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Valkyr Junkie said:
You gotta believe!!!!
Ok is that the pswd:lol . Or you just messing with ol Raven hmm ;-). Dont let have to get 'ol painless' on you lol

edit: 0_0 pwned myself. It worked lol

edit: okay Im a damn fool. I dont think thats the pswd:lol .


RavenFox said:
Okay you bastards I need the pswds for FRIENDLY BEAMBER games. I am a damn clan member after all. All the games are pswd protected :-(. PM me the love fellas
What is the official tagline of the Gaming Industry's Guiltiest Pleasure?


51-6 on tharis depot with turrets/c4 combo. i was controlling the top level of the center building the entire match. love this combo on small maps


Good games guys. That was my first time trying out the assualt class. I can totally see why you guys ban them from most of the games now. That first match I went 67 and 20-something and got 120 pts before the win bonus; it felt like cheating. I didn't find much success with the assault during the other matches. With FF on it's hard to use them on the smaller maps but it's a blast if you can find a shotgun and start boosting through people.

And that spawn grenade I threw right in front of the VIP in that narrow walkway was hilarious.

IMO assualt and tactician should be turned off. Keep FF on and it seems no one was switching teams so maybe we can continue to get by without autobalance on.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
EazyB said:
IMO assualt and tactician should be turned off. Keep FF on and it seems no one was switching teams so maybe we can continue to get by without autobalance on.

You crazy. Tactician/Assault is the only class combo I use.


Didn't put up too many points in tonight's games but I had a blast. I tell ya what, I zone out like no other game when I play this. I lose all track of time and I never think about how long I've been playing. I think it has something to do with the constantly evolving game types. I think Friendly Fire works pretty well overall. A lot of people are still putting up the same numbers they usually put up and search and destroy missions are becoming even harder to win (which i like). Our games all went right down to the wire tonight and what do you know, the teams stayed balanced without AUTO BALANCING on. Good games, guys. :D


So, I need some good players to kick my ass and whip me into shape. How does one find these GAF games? MY PSN name is "tcrop" if anyone wants to friend me.


TTP said:
You crazy. Tactician/Assault is the only class combo I use.
That's all I used tonight. They are awesome classes to play as. A little too awesome though and that's why, for the sake of the game's overall balance. I think they should be disabled.

Spawn grenades almost always cause clusterfucks and it's impossible to get rid of them. Make they destructable or make it so people aren't invincible if they spawn out of them. The extra health with the Assault is fine but the boost is so overpowered. On the first game I played with the assault I used a rocket to gun someone down from behind (didn't stand a chance) then three guys were pursuing me so I boosted through a doorway and whipped the pistol out. As soon as the three stepped through I gunned yeah on of them down and only one of those kills was a headshot. They tried shooting back but I just straffed super quickly and my health just simply continued to go up.

Did it feel awesome to pistol three guys down at once? Fuck yes.

Do I feel it's even remotely balanced to be able to do so? Not at all.

I think the game would play much better if the players on each side had to rely on squad leader spawns and default spawns.


I used Assault a lot tonight and I got beat down constantly. Maybe I just suck with the class but I didn't feel very overpowered at all.


The game is fun, but it needs tweaks in virtually every class to be great. I totally agree with the fixes for the Tactician and Engineer. Assault need changing to, I'm just not sure what it is yet. Maybe removing the extra health, or making even something like removing the sprint ability unless they're boosting might help.


JB1981 said:
I used Assault a lot tonight and I got beat down constantly. Maybe I just suck with the class but I didn't feel very overpowered at all.
Here's what I did. Spawn with rockets, if you see any other weapon pick it up immediately (SMG and shotguns work best) and just save your boost for a firefight. Start getting hit from behind? Boost, health regenerates almost instantly, start running circles around the other team blasting away. I think I only died 4 or 5 times when I had boost on and that's when I was in a narrow hallway or was already really hurt and someone shotguns me.

