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Kelly (Homeland Security Secretary): Marijuana 'not a factor' in drug war

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Kelly was discussing his work to stop the flow of drugs into the United States from Central America and Mexico when 'Meet The Press' host Chuck Todd asked if legalizing marijuana would help or hurt his work.

"Yeah, marijuana is not a factor in the drug war," Kelly responded, adding later: "It's three things. Methamphetamine. Almost all produced in Mexico. Heroin. Virtually all produced in Mexico. And cocaine that comes up from further south." Kelly said those three drugs, plus opiates, were responsible for the deaths of 52,000 people in the United States and cost the country $250 billion in 2015.

Kelly said the solution was to lower demand in the United States.

"The solution is not arresting a lot of users," he said.


I'd be somewhat optimistic if Jeff Sessions didn't say like the exact opposite thing
Sounds reasonable, but Sessions is on the record as saying we need to crack down on Marijuana (even medical). This administration is all over the place ideologically.


Wow. That's an encouraging sign, but unfortunately with Sessions still in a position of influence, I doubt much will change for the better.
How do you lower demand except by providing a substitute yourself? I doubt DHS is gonna come in and force everyone to take d1/d2 blockers or to get the striatal equivalent of a lobotomy.


Sounds reasonable, but Sessions is on the record as saying we need to crack down on Marijuana (even medical). This administration is all over the place ideologically.

Yeah, and there was that time that Spicer said something like "with the opioid epidemic going on I don't think it's appropriate that we let people have marijuana."


Usually addiction recovery has around a 40-60% relapse rate with heroin recovery having up to 80% relapse rate.
Hopefully if he is serious he will push for more funding for recovery efforts.
I do believe drying up the supply of something like heroin will help a lot.


Lower demand? Good luck. Also, Regarding opiate addiction, I'd like to know the breakdown of heroin/bathtub fentanyl vs pharmaceuticals.
Based only on death rates?

I know more people that live with paranoid schizophrenia caused from Marijuana that has ruined their lives than those killed by hard drugs.

What a ridiculous statement.

And you know it was mj that caused it, how exactly?

General Practitioners and those at the local mental health clinic, off the top of my head i have/had 4 friends (including my brother) who were/are heavy mj users and were told when "signed" into a mental health clinic that the main factor for their paranoia was mj.

This rehabilitation alone costs millions.

Who am i to say theyre lying?
Based only on death rates?

I know more people that live with paranoid schizophrenia caused from Marijuana that has ruined their lives than those killed by hard drugs.

What a ridiculous statement.

It is true that marijuana is correlated with increased activation of schizophrenia in those biologically susceptible to the disease, but it is important to recognize that marijuana was likely not individually responsible in the cases of these individuals you know and that keeping the drug illegal does far more harm, in the aggregate, than the increased activation of schizophrenia amongst the biologically susceptible would if the drug were legal. This is especially true because the drug being illegal makes it significantly easier for younger people of the age that puts them at risk for schizophrenia activation to get access to the drug, whereas if it were legal and regulated, it would, like alcohol, at least somewhat limit the access of those under 21 to it.


It's insane that anyone can look at heroin and marijuana and think they are both big problems. Being anti-pot just comes off to me as a Puritan religious thing.


General Practitioners and those at the local mental health clinic, off the top of my head i have/had 4 friends (including my brother) who were/are heavy mj users and were told when "signed" into a mental health clinic that the main factor for their paranoia was mj.

This rehabilitation alone costs millions.

Who am i to say theyre lying?

People who end up with schizophrenia from heavy marijuana use are a tiny, tiny fraction of all users. Everyone who uses heroin fucks their life up.
People who end up with schizophrenia from heavy marijuana use are a tiny, tiny fraction of all users. Everyone who uses heroin fucks their life up.

This is not really true. Addicts are a much higher subset of opioid users than users of other drugs, but there do exist people who use these drugs recreationally without becoming addicted.


It's insane that anyone can look at heroin and marijuana and think they are both big problems. Being anti-pot just comes off to me as a Puritan religious thing.

All the while you can go buy some alcohol, get in your car and crash into people all you please.

Its mind boggling that the "war on drugs" is a thing.

Keep fuckin' that chicken.

Just decriminalize and legalize as needed. Rehab, detox programs as needed. Hell set up government centers where if you wanna get high, come get high in a safe room/environment, very controlled clinical.

All sorts of different approaches we could try and experiment with.

But naaaaaaaaaaaaaah "STOP DOING DRUGS!!!!!!"

Shake shit up, make drug dealers compete with Walmart. See how good they do.
People who end up with schizophrenia from heavy marijuana use are a tiny, tiny fraction of all users. Everyone who uses heroin fucks their life up.

Oh i agree, but to claim a non issue because of the cost to the tax payer is ridiculous.

"no-one dies from marijuana, lets legalize it" is very narrow minded.

Not sure i'd like to be the person pulling the trigger on its legalisation, because the eventuality of it blowing up in their faces is likely very high, no pun intended :p


Oh i agree, but to claim a non issue because of the cost to the tax payer is ridiculous.

