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Just got Psi-Ops in. IT ROCKS YOUR ASSES.


Oh yes, because I neglected to say how to make people shoot themselves...

Click both analogues in and hold it until they do themselves in. You need at least 3/5 of a Psi-Bar to do it.
I haven't gotten Mind Control yet, but it sounds fun.

I've just been levitating people with TK and shooting them in the air. Seems to be working pretty well. I've tried some stealth maneuvers but it rarely works.


Yeah, stealh barely works. What I do is a simple TK grab, then throw into the nearest object. Clear a room like that, then kill/drain the survivors...works every time.

Of course, one time I was really mean, and threw a guy into every steel chair in the room.


Oh boy, second boss battle is even better than the first. In the first, when the boss comes down, you can easily just lame him to death with your machine gun. Not in this one.

Barret is the second boss...spoilers about the battle below.

Whoa, just whoa. At first you're in a little mechanic's room, and he throws engine parts at you. Nothing too bad, eh? After about 1/4 of his lifebar is gone, he rips off a piece of metal and tells you to take the fight outside.

Now, uh, remember the opening part of the second scenario, where you landed? The one with the tankers and the containers and everything else that's huge?

Yep, he throws 'em at you.

And, like Reno, when I saw him toss that tanker at me, I did my best Will Smith impression with "Oh hell no." So you're running circles around this guy, avoiding all the huge shit he's throwing at you, whilst trying to throw stuff back at him. Somehow, the box-aiming in the battle seems more lenient, but I dunno if it's just me. Either way, it doesn't do much to help you. All the time, he's throwing tons of metal at you, and you've got to make due and hit him with crates scattered around the arena.

Of course, you could go the cheap route and grab a metal crate...then bash it against his noggin time after time. :D

Awesome battle. Right now I'm on top of something that reminds me of Big Shell's topside in MGS2 (can't say much for creativity, eh?) that's backed by some beautiful scenery all around. I think it's somewhere in Hong Kong, but not sure.

Oh yeah, and it seems this one's got someone who can telepath me...Oooooh boy.

Musashi Wins!

Damn your non-spoiler tags!

This game is great. It's just a big playground. Kobun, you have to be more creative with your TK haha. I haven't used the lift/shoot manuever more than once because it's so much more fun to find random objects, exploding barrels or flying corpses. What a little sadistic riot it is.


I have to voice my love for this game as well. It r0x.

It reminds me of Ninja Gaiden in that the gameplay mechanics makes you want to encounter enemies just to screw them up.


My favorite part is Mind Controlling some poor sap and making him commit suicide by walkingi nto fire or electrical things. I MC'd a sniper before, sniped two guards and then made teh Sniper jump off the building. LOL Great game.


If you make them hop into their death, take off the mind control as the descent has begun.

It's a bit crueler, but eh, them's the shakes.


Coin Return said:
Heh, when you MC a guy, hold down the 2 thumbsticks.

they shoot themselves, its pretty awesome with the shotgun.

And evern better
with the flamethrower or rocket launcher.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Haha, glad you liked Barret's fight, Matlock. One thing that Matlock discovered that I really enjoy about this game is that puzzles can be tackles in several different ways. In one puzzle there's a room with an electrified field. You can't cross it, but guards can. So you can use Mind Control on those guys to take out the generators that power the electric field... or you can just use TK surf to go right above it. It seems that for every little puzzle in this game, there's almost always 2 solutions: the right one, and the lazy (TK surf) one. :)


It's too bad you can't TK surf on corpses. Now that'd be cool...jump on a dead body, and hoverboard all around. :D


I just got this game also and wanted to contribute that i think its great. i loved the demo and having the game is about a 1000 times better with getting to learn the story and stuff behind nick. def. one of the top games of the month for me...

evil ways

5. Finally...The amount of ways you can kill a man are staggering. My favorite so far? Tossing them into an incinerator, then TK grabbing them from there and throwing them into another guy who then catches on fire. Nice stuff.


I'll definitely have to check this game out.


Whoa, just got past the third boss...First of all, she's a master of mind-based illusions. And guess what, TWO BOSS BATTLES leading up to her, and then the head bitch in charge herself.

There's some Eternal Darkness style shit going on all around...voices, visions, ghastly ghouls, wavering view...all the fun stuff. Spoilers for the third boss battle...

First of all, you have to destroy the
illusions of some of the people you've killed in mass executions
, then you get to the fight up to the real thing.

