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Just got Psi-Ops in. IT ROCKS YOUR ASSES.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I'm way early in the game but here's something funny from the first flashback training sequence.

So the guy who I assume becomes the bad guy who throws the truck at you is telling me ok now trying through a crate at someone moving... so I try it a few times, but I'm having trouble with judging their direction and throwing the crate in that direction(any tips?), so instead I pick the guy up throw him against the wall then pick a crate up and drop it on him. Same thing for the guy moving erratic... mission accomplished. ;)


DarienA said:
I'm way early in the game but here's something funny from the first flashback training sequence.

So the guy who I assume becomes the bad guy who throws the truck at you is telling me ok now trying through a crate at someone moving... so I try it a few times, but I'm having trouble with judging their direction and throwing the crate in that direction(any tips?), so instead I pick the guy up throw him against the wall then pick a crate up and drop it on him. Same thing for the guy moving erratic... mission accomplished. ;)

I actually kept failing that mission cause the dude kept running at me and I would shoot him with my gun.....

I am still early in the game..I can't wait for my next training mission though..I want more powers


Even though there are many ways of which to do it, TK throwing crates into people seems more natural the farther you go into the game. Instead of consciously doing a perfect direction of the object, just try to snap the stick towards the enemy (or where he's going to be) and let go of the TK button.


Yeah, that's what I did starting at the start of the game and it almost always works. Lead it a bit toward him if you must, but a quick snap release does the job.


lexbubble said:
where are the invisible mines?

They come up in the later part of the game. Don't worry, you'll hear about it in a training session when the time comes up. But, they sux sux sux!


IJoel said:
They come up in the later part of the game. Don't worry, you'll hear about it in a training session when the time comes up. But, they sux sux sux!

phew..you had me scared there for a sec that all of sudden i was just gonna blow up or something... =)


oh no...scary feeling back....i am going to play the game right now actually..maybe i will get far enough to learn about these invisible mines...ha ha ha
argh, can somebody clue me in on how to activate the cheat codes? I don't want to play the game normally, I just want to see what kind of fucked up shit I can do with the physics engine.

I can get the cheat keypad to come up, I can enter the cheat codes, it says they're "unlocked", but I go to my saved game (also tried starting a new one) and they're not implemented. So I finish the first level, and it lists all your accomplishments, including things you've unlocked (including the gnome that I found), and it lists the cheats I entered too.

So how the fuck do I enable them?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Mike Works said:
argh, can somebody clue me in on how to activate the cheat codes? I don't want to play the game normally, I just want to see what kind of fucked up shit I can do with the physics engine.

I can get the cheat keypad to come up, I can enter the cheat codes, it says they're "unlocked", but I go to my saved game (also tried starting a new one) and they're not implemented. So I finish the first level, and it lists all your accomplishments, including things you've unlocked (including the gnome that I found), and it lists the cheats I entered too.

So how the fuck do I enable them?

According to gamefaqs discussion you can't use them in Start New Game, you can only use them in mission select.

BTW just in case folks are interested in getting a full mind drain even on a soldier who sees you.

throw him against something, run up to him, as soon as he starts to move to get up, hit him with mind drain


DarienA said:
According to gamefaqs discussion you can't use them in Start New Game, you can only use them in mission select.

BTW just in case folks are interested in getting a full mind drain even on a soldier who sees you.

throw him against something, run up to him, as soon as he starts to move to get up, hit him with mind drain

I use this A LOT! I'm usually with full blue potions because of this. :p


Mike Works said:
argh, can somebody clue me in on how to activate the cheat codes? I don't want to play the game normally, I just want to see what kind of fucked up shit I can do with the physics engine.

I can get the cheat keypad to come up, I can enter the cheat codes, it says they're "unlocked", but I go to my saved game (also tried starting a new one) and they're not implemented. So I finish the first level, and it lists all your accomplishments, including things you've unlocked (including the gnome that I found), and it lists the cheats I entered too.

So how the fuck do I enable them?

where the heck is the gnome???
lexbubble said:
where the heck is the gnome???
Um.. it was in the last third of the level I think. There's this 90 degree bend in the walkway you're walking on, and this fence on one side (inside the bend of the walkway) which you can jump over. Then you walk down this rocky hill and there's a gnome at the bottom.
Mike Works, in one of the main menu options (might be extra content or the one above/under it), you can choose the mission select option. It will let you play on levels you have already completed.


