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wow people are now actually comparing TF2 to KZ2 for class balance...

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF....some of you guys are definately smoking something totally wrong.

I'm glad I got my 1% before MP turns even worse...

Doc Evils

Katana_Strikes said:
Oh boy!

I'm at 13/14 for melee killing each Helghast type and I don't know which one I'm missing. I believe it may be the Commando, LMG Trooper or Advanced Shock Trooper. But don't know what levels they are on. I think it may be Commando but I can't remember seeing him.

Any ideas on where to find those guys?

did you get the flamethrower with cloth face on the cruiser?

PjotrStroganov said:
Another case of autoaim?


Something GG really needs to fix.

hmm that is new.


Junior Butler
Quick question, is it possible to spectate clan games like you can with regular matches? I didn't know passwords were setup or if this was possible at all.


BruceLeeRoy said:
:lol Just what I thought. Who the fu@#$ is going to actually play like that?

The people that watch that video and think to themselves,

"ZOMG my skillz be leet wit teh haxorz!"

aka. idiots...

Ploid 3.0

oneHeero said:
Nothing, some people feel they are unbalanced either due to not being able to counter them or due to getting scraped by them to often. I know I get upset fast and start making stupid assumptions when I get smacked up by the same job over and over.

Shit, last nighto n Pyrrus, I started as scout and got a couple kills but than our team was being slaughtered and I notice that they were all being sniped. The game turned into a sniper war and people were scared to complete objectives(both sides).

No one on my team used engineer/tact. I stepped up and used them and started planting engineers to get closer to their base. Switched to tact and drop some spawn nades. We ended up over taking them. We lost 3-4 but the game got way more competitive since it started 0-3(them up). I ended like 37-11 and their top player was like 29-5(obviously scout).

I was frustrated, but if my team cant adjust, than I will and I did and we came close to winning. If I had 2 more people who were good, we would have probably won.

Boost isn't instant reuse, and the rockets are very limited in ammo. After that the assault is just hp with a pistol. I don't know much about that second pistol, but if it really is that powerful assault shouldn't be able to use it. It would probably need tweaking though. When it does use the speed it's harder to stop it. The speed don't last long but it's enough to create distance. The speeding is best for open areas, when you use it in tight spots you'll get caught up or run the wrong way possibly. I read that they can just run past C4, maybe that shouldn't be the case. GG have the ability to fix things based on what the community do with the game. TF2 on PS3 would never get patched although some will say, "It's perfect. This is Valve, they are gods" I'm sure.
F#A#Oo said:
wow people are now actually comparing TF2 to KZ2 for class balance...

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF....some of you guys are definately smoking something totally wrong.

I'm glad I got my 1% before MP turns even worse...

Seeing how attentive GG is about this game and how quickly they deal with issues. I can only see the MP getting better as time goes on. Time will tell, but I'm confident that we'll see GG continually improving the experience.
I found out that pressing the fire button only softly with the M80 missile launcher(the ISA version) doesn't fire the weapon but creates an extra reticule in the scope. I suspect this has something to do with some sort of guided rocket mode but I can't figure out how it works. Can someone enlighten me?
.GqueB. said:
Who in gods name would ever play like that? Im not giving myself a seizure just so I can get a kill.

Exactly and all the kills look like it would have been easier to just shoot them normally as he had the posistion on them already.


F#A#Oo said:
wow people are now actually comparing TF2 to KZ2 for class balance...

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF....some of you guys are definately smoking something totally wrong.

I'm glad I got my 1% before MP turns even worse...

No, it's not as balanced as TF2 (not many studios playtest their games THAT much), but it's nowhere near as bad as the moaners on here are letting on. To hear them, you'd think we should just have medic and soldier and that's it.


I would really like to join a clan. I'm a decent player, a KD ratio of 1.07, and I like playing medic. Does GAF have a clan?

Tom Penny

.GqueB. said:
Yea they are. But Im gonna have to be that douchebag using assault soon. I wanna put the secondary boost skill on my medic. Im gonna feel so bad.

How can you get boost to use for other classes such as medic. Do you need to aquire the secondary badge for that class? I have 2 for assault but none of my others have more than one option.
lawblob said:

Plus, after having so many moments where Rico does stupid shit, you just don't care about him by the end. I remember having him call for help at one point, when I ran over to him he was looking out a window while a spider was biting him in the back over and over as he did nothing. WTF? :lol

Ha! One time Rico got stuck up underneath a staircase and all he had to do was squat and walk to get from underneath it. Instead he is in the upright position and he kept running around underneath the staircase and was getting nowhere. I had to shoot him until he layed down and finally rolled from up under the stair case, then revive him.
PjotrStroganov said:
Another case of autoaim?


Something GG really needs to fix.
Fuck yeah, found me style! I'm trying that right now!!!

krypt0nian said:
So are the GAF games going to keep turning off specific classes and FF?

yes, don't bother. Play clan matches or tournaments, but you might as well avoid all the GAF created games. It's not as fun to play when people are afraid to die :/


Man, fun times with Cagen, Bugnology and Negaiido :lol

Me: Watch out, C4 on the wall. SHOOT
Cagen: Doesn't work!
Me: I know, it sucks. Any spare grenade?
Cagen: No :/
Cagen: Oh, well, let's go. *BOOM*

BobTheFork said:
Fuck yeah, found me style! I'm trying that right now!!!

yes, don't bother. Play clan matches or tournaments, but you might as well avoid all the GAF created games. It's not as fun to play when people are afraid to die :/
my god.. i would get a headache looking like that


if someone else doesn't do it, i'll create a non-scrubby GAF game later tonight that doesn't ban any class or weapon.

edit: FF will be on, too. but if someone else wants to make it before i manage to, go ahead. i'm just sick of GAF games being scrubby
dfyb said:
if someone else doesn't do it, i'll create a non-scrubby GAF game later tonight that doesn't ban any class or weapon.

