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FFObsessed said:
Yeah, I should have gotten the top 3% one that week and got nothing. Someone said they only counted the points that people got on the Sunday and that's why. There was a guy in 7th place on the leaderboard who got nothing that week. Sucks to be him I guess :lol
Ah ok, i had no idea, thanks for the info! :) Hehe ye, that had to suck for that guy who was in 7th place on the leaderboard :( I got the lowest ranking, the grey ribbon/badge, that is withing the top 10% right?


test_account said:
Ah ok, i had no idea, thanks for the info! :) Hehe ye, that had to suck for that guy who was in 7th place on the leaderboard :( I got the lowest ranking, the grey ribbon/badge, that is withing the top 10% right?

Yeah, I think they're top 10%, 6%, 3% and 1%.


FFObsessed said:
Yeah, I think they're top 10%, 6%, 3% and 1%.
Ok, thanks for the info! :) It is a pity to hear that you missed out on getting the honor badges this week and last week by the way :( I hope this problem is just temporary this week, so that you will get the honor badge :)
So GAF I have a question, or two.

Once I have achieved the requirements to gain a ribbon during a match, can I switch to another class and try to obtain ribbons for that one as well without losing the ones prior?

And where is the best spot to place a turrent so I can rack up some kills so I can start getting the ribbon for that?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Man, ribbons are all messed up for me at the moment. I'm not sure what I need to work on because it doesn't always tell me that I got the ribbon at the end of the mission.

Also the stats page seems to be lagging behind. I unlocked the revolver badge but my stats page says I only have 6/8 ribbons.

In other news... I'm ~50 points away from general. Yay!


Oo StinkFist oO said:
So GAF I have a question, or two.

Once I have achieved the requirements to gain a ribbon during a match, can I switch to another class and try to obtain ribbons for that one as well without losing the ones prior?

And where is the best spot to place a turrent so I can rack up some kills so I can start getting the ribbon for that?
Ye, i am pretty sure that you can get several of ribbons from different classes in one round.

I am not sure about the turrents. I sometimes to try to cluster up as many turrents as possible in a room or in a hallway, so several of turrents will fire at the enemy at the same time. But this strategy might not always work that good :\

EDIT: Or.. when i think of it, maybe i havnt gotten 2 ribbons from different classes. The most ribbons that i have got in 1 round is 4 i think, but these ribbons might to have been from different classes. These ribbons might have been like 10 headshots, 10% kills in the Bodycount mode etc.

Ploid 3.0

I have only been able to get one class based ribbon at a time. I'm not speaking of the ribbons that have to do with head shots, sniper scope shots, or such, but the badge based category.


Baron Aloha said:
Man, ribbons are all messed up for me at the moment. I'm not sure what I need to work on because it doesn't always tell me that I got the ribbon at the end of the mission.

Also the stats page seems to be lagging behind. I unlocked the revolver badge but my stats page says I only have 6/8 ribbons.

In other news... I'm ~50 points away from general. Yay!
Ye, the stat page lags abit to update the ribbons, i have noticed that too. But luckily it is possible to use the ribbons/skills anyway :)

WinFonda said:
Are the network errors over?
The -998 error seems to be gone at least, and i am playing Killzone 2 online right now :)

Ploid 3.0 said:
I have only been able to get one class based ribbon at a time. I'm not speaking of the ribbons that have to do with head shots, sniper scope shots, or such, but the badge based category.
Ye, this might be the ribbons that i have got as well. When i think about it, then i might not have gotten 2 ribbons from different classes in one round, so i dont know if it possible to do this or not, sorry :\


Ploid 3.0 said:
Any tips for air support kills? They seem to have a mind of their own, and aren't fast acting enough to kill anything. I want to assign a better sub badge to tactician but I have to figure out this air support to get the combine ability. It seems like there are levels to their aggressiveness. I figure the closer the enemy got to the beacon the more likely the air support will shoot at them. The thing with air support is that it has to do a fancy line up before it shoots it seem.

Fly >adjust > rattatta > rattatta > target moved > fly > fly > adjust (blam air suport is blown up).

