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Killer7's 10th Anniversary (June 9th, 2005) - Don't Make Me Say It Again...


She's wearing a skirt. You were safer being ignorant. Samantha was assaulting him.

I wouldn't say I was ignorant of it, I just didn't remember the whole thing. Hell I'm impressed I remembered Samantha's name.

Two, actually!

1) The audio in that scene was muted in the PS2 version.
2) That scene prompted Jack Thompson, famous for not actually playing the games he was warring against, to call for its rating to be changed to an AO because IGN's review erroneously stated that it had "full-blown sex scenes" in it.

I had no idea the PS2 version was censored. Did they cut anything else?


Two, actually!

1) The audio in that scene was muted in the PS2 version.
2) That scene prompted Jack Thompson, famous for not actually playing the games he was warring against, to call for its rating to be changed to an AO because IGN's review erroneously stated that it had "full-blown sex scenes" in it.

The legitimate controversy would come from a man throwing a daughter's severed head into his father's lap, you would think.


I had no idea the PS2 version was censored. Did they cut anything else?

AFAIK, that was the only thing that was cut as far as censoring is concerned. Even if it was intact, I wouldn't recommend the PS2 version, as the loading is comically awful. It was a game that was clearly designed around the Gamecube through and through.

The legitimate controversy would come from a man throwing a daughter's severed head into his father's lap, you would think.

Man, FUCK Curtis. I don't think there's much of an argument about him not being worthy of being on the top 10 most despicable villains in gaming history.


AFAIK, that was the only thing that was cut as far as censoring is concerned. Even if it was intact, I wouldn't recommend the PS2 version, as the loading is comically awful. It was a game that was clearly designed around the Gamecube through and through.

Ah, I'd never actually track it down, I still own my GC copy.
Game was quite a kick in the mind back when I played it for the first time, and has touched me like very few games have, the subjects it touched and the unique subtlety in which they were presented was bloody perfection.

Sad that it was a one time hit for Suda, doubt they will ever make anything as good as this.


Genuinely my favorite game of all time. Wish Grasshopper would get out of their grindhouse funk.

Still considering the great ending to No More Heroes 2, and the best ending theme I have ever heard in any form of media (in addition to a magnificent song there is amazing bonus significance) Takada went out on Suda 51 games on top.
Wait, are you talking about NMH2's ending themes? Both were composed by Masatomo Komakine, while THE RIOT actually played them, with two guest vocals for the first theme. The only Takada track in the entire game is his Outer Rim remix, and that was previously made for the Dark Side album.

I'm glad I was able to play this game last year. Hunting out these unique game experiences is what keeps me interested in the medium. You can definitely feel suda's reverence for takashi miike in a lot of his work.
You mean like when they literally put Miike in NMH2? :p


We'll never get the version of the game it deserves: A Wii U remaster with pointer control and Gamepad touch screen support. Does Dolphin run this game well?


∀ Narayan;167275510 said:
Makes his downfall so much sweeter. The build-up to this duel and the final execution is just too good. Certainly one of the best scenes in the game, if not the best.

It's remarkable just how much this game stays with you. I don't think I've played it since 2005, and I could probably do a playthrough in my head. There are just so many indelible moments in the game.

If I had to pick a section to single out as my favorite, I'd say it's finally meeting Andrei Ulmeyda, hearing his story and finding out why he wanted the Killer7 to seek him out. To see him so pitiable was such a 180 from how he was introduced earlier on, and then what he fears most happens to him, leading to one of the most unique and terrifying settings for a boss fight that I can think of and being accompanied by this show-stopping theme.


Does this run well in Dolphin? Might run through this again. Such an amazing experience. There has never been another game like it.

It didn't before but I think they fixed the graphical issues with this game a while ago haven't tried it yet I should get to that lol


Suda masterpiece thanks to Mikami. One of the best soundtracks of all time.

Too bad everything went to shit after NMH1 for grasshopper

Happy 10 years, in the name of harman...
I remember playing this when i was like 14 or 15 and not being able to truly comprehend it all yet loving it anyway.
Then playing it a few years later and realizing some plot stuff I couldnt fathom as a kid.

But man this games style has never been matched for me.
And the boss encounters were insanity.
Dan vs Curtis was just fucking awesome.
Random robotic schoolgirl in parking lot? Ok.
weird power ranger-esque team throwdown in an MC escher designed town? Got it.

And Dat ending!

P.S Dan is best smith

Just checked a few sites
Sheesh new copies going for 90ish $.
that feeling when a thread makes you want to revisit an old game thats way overpriced today
Absolutely adore this game. The presentation is really unlike anything else and incredibly well done, and I actually enjoyed the gameplay as well. I really ought to give this another spin sooner or later. It definitely made one of the strongest and most lasting impressions of any game I've ever played.
This game meant so much to me back in the day. Few games have fascinated me so much, few villains have enthralled as much as Kun Lan, few stories have gotten me so intrigued, confused, and delighted.

That whole game was a thing of abstract beauty. That Capcom doesn't seem to even consider a rerelease frustrates me no end.

And "Rave On" is still one of the best game tunes ever.
Great game that I enjoyed a whole lot. A true masterpiece that will only be known by a happy few. Thank you Suda51 for this gem and No More Heroes.


This game meant so much to me back in the day. Few games have fascinated me so much, few villains have enthralled as much as Kun Lan, few stories have gotten me so intrigued, confused, and delighted.