Your a king dfyb.

Raist said:
Man, fun times with Cagen, Bugnology and Negaiido :lol

Me: Watch out, C4 on the wall. SHOOT
Cagen: Doesn't work!
Me: I know, it sucks. Any spare grenade?
Cagen: No :/
Cagen: Oh, well, let's go. *BOOM*


:lol Man I would have given anything to witness that.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I will play on any server that allows all the classes and turns FF on. This is the way GG intends for the game to be played. Any future rebalancing patches to address issues should derive themselves from experiences had with these settings. If we give them a bunch of feedback with classes disabled and with FF off, then we have essentially already given up on trying to come up with a working solution and we are wanting Mom and Dad GG to fix it for us.


Does anyone else have a problem with not being able to change the headset volume? I can't adjust it with and without my headset connected.


PjotrStroganov said:
I found out that pressing the fire button only softly with the M80 missile launcher(the ISA version) doesn't fire the weapon but creates an extra reticule in the scope. I suspect this has something to do with some sort of guided rocket mode but I can't figure out how it works. Can someone enlighten me?

Lock-on to sentry bots.

(and NO, it's not an exploit ;) )


Raist said:
Man, fun times with Cagen, Bugnology and Negaiido :lol

Me: Watch out, C4 on the wall. SHOOT
Cagen: Doesn't work!
Me: I know, it sucks. Any spare grenade?
Cagen: No :/
Cagen: Oh, well, let's go. *BOOM*

Thank you for joining! gg


BruceLeeRoy said:
:lol Man I would have given anything to witness that.

Yeah this game on visari's hammer was epic.

It really sucks that you can't shoot C4 when you spot it. Well grenades work, that's always something.


F#A#Oo said:
wow people are now actually comparing TF2 to KZ2 for class balance...

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF....some of you guys are definately smoking something totally wrong.

I'm glad I got my 1% before MP turns even worse...
:lol you think TF2 never had class balance complaints? or class balance tweaks?


PjotrStroganov said:
Another case of autoaim?


Something GG really needs to fix.
None of the kills he got were all that impressive. He could have gotten all of those by just aiming properly.

"Check out this kill!"
*walks up behind a guy*
"Auto-Aim, bitches!"

andycapps said:
No, it's not as balanced as TF2 (not many studios playtest their games THAT much), but it's nowhere near as bad as the moaners on here are letting on. To hear them, you'd think we should just have medic and soldier and that's it.
*rolleyes* Yeah, that's what they want even though some of us listed a bunch of things they could do to make each class more unique and balance the gameplay at the same time.

Can anyone tell me: what's the advantage of rifleman with an assault rifle over medic with an assault rifle? There is none. What about rifleman with a shotty over engy with a shotty? You will never see rifleman played at the higher levels unless some dude is dicking around with the LMG. Why would you have a class that's basically useless?

Ploid 3.0

dfyb said:
if someone else doesn't do it, i'll create a non-scrubby GAF game later tonight that doesn't ban any class or weapon.

edit: FF will be on, too. but if someone else wants to make it before i manage to, go ahead. i'm just sick of GAF games being scrubby

Dude I'll so be there. Can't wait to try a game that allow assault, and assault sub badge. Will be pretty interesting!

Heck I never even thought of assault with other sub badges. Assault / engineer seems to be a good one for restocking ammo on your own. With ff on you'd have to use the rockets/grenades carefully.


dfyb said:
if someone else doesn't do it, i'll create a non-scrubby GAF game later tonight that doesn't ban any class or weapon.

I'd be down for that, not sure what time I'll be online, but so long as someone from GAF East is in it, if I'm online I'll join from the clan list.

Ploid 3.0

Rorschach said:
Isn't it supposed to be the weapons expert? The only one that can use all weapons.

Yep, but I don't think it can use all of them, just the ones you unlocked on your own. The ones that didn't come included with a class (like sniper rifle)


Rorschach said:
*rolleyes* Yeah, that's what they want even though some of us listed a bunch of things they could do to make each class more unique and balance the gameplay at the same time.

I'm just stating that it's not as horrible as some people on here are making it out to be. FF fixes a lot of issues with Assault, for one thing. And I believe the game is made to be played with FF and all classes enabled. Obviously you can mess around with that if you want, but it changes the feel of the game completely. The Assault class is neutered with FF on as they're unable to just launch their missiles into a mass of people with their team around unless they want everyone vote kicking them.

I'd like to see some changes too, I'd really like to see the engineer class un-neutered some. The sentries just don't seem that worthwhile or dangerous. Engineer or saboteur will probably be my main class if they ungimp the sentries.

I honestly just haven't seen much need for huge changes yet, if a sniper gets me from across the map it doesn't bother me as that's what they're for. I'm able to just avoid the open areas and attempt to sneak up on them if they're dumb enough to stay in the same spot for that long. I'd like there to be more of a notification to your team when a med pack is laying on the ground. As is, it's really hard to see. So yeah, there are things to tune up, but as it is, I still have a blast with it and I don't think it's horribly unbalanced.



I was on
Salumun District
, and I think that this game needs to have less warzone like encounters fighting tons and tons of enemies. I beat it, but was thoroughly annoyed at that part.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I'm just having fun being a medic and keeping my dying teammates away from the light. DON'T GO TOWARDS THE LIGHT!!

However, I would like to suggest a ribbon that says, "I got killed by a douchebag saboteur 10 times in a single match and all I got was this lousy ribbon!"
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