"no-one dies from marijuana, lets legalize it" is very narrow minded.

Alcohol and tobacco are both legal and much more damaging. Why not (at least) legalise marijuana? You may know people that got schizophrenia from it, what about the lung and liver cancer and the million other diseases that they help contribute to?

Add a schizophrenia warning to the weed bag if they have to. The people are already smoking it.


I could see Sessions being marginalized over time. He was probably aligned with Bannon, if the later is pushed out Sessions will be as well.

edit: Cigarettes should be banned, marijuana cigarettes too. Other than that, the plant should not be illegal.


I dont smoke or drink. I would ban both in a heartbeat, causes nothing but death and destruction to families and individuals.

Im also great at parties :)

I bet you don't own a TV either :p

Don't you know computers give you backache and can help make you unhealthy through lack of exercise?


I could see Sessions being marginalized over time. He was probably aligned with Bannon, if the later is pushed out Sessions will be as well.

edit: Cigarettes should be banned, marijuana cigarettes too. Other than that, the plant should not be illegal.

I dont smoke or drink. I would ban both in a heartbeat, causes nothing but death and destruction to families and individuals.

Im also great at parties :)

Thank God you guys don't run things.
I dont smoke or drink. I would ban both in a heartbeat, causes nothing but death and destruction to families and individuals.

Im also great at parties :)

Well those two drugs are probably worse for humanity than opiates/etc. so you could make a decent case. But given how easy it is to grow/make these drugs, humans will always use/abuse them because it's how we are wired. We would have to change our most basic circuits to not be susceptible to these drugs. Until we can or want to do that, it's probably best to make it difficult and easy at the same time to get, a goldilocks kind of deal so there's little black market but there are regulations to limit the more destructive sides.


Why, they're all bad for you.

As is soda. Let's ban soda. And mcdonalds. Let's ban everything! Fuck choices.

You know we have regulations that forbid companies from using certain additives in food due to health concerns? People aren't whining that this means we have to ban everything as a result. We can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time; we can ban cigarettes from being sold and deal with other problems on their own merits.
Why, they're all bad for you.

As is soda. Let's ban soda. And mcdonalds. Let's ban everything! Fuck choices.

Fried food is bad for you as well, we should ban that form of cooking.

It's almost as if the concept of responsible moderation is completely lost on some people.
Moderation and self control are not concepts in the world of drugs and addictive substances. Don't expect humans to be anything but human and do things without being incentivized.


Well those two drugs are probably worse for humanity than opiates/etc. so you could make a decent case. But given how easy it is to grow/make these drugs, humans will always use/abuse them because it's how we are wired. We would have to change our most basic circuits to not be susceptible to these drugs. Until we can or want to do that, it's probably best to make it difficult and easy at the same time to get, a goldilocks kind of deal so there's little black market but there are regulations to limit the more destructive sides.

Who cares if some people will still grow the plants? The ban shouldn't be that people should go to jail for growing a plant, the ban should be that no company should be selling cigarettes. Add to this ban on smoking in any public place.

Doesn't matter that "people will grow their own!", this isn't a crusade, it's about dropping the number of smokers to negligible numbers so that it no longer remains a social problem.

Fried food is bad for you as well, we should ban that form of cooking.

It's almost as if the concept of responsible moderation is completely lost on some people.

Tell that to cigarettes addicts with lung cancer while tobacco CEOs are making millions as a result, and the cost is shifted to the rest of society.

We ban various substances from being added to food, but then allow corporations to sell cigarettes. A completely ridiculous contradiction that has no benefit whatsoever.
Tell that to cigarettes addicts with lung cancer while tobacco CEOs are making millions as a result, and the cost is shifted to the rest of society.

We ban various substances from being added to food, but then allow corporations to sell cigarettes. A completely ridiculous contradiction that has no benefit whatsoever.

The incentivization of addiction is absolutely where a line should be drawn and the government should step in. And there are a lot more industries that engage in that form of exploitation - gambling and some ftp videogames for example.

Moderation and self control are not concepts in the world of drugs and addictive substances. Don't expect humans to be anything but human and do things without being incentivized.

Some substances are that addictive and in many cases the addition of social environmental stimuli make it a foregone conclusion. That isn't the case for all substances with addictive qualities however. And just as above the point at which addiction sets in depends a lot on how powerful the substance is and the social environment in which it is administered.

An introvert drinking a few beers to feel more at ease in a group social situation isn't a cause for concern. That same person in a depressed state of mind using hard liquor to self-medicate is definitely a cause for concern however.
Based only on death rates?

I know more people that live with paranoid schizophrenia caused from Marijuana that has ruined their lives than those killed by hard drugs.

What a ridiculous statement.
anecdotal evidence > empirical evidence.

If that's the case shouldn't CO and the west coast be full of people with schizophrenia by now?


Based only on death rates?

I know more people that live with paranoid schizophrenia caused from Marijuana that has ruined their lives than those killed by hard drugs.

What a ridiculous statement.

Lol, no you don't. It doesn't cause schizophrenia. As someone with that heavily affecting my family line, I can safely say you're full of shit on this.
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