So you get to her the second time, and what does she pull out? Giant frigging stone samurai...A dozen, I think. What you have to do is use your fairly new PK power and torch them. Then use one of the jugs to bust them up while it's hot and fragile.

But what do you do when you clear the room, you say?

Well, out comes the girl. She transforms into a BIGASS MONSTER complete with destructive scream, acid spit, and everything else nice. It's a bit harder of a battle, as you will run out of ammo fairly early in the battle. My advice? Take out the top head first.

Now it's time for the fusion tower...and the particle accelrator puzzle. Enjoy. :D


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I'm stuck at the 2nd phase of the 4th boss fight (fire theme).

I just hate her. I know what to do but she drives me crazy anyway. Any hint?

And yes, this game rocks.


No idea, I'm going to try taking her on tomorrow sometime. Hopefully Reno can be summoned for help. ;)

Oh yeah, and just to come back to the last post a bit...

The particle accelerator puzzle is not only the defining moment for the mind control skill, but also the best skill-based puzzle in a game in a long time. Instead of giving a difficult path, or a brainteaser, or anything of the sort, it takes the puzzle to the most stripped-down and fundamental core.

Four switches.

One particle accelrator.

Each switch doubles the speed of the particle accelerator, which brings a wall of flaming death around each revolution.

...and, guess what.

You only have enough Psi-Power and time to do it exactly right. Outside the basic run, you have about three seconds worth of padding...Hitting the third switch was so intense, the plasma passed by right as I entered the door. :D


Okay, fought fire dancer.

First of all, she has to be the most retarded villain of all time. Sends her cronies after me, BUT LIGHTS THEM ON FIRE. I ran back a few paces, hid behind a box so they couldn't shoot me from their vantage point, and waited for them to die of burning to death.


No real spoilers for the boss battle, either. It's pretty straightforward, and pretty damn intense.

Now as for the temple I'm in now? Let's just say I'm going to have to collect myself before I try doing the run through the invisible shit.


I'm about (guessing) one third through mission number two. I can't say I've fought a boss yet, but I'm wondering.....Do we ever get to leave the base? (I'm in the silo area)
Psi-Ops was rocking my ass until I came across the Marlena (4th boss) glitch.

Usually when the boss fight starts, gas cannisters come out of the ground. You then throw them all into this fusion gun, and then the cannisters refill. You continue the boss fight from there.

Well, the glitch is, the cannisters don't come out of the ground whatsoever, thus making the boss fight impossible. I'm trying to run around avoiding getting hit with lasers all while trying to shoot down into the cannister hole and blow them all up so they'll refill and come to the top, but it never happens.

I would have just reloaded another checkpoint, but I saved over the last one. So now every time I reload the checkpoint, I'm fucked. It's like a Groundhog Day gangbang.
Well, I decided to give it one more shot, did my second mission select, and the cannisters showed up. Wasn't fun going through that circular hallway with the beam again though.


WOW i took your guys' word on this game and i'm freaking having a fucking blast. I might not be getting a PT in FFXI but while i'm waiting i'm playing this and its freaking awsome. Just beat the first dude the blinde dude. Pretty creative stuff you can do.

I too would like to be able to surf on dead bodies though.
You cant go wrong for 29.99 and you get MKDA free with it.

for 50 EDIT Bestbuy had it for 39.99 and use there 10 dollar coupon off of 39.99 or above games. And i bought it at GameCrazy with my 20 off coupon from GameRush that i used.


I wish I could slap the crap out of Midway for that Temple level. The game was simply brought down with this level. It sux sux sux.


Gold Member
Coin Return said:
Heh, when you MC a guy, hold down the 2 thumbsticks.

they shoot themselves, its pretty awesome with the shotgun.

I couldn't get that to work on the Xbox version...


ManaByte said:
I couldn't get that to work on the Xbox version...

yeah it sure doesnt. /cry

man this game really is smart and new. Its not that its a radical idea on gaming. But rather that it just has so many ways to do things. That you honestly have to think before going all out expose yourself.

I've made it a challenge to myself to hide as much as i can and sneak in this game its not funny. MC rocks, but my main friend is TK. in the temple lvl near the sat picking up one of those big rocks and just halling it at the two MP2's and one MP3 just kicks ass.