I seen one chase some poor guy down, it was right after I used the scan on scout. It made me think the bots were made aware of the guy's presence. It couldn't have been the case though. I used it over and over to watch them chase people. Didn't happen again.
The ribbon requirement for turrets and air turrets seems too high. Either that, or the turrets are not strong enough - I'll be lucky to get one kill with the air support turret. I was thinking of starting a private room with friends to get the ribbons, but not sure if that's possible.


Fuck yeah! Got my red! Top 1% this week! Oh Gold Trophy, you are mine when I turn the triple back on! I actually have a shot at platinum-ing this game!

Boss Man

Yep, ribbons are up now.

I got top 3%, not bad having just spent one day playing until my eyes bled and barely touching it the rest of the week.


DMeisterJ said:
Fuck yeah! Got my red! Top 1% this week! Oh Gold Trophy, you are mine when I turn the triple back on! I actually have a shot at platinum-ing this game!
Yes, now it works! :D Thanks for mentioning this! :) And congratulations on getting the red honor badge! :) I got the purple honor badge myself.

StateofMind said:
Yep, ribbons are up now.

I got top 3%, not bad having just spent one day playing until my eyes bled and barely touching it the rest of the week.
Congratulation on getting that ribbon! :) That is the same ribbon that i got :) I think that i played Killzone 2 online every day the last week though :)

EDIT: I added some text.


After a week and more play time, KZ2 earned my score. My initial impression was very poor and single player mode was extremely derivative, but later part gets more intense and actually fun. Placibo or me getting used to their control, I'm getting better with the control, although it's no COD4. The satisfaction of hitting a target is a top notch.


careful said:
The ribbon requirement for turrets and air turrets seems too high. Either that, or the turrets are not strong enough - I'll be lucky to get one kill with the air support turret. I was thinking of starting a private room with friends to get the ribbons, but not sure if that's possible.

Yes for the air support and turret ribbon, make a private room with friends.


By the way, the weekly honor rank trophies seems to stack. Last week i got the trophy for reaching honor rank #1, and this week i reached honor rank #3, but i still got the the trophy for reaching honor rank #2 :)

Maybe this is already know though, but i think i saw some questions about it in this thread about a week ago or so, so i thought i would mention it just in case it wasnt known :)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Justin Dailey said:
So what's this mean? Get in the top 10% 4 weeks in a row and you get all four trophies?

no. One trophy per ribbon. If you get into the top 1%, you get all 4.
Cool! I was in the top 6% for this week. So how do I go about getting weekly honor ribbons 3 and 4?

And Beamber, next time can you allow spectators in your games? If the game is full, I like just watching the match and knowing when a spot opens up.
Baron Aloha said:
Wait, you can lose them?
At the end of the week you lose it. You keep the trophy though.

Does anyone know exactly how many people have logged onto Killzone online? I want to see if I even have a chance of getting in the top 10%.


Top 1% for the week, got nothing yet again. What a joke. There's like a few guys in random places on the list that got them and no one else :lol

Guerrilla, you can't even get something that simple right? After it messed up last week too? o_O I'm going to sleep.


Blu_LED said:
At the end of the week you lose it. You keep the trophy though.

Does anyone know exactly how many people have logged onto Killzone online? I want to see if I even have a chance of getting in the top 10%.
The All Time part in the ranking boards shows 54099 pages right now, and there are 10 people on each page i think, which means that 540,990 PSN usernames have logged onto Killzone online :)

One person can own several of PSN usernames though, so it is not sure that all of these 540,990 PSN usernames are unique users, but if i should guess, then i would guess that most of them are unique users :)


Got the 1% ribbon... 18 hours played for the week at 96 kills/hour

I'll never play it that much again, but it's back to SOCOM for me. I think my first few games without all the classes were my favorite, and then once you hit max rank it got pretty boring fast with nothing to look forward to.
After playing the game more, I'm starting to get a little more used to the controls now so I'm starting to dig it. It still doesn't feel quite right, but it's just one of those games that you'd deal with something like that because it's just that good... I think bumping the sensitivity up 1 notch helped.

Does anyone get the feeling that the reason why there's a slight delay in the controls is because of the graphics? Like there had to be some kind of sacrifice on the gameplay side of things in order to keep it looking pretty. I'm not an expert at these things, but to me it's similar to playing a game on PC using higher than recommended settings.


