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K-Pop Fanboy/Fangirl |OT6| Thank You for Love




That's better.
Life with a Korean partner, blog post #1

The Korean coffee shop culture is blooming and it doesn't seem it will stop anytime soon. More than a place to relax, catch up with friends or enjoy your favorite drinks, coffee shops became one of the most favorite options to students who wants to find a good place to study. A lot of them seek coffee shops because they cannot properly study at home: their moms, siblings or something else will get in the way. Also, being at home is an easy way to get distracted or falling asleep (like reported by my own friends).

Usually, when couples need to get things done, it's not unusual to see them sitting together at coffee shops and working in their specific assignments. It seems a funny and healthy way to do what you gotta do - You cannot meet for a date, however you can study together. This keeps the stress off, you can take nice little breaks to chat, get shit done and enjoy each others company. Win win.

Yesterday I sat there for roughly 7 hours while she was doing some boring ass Chinese papers that the teacher gave to her class.

Interesting read! gratz bro. Definitely keep doing these.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
dokish why don't you get a tumblr like the rest of us heavy hitters tho

my tumblr is lacking lately tho, too much work and games


Neo Member
Misaeng ep 12 16:15,
when Geu-rae apologizes to Oh sang-shik about making the suggestion, Oh Sang-shik has a line that's subbed as "You (니가) said, let's do this! Did I (내가) say, let's do it?" Wouldn't it make more sense for the line to actually be something like: You didn't decide to do it. I decided to do it [since I'm the boss and am responsible].

Anyone (ramyeon?) know if the subs are wrong? They're Soompi-TV subs. Would be a pretty big error.




your whining is just as offtopic as his posts.
Put him on ignore if you can't deal with it. It's not that hard.



Up & Down now at #9 on whatever chart the EXID ladies are following. Has this kind of thing ever really happened before?


Nicole keeps being awesome:

Up & Down now at #9 on whatever chart the EXID ladies are following. Has this kind of thing ever really happened before?

I think this is pretty much what happened with Crayon Poop's Bar Bar Bar last year. It started charting way before it was released if I remember correctly.

Also, let's take this chance of EXID getting popular to thank them for this.


EXID _ Every night(매일밤) MV
Dasoni(다소니)_Good Bye MV

It's funny because, like Crayon Poop, they are getting popular with probably their worst release.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Up & Down now at #9 on whatever chart the EXID ladies are following. Has this kind of thing ever really happened before?
Late-bloomers have happened, but I don't know about it happening with a song that was "old" by time it caught on. I vaguely remember something, but I can't remember what exactly so I can't say if it was so late after promos or not.

It's funny because, like Crayon Poop, they are getting popular with probably their worst release.
Up & Down is probably the freshest sound of the year.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Weird. Even though it starts with it, the sax is literally the least noticeable part of the song for me. It's like 5% of what makes it what it is.


Weird. Even though it starts with it, the sax is literally the least noticeable part of the song for me. It's like 5% of what makes it what it is.

Yeah, I guess you are right. I haven't heard the song that much. I do hate that sax and the wobbly sounds all over the song. Not my thing at all. I guess we can agree that Every Night is better?(although that song was also quite succesful in the charts).


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
In terms of casual listening, Every Night is definitely better on most small speakers and cheap headphones it will be heard on, since Up & Down runs a rather delicate balance and needs real hi-fi to define everything properly (and even then half the charm is from the wildness of several production choices), however that extra sweet polish of Every Night can also make it slip by in an unnoticed predictability due to its minimalism and all-too-safe harmony (despite it being essential to the comforting, invitational nature of its mood-setting). Although, ultimately I think LE is a boombox kind of girl and makes everything for a show with full on monitors, and either one would be great for that. If you are tuned out, Up & Down is a mess and Every Night disappears entirely, and if you are tuned in Up & Down is a super fresh ride filled with personality and Every Night is a smooth scotch of sensuality (85% Dasoni) so they are hard to compare as they serve entirely different purposes.


Up & Down is AMAZING and it could smash everywhere if it was released by an American artist

Their fans sound so SHOOK during those guerrilla performances. They are coming to clock AOAnus out of the game.
You and Taeyang fit very well together since ‘Tomorrow’. Mithra, what do you think of Taeyang?
Mithra said:
I of course recognize his musicality, and outside of music, he is always prepared. His energy is good. He brings up people around him when he is featured.

