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For the dutch speaking people, I found a Pauw & Witteman episode from febuari where they had the leader of Guerilla Games on.
http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=8981102 (starts at the 15min mark)
direct download link: mms://bongo06.omroep.nl/ug-ondemand/wm70c2/ceres/vara/rest/2009/VARA_101191151/bb.20090223.asf (for flashget/got or any other download manager)

Weird though, I haven't seen anything about Killzone 2 on De Wereld Draait Door or did they do something on it?
Tieno said:
For the dutch speaking people, I found a Pauw & Witteman episode from febuari where they had the leader of Guerilla Games on.
direct download link: mms://bongo06.omroep.nl/ug-ondemand/wm70c2/ceres/vara/rest/2009/VARA_101191151/bb.20090223.asf (for flashget/got or any other download manager)

Weird though, I haven't seen anything about Killzone 2 on De Wereld Draait Door or did they do something on it?

As far as I know they've only been on Pauw & Witteman and TMF.


Liabe Brave said:
All this talk about how Assault or even Scout are unbalanced is goofy. Last night I played mostly as a medic and I killed several Assaults in direct one-on-one encounters. Sure, you have to have room to move--indoors is no place to confront explosives--and I died plenty too, but that's no reason to cry foul. With a few focused people in concert, you can hold off several Assaults at once.

And Scouts are even easier. I took my share of headshots, of course, but think carefully, move cautiously, and you can sneak up on and eliminate sniper nests, even against multiple snipers sometimes. Or you can just countersnipe from all the way across Pyrrhus Rise with an M82. I don't think they were expecting that. :D

The only real problem with Assault is that they're far, far too useful in Search and Retrieve. The other situation where they're bad is an objective spawn in S&D or C&H, but that *can* be counteracted. Just take out the spawn grenade before it pops. You may get killed while shooting up the ground, but take one for the team.
This should not happen.


No one used that additional fire mode on the ATAC boss because it's a damn pushover, that's why. The other ones, too.
neat, though. :p

*checks times* 19s for the Heavy, 37s for the ATAC and 7s for that Arc Trooper on my Elite run. The respective first attempts to boot.

And Stench, I feel your pain, that last encounter is definitely missing a checkpoint. There's been plenty of advice in this thread though, search for my posts (and more importantly, those I answer to), there's some good advice there iirc.


Will Eat Your Children
Tieno said:
For the dutch speaking people, I found a Pauw & Witteman episode from febuari where they had the leader of Guerilla Games on.
http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=8981102 (starts at the 15min mark)
direct download link: mms://bongo06.omroep.nl/ug-ondemand/wm70c2/ceres/vara/rest/2009/VARA_101191151/bb.20090223.asf (for flashget/got or any other download manager)

Weird though, I haven't seen anything about Killzone 2 on De Wereld Draait Door or did they do something on it?
Lame joke at the beginngin:lol Pauw is totally clueless about the sixaxis

Good interview, Hulst seems to be about his business. He defended gaming too. Bald dude at the end was a douche though.
I'm loving KZ2, but man I was getting some lag yesterday in the Gaf Games.

I had someone running straight at me down a narrow hallway in Radec Academy and I was aiming down the sights perfectly at the guy. He sprinted the whole way down until I had no bullets left and then melee'd me. I don't know who would actually try to do such a manuever (especially when there's no assault), but it worked.

And when I finally got to Salamun market, it got to the point where dead people weren't lying on the ground, they were standing, and people were dying 5 seconds later. Or people were warping around a bit. Maybe my interwebs was just acting up.. For the most part this has been a really smooth game.

Oh well.. won't stop me from playing tonight. :D


Junior Butler
_tetsuo_ said:
Actual complaint

I've seen issues like what you're reporting but none that have ever lasted for more than a match. In most cases I've seen, by the time the WZ match is over, the teams were different and the whole strategy had changed. In the absolute worst case that I've seen, the teams were horribly uneven and I quit out and found another match.

The spawn grenade is a difficult issue to pin down but it seems to me that it's the behavior of your teammates and not the game that is the problem. Turrets can be placed in main spawns too, as well as people themselves. You can bet the same person who will camp a main spawn shares the same mentality with the person who'd think up something like throwing a spawn grenade in the same location.

If you're playing on a server where both teams are taking the game seriously, it shouldn't be a problem.
Flunkie said:
This should not happen.
All the weapons have a much larger range than most games. This is why the shotgun can kill you from 15m away. The M82 is the second most accurate longarm in the game; you don't get the benefit of scoping so it's not a high-reward shot, but crouched, reflexed single fire should be accurate even at very long range.

And to be precise, it wasn't from base-to-base across the whole map. It was from the shantytown by HG base to the leading edge of the objective buildings in front of the ISA base. Say about 250m.

_tetsuo_ said:
Other team would constantly drop spawn nades at just the right places...
Destroy them before they go off.


