it's steady. I know how some people like their framerates. :p


Midway's turned things around and aren't the same company they were earlier, they're putting out quite a few games that are being received very well.

I think Acclaim's still okay to make fun of, though.


yeah but i loath sony cant stand them ive been burned to much with thier shoddy products and i refuse to buy a ps2. I know its stupid and im not a "real gamer" but i dont care, though for some reason i want a psp dont ask me why.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I may pick up this game for the PS2, Matlock. I turned my nose up on Freedom Fighters for too long merely because it was, what looked like to me, just another 3rd person shooter... and from the much loathed EA no less. Well, I don't regret getting that.


Does anyone know if you still get MKDA with Psi-Ops at EB stores? I know it was originally part of the pre-order promotion, but checking EBGames.com, it says they will still ship MKDA with PO.


At this point, I'd order it from EB's website. My store had no idea it was going on, regardless of the poster hanging from the ceiling, so eh. Your mileage may vary.


Wow, just wow. I finished off the first scenario and the game design is BLOWING ME AWAY.

Spoilers about the first boss battle below, don't read if you don't want spoiled.

The first boss is a man whose specialty is mind control. He can blast you with a telekinetic lightning bolt, a blast that radiates from him, or a mind-control bolt that reverses your actions...but that's only when he comes down. See, the battle is in a huge chamber (think about the size of the MGS2 tanker's marines presentation room) with cryogenic tubes on each side (okay, enemy generators).

Before the battle starts, a quicktip pops on screen saying "A soldier who will sacrifice everything is the most valuable one." Enemies pour out, and some are made into human time bombs by the boss. You have to pick them up and throw them into cryro tubes to stop the generators.

Then the boss comes down.

You can take any strategy you want (as most of his attacks are ground based, you could TK surf and avoid some of it), but the fight ends the same damn way. You win, a cutscene comes on, and then you've got a timer on your screen. If you don't get back to the landing pad, you're dead.

Amazing amazing game so far. God, I love it.
Sounds great, Matlock. Thanks for the impressions. I'll be getting the PS2 version as soon as possible. I'd been hyped about this game since a few months ago.


Mejilan said:
"Midway. Excellent Title."

Does not compute.

Then you must be ignorant. Because most of their games have been great as of late.

Oh, and much love for the impressions, Matlock. I won't be able to get to the store until friday, so I'll have to live through impressions :D


Yea, the demo in OXM was pretty sweet. Tech room + infinite health + full psi powers + enemy respawn + unlimited psi energy = awesome.


Just a few other notes.

1.) If you like Metal Gear Solid type games, you'll love this one. It's more skewed to action, and plays like a tech demo (the creators admit that they've given the player the ability to break the game), but damn if it ain't fun.

2.) The controls are well thought out. Instead of having to flip through menus to access abilities, everything is mapped to the controller. And yes, guys, TK'ing things around is easy as pie.

3. I'm not sure about the length, but the first stage was approximately the same size as MGS2's tanker stage.

4. And this is a nice one. Characters react to your influence. If you pick one up, and slam him against a window, he might just scream out "OH SHIT!"

5. Finally...The amount of ways you can kill a man are staggering. My favorite so far? Tossing them into an incinerator, then TK grabbing them from there and throwing them into another guy who then catches on fire. Nice stuff.


Agent Dormer said:
Cue REM lyrics.

Life is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

Every whisper
Of every waking hour I'm
Choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
That was just a dream


Hey Matlock, wrong song. He was obviously talking about STUMBLE.

We'll stumble through the yard.
We'll stumble through the yard.
We'll stumble through the A-P-T.
We'll stumble through the yard.

Force fields. Explorer racing home, the ancient star.
Yellow mixed with golden hue.
Scan the graveyard, dead there be.

Ball and chain. Ball and chain.
Ball and chain. Ball and chain.

We'll stumble through the yard.
We'll stumble through the yard.
We'll stumble through the A-P-T.
We'll stumble through the yard.