If the rest of you guys think it's balanced and want to keep it unlocked, be my guest. Just don't complain when I whore the boost every single match.

The assault class has virtually no weakness other than having to pick up a spare gun (which isn't hard at all).


EazyB said:
Here's what I did. Spawn with rockets, if you see any other weapon pick it up immediately (SMG and shotguns work best) and just save your boost for a firefight. Start getting hit from behind? Boost, health regenerates almost instantly, start running circles around the other team blasting away. I think I only died 4 or 5 times when I had boost on and that's when I was in a narrow hallway or was already really hurt and someone shotguns me.

If the rest of you guys think it's balanced and want to keep it unlocked, be my guest. Just don't complain when I whore the boost every single match.

Well, tonight was the FIRST night that we even allowed the class. I didn't find that it made much of a difference in tonight's game. The games were still hectic. People were still using a variety of different classes and it was just as hard to arm a bomb or assassinate a target. I was able to clear a room out with a well-placed spawn grenade and a well-placed rocket launcher blast but that was only one instance. I definitely think changes can be made for spawn nades and to assault class but I don't feel Assault cripples the experience in any way. Maybe that's just because I was having so much fun using the boost though lol
Dunno why I was singled out for some special ban treatment, but glad to be back :lol

Great job on the Official Thread Bruce, i'm sad I couldnt be here to bask in its awesomeness on day 1.

I dont find the classes to be a problem... Then again, I mostly put down my pet peeves to my inability to be great at the game, instead of some flaw in the game.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
EazyB said:
Do I feel it's even remotely balanced to be able to do so? Not at all.

I don't want the game to be balanced so that whichever class I choose I have the same chances to succeed not matter how I use it in the context of the objective at hand. I DO WANT unbalanced situations to occur. That's how I like to play this game: choose a class and play to its strengths.
iamcool388 said:
Then again, I mostly put down my pet peeves to my inability to be great at the game, instead of some flaw in the game.

But what about the Plot and Narrative?!

My copy of Killzone 1 came in today, don't remember anything about it.

Should be fun ; ;
Yeah, good games everyone. Friendly fire makes the game so much better. Sorry for that teamkill snipe, Raist. I was aiming at a newly spawned enemy, and I think my shot went completely through him and left him unscathed. Unfortunately, you took the brunt of the hit. ;)

I only used the Assault class once tonight (during Search and Retrieve on Helghast Industries). I don't have any major gripes with any of the classes, but I do admit that it did felt cheap boosting past an entire team to score the speaker.


Assault officially makes the game intolerable online. The rest of the classes are fine though but they decide to give one super speed, 2x health, a rocket and grenade launcher, increased armor, higher attack power. Downside...none.


EazyB said:
Here's what I did. Spawn with rockets, if you see any other weapon pick it up immediately (SMG and shotguns work best) and just save your boost for a firefight. Start getting hit from behind? Boost, health regenerates almost instantly, start running circles around the other team blasting away. I think I only died 4 or 5 times when I had boost on and that's when I was in a narrow hallway or was already really hurt and someone shotguns me.

If the rest of you guys think it's balanced and want to keep it unlocked, be my guest. Just don't complain when I whore the boost every single match.

The assault class has virtually no weakness other than having to pick up a spare gun (which isn't hard at all).
I always exhaust my rocket supply, turn on boost (if I still have it), grab another weapon or more rockets, and continue.

I feel like the Predator the entire damn time.


Jack Scofield said:
Yeah, good games everyone. Friendly fire makes the game so much better. Sorry for that teamkill snipe, Raist. I was aiming at a newly spawned enemy, and I think my shot went completely through him and left him unscathed. Unfortunately, you took the brunt of the hit. ;)

No prob, had my share of accidental team kills tonight :p

One that was afwully bad is on pyrrhus rise. Got killed while trapped in a small room by a turret and since I was shooting at it, apparently I was still shooting while dying and killed Live_Feed :lol
At first I was like wtf is this shit, he wasn't even in my line of fire, so I guess it's the only explaination.


jett said:




my bad on those team kills guys.. I blame it on the fact that at those specific times the whole opposing team would be playing Sab and my spot check habbit is kind of engrained now..

