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TTP said:
wait. they blink?

I don't get why some people still say that. I've never seen a spawn grenade blink. C4 blinks, drone beacon blinks, but spawn nade? wtf
And I've tried to shoot at a spawn grenade I've just tossed, it never worked. Unless FF rules also apply to spawn grenades, I don't think that's true.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Raist said:
I don't get why some people still say that. I've never seen a spawn grenade blink. C4 blinks, drone beacon blinks, but spawn nade? wtf
And I've tried to shoot at a spawn grenade I've just tossed, it never worked. Unless FF rules also apply to spawn grenades, I don't think that's true.

Are u up for a quick test of this? Perhaps it's only the opponent spawn point that can be disabled. Whatever the FF setting.


Raist said:
I don't get why some people still say that. I've never seen a spawn grenade blink. C4 blinks, drone beacon blinks, but spawn nade? wtf
And I've tried to shoot at a spawn grenade I've just tossed, it never worked. Unless FF rules also apply to spawn grenades, I don't think that's true.

they blink for a few seconds before igniting, after that I believe they can't be destroyed.


GG tonight. I was trying to get my repair badge with the engineer so I was shotgunning the whole night. It takes forever to get 5 kills with those turrets. I was placing them everywere. Might switch it up a bit with a saboteur for the C4 badge tomorrow. :lol


Well, bullshit guys. We just tested it. There is no blinking, and you can't even shoot it, it's like bullets go through it.

Drone beacons react to shots, but they can't be destroyed either.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Me and Raist just tested the Spawn Grenades defusing thing and it's bullshit. Unless we are missing something.


TTP said:
We should have blinked at them before shooting to catch them biatches off guard.


Actually, maybe we should have tried to blink while shooting. Kinda like this new aim assist exploit.


Liabe Brave said:
They are destructible. When you see one blinking on the ground, shoot it: it will pop out of location and start emitting gray smoke. That means it's been disabled. I'm not sure how long spawns are in this vulnerable state before they smoke, but it's plenty long enough.

If you let the other team put down a spawn in an important choke point without noticing and destroying it, that's your team's fault.
Liar is lying.


GAF people need to use squads more. i came into a game late and there were zero squads on a team with like 10 people.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Argh disconnecting sucks. I hate my internet connection, my roommates laptop resets the router. I guess I just spent a long time in a match and got 0 points now :/


Raist said:
Lies, it's 6.

Ilparazzo: over there? Aren't you in europe?

I was thinking the same thing heh. Although Ilparazzo brings up a good point, time for bed.

lunlunqq said:
hi guys, i started to feeling sick while playing with you earlier... guess i need some rest after a few days of busy work... :(

Was fun playing with you, even with you point blank shooting me in the head with your sniper rifle, I swear people on my own team had it out for me tonight.


Ilparazzo said:
I meant in your country, the place where they make the baguette. You know Timezones and shit.

Oh and it is 5AM, GMT for the win!

Dude France is GMT+1. YOU are the weird ones going for GMT while north west spain and france are GMT+1 :p


Rapping Granny said:
Ahh it was you that was pumping me with shotgun bullets over and over, good job.

Aye, I was whoring the shotgun tonight,
as I do most nights
. What's your PSN ID as I shot a lot of pellets into a lot of people :p?

Edit: Ah, you're MrBigJohnson. I think you won on the majority of our confrontations :lol.
Playing through Liberation again and the art style/design is so great in this universe. I would have loved to see a level between a number of Helghast Naval Ships, they look SO awesome.


Raist said:
Dude France is GMT+1. YOU are the weird ones going for GMT while north west spain and france are GMT+1 :p
That's how we roll.

Better go to sleep or I won't be ready to kick your ass tomorrow again.


So does anyone have any sort of speculation as to when sony will release another price cut? I dont have one and seriously need to play this game, but the pricetag now is pretty steep.

Any tips, pointers, ideas? God this is a disease
ergo said:
So does anyone have any sort of speculation as to when sony will release another price cut? I dont have one and seriously need to play this game, but the pricetag now is pretty steep.

Any tips, pointers, ideas? God this is a disease

Man I dont know I think KZ2 is selling pretty dang well so I dont anticipate they will drop the unit price anytime soon.

You could try craigslist. In this economy people are pawning off their next of kin for nothing.


ergo said:
So does anyone have any sort of speculation as to when sony will release another price cut? I dont have one and seriously need to play this game, but the pricetag now is pretty steep.

Any tips, pointers, ideas? God this is a disease

All the ps3's on there are sub 400 and if they are 400 then they come with games + extra controller. Sometimes you can find a $250 deal on there when someones wants to get rid of it fast.


Good games tonight guys. Finally unlocked the C4, which should be fun. :D

Fav part of the night would have to be when I got fed up with whoever was playing assault on Academy so I went assault and proceeded to spam the fuck outta the search and destroy room with grenades. Not very tactful, but definitely gets out the aggression. :p


Okay, so when you kill a Helghast, their glowing eyes slowly dim away. Well,
when you defeat Radec and he kills himself, his eyes stay glowing, they never dim away.

Just thought I'd point that out.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Man I dont know I think KZ2 is selling pretty dang well so I dont anticipate they will drop the unit price anytime soon.

You could try craigslist. In this economy people are pawning off their next of kin for nothing.
Im always cautious of dealing with used merch... I know craiglist is a pretty solid place to go, but how does the limited warranty n such carry over when doing something like that? I'd be too stupid and probably get pawned :/
lynux3 said:
Okay, so when you kill a Helghast, their glowing eyes slowly dim away. Well,
when you defeat Radec and he kills himself, his eyes stay glowing, they never dim away.

Just thought I'd point that out.

he isn't completely dead :D
TheChillyAcademic said:
he isn't completely dead :D

He blew his brains out, how is he not dead?

ergo said:
So does anyone have any sort of speculation as to when sony will release another price cut? I dont have one and seriously need to play this game, but the pricetag now is pretty steep.

Any tips, pointers, ideas? God this is a disease

If you believe the rumors, there will be a drop price pretty soon.

Rapping Granny said:
:O killzone.com shows that there are 576 337 players.

I haven't gone online yet
AranhaHunter said:
He blew his brains out, how is he not dead?

If you believe the rumors, there will be a drop price pretty soon.

I haven't gone online yet

are inconsequential to a helghast general.

jett said:
GG Gaf...man I was wrong. The awesome, insane feeling of the beta is intact. :lol Hell it's even better. I love pretty much all the maps.

Also...I really need to stop rifle butting people while they are down, gets me killed a lot, but I can't help it :D :p

I knew your crazy ass would come around.

ergo said:
Im always cautious of dealing with used merch... I know craiglist is a pretty solid place to go, but how does the limited warranty n such carry over when doing something like that? I'd be too stupid and probably get pawned :/

Look for ones that are still relatively new. A lot were probably purchased during Christmas with money people dont have so you should definitely be within the warranty period. Just ask what the model number is of one your interested in and call Sony and look it up.
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