Force fields. Explorer racing home, the ancient star.
Yellow mixed with golden hue.
Scan the graveyard, dead there be.

Ball and chain. Ball and chain.
Ball and chain. Ball and chain.

We'll stumble through the yard.
We'll stumble through the yard.
We'll stumble through the A-P-T.
We'll stumble through the yard.

Force fields. Explorer racing home, the ancient star.
Yellow mixed with golden hue.
Scan the graveyard, dead there be.

Ball and chain. Ball and chain.
Ball and chain. Ball and chain.

It was round about midnight. Hipster town. Imagine going for a walk.
Things get around to taking place. It's not a waste of time.
The rich got a little poorer. Things get around to taking place.
If they're gonna happen at all. Don't need that jazz.
Don't need that stuff. It was round about midnight. Hipster town.
It was round about midnight. Hipster town.

We'll stumble through the yard.
We'll stumble through the yard.
We'll stumble through the A-P-T.
We'll stumble through the yard.

Force fields. Explorer racing home, the ancient star.
Yellow mixed with golden hue.
Scan the graveyard, dead there be.

Ball and chain. Ball and chain.
Ball and chain. Ball and chain.


Midway is rocking! REM lyrics are flowing like wine! Quentin Tarantino made an awesome film!



Matlock, you're reputation is on the line with this one..............:;)

I played the OXM a few weeks back and was very underwhelmed. Its a very average looking game and the Psi Ops powers seemed to get old quick.

But, hey, I'm glad you're enjoying the game. More power to you.


Soul4ger said:
You got a problem with my love for the Pistons, buddy?!

Psi-Ops has been getting decent reviews across the board. It's another game I'll try when it's $20.

No, but I have a problem with piston love. That just isn't love. Love is gentle and caring.

I really liked the demo, but with my current backlog and financial status, I can wait till it's $20.


Matlock's not going out on a limb by calling this a quality title. He just happens to be the first with impressions of the full game (retail copy)


Probably will play through Riddick again and just bought FSW and GTA Double Pack Xbox (might play this a bit again just for kicks, might just let it sit around) so Psi Ops will have to wait till the inevitable price drop. Definitely looking forward to it though after all the positive press. Will be getting the Xbox version.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Matlock's going to shit his pants when he faces off against the next three bosses. The second level boss fight is CRAZY.


Whoa, Reno, I now can't wait for the upcoming boss battles. :)

And, D2 is probably right, as the Red Star looks (to some accounts) like old-school shooting fun...But then again, Acclaim lost Burnout, so they're still fair game for laughter.


Heh, I may have killed a guy I need to use to get into an office. Maybe. I'm right outside of Barret's office, and I need to get in. But I need a keycard as well.

After a look around, I don't see a keycard. Hrm. :p

Mind control is really cool, though. Took out an entire courtyard with a sniper, then made him hop off of a ledge right as I dropped mind control...He screamed nicely. :D


Cool that it turned out good.

Just a tought. At E3 I played a lot of Second Sight (by free radical), and IMO it was just awesome, even better than Psi. Shame it was lost on a shitty stand of an unknown 3rd party and no one noticed it, because it played and looked amazing I tell you.
I'm... not really impressed thus far. I just got the PSI powers back in the 'real world' and the game still seems to be a whole lot of nothing. Find the keycard, open the door. I'm really not seeing how it's much of a stealth game either because if I sneak up behind somebody and kill them, it *always* alerts every other guard in the room and it turns into a firefight.

Throwing boxes at guards with PSI doesn't really work well because there's no depth perception because the camera is nearly parallel with the ground. I just ended up levitating the guards with PSI then shooting them in their defenselessness while the other guards shoot at me. Cover is practically useless.

If there's any good design here, I don't see it. I'll be giving it more time later on...


Haha, finally found out why I couldn't find the keycard. -_-

Kept burying the guy under a crate, hiding the card...

But this time, I just said "screw it," took over his mind, and made him blow his head off with a shotgun. Sure, it took half a Psi-Bar, but it was worth it.
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