I love the unlockables too. Sad thing is i've been playing too much of this game. As i was sitting here tonight trying to change the channel on my tv with my mind. Not to mention move a glass of water into my hand on my desk. I was even reading up on TK which is a lot more interesting a subjet that i never though to read about before.

the Aura bitches suck though. None the less i will be playing this game over and over. And coop sucks, and here i though i could team up and have a friend and i pick up baddies and bash there brains together.

Coin Return

Loose Slot
Really? I have the Xbox version, just make sure you have some psi power, click in the two thumbsticks for about 5 seconds, the guy gets on his knees, says "no! no!", points the shotgun or assault rifle at his mouth and pulls the trigger. Make sure you are MCing him obviously.


Coin Return said:
Really? I have the Xbox version, just make sure you have some psi power, click in the two thumbsticks for about 5 seconds, the guy gets on his knees, says "no! no!", points the shotgun or assault rifle at his mouth and pulls the trigger. Make sure you are MCing him obviously.

Done and tried dont work at all. The worst i've gotten is they go nuts and run into another baddy and start to fight with them. Thats kind of funny but that was some odd combination of button presses.


what level or after what boss fight do you get to get mind control???? i still only have TK..;meh, yeah, I am a little slow


I wish I had TK in really life....then I could TK in a bunch of money from anywheres thats not mine and use it to buy all sorts of cool stuff
B'z-chan said:
Done and tried dont work at all. The worst i've gotten is they go nuts and run into another baddy and start to fight with them. Thats kind of funny but that was some odd combination of button presses.

You need a lot of Psi Power left while holding the sticks down. If you don't have enough, it won't do it.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I got an email from Codemasters today, they were taking a survey about Second Sight. Funny thing is the last 2 questions were.. Have you heard of a Midway game called Psi-Ops... and do you want to play it? BTW I picked up Psi-Ops the day it came out.. just haven't fired up my Xbox yet... busy last few days... tonight though... tonight it wil be mine....


lexbubble said:
what level or after what boss fight do you get to get mind control???? i still only have TK..;meh, yeah, I am a little slow

You'll get it somewhere between the first and second bosses, if I recall correctly. You really don't get powers until you need them...;)

...and TK, being "meh?"

Man, you're not playing the game correctly, then. TK's only limit is your imagination...Be creative!
It's above average. The story just feels generic though and the cut scenes and graphics are not that good imho.

I give it a 7 out of 10. Glad I rented. The physics are really nice.


CrimsonSkies said:
It's above average. The story just feels generic though and the cut scenes and graphics are not that good imho.

I'd have to disagree with the graphics, but the plot is a bit genericy. Thankfully they only tell it as a reason to go on, not as something to compel *cough MGS cough* you with the great writing.

...anyway, just beat another boss. This guy is the master of remote viewing! Which allows him to mind control people....anywhere....

What the shit?


Easiest boss fight ever. Kind of sucktacular, really. Just run to the right, grab the ammo, run to the left, hide behind the metal crate, and target panels when they flip up. That's it. More than likely, the Psi-Beasts won't even come for you, and the ray may hit you once or twice.


I'm hoping that the finale will be a bit more fun, but the game kinda hit a speedbump right as the temple started.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
CrimsonSkies said:
It's above average. The story just feels generic though and the cut scenes and graphics are not that good imho.

I give it a 7 out of 10. Glad I rented. The physics are really nice.

The graphics are not that good? <looks at the Xbox version> WTF? Maybe the polygonal models are the most complex...but graphics.. ok... BTW playing this in Surround Sound... the sound of using your powers... way cool. This game owns me now.

Like Max Payne 2 this game is using the Havok Engine.

BTW I love that you can kick the bodies... hilarious.


Did anyone beat it on elite yet. Damn its tough as shit. Two TK tosses and your Psi energy is gone. I got up to the illusion with the fight against the zombies in the graveyard and it owned me 3 times in a row. Ill get back to it later.

Stealth is definatly more important on the harder difficulty setting.


Darien: I think he's smoking crack, myself. Both verisons are visually identical, by what Reno says (reiterating this)...But eh.

And trust me, there's much more fun to be had with dead bodies...best kill ever = tossing a guy out into the particle accelerator right as the power surge comes to the door you're near. So brutal, so horrible, so clean and fast. It's kind of comedic in a way. :p


Awesome game so far. Still getting used to hitting people with flying objects (the depth of field can be tricky), but man it's so much fun. I used remote viewing to find a guy around a corner, then blindly threw a propane tank at him. And there was this other guy hiding behind a crate, so I lifted the crate up and dropped it on him. Good times.
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