Specially on the Depot match.. i think i killed the same dude like 4 times... 2 shot guns to the back and like two snipes when he stepped in my way lol... So to who ever you are dude.. i couldn't talk cuz my mic wasn't working .. but I'm sorry :)

Raist said:
No prob, had my share of accidental team kills tonight :p

One that was afwully bad is on pyrrhus rise. Got killed while trapped in a small room by a turret and since I was shooting at it, apparently I was still shooting while dying and killed Live_Feed :lol
At first I was like wtf is this shit, he wasn't even in my line of fire, so I guess it's the only explaination.

Yeah i'm not sure what was going on with my team in that match.. i felt that we could have done better..... But the guys on the other team were just swarming constantly...
I got pissed at one moment and just switched to Assault.. and boosted grenaded 2 guys at the bomb planting area, grenaded another two guys off the balcony... grenaded another guy leaving his spawn.. pulled out the pistol... pistolwhipped a bitch before i got killed... VERY satisfying.. but ultimately usely in the big picture of the match
TheChillyAcademic said:
But what about the Plot and Narrative?!

Possibly the only thing I wish was better in the game. I was happy with the plot, but do think they could have presented it in a much more involving, exciting way. I would rather see a "solve the mystery" kind of narrative than the "do the objective" way they went with in Killzone 2... fortunately, I was very happy with everything else, and in the end that overshadowed any quibbles I might have had.

I still think the Killzone Universe backstory is one of the richest in games in terms of content which can be mined from it.


angry @ Blu-Ray's success
I feel that the game really has lived up to its hype, besides its minor jumps and skips. This game is time well-played. But, as I said, this game is far from perfect and with that I feel that this is one of the “must-play games of the year.” But, not because it’s so great; it’s because it does so many things right that it’s hard to go wrong. Also, the multi-player is a time eater. That is, if you have a high speed internet connection. Be advised that there’s no local multi-player! Keep that in mind, and you’ll find yourself playing for hours on end.

One more great review....You just have to love this game. A+



Blu_LED said:
You know what I was thinking about today? An online Horde type mode, similar to Gears 2 would be perfect for Killzone 2. Some sort of, "Say alive for as long as you can, while we send out tons of enemies". Obviously this would be better with real people.

A modified version of Killzone Liberations "Base Defence" would be fun.


Anybody else having problems with the game locking up their system when playing online? It's happened to me about 5 times now. I was playing my best game last night, scoring a lot of points, downing a lot of those filthy helghast :)lol ) and my faction was leading 4-1 so I was more than assured of the points bonus when with just a few seconds left the game locks up my PS3. I wanted to throw my controller through the TV.


angry @ Blu-Ray's success
mrwilt said:
Anybody else having problems with the game locking up their system when playing online? It's happened to me about 5 times now. I was playing my best game last night, scoring a lot of points, downing a lot of those filthy helghast :)lol ) and my faction was leading 4-1 so I was more than assured of the points bonus when with just a few seconds left the game locks up my PS3. I wanted to throw my controller through the TV.

Sometimes here but I Just restart the system.
Finally finished the SP Campaign tonight. Man the second half of the game is so much better than the firstl They really open up the areas more and it allows for much more dynamic sandbox skirmishes where the fabulous AI really shines.

Took some time getting used to the controls, but with time (and maybe that patch?) things started to finally click. Loved the gun feel, cover mechanics, enemy AI was outstanding, and there were some cool surprises in the game

I can't believe Templar died! And i now hate Rico. Earlier games he was annoying but the amusing grunt. This game he's gone too far. For the crap that got Garza killed to what he did at the end. His actions only cause more trouble.

