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Forgot to mention, going through Elite playthrough now and Visari Square is an absolute nightmare, took me about 45 minutes to complete. I can't WAIT for the last level.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
TTP said:
We have TWO challenges today.

One starts in 30 mins (6PM GMT) - 8vs8
The next one 2hrs after the one above (8PM GMT) - 3vs3
mhmhmhm so... i can join challenges ? Or is it reserved to the top notch guys: TTP,Click,FFobsessed and Dave ?


EazyB said:
Wow, stuff like this should be a priority. PSN isn't as hard to use as 1up makes it out to be but the inconsistencies from game to game and lack of basic features makes it seem that hard for people that are accustomed to XBL's ease of use.

Yep, agree 100%. Sony needs to get this stuff built into the XMB and standardize everything. What drives these people nuts when they rarely play their PS3 is the lack of standardization and that it's a different system than what they're used to. Features are hit and miss, like you say.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
fps fanatic said:
Ok, I'm an idiot with the Sabateur. I would run into the enemy teams' area and would get gunned down quick. What the hell, I'm a Sab, how'd they realize so quick I was an enemy?

When I play as a Scout, I know to press left on the d-pad to go into cloak mode. But I always thought that when you played as the Sabateur, you would automatically take on the look of a player from the other team. I discovered left on the d-pad with that class. I press it. Your view is surrounded with a black kind of tint, indicating to you you are disguised...

*smacks forehead*

EazyB said:
Wow, stuff like this should be a priority. PSN isn't as hard to use as 1up makes it out to be but the inconsistencies from game to game and lack of basic features makes it seem that hard for people that are accustomed to XBL's ease of use.

While I agree, I don't like that 1up is still called...well 1up.

Its not the old 1up.com...its...assfuckery.com

Full of idiots.


andycapps said:
Nope. Not yet anyway. I'd assume that's coming at some point to PS3 games in general if the game launching will be there from Home. Supposedly back in the day they said you'd be able to do all of the main Home functions like that directly from the XMB if you didn't want to go into Home. But that was back with Phil Harrison was there, so God knows what changed since then.

In the RE5 demo you can recieve and get invites from the XMB...if you accept them the game starts automatically right into multiplayer co-op...if that's what he was talking about!


jett said:
In the RE5 demo you can recieve and get invites from the XMB...if you accept them the game starts automatically right into multiplayer co-op...if that's what he was talking about!

I may have rosy colored goggles in hind sight, but I thought Rainbow Six Vegas 1/2 supported something similar.

PS3 firmware/PSN at least does appear to have the basic functionality in place.


.GqueB. said:
How in gods name do you people stay alive in these games? I always tend to be 1:1 whenever I play with you guys. I just cant keep my ass alive it seems. Especially on radec and gracht where saboteurs are pretty much everywhere.

I look at the stats and I see Thirdengn with a 2:1 KD and Im just like "...how?"

Last night I quit that one game in Radec. I couldnt even keep up. It was a sad sad day. Then of course I went back down to my level and had that 2:1 but I hate playing in random rooms. It really does just turn into a death match. I thought you guys were exaggerating about assault but people were actually running into groups and shooting at the ground. It was jarring to say the least.
I personally dont play as 1 class. I switch classes according to maps/mode/who uses what.

Most games I'll start as a sabo to scout and see what's good. If its a map like Pyrrus/Saluman I'll start as a scout(especially if its search and destroy I can defend/attack as scout).

After you get use to adapting to each situation, you'll realize which class you do best with and fallback on it.
Tkawsome said:
Any more room in the Gaf clan? American, West Cost.
PM xBerserker, he's the clan leader. There are a lot of inactives, so I'm sure he'll kick one out to fit you in.

Sorry, xBerserker not Berserker.


fps fanatic said:
Ok, I'm an idiot with the Sabateur. I would run into the enemy teams' area and would get gunned down quick. What the hell, I'm a Sab, how'd they realize so quick I was an enemy?

Saboteurs don't have lights (HGH eyes or ISA chest light) when is disguise... once you realise this, you can pretty much immediately tell who is a saboteur, sometimes even from behind. Of course, you still need to react quickly enough to do something about it - by which time a good saboteur will have already killed you.


Felix Lighter said:
Yes it's perfection. Getting together with friends is easy as pie, especially when your looking to join the same team on a balanced server. There isn't a half dozen people in the thread asking how to find the GAF game each night. The server browser they've come up with is everything anyone could have ever hoped for.

Yup, this is my biggest gripe with the game right now. It's something that could be patched in, so I hope GG is listening.



tiddles said:
Saboteurs don't have lights (HGH eyes or ISA chest light) when is disguise... once you realise this, you can pretty much immediately tell who is a saboteur, sometimes even from behind. Of course, you still need to react quickly enough to do something about it - by which time a good saboteur will have already killed you.

Didn't know that, great tip. Also, pay attention to the radar. If there is no green dot, it's a bad guy that needs two revolver rounds in the chest.

Ploid 3.0

I just made it to the
man this game is tough and awesome. I so love that new gun. Not the
exploding rail gun
but the other one. 288 bullets max. It's a powerful machine. Can't go all crazy on the trigger but when you light burst it's pretty accurate. Did I mention that I couldn't believe that they could make this setting look so beautiful. Man this game is something else. So pretty.

Ploid 3.0

tiddles said:
Saboteurs don't have lights (HGH eyes or ISA chest light) when is disguise... once you realise this, you can pretty much immediately tell who is a saboteur, sometimes even from behind. Of course, you still need to react quickly enough to do something about it - by which time a good saboteur will have already killed you.

