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Justified - Season 5 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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Good episode. Not quite sure yet where Amy Smart's character is going.

Also, I imagined Ratsky crying a river during this one. Out with the old (hag), in with the new (Mara)!
Good episode, as always, but it really bugged me how little Raylan cared about Amy Smart planting drugs. He would definitely not give a shit about the weed, but I don't see Raylan not caring about homewrecking and breaking actual laws. The line he had about how "it doesn't make her a criminal" was the irritation icing on the annoyance cake. Yes, Raylan, breaking multiple laws actually DOES make someone a criminal!
Raylan's always been willing to bend the rules a little, particularly when he's enamored with someone.
I missed the first three episodes :(

Were they good?
First one has a different feel to it (setting, scope, guest cast) that some found off-putting, but they're back to business as usual now.


Good episode, as always, but it really bugged me how little Raylan cared about Amy Smart planting drugs. He would definitely not give a shit about the weed, but I don't see Raylan not caring about homewrecking and breaking actual laws. The line he had about how "it doesn't make her a criminal" was the irritation icing on the annoyance cake. Yes, Raylan, breaking multiple laws actually DOES make someone a criminal!

Raylan's m.o. is that the end
the means. The guy was scum and him and his wife deserved to have the child taken. Her planting the drugs was her means to an end, just like his beating the shit out of criminals is his.
So no, to him she is not a criminal. Just like he isn't a criminal to himself for all the power abuse shit he pulls to take down the big fish.


I shot people I like more for less.
For me, this has been the weakest start to a season yet. It just feels really disjointed and muddled. I think now that all the storylines are beginning to converge, it'll be much better. It's not bad, mind you. Just don't think it's particularly strong.
For me, this has been the weakest start to a season yet. It just feels really disjointed and muddled. I think now that all the storylines are beginning to converge, it'll be much better. It's not bad, mind you. Just don't think it's particularly strong.

I agree. It just seems kinda aimless and meandering along at this point, but I believe it will pick up soon. It always does.
The most recent episode was the first one that truly felt like Justified to me. I think the season opener was legitimately bad, but it seems to be back on track now.
Also agree but the most recent episode made me feel like we're approaching the big picture and should be off to the races soon.
For me, this has been the weakest start to a season yet. It just feels really disjointed and muddled. I think now that all the storylines are beginning to converge, it'll be much better. It's not bad, mind you. Just don't think it's particularly strong.

I'm right there with you. It's not bad, but the show just feels a little bit out of sync to me. The rhythm is a bit off.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I have no idea what the writers are doing. Boyd was acting totally out of character during that scene.

He is being Boyd pure and simple. A wonderful anti-thesis to Raylan who in a similar position would probably have a hard time putting aside how his lady is coping and being treated inside to properly talk about what the hell he is doing to get her out... Boyd on the other hand is in pure power mode... running into trouble and focusing inwards. I love it to death because it's exactly what I always expected out of him. No matter how charming or likable or alluring he is he remains the most dangerous character on the show.

And obviously, Raylan's relationship with Mrs Smart is gonna blow up in his face. Hard.
I'm still baffled that some people disliked the first episode. Personally, I am loving this whole season so far. The Ava and Boyd stuff breaks my heart, but in a good way. Fascinating to watch the tension between this once rock solid couple. I still love Ava though. Screw the haters, and screw that gold-digging whore (not you Boyd... don't do it!).

Also, the Crowes are fucking awesome.


Hunky Nostradamus
He was acting like a straight male.

I know you're joking, but I detest this sort of thinking. "He's a straight male so of course he'll just fuck any attractive thing that moves regardless of any commitments or responsibilities because penis!"

He is being Boyd pure and simple. Boyd on the other hand is in pure power mode... running into trouble and focusing inwards. I love it to death because it's exactly what I always expected out of him. No matter how charming or likable or alluring he is he remains the most dangerous character on the show.

I dunno. I guess I just thought Boyd was better than that.
I know you're joking, but I detest this sort of thinking. "He's a straight male so of course he'll just fuck any attractive thing that moves regardless of any commitments or responsibilities because penis!"

I dunno. I guess I just thought Boyd was better than that.

Like Ava, you got sucked into his orbit. He will now proceed to age you, turning you from a once pretty if plain and spunky girl to... you know.
In season 4 Johnny listed off about 5 or 6 endeavors that boyd started and lost interest in half way through. And most of those were when they were kids. So if Boyd is losing interest in Ava because he's found something new, he's just being consistent.