Congrats GG on a great game, i can't wait for the sequel.

Haven't tried the multiplayer yet. How do i get into the GAF games? I can't figure out the server search. How do I search a server by name??
EazyB said:
Spawn grenades almost always cause clusterfucks and it's impossible to get rid of them. Make they destructable....
They are destructible. When you see one blinking on the ground, shoot it: it will pop out of location and start emitting gray smoke. That means it's been disabled. I'm not sure how long spawns are in this vulnerable state before they smoke, but it's plenty long enough.

If you let the other team put down a spawn in an important choke point without noticing and destroying it, that's your team's fault.
iamcool388 said:
Possibly the only thing I wish was better in the game. I was happy with the plot, but do think they could have presented it in a much more involving, exciting way. I would rather see a "solve the mystery" kind of narrative than the "do the objective" way they went with in Killzone 2... fortunately, I was very happy with everything else, and in the end that overshadowed any quibbles I might have had.

I still think the Killzone Universe backstory is one of the richest in games in terms of content which can be mined from it.

I've been singin' the praises up and down the halls here at GAF, Ive gone through the campaign at least 5 times already. I have a Killzone Plot and Narrative thread floatin around here, we have had some good talk ^^ Please dig it up and throw around some ideas if you want!


So, uh, anyone find their aim REALLY screwed up by playing a lot of SP? I took a break from MP to finish up the campaign and now I royally suck. Am I just making excuses? :lol
mrwilt said:
Anybody else having problems with the game locking up their system when playing online? It's happened to me about 5 times now. I was playing my best game last night, scoring a lot of points, downing a lot of those filthy helghast :)lol ) and my faction was leading 4-1 so I was more than assured of the points bonus when with just a few seconds left the game locks up my PS3. I wanted to throw my controller through the TV.

Happened to me tonight. Why couldn't the game freeze when I'm getting clobbered?


Orlics said:
So, uh, anyone find their aim REALLY screwed up by playing a lot of SP? I took a break from MP to finish up the campaign and now I royally suck. Am I just making excuses? :lol

The turning at least has been made faster in multiplayer - I went to play through some of the SP today after not touching it for a week and it was so sluggish, I couldn't hit anything to start with :lol.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Liabe Brave said:
They are destructible. When you see one blinking on the ground, shoot it: it will pop out of location and start emitting gray smoke. That means it's been disabled. I'm not sure how long spawns are in this vulnerable state before they smoke, but it's plenty long enough.

If you let the other team put down a spawn in an important choke point without noticing and destroying it, that's your team's fault.

You must be one hell of a player to be able to consistently shoot spawn grenades.
Cagen said:
The turning at least has been made faster in multiplayer - I went to play through some of the SP today after not touching it for a week and it was so sluggish, I couldn't hit anything to start with :lol.

My aiming gets screwed up after long bouts playing engineer.


commish said:
You must be one hell of a player to be able to consistently shoot spawn grenades.

Yeah. I've tried to disable it before it explodes. Nearly impossible in the mist of all those rockets and fire.


GGs tonight gaf, had a lot of fun. Finally heard Kittonwy's voice. I always expected some older guy(28+) who acts a part on gaf :\ He sounded like he was 18-21 and I didnt hear no "rawr"


GG Gaf...man I was wrong. The awesome, insane feeling of the beta is intact. :lol Hell it's even better. I love pretty much all the maps.

Also...I really need to stop rifle butting people while they are down, gets me killed a lot, but I can't help it :D :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Liabe Brave said:
They are destructible. When you see one blinking on the ground, shoot it: it will pop out of location and start emitting gray smoke. That means it's been disabled. I'm not sure how long spawns are in this vulnerable state before they smoke, but it's plenty long enough.

If you let the other team put down a spawn in an important choke point without noticing and destroying it, that's your team's fault.

wait. they blink?
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