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Jack Scofield said:
I love your servers (in fact, I almost exclusively play in them), but the refusal to turn on autobalancing baffles me. I understand that you guys like playing together, but with balancing on you still have a 50-50 shot of teaming up with at least one of your friends. Autobalancing prevents lopsided games, as well, something that tends to happen every few games.

Also, I find it more challenging/fun playing against friends instead of with them all the time. Knowing their strategies and tactics will make you guys worthy opponents.

But whatever, it's ultimately your decision.

I'll join try to join up nonetheless.


tactician FTW!

i have always been a Run & Gun type of guy and never really liked helping out random strangers with no communication, but damn do i love being a tactician i feel like im really making a difference with precise spawn points.

its awesome how GG pulled off the feeling of being able to play the game how you want to


belvedere said:
Having problems finding gaf games and none of my gaf buddies are online to jump in that way. : (
If you're in one of the gaf clans you can get a list of all clan members and jump in any of them that are online.

Otherwise it's still a pain in the ass to find search for a specific server.

If I had my PS3 with me at school I'd be playing right now and would friend you so you could join. Sigh, it's going to be a miserable couple of weeks... =(
Ok advise me.

On Elite,
balcony encounter with waves of enemies, I have only gotten through the knife guys like twice and die at the rocket dudes. I just can't do it! The knife guys are way to fast, I can take out one side but the other comes in and completely destroys me. I think if I can get through them the rocket launchers won't be too bad with a few tries but I almost never get that far...

Tried the same strategy I used on Veteran and it just isn't enough :(

I spent over an hour trying last night and at least 1 1/2hours this morning. Impossible!


JB1981 said:
the kittens is pumping teh irons? hurrr ...

mikeh: :lol
Don't ever try to play this game on Elite, man. EVER. One you start, you'll never want to give up.

This goes out to everyone else, too. No Gold Trophy is worth the agony of that last level.


belvedere said:
Having problems finding gaf games and none of my gaf buddies are online to jump in that way. : (

Drop me a FR (PSN: Raistlinn) I usually am in GAF games and I have a couple of folks from the other GAF clans in my buddy list


Stench said:
Don't ever try to play this game on Elite, man. EVER. One you start, you'll never want to give up.

This goes out to everyone else, too. No Gold Trophy is worth the agony of that last level.
Damnit! You're making me regret not giving it a shot over break. Can't wait to try it when I've got time.:D


MvmntInGrn said:
Ok advise me.

On Elite,
balcony encounter with waves of enemies, I have only gotten through the knife guys like twice and die at the rocket dudes. I just can't do it! The knife guys are way to fast, I can take out one side but the other comes in and completely destroys me. I think if I can get through them the rocket launchers won't be too bad with a few tries but I almost never get that far...

Tried the same strategy I used on Veteran and it just isn't enough :(

I spent over an hour trying last night and at least 1 1/2hours this morning. Impossible!
Here's what I just did half an hour ago:

When the pre-Rocket Launcher wave of enemies show up (Featuring the rolling motherfuckers), spam the entire area with your Grenade Launcher. Turn it into a fucking napalm bath. Don't try to aim, just point the gun and fire in their general direction beneath cover.

The idea is to take down as many of those shitheads as you can.

When the rolling motherfuckers try to flank you, knife their asses and continue to spam the lower level with grenades. Use every single piece of ammunition available.

Eventually, you'll get lucky. This is about 10% skill and 90% luck, btw.

Once the rocket launcher dudes show up, quickly grab a sniper rifle and plant your sorry ass in the spot Bruce mentioned in the OP. Crouch, and shoot whoever crosses your field of vision beneath the staircase (You'll know what I'm talking about once you're there). TAKE YOUR TIME. I spent almost 5 minutes at this part, because I was too scared to move. Once the lower-level enemies have been dealt with, slightly shift over to your right and pick off the rocket launchers.

You know what I was thinking about today? An online Horde type mode, similar to Gears 2 would be perfect for Killzone 2. Some sort of, "Say alive for as long as you can, while we send out tons of enemies". Obviously this would be better with real people.


Blu_LED said:
You know what I was thinking about today? An online Horde type mode, similar to Gears 2 would be perfect for Killzone 2. Some sort of, "Say alive for as long as you can, while we send out tons of enemies". Obviously this would be better with real people.
When bots come back online you would kinda be able to do that. Set body count and let the bullets fly. :D
Dibbz said:
When bots come back online you would kinda be able to do that. Set body count and let the bullets fly. :D
Yeah, but its not the same. I'd like a Co-op match type with set rules and stuff. I'm sure it couldn't be too hard to implement. Would be a lot of fun too.