That whole game was a thing of abstract beauty. That Capcom doesn't seem to even consider a rerelease frustrates me no end.

And "Rave On" is still one of the best game tunes ever.

I'd highly enjoy a Jimquisition on the game, if you felt so inclined.


Still the most bizarre game I've ever touched, both incredibly stylish and subtly horrifying. There's 'shocking' moments in media that stick in my mind long term. K7 alone shocked me to legit jaw drop 3 times, just laying down things I would never guess to see in a game, or at least not as effectively. NMH had some of its magic, certainly in how stylish it was, but it's nowhere near as unique or complete as this.
This game was a revelation when I played it in 2005.
Too bad the only Grasshopper game I feel lived up to K7 was the first No More Heroes.
Graphic design and soundtrack are both stunning.

It's too bad... That was the last Suda directed game we got :(. I love what they've done since, NMH2-KID, but they're missing something that Suda's own games have.


I shot people I like more for less.
Nice thread. Game is a masterpiece, and absolutely unforgettable. Still remember playing through with a group of friends, ending blew them all away. Started playing through with another friend last year, but we both have been too busy to finish unfortunately. I'll have to get on his case about that. Russian Roulette scene is still one of my favorite game cutscenes ever. It's just so nuts.

Oh yeah, still have that weird preorder survival kit thing that they handed out lol. Still don't know what that had to do with anything.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Wait, what? I'd like more details on this.

My Wii still works. :D Hi Killer8 title screen!

Yeah, Italian national tv's "niche-focused" channel Rai3 aired at night (well, two nights) all the cutscenes from the game in two 10 minutes segments inside the broadcasted program Fuori Orario: at the time, two guys by the names Federico Ercole and Donatello Fumarola curated the Orient section of arthouse cinema movies for such tv program... I guess those guys must have been some kind of vgs nuts, since among others they also aired the MGS digital novels and it was really cool seeing something like that broadcasted on national tv even
(ok, past 1:00AM but still)


Just remembered. One of the best things about the end of my first play through was talking all day about what the hell happened in the game with a friend who also just beat it. That translated plot guide from Japan was very helpful in understanding what was going on.

And this was always my favorite track. One of the weirdest boss fights with an awesome song behind it lol.


My podcast literally recorded an episode all about Killer 7 today, without realizing this. I mean, we knew it was 10 years old, but, wow.

One of my all time favorites.
I gotta read the Hand In Killer 7 translation. That fills in a lot of the missing story, right? I seem to remember that the game is only about a 1/4 of the story that Suda wanted to put in. With that in mind, I think the famous gamefaqs interpretation is a little overreaching in that critical theory essay sort of way, but it's still filled with all kinds of interesting details + history.


I gotta read the Hand In Killer 7 translation. That fills in a lot of the missing story, right? I seem to remember that the game is only about a 1/4 of the story that Suda wanted to put in. With that in mind, I think the famous gamefaqs interpretation is a little overreaching in that critical theory essay sort of way, but it's still filled with all kinds of interesting details + history.

I bought a copy on general principle, but sadly it's almost ALL text, and light on visuals. Glad I own it, but still.


I bought Killer 7 shortly after it came out, based on the reviews, but I could never really get into it back in the day. I guess it was just too odd/I was too young. I also remember the Jack Thompson controversy; I'm so glad that guy's disappeared.

This thread has inspired me, I know what I'm doing this weekend:



This was the first game to tell me video games just need to go nuts. Just make geometry out of gradients, talk to a teenage murder head, and fuck making sense.
I didn't particularly like the game that much but I found the overall aesthetic and atmosphere to be stellar. Never played more than 1/3 of it so maybe I didn't get to when things start getting good, but whatever. One thing I remember vividly was the horrible screams in that first room you start out in. I would turn that shit up and would feel really creeped out.

Might play again on my Wii.


I had this game for a long time but never touched it until a few years ago. In a way I'm kinda glad I did because I doubt I could have truly appreciated it in my younger years.

One of the things I love about the game is that it's crazy, but never felt like crazy for crazy's sake.


Who killed Dan? The game mentions
both Curtis and Garcian killing him

Curtis killed him first
, in 1975 - at least according to hand in Killer7, which is internally inconsistent on a few other things and has a few discrepancies with the final game. The date when
Emir kills him and the rest of Harman's personae
isn't given, but it's definitely after
Dan had been resurrected/absorbed once
Still the best game Suda has ever made and it hurts me to know he'll likely never make anything like it again. The whole "Punk's Not Dead" motto of GH Studio has largely gone away and now that GungHo owns them I don't see Suda getting back the creative freedom he once had.
This game blew me away. Crazy dialogue, cast and story that I still don't really get. Rave On is my jam i still have it on my playlist - up, down, up, down those stairs hehe. Man I would love an HD remaster of this, would be there day 1.
One of the things I love about the game is that it's crazy, but never felt like crazy for crazy's sake.

Oh, absolutely. There's a definite method to all the madness involved, and even some stuff that isn't said in Hand in Killer 7. For instance, when I saw hows to the whys of everyone's abilities, it was a mind-blower. Don't think we'll see something like this for another 10 years, at least.


...at least according to hand in Killer7, which is internally inconsistent on a few other things and has a few discrepancies with the final game.
Makes sense given the one occasion where Harman's personae were independent
The Handsome Men

Wish Suda would stop doing punk and go back to noir.
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