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Killer7's 10th Anniversary (June 9th, 2005) - Don't Make Me Say It Again...


He's a cleaner.


Welcome to the Smith Syndicate.



Killer7 is available on the PS2 and the Gamecube, though Suda51 himself considers the Gamecube version the only true way to experience Killer7, so do consider that.

The game was designed with the Gamecube controller in mind, and also has better visuals and less loading times. Beyond that, if the PS2 is your only means, it's still perfectly doable.


Killer7 was the first Grasshopper Manufacture title to receive complete global release, and is considered the finale of Suda51's 'Kill The Past' saga which began with The Silver Case and continued with Flower, Sun, and Rain.

Take on the role of the world's seven deadliest killers, and step into the mind of an assassin.

Here's some of the main players.

Harman Smith

Garcian. How long has it been.

Garcian Smith

To me it's merely cold, rotting flesh.

Dan Smith

The feeling, it's coming back to me. The joy of killing. Calling me to the ultimate ring!

Kaede Smith

I've changed my makeup. Did you notice?

Con Smith


Coyote Smith

You're fucked.

Mask de Smith

Children are pure. They know who's strongest.

Kevin Smith



In the name of Harman...

Travis Bell

I'll be waiting for you with a grin as wide as the truth.

Kun Lan

The world never changes. All it does is turn.


The master will see you now.

Susie Sumner

Well, hello. (´-`) Looks like it's cloudy today. Which is really too bad. (·_·̖)

Andrei Ulmeyda

The risks involved are at another realm! I mean, it's flirting with fucking death itself.


(This section may be updated periodically throughout my replay.)

  • Shinji Mikami wasn't just partially responsible for Killer7's creation, he was integral.

Suda 51 said:
Killer7 was a game that I designed and checked practically by myself. I originally wasn't going to do it alone, but Mikami wouldn't hear of it. That was ultra-Spartan, but I absolutely had to do it all myself.

I really liked the scenario, but I had to ask someone else to substitute for some of the work. When Mikami read it, he asked,"This isn't your scenario, is it?" When I said, "Ah,I left this to some other staff because of the workload," He replied, "No, it's no good. Please write it all." Then, I supposed, if he really liked it that much, I need to meet his expectations, and wrote every last word and phrase. I don't think I could make a game like that again.

At that point, Mikami entrusted the making of the entire game to me. I think I was probably protected by him(even from Capcom) when the release date was pushed back. He provided an environment that let me create everything I wanted to create. That kind of development is really rare. I haven't had an experience like that since, a project like Killer7 that I practically made with my own hands.

Truly, I feel like Mikami really protected me all the way.

  • As one of many subtle throwbacks, Edo McAlister from Flower, Sun, and Rain makes a cameo at the Union Hotel.

  • Kevin Smith was not originally a silent character. He even had some voice recording done before he was turned into a mute.

  • The man who appears at the end of No More Heroes' bad ending, and prior to the true ending, is widely believed to BE Garcian Smith... since he has the exact same voice and build.


"You gotta be shitting me", indeed.

Suda51 recently commented on this theory in an interview. He says while it's fun to think about them fighting, he doesn't want Garcian to be dead.

In other words, draw your own conclusions. (-_-)

  • There was a comic called 'Devil's Due' created to promote the game.

  • Benjamin Keane can teach you how to hit on women with 100% accuracy.

  • You can press A while running with B to do a flip-around animation, unique to each character. Con and Kevin in particular are lightning quick.

  • Press X when a Heaven Smile is a split-second away from blowing up in your face to counter attack(stat allowing).








From the original soundtrack by the inimitable Masafumi Takada:

Rave On

Russian Roulette

White Sugar


Now, let's head back into the ring, little one.


It's past your bedtime.


This game was a revelation when I played it in 2005.
Too bad the only Grasshopper game I feel lived up to K7 was the first No More Heroes.
Graphic design and soundtrack are both stunning.


Seriously, if this game was cheaper on gamecube, I would play this in a heartbeat.
Waiting for the day someone lists it dirt cheap on BST or at some mom and pop store.

But yeah, 10 years? o_O


This game was a revelation when I played it in 2005.
Too bad the only Grasshopper game I feel lived up to K7 was the first No More Heroes.
Graphic design and soundtrack are both stunning.
To be fair, the first No More Heroes was the last game that Suda directed himself.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Does this run well in Dolphin? Might run through this again. Such an amazing experience. There has never been another game like it.


Loved this game, I even remember playing the little flash game they had on the official site before the game was released. Definitely gonna need to replay this in HD once I clear up some of my backlog. I wish they had the character designer make an alternate costume for King in Tekken 7. Mask De Smith was my favorite.
Dat bullet headbutt
Amazing game. Played it on my Wii in 2008/9. Loved it, both No More Heroes and Flower, Sun and Rain.

From the original soundtrack by the inimitable Masafumi Takada

This is so true. After Silent Hill composer Akira Yamaoka joined Grasshopper Manufacture with Shadows of the Damned Grasshopper games clearly lost part of its soul.

Still considering the great ending to No More Heroes 2, and the best ending theme I have ever heard in any form of media (in addition to a magnificent song there is amazing bonus significance) Takada went out on Suda 51 games on top.
"You're Fucked!"

The delivery on that line is so satisfying. I really need to finish this game some day. I'm going to need to start over though, my save file was deleted.