Mike Works said:
I may be retarded here, but where exactly is mission select?

Each mission you complete succesfully allows you to go into the special features (or extras) and replay that mission from start to finish. Same goes for bosses too. That is the only way to use codes. but to be honest you dont need them as long as you have good md skills and know what your doing.


Mission Select is in Extra Content.

Also, you should put yourself through watching the behind-the-scenes vid for Psi-Ops...The guys are like the Lone Gunmen, they're so geeky.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Well I've come across the first place where the game won't let you do it your way and have to do it the way the game wants you to do it. It has to do with the first base making it to the landing pad... here's what happened:

This was seriously trial and error, a few times thinking I had to get off on the level that the elevator did go to(because as you know it goes up higher then breaks(parallel to the landing pad). So tried that a few times, nothing there.... then I thought hey if I take this crate put it on the elevator and then stand on it... just as the elevator reaches its highest point I can TK surf over to the landing pad. And it let me do it... but if you try to room from the landing pad to the room that the walkway leads to an invisible wall won't let you go in to the room. I discovered when I turned around that the way you have to go is actually on the landing pad level the elevator door for that level. And that just takes in a artificially long way to the landing pad room, where then you'll trigger the General leaving sequence. Bleh so much for trying something different. I'm still loving this game. Mind drain is so fun it should be a crime.


Just finished the game with a recorded time of a little under 5 hours (although it's been about four times that of unrecorded)...The ending...


Spoiler time, kids. Going to cover the scenario going into the boss battle, the actual boss battle, and the ending.

Okay, so your gal pal's missing sister suffers from evil twin syndrome, the enemy has everything they need to do...something...and you're currently in Really Fucking Bizarre, the capitol of the state of weirdness.

Just like I like it.

After you get through the ungodly mine sequence (which I think may be easier on a second playthrough, I eventually got the hang of abusing them with corpses), you get to a bridge with...GUESS WHAT, MORE MINES.


Thankfully, they're really easy to get past.

At the end, you meet up with Barrett who kind of just growls and does big-black-guy-things. He goes up an elevator, and walks away. You, of course, follow.

You get to the general, and you watch as Barrett moves the moon with TK, which increases the power flow to the temple. Coming up from behind is...Sara? No, it's her evil sister. Even I knew this, and I'm not a psychic. Anyway, Nick gawks for a second, then the sister's head sprays a little of the red stuff, revealing Sara. "Mom always liked me best...bitch." Which, as we all know by now, is a pretty safe assessment, as Evil Sister killed their parents so they could develop their powers further. Also, Barrett goes exit, stage right. Note to self: if you're going to work with a guy to gain the power of a god, kill that guy. He'll eventually kill you once your usefulness is over.

...and now starts the fight.

Run up to the spinning spires, bust 'em down with PK, then run along the periphery to gather up the spheres lying on the ground. When you do this (or time runs out, and if it does, shame on you), the General is ready to fight. He has three patterns, of which only one you're going to be topside for. Turn directly towards him, hit the lockon button, fire off an orb, then hop into the gutter in the middle of the room. Run until you hear him laugh, then an explosion...Then hop out, and repeat the attack on him.

If you're quick enough, you can get two orb fires in on him in one cycle. Just get ready to run. A lot. Also, when you run out of orbs, hop onto the center platform and charge them up. (best you do it after the fireball attack pattern, right as he disappears) Finally, of course, hop back into the pit and start running a bit, then repeat the whole process until he's dead.

Now for the major spoilers.

El Generale gets sucked into a black hole, you get Sara out from underneath a rock, and helicopters are seen coming. "Wait, they're not rescue! Now I remember everything!"

Nick TK's a chopper into a wall, you both run away...


This looks like it could be a very good finite series (trilogy, hopefully)...as the first is one of the best emulations of a good summer action film I've ever seen as a game.

Here's to Psi-Ops 2 at least, lads!


Oh yeah, and beating the game unlocks Boss Rush mode, which should be a challenge for anyone and everyone. :D


Also, strangely enough, there's a badass arcade mode.

Pretty much, you play through a mission of your selection...with or without cheats...with any character...

...and a big emphasis on score.

The badder ass dude you are, the higher the score you get.