So are you guys submitting grief reports? I am submitting them like crazy. Not sure if they do anything, but I just can't stand all the obnoxious idiots who yell profanities after every match. -_-
lawblob said:
So are you guys submitting grief reports? I am submitting them like crazy. Not sure if they do anything, but I just can't stand all the obnoxious idiots who yell profanities after every match. -_-

I'm not really experiencing anything like that. I had one guy make some moaning noises.. But nothing really along the lines of profanity or excessive profanity.


lawblob said:
So are you guys submitting grief reports? I am submitting them like crazy. Not sure if they do anything, but I just can't stand all the obnoxious idiots who yell profanities after every match. -_-

Ohh now I know who reported me


I have a really cool room up that's a 20 man game with FF on and no class or weapon restrictions trying to get it up with a friend of mine; room's called "V/ARZONE" join away!


lawblob said:
Unless you were the guy calling everyone blankety-blank morons after each match and yelling incoherently at all other times, then no.

Nah just playing. Man I hope we can have clan games. I want to play other people in our clan to see how good they are. GAF3 is pretty big now so I think we can get a good 8on8 game.

EDIT: I do yell at people who just stand in doorways for no reason so annoying. This one guy killed 4 people with a grenade like that. I was so damn mad I just quit :lol


Tonight's server:
Autobalancing: OFF
No classes disabled
No weapons disabled
22 players

Server Name: Beamber GAF
game time: 8:00-8:05 pm est.


dwin45 said:
Please disable FF. I had -24 points in a game yesterday :lol
Maybe you should be more careful. :D

Friendly Fire will reduce the imbalance that exists with Assault class. Dudes will be more reluctant to fire rocket launchers blind if they know it will cost them dozens of points ....


JB1981 said:
Maybe you should be more careful. :D

Friendly Fire will reduce the imbalance that exists with Assault class. Dudes will be more reluctant to fire rocket launchers blind if they know it will cost them dozens of points ....
ahh, didn't notice that all classes will be allowed.
According to my stats I have played a day and a half worth of mp and I have never once experienced any lag.
Rocking a 10mb connection but still I would expect to see other people sporting some lag symptoms.


dfyb said:
lag makes the whole game feel off

Good sir I'm tired of your complaining I challenge you to a duel *smacks you with a glove* On a serious note I agree.

Anyone who is in GAF3 this is a heads up I'm setting up a practice game for later tonight so we could you know practice :lol The game name will be GAF3 PERFECTION! If anyone in GAF3 didn't know we have our own thread so go check it out here is the link.



BruceLeeRoy said:
According to my stats I have played a day and a half worth of mp and I have never once experienced any lag.
Rocking a 10mb connection but still I would expect to see other people sporting some lag symptoms.

This game seems to handle lag differently then other games. You never really see people skipping around or delay in shooting animations and whatnot. But you do get the occasional delayed kill. I believe that is why there are a lot of instances were two people shooting at each other both die.


I am on a 20MB Down / 5MB up connection and I see the occasional lag, usually when shooting someone and they die a second later. Overall its one of the more stable shooters I have played on consoles, especially at launch. I have seen much worst lag in COD4 and GOW2.
grendelrt said:
I am on a 20MB Down / 5MB up connection and I see the occasional lag, usually when shooting someone and they die a second later. Overall its one of the more stable shooters I have played on consoles, especially at launch. I have seen much worst lag in COD4 and GOW2.

How much you pay for that connection? I'm thinking of upgrading.
I was again reading the feature that Killzone.com had about the formation of Alpha Team, and man...originally, I'd wanted a full-on remake of KZ1, but now I think I'd rather see DLC of the Helghast Vekta invasion from Sev's perspective. Everything from him dropping out of the military and re-upping for the invasion, to losing his family and finding a friend in Garza.

THAT is what I want, damnit.


AranhaHunter said:
How much you pay for that connection? I'm thinking of upgrading.

Actually I just upgraded to it from 15/2 on Fios. I called them to send back a dvr box since I got tivo, and they had a special running, 20/5 internet with the Max HD TV package (which includes all there HD channels that arent premium) for 79.99 =)
grendelrt said:
I am on a 20MB Down / 5MB up connection and I see the occasional lag, usually when shooting someone and they die a second later. Overall its one of the more stable shooters I have played on consoles, especially at launch. I have seen much worst lag in COD4 and GOW2.