Hunky Nostradamus
Like Ava, you got sucked into his orbit. He will now proceed to age you, turning you from a once pretty if plain and spunky girl to... you know.


Boyd is whatever serves Boyd at that particular moment. He was all about Arlo until he wasn't.

Ava is way more important to Boyd than Arlo was. :*(

I don't understand these comments either. He took off his shirt so she could recreate his tattoos on dead body right?

There was a lot of sexual tension and it seemed to me like he wanted to sex her but she shot him down.


In season 4 Johnny listed off about 5 or 6 endeavors that boyd started and lost interest in half way through. And most of those were when they were kids. So if Boyd is losing interest in Ava because he's found something new, he's just being consistent.

Yep. It's been established from season one that Boyd has NEVER been the kind of man to go down with the ship.

I still don't think Raylan and Boyd are so far apart as some of you guys make them out to be. It's gonna be interesting to see how Raylan reacts when the marshall service no longer has his back which I feel like the show is building towards. He has the badge but he doesn't act much like a Marshall. His relationship with Art, while a bit playful is still Art trying to reign him in which never seems to work/stick. Wouldn't be surprised if this season or the next he takes it too far and he ends up in a position similar to Boyd, his back against the wall.


Yeah, I didn't like that scene. It felt very out of character for Boyd.

They should bring him in for a single scene and then immediately kill him off. The reactions would be glorious.
Like have him and Raylan have this great back and forth for like 1 minute and right before they go to blows he gets shot in the head.

I would laugh, cry and punch a hole in my wall.
- Justified Production Blog: Q&A with “Good Intentions” Writer Benjamin Cavell
On Justified, you have to write characters on both sides of the law. When you do so, do you find yourself making judgments about the characters?

I feel like you should never judge your character’s behavior – whether they’re your heroes or your villains – by some absolute standard of morality. The thing that really bothers me is if characters are behaving evilly for evil’s sake, because I don’t know that that exists in the world. Or to the extent that it does, I’m not interested in it.

People who do things I consider evil generally conceive of themselves as the good guy or the guy who has no choice or the guy who’s forced by circumstance to behave in ways they wouldn’t normally approve of. I think some of the worst dictators in history would have these narratives that portray them as victims of circumstance and that they’re just responding to the reality of their situations.

We’ve seen Boyd as many things over the course of the series. As a ruthless businessman, he seems to be a far cry from his preaching days. Or does anything from that part of his life still inform his actions now?

I don’t think the religion still informs him. Maybe there’s some spirituality that’s still in Boyd but I do think that being a preacher was just a different form of something that Boyd still does, which is being a charismatic leader. He’s a person that people gravitate to, no matter his nominal cause. He inspires loyalty and devotion in the people who follow him so that’s a thread he’s carried through from his preaching days. His relationship to religion now is a skeptical one because it’s led to so much heartache. Which isn’t the same thing as rejecting it, but it is something he’s very wary of.

The world of Justified has been a very enclosed society but has become a home for several kinds of outsiders this season. One of the most notable of these is Mara. Can you tell us a little about her character and why she may or may not get out of Harlan alive?

I’m nervous when we bring in people who clearly aren’t from our closed world. There is something jarring about seeing people who have a very different accent. I’m worried that it can tear the fictional fabric. But I actually think that Mara works in a really interesting way because I am never sure with her – the way I was never sure with Boyd – how on the level she is. There’s always a part of me that thinks maybe she’s not even from Latvia. I’m curious how much of her is constructed and how much she’s hiding. And once you can get to that point, you firmly are in Elmore’s world and it doesn’t pull at the fictional fabric. She’s a little slippery to me, in a nice way.
More via the link.


Like have him and Raylan have this great back and forth for like 1 minute and right before they go to blows he gets shot in the head.

I would laugh, cry and punch a hole in my wall.

Nah. They'll go out Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid Style facing off against the Dixie Mafia in a glorious gunfight. Raylan's had plenty of cause to plug Boyd throughout the show and vise versa. I think there's a bit too much respect between the two of them for things to ever go south again. Raylan knows Boyd's running things, but at the same time probably from Raylan's perspective Boyd's less of a problem than some. Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't.


I hope Boyd and Mara consummate their relationship tonight outside the prison as Ava watches from her cell window.

Funky Papa

Mara and Allison are BAD NEWS, but I think Allison is going to be specially dangerous. Girl's more trouble than is worth. Run, Raylan.
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