Blu_LED said:
You know what I was thinking about today? An online Horde type mode, similar to Gears 2 would be perfect for Killzone 2. Some sort of, "Say alive for as long as you can, while we send out tons of enemies". Obviously this would be better with real people.
They saved that mode for the last level.


Did a little research, seems like I'm not the only one complaining about the ******* network. It always disconnects me since the patch.

its gg prob not the gamers ive too got many errors and my connection is realy good ive had no prob with mgo , cod 5 or re2 gg do your job fix the game please

Tell me about it. Then you post another topic about this and all the little kids say it's your internet connection. This game is going back tommorow. No answer yet and no fix and I'm not stopping by just taking the game back.

Lol I love how they all say its our internet connection. I've gone to extreme lengths to ensure thats not the case.

Guess what? It's not on our end. The problem lies with GG.

I could see it being our problem if a couple of kids where unable to connect because they do not know how to properly set up a router but its not the case.

This is a massive problem that nees to be OFFICIALLY addressed by GG. No, not "Tell me some stuff so maybe we'll fix it". Tell us "Why are we getting error 8013 and what are GG doing to rectify this situation?"

And there's many more on many forums. Fix this GG.


Unlimited Capacity
Hmm, I just played a match and went 50-13. I check my stats however, and it only counted 36 kills, not the entire 50. This has happened more than once Ive noticed. Anyone else getting this, or does anyone know why it does it?
poweld said:
First person to give me a high five gets my KZ2 Home Costume code from my Amazon preorder.

Your on the right BTW. We are at least 50 feet off the ground.


JB1981 said:
Tonight's server:
Autobalancing: OFF
No classes disabled
No weapons disabled
22 players

Server Name: Beamber GAF
game time: 8:00-8:05 pm est.

Okay. Where in the world is this room now ?


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
_tetsuo_ said:
Hmm, I just played a match and went 50-13. I check my stats however, and it only counted 36 kills, not the entire 50. This has happened more than once Ive noticed. Anyone else getting this, or does anyone know why it does it?

Interesting, I haven't really paid much attention to my stats. I'm too busy watching battle replays :D


Neo Member
Blu_LED said:
You know what I was thinking about today? An online Horde type mode, similar to Gears 2 would be perfect for Killzone 2. Some sort of, "Say alive for as long as you can, while we send out tons of enemies". Obviously this would be better with real people.

Good idea
8 players co-op + endless enemies ,cant wait!:D


Q-bert said:
Random game I was just in: all classes enabled, but all of Assault weapons disabled. LAME!
i had a load of fun on a server like that last night, my first game with 100 points! woo! but we lost so no bonus points for me. It made search and destroy alot of fun because i could switch from my usual medic to pistol wielding assault suicide runner. Just sprint out to the objective and either place or destroy while eating bullets. I have a terrible k/d ratio so i arent too concerned about making it worse.


Everyone, join NEOGAF FF ON right now. US servers. 16 player, FF on, all badges and classes. Password is the usual. Let's go!

BTW, this is for people like me that can't get in the beamber room as it's full.
Blu_LED said:
You know what I was thinking about today? An online Horde type mode, similar to Gears 2 would be perfect for Killzone 2. Some sort of, "Say alive for as long as you can, while we send out tons of enemies". Obviously this would be better with real people.

Liberation had challenge rooms similar to this (with some varying objectives in some) that were quite fun. I hope GG would consider it for DLC.
Dubbedinenglish said:
Liberation had challenge rooms similar to this (with some varying objectives in some) that were quite fun. I hope GG would consider it for DLC.
Holy shit I was also thinking about that when I was playing through Liberation before Killzone 2. Challenge rooms for Killzone 2 would be great.


Join NEOGAF FF ON, do it now! Normal password.

NM, everyone keeps leaving before enough people can join to make it a game so I'm going to try to find something else.


_tetsuo_ said:
Hmm, I just played a match and went 50-13. I check my stats however, and it only counted 36 kills, not the entire 50. This has happened more than once Ive noticed. Anyone else getting this, or does anyone know why it does it?

I noticed the same thing and have been thinking my stats were fucked. But after paying closer attention, I noticed that because I've got the Headshot ribbon I get an extra point on my kills total for every headshot .Seems an odd way to do it but they must of had a reason to I spose.
It does completely throw any chance of accurately tracking your K/D during the game unless you're mentally subtracting the 1 off for each headshot which is a pain if you're anal about ya K'D.
Beat it on Elite :D

Thanks for the strategy info Stench. Definitely helped with the second wave, also I usually go left first but started going right instead, helped as well.

Hands shaking. :lol

EDIT: The ending is really becoming one of my favorites.
EDIT2: Wow the credits beat a lot of movie credits, fantastic job.


Okay you bastards I need the pswds for FRIENDLY BEAMBER games. I am a damn clan member after all. All the games are pswd protected :-(. PM me the love fellas
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