FFObsessed said:
Top 1% for the week, got nothing yet again. What a joke. There's like a few guys in random places on the list that got them and no one else :lol

Guerrilla, you can't even get something that simple right? After it messed up last week too? o_O I'm going to sleep.

Amen... :<


careful said:
I love this game, but without a party system and broken team balancing, it's still somewhat frustrating to play with friends.

Agreed. I played a TON of online this weekend, and loved every minute of it; but it sure is unnecessarily difficult to join games with your friends. R2 had a great party system--I hope Guerilla copies it.


{Mike} said:
wow, ok, i won't retype it so I'll just share my feelings here as posted on ps3 official forums ; (edit : it is completely HORRIBLE, I fucking hate the developers now for delivering an unstable product)
So when a person like me has played over 12 hours on MP and has only gotten 2 connection errors the game is suddenly great in your eyes?

Check your interwebs dude. Your NAT specifically. If its at 3 then you need to google how to fix it.


oldschlgmr said:
After playing the game more, I'm starting to get a little more used to the controls now so I'm starting to dig it. It still doesn't feel quite right, but it's just one of those games that you'd deal with something like that because it's just that good... I think bumping the sensitivity up 1 notch helped.

Does anyone get the feeling that the reason why there's a slight delay in the controls is because of the graphics? Like there had to be some kind of sacrifice on the gameplay side of things in order to keep it looking pretty. I'm not an expert at these things, but to me it's similar to playing a game on PC using higher than recommended settings.

It's an intentional thing. If the graphics were to heavy for the system frame-rate would be the first thing to go. But it constant 30 frames in SP and it only dips in MP with insane amounts of action.

EDIT: Any GAF games up?


Fun games tonight but heres a swell idea:

Hows about you guys put on auto balancing so Full recovery's team doesnt get stacked with 13 people again. Thatd be SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET. 13 against 7? 12 against 9? And on SMALL maps no less where numbers are crucial.

And I kept staying on the non-stacked teams because I didnt wanna be one of THOSE people switching over. Dont be ridiculous people.


Is this right?
I got purple on the scoreboard, but in game next to my team status it shows my score with a black badge instead.

Purple is the 2nd highest weekly rank yeah?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
dazed808 said:
I'm having a really odd stats glitch. Since Thurs when I unlocked Sab. i've been doing much better then previously in each match and getting more kills than deaths in all but 5 or 6 games but for some reason my deaths total always stays 230 ahead of my kills:(
Thought this may of just been me thinking I had got better and not remembering the shit games I had but the last 2 nights I've been keeping a mental note of roughly how far ahead my kills have been yet the total stays at 230 difference!
Anyways gonna post a question over on killzone.com if I can get the bloody thing to load - or should I pm someone direct there rather than get lost in the sea of posts??

Edit: Ok just searched over there and I'm not the only one, seems a few others are having similar probs

Funny you should mention this. I was thinking the exact same thing was happening to me today as well.


{Mike} said:
It's not I don't like it.

• Mediocre campaign.

• I can't even get past the logging screen.

• We're all waiting for the servers to go up so we can actually enjoy our investment.

• As I don't think Killzone 2 is extremely good like many of you do
:lol Just sell the game dude. If I were having this many issues with a game it would no longer be in my house. Simple as that. Dont be a sheep that feels they need to keep a game just because. Get rid of it.


Greg said:
Got the 1% ribbon... 18 hours played for the week at 96 kills/hour

I'll never play it that much again, but it's back to SOCOM for me. I think my first few games without all the classes were my favorite, and then once you hit max rank it got pretty boring fast with nothing to look forward to.
What missions did you play specifically (all missions)? Does it rely most on kills, and do deaths factor in at all?

What I mean is, can you just play Blood Gracht on body count with a bunch of other people using rocket launchers, dying almost as often as you kill, and still get high in the rankings based on body count? Because I find that kind of fun anyway. I'm not exactly the best at scoring points in missions, though I do contribute in other ways.

I've tried to figure out how it works, but nobody has satisfactorily answered. Since a bunch of people have it now, maybe someone can tell me. :)
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