B'z-chan said:
Great i think i'm stuck with the miines. I cant figure it out for the life of me. And its well giving me a headache.

I can give you a tip. Believe me, that part had me pulling my hair out.


B'z-chan said:
Tip away sir. I'm gonna go pull out the rest of my hair while i wait.

I'll put spoiler tags:

Whenever you feel you are at the end of your wits, USE PYROKINESIS!

Believe me, I tried that part like 15 times before figuring it out.


Also, another tip for when you get to the bigger concentration of floating mines...
use corpses to clear out ones that you know you'll need to be near.


I beat the game last night. The last boss wasn't hard, but figuring out the mechanics of the boss along with a new thingie was stupid and makes me slap the developers.

The game was GREAT until the temple level. From the temple level to the end, the game was from average to good. Overall, it's a pretty good game, and I'm in agreement with the review scores from IGN/Gamespot (8.5/8.4). I definitely recommend it.


I'd say I agree with you 100%, IJoel. The game is a speedy jaunt through great gaming for a good 80% of the time you play it, then the temple comes around and beats your kneecaps with a lead pipe.

...and yes, the end boss isn't hard, just annoyingly overpowered compared to the others. :p
Damit, i'm stuck at the part right after you defeat the first boss and have to hual ass out of there. How the hell do i get the landing pad?


gamepro said:
Damit, i'm stuck at the part right after you defeat the first boss and have to hual ass out of there. How the hell do i get the landing pad?

Run back out, hit the button by the garage door, jump up to the open door on the next floor (when you get near it, before the thing collapses), and then run up the stairways and hallways until you get to the landing pad.


Just beat the game, and overall I enjoyed it.

A few annoyances:

Those psi monsters
The glitch on the pyro boss
The ending (WTF kind of an ending is that???)

Still a really good game though. Lots of unlockables, and the extra missions are pretty damn tough (for me at least).

evil ways

Well you guys sold me on the game, I traded Crapdown: Legends of Wrestling for it. Will play it later tonight.

I even read Scorpion from Mortal Kombat is a playable character

Can't wait.

evil ways

Ok, played it for a bit and the game is definitely a must buy. It's fun ass hell, framerate is smooth so far and there are a lot of things you can do with you Psi powers.

My only complaints so far is that I don't like action & jumping being assigned to the same button. Midway sleeper hit, buy it!!


evil ways said:
Well you guys sold me on the game, I traded Crapdown: Legends of Wrestling for it. Will play it later tonight.

I even read Scorpion from Mortal Kombat is a playable character

Can't wait.


Where did you read this, dude?

evil ways

www.mortalkombatonline.com plus I just confirmed it myself. He's a skin you unlock using the keypad codes.

To obtain Scorpion in the PS2 version of Psi-Ops, highlight the "Extra Content" option on the main menu and press R1. For Xbox users follow the same instructions, but press the right trigger. This will bring up a keypad, upon which you need to enter the code 546546. The game will then notify you that Scorpion has been unlocked!

It's gonna be cool using the Pyrokinesis with him.


Finished it last night and my only real complaint about the game was the Temple and the ending. Other than that this game is as great as they get.

I knew it damnit i need to play as scorpion now. What are the codes for the Xbox version? Cause this crap is just too cool. I was just thinking about how TK reminded me of Scorpion and that thing that comes out of his arms.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Just got this game from Gamefly today. Wow, this game rocks! Sleeper GOTY? I just finished that boss fight against Barret and man was that fun!

How many levels are there in this game?


Wario64 said:
Just got this game from Gamefly today. Wow, this game rocks! Sleeper GOTY? I just finished that boss fight against Barret and man was that fun!

How many levels are there in this game?

Jov Leonov (Secret base)
Edgar Barrett (Black Sea)
Wei Lu (Hong Kong, left tower)
Marlena Kessler (Hong Kong, right tower)
Nicholas Wrightson (Temple)
]The General (Deeper inside the temple)

So...six levels. I rushed through the levels today, it takes about 18 mins per on average if you do everything right.

Which...I know you won't in the temple stage. God, I hate it so much. :p


Eh, put yourself through the temple, dude. Parts of it are really intense (read: REALLY FRIGGING COOL), but the forced aura-view-stealth is pretty horrid until you figure it out.
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