Tablo said:
Prior to his abilities, Taeyang the person himself suits well with music. For 11 years of my musical career, I’ve met a lot of musicians, and it was my first time to see a person that feels creation as 100% happiness. I reflected on myself when I worked on ‘Tomorrow’ with him. The sighs I breathed out when I was making music, and the frustration when there was an error and the record was lost, those past moments came cross my mind. We’re people whose dreams came true, yet we don’t appreciate or live every moment of our lives happily. I pitied myself for thinking of work as an appointed task.

Taeyang truly loves music. It took him 4 years to produce his last album. It only has 9 tracks, but there are around 14-15 songs that I worked with him. When you include all other producers, it sums up to 60 tracks, and there are around 30 mixed tracks as well. You could release a triple CD with that number. He’s a Korean Tupac. (All Laughs) Even in a situation where his album was delayed and couldn’t be put into completion very well, he never lost his smile. I like that energy. Thanks to Taeyang, we’re now like that too. We learned how to appreciate and enjoy the times even when things didn’t go well as hoped.
How we ended with only 9 songs though :(


I'm enjoying Apink's LUV more than I expected to. Pretty catchy.

Those outfits at the end of the video (The off pink and black pants) are pretty terrible though.
I'm enjoying Apink's LUV more than I expected to. Pretty catchy.

Those outfits at the end of the video (The off pink and black pants) are pretty terrible though.

Agreed on both counts.

I expected it to be your standard A-Pinkeu fare of cutesy things and an earwormy song without depth but instead it's a song of semi-mature things and an earwormy song that has some depth in it. Basically, they exceeded their expectations... 10/10 would listen again.

That said, looking at the big picture, this release has nothing on what's gotten out this year. Tons of great hits in the last 6 months this is only a blip in the whole picture.


Kpop Star continues to be quality in Season 4. Some really great contestants in the first round of auditions. And it might not be a popular opinion here but Yoo Hee Yeol/Antenna is a much better fit for the program than BoA/SM imo
no bias as a huge Yoo Hee Yeol fan.
So glad he gave Hong Chan Mi his wild card, she definitely seems like she has potential.


SM was not a good fit for the concept's end game since they obv had no contract to offer artists who wanted control over their own career, but ofc BoA was better and had great success with the people she worked with last time, as someone both believable in the producer role, vocal coaching, and as an active artist on the floor with pop stars every day.. and three middle aged guys on this panel is not a good look. Hee Yeol is a nice guy ofc and brings a different thing to the table from big idol label bosses so really he should've taken JYP or YG's spot.


SM was not a good fit for the concept's end game since they obv had no contract to offer artists who wanted control over their own career, but ofc BoA was better and had great success with the people she worked with last time, as someone both believable in the producer role, vocal coaching, and as an active artist on the floor with pop stars every day.. and three middle aged guys on this panel is not a good look. Hee Yeol is a nice guy ofc and brings a different thing to the table from big idol label bosses so really he should've taken JYP or YG's spot.
It's hard to say he should have taken JYP or YG's spot when SM didn't really want to continue with the program anyway and JYP and YG have taken on so many contestants from the show and debuted them to pretty great success. Antenna has taken on a few contestants as well from last season alone.

Anyway, Lee Jin Ah.


So good.


2BiC new mini album "Genuine" will be out in two days, the 26th of November.

2BiC are nominated for Best Vocal Kpop Performance of 2014 at the EatYourKimchi awards. You can vote
for them
here: http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/eatyourkimchi-awards-android/

Hong Jin Young will be the guest at the 2BiC second concert called "Genuine Concert", this Sunday, the 30th of November.

Kpop Star continues to be quality in Season 4. Some really great contestants in the first round of auditions. And it might not be a popular opinion here but Yoo Hee Yeol/Antenna is a much better fit for the program than BoA/SM imo
no bias as a huge Yoo Hee Yeol fan.
So glad he gave Hong Chan Mi his wild card, she definitely seems like she has potential.
Is it possible for Europeans to legally see the full episodes somewhere?
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