Man the lag in GOW2 is terrible!
Unless your host that is then its shotty for the win!:D
.......sigh I know I'm going to get laughed for this...I'm stuck at turning that stupid wheel in the first mission. I'm not sure if my Dual Shock 3 isn't working or I'm just not doing the motions right :D
grendelrt said:
Actually I just upgraded to it from 15/2 on Fios. I called them to send back a dvr box since I got tivo, and they had a special running, 20/5 internet with the Max HD TV package (which includes all there HD channels that arent premium) for 79.99 =)

That's pretty good, unfortunately I don't have FIOS in my area yet :/

Urban Scholar said:
.......sigh I know I'm going to get laughed for this...I'm stuck at turning that stupid wheel in the first mission. I'm not sure if my Dual Shock 3 isn't working or I'm just not doing the motions right :D

This actually happened to me too, more than once actually, turn off your controller and then turn it back on and it should work....do you sometimes lose signal on your controller when playing? I think the blue tooth signal on my PS3 is fucked up somehow.


Woot woot, just finished Elite mode! Man, that game is a beast on that mode! Oddly enough, I had an easier time on Radec than I did on the section before that and on the Train level when you have to take down the tank.

Just need to get the rest of the intel and symbols, then the badge medals and the mission medals and I've got the sucker platinumed yay!


BruceLeeRoy said:
Man the lag in GOW2 is terrible!
Unless your host that is then its shotty for the win!:D

Yeah, its a little unfair to compare since its not dedicated, but that was their choice, they shouldnt let high profile games like that be non dedicated. Shotty when you are host is unstoppable in GOW1, chainsaw was retarded in 2, I stopped playing after a month which is about 3 months sooner than I stopped on GOW1. Couldnt believe the same damn bugs were in 2 that they fixed in 1.....
Ok, GG you need to fix up the server search function.

1. If the world is full then remove the server from my list.
2. Let me filter search for games that specifically have FF on/off
3. Let me filter search by game type. I know that the icons are there, but I want a cleaner list.
4. Let me filter search by servers with team balance on/off. This is perhaps most important - I am tired of getting into games that end up being horribly unbalanced just because losers feel that points are more important than balanced play experiences.


Urban Scholar said:
.......sigh I know I'm going to get laughed for this...I'm stuck at turning that stupid wheel in the first mission. I'm not sure if my Dual Shock 3 isn't working or I'm just not doing the motions right :D

Hold both shoulder buttons, rotate counter clockwise, then let go of shoulder buttons( this is what got me), rotate controller clockwise to move his hands back without holding shoulder buttons, then hold shoulder buttons and rotate counter clockwise, etc


Urban Scholar said:
.......sigh I know I'm going to get laughed for this...I'm stuck at turning that stupid wheel in the first mission. I'm not sure if my Dual Shock 3 isn't working or I'm just not doing the motions right :D


JB1981 said:
Tonight's server:
Autobalancing: OFF
No classes disabled
No weapons disabled
22 players

Server Name: Beamber GAF
game time: 8:00-8:05 pm est.

I'll play when I get back from teh gyme.
JB1981 said:
Tonight's server:
Autobalancing: OFF
No classes disabled
No weapons disabled
22 players

Server Name: Beamber GAF
game time: 8:00-8:05 pm est.

I love your servers (in fact, I almost exclusively play in them), but the refusal to turn on autobalancing baffles me. I understand that you guys like playing together, but with balancing on you still have a 50-50 shot of teaming up with at least one of your friends. Autobalancing prevents lopsided games, as well, something that tends to happen every few games.

Also, I find it more challenging/fun playing against friends instead of with them all the time. Knowing their strategies and tactics will make you guys worthy opponents.

But whatever, it's ultimately your decision.


Finally some sign of life. I'll try to show up just for people to shoot. My skill is laughable at this moment. Gimme some time.

EDIT: Will be on only briefly. Need to drive 60 miles elsewhere tonight.


lawblob said:
So are you guys submitting grief reports? I am submitting them like crazy. Not sure if they do anything, but I just can't stand all the obnoxious idiots who yell profanities after every match. -_-

Really? REALLY?

Don't be such a fucking bitch.


Jack Scofield said:
I love your servers (in fact, I almost exclusively play in them), but the refusal to turn on autobalancing baffles me. I understand that you guys like playing together, but with balancing on you still have a 50-50 shot of teaming up with at least one of your friends. Autobalancing prevents lopsided games, as well, something that tends to happen every few games.

Also, I find it more challenging/fun playing against friends instead of with them all the time. Knowing their strategies and tactics will make you guys worthy opponents.

But whatever, it's ultimately your decision.

The games last night did not have autobalancing on and ended up being very even. I think many (including myself) just choose to autobalance anyways. No wonder I always end up as a Helghast. :p
grendelrt said:
Yeah, its a little unfair to compare since its not dedicated, but that was their choice, they shouldnt let high profile games like that be non dedicated. Shotty when you are host is unstoppable in GOW1, chainsaw was retarded in 2, I stopped playing after a month which is about 3 months sooner than I stopped on GOW1. Couldnt believe the same damn bugs were in 2 that they fixed in 1.....

Yeah its just unacceptable. The lame part is completely broken as it was I still had a absolute blast with it for about a month but then I was just over it.

If Warhawk can have dedicated servers than fricken Gears of War 2 can.
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