Never played this, but I always wanted to give it a try. If there was ever a re-release, I'd be interested in checking this out.


Definitely my favourite thing Suda or Grasshopper in general has done. Nothing's been able to replicate its uniquely surreal presentation, atmosphere or narrative; going through it with only the vaguest idea of what to expect was a great experience. I really have to play the rest of the Kill the Past games - their unfortunate translation situation does make things a little difficult, though.

I'd love to see it remastered, even if only as a digital release - its visuals would scale up really well with minimal retouching, and Capcom hasn't exactly been reticent about remasters in general. Though the animated cutscenes might give them trouble if the low-resolution files in the retail game are the only available versions...

But yeah, 10 years? o_O

Give or take a few days.


I remember reading some polarizing reviews about this game when it came out. Some time after that I came across it for super cheap at a K-Mart, like less than $20 if I recall correctly. Curiosity fueled my interest and the low price point sealed the deal.

I've kept an eye out for Suda51 ever since. Love this game.


Don't think i'll ever play a cooler game in my life than Killer 7. Game was brimming with so much originality and style.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
A port of this on the Wii is actually one of gaming's biggest missed opportunities. The controls are dire on the GCN but would have been wonderful with IR.


I'm glad I was able to play this game last year. Hunting out these unique game experiences is what keeps me interested in the medium. You can definitely feel suda's reverence for takashi miike in a lot of his work.
Still one of my cult classic games.
I want an HD version so bad...one that doesn't eff' up the graphics of course.

Looking at the title I first thought they'd announced a 10-year anniversary edition >_<
But I remembered seeing tweets for that anniversary.
I loved everything about this game... Except the things I hate, which sadly is basically the gameplay. It is a shame that the fantastic presentation is all this game has to offer, it was a pretty boring experience.

My younger brother asked me once if the game was good, I replied I didn't like it and he in turn replied: "I thought you loved the thing, you're always playing it".


Neo Member
HB Killer7.

i remember drawing art till a few years ago, i'm still impress by that game.

Need at least a PSN downloadable version.
Ten years! I was in the middle of my master's when this game came out!

Wonderful experience. Few will try and make a game with such cryptic nature in today's "I deserve what I pay for and then more" prevalent mindset.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
What a cult. It blew me away back in 2005 and I still remember how amazed I was with the 3 different renditions of cel-shading that this, TLoZ:TWW and Viewtiful Joe were bringing to the table and yet the general internet populace vocally complained that it looked bad and cheap (just like they did with TWW, less so with VJ and, later, Okami) tho I admit I didn't know who Suda was at the time and I was instead lured in by Mikami's name plastered all over the pr for the game promoting it as a collab between the two and by that Capcom's 5 presentation. My favorite Grasshopper's game for sure, tho I also loved NMH and Contact.

Very definition of a game that oozes style and in fact the main complaints were always directed at the simplistic gameplay and how it was all style over substance: I didn't had the mean to care about that even tho I could obviously understand such criticisms; K7's audiovisual experience and trippy story were just too gripping for 28yo me and broke new ground at the time, especially for a worldwide production by a one of the most important dev house and publisher in the business.

I'm happy the game never got a direct sequel, it didn't need one.


Masterful game.

My original PS2 disc got scratched and I could never get past the russian roulette cut-scene since it kept freezing :(


This was easily my favorite Gamecube and SUDA 51 game, it was just so out there. I'll never forget the first time you open a cupboard and find the decapitated kids head who gives you the different rings. The laugh of the Heaven Smiles might still be the creepiest sound effect ever in a game.
I'd love an HD remaster, but only to upgrade the graphics, not to mess with the gameplay.


It's in the top rankings for me. I don't think I'll ever play another game with so much unique style and personality as Killer7, let alone from Suda himself.
Incredible game. Definitely one of the most impactful experiences for the generation it was released in. To this day, I think about the game a lot and listen to its soundtrack frequently. Killer is Dead is the closest we'll get for a successor, and rightly so, as it concludes the whole Kill The Past theme. Still... it doesn't come close to Killer7's uniqueness.


Wasn't there a minor controversy about the scene where Samantha sits in Harman's lap and moans and acts like they're fucking?


I've got my favourite tracks on my vita so I enjoy Killer7's soundtrack on a regular basis. 10 years? Yikes. I guess its time to break out the gamecube ;)

Slightly OT but a art of Grasshopper book is coming and available for preorder from amazon here


Wasn't there a minor controversy about the scene where Samantha sits in Harman's lap and moans and acts like they're fucking?

Two, actually!

1) The audio in that scene was muted in the PS2 version.
2) That scene prompted Jack Thompson, famous for not actually playing the games he was warring against, to call for its rating to be changed to an AO because IGN's review erroneously stated that it had "full-blown sex scenes" in it.
What a game. Only No More Heroes after it has measured up to it, but they're still very different beasts.

Ten years...spent quite a few nights in my dorm getting drunk with my roommate and having no idea what was going on with this game, lol.

Seriously, if this game was cheaper on gamecube, I would play this in a heartbeat.
Waiting for the day someone lists it dirt cheap on BST or at some mom and pop store.

But yeah, 10 years? o_O

Do you live in the US? If you haven't played it before and are really interested, I'll just mail you my copy to play. Been thinking about sharing some of my stuff here. Don't have much time to play games recently and they just sit on my shelf.
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