Oh no, stop spilling our secrets. What happens to us if we can no longer fool anyone ; ;


tiddles said:
Saboteurs don't have lights (HGH eyes or ISA chest light) when is disguise... once you realise this, you can pretty much immediately tell who is a saboteur, sometimes even from behind. Of course, you still need to react quickly enough to do something about it - by which time a good saboteur will have already killed you.
Nice tip! :D


I hate the controls in close combat. Any tips how I can get better? I feel like I'm drunken trying to aim at a guy in front of me. I hate the shotgun. Any tips? Which sensitivity setting do you guys use?


Thrakier said:
I hate the controls in close combat. Any tips how I can get better? I feel like I'm drunken trying to aim at a guy in front of me. I hate the shotgun. Any tips? Which sensitivity setting do you guys use?

Crouch, no scope - aim where you think he's moving. People generally just shuffle left and right.


Thrakier said:
I hate the controls in close combat. Any tips how I can get better? I feel like I'm drunken trying to aim at a guy in front of me. I hate the shotgun. Any tips? Which sensitivity setting do you guys use?

I just use alternate 2 and leave my sensitivity settings alone. Fire from the hip and just practicing it. It doesn't have full on autoaim like a lot of games do so it'll take some practice.


Core407 said:
Crouch, no scope - aim where you think he's moving. People generally just shuffle left and right.

Yeah, that's what I'm trying, sometimes it works but...it just doesn't feel good. It feels more like I have only 50% control over my character. This game is best when you are camping somewhere with the standard gun and scope...the controls are really clunky and I do understand everyone who doesn't like them. I mean, I don't want it to be COD4 and I really like it that GG tried that stuff but it just doesn't feel right to me...maybe in the future someone will do a better job at this than GG did.


Thrakier said:
I hate the controls in close combat. Any tips how I can get better? I feel like I'm drunken trying to aim at a guy in front of me. I hate the shotgun. Any tips? Which sensitivity setting do you guys use?

if you're too close, chances are the other guy is feeling a bit drunk too and its time to punch his lights out, just make sure you don't run past him while meleeing :p
tiddles said:
Saboteurs don't have lights (HGH eyes or ISA chest light) when is disguise... once you realise this, you can pretty much immediately tell who is a saboteur, sometimes even from behind. Of course, you still need to react quickly enough to do something about it - by which time a good saboteur will have already killed you.

Oh shit. Last night half the other team went saboteur with FF on at one point. That tip would have definitely come in handy. I checked a teammate at one point by tapping a shot into them. Of course, they assumed I was a saboteur and lit me up. I definitely needed a better way of checking.


Felix Lighter said:
Oh shit. Last night half the other team went saboteur with FF on at one point. That tip would have definitely come in handy. I checked a teammate at one point by tapping a shot into them. Of course, they assumed I was a saboteur and lit me up. I definitely needed a better way of checking.

Checking the radar is the most effective way imo.


icechai said:
if you're too close, chances are the other guy is feeling a bit drunk too and its time to punch his lights out, just make sure you don't run past him while meleeing :p

lol, yeah, sometimes I see other guys running around and trying to shoot each other like some drunken guys... XD looks funny though. I don't know, even the guys who are totally in love with the controls (mind you, it's not like I hate them completly, I just think that they coud've don better, heavy AND more responsive) should notice that there is something wrong...I mean, in reality if there are two soldiers facing each other even with very heavy weapons and armor etc. it should only be a matter of milliseconds till one shot the other guy...

I'm constantly asking myself if GG had to do it this way because of the performance of the game. I don't know, no technical knowlede behind that, just a feeling. For example, if you move the shotgun around you can see that the weapon moving animation stutters a bit for example...not the rest of the world though.

Oh, and I have to say that I have serios framedrops online when there are a lot of players online.


Thrakier said:
I hate the controls in close combat. Any tips how I can get better? I feel like I'm drunken trying to aim at a guy in front of me. I hate the shotgun. Any tips? Which sensitivity setting do you guys use?
Right now, my sensitivity is Y-default, X+three. Alternate 2 control scheme. Maybe tweaking your sensitivity will help?


Thrakier said:
Yeah, that's what I'm trying, sometimes it works but...it just doesn't feel good. It feels more like I have only 50% control over my character. This game is best when you are camping somewhere with the standard gun and scope...the controls are really clunky and I do understand everyone who doesn't like them. I mean, I don't want it to be COD4 and I really like it that GG tried that stuff but it just doesn't feel right to me...maybe in the future someone will do a better job at this than GG did.

I rarely use my iron sights at all. But maybe that's just me. I only use iron sights when I have to as it does get pretty hard to track someone unless they're at a distance. So if you're using iron sights a lot, that could be part of your problem.


I finished the game last night and my opinion on it changed quite a bit. The final level is a finale done right, as it actually felt like the end of the game. Explosions everywhere, the Helghast throwing everything they can at you, tons of dudes on each side dying, it was glorious. The Redec right was the best traditional boss fight I've ever played in a first person shooter. Here I thought the controls were brilliantly used, using the slow turning speed in contrast to Redec's quick teleportation was genius. Good stuff.


andycapps said:
I rarely use my iron sights at all. But maybe that's just me. I only use iron sights when I have to as it does get pretty hard to track someone unless they're at a distance. So if you're using iron sights a lot, that could be part of your problem.
I suck at using iron sights in FPS games. To be honest I just suck at Killzone period.


Thrakier said:
lol, yeah, sometimes I see other guys running around and trying to shoot each other like some drunken guys... XD looks funny though. I don't know, even the guys who are totally in love with the controls (mind you, it's not like I hate them completly, I just think that they coud've don better, heavy AND more responsive) should notice that there is something wrong...I mean, in reality if there are two soldiers facing each other even with very heavy weapons and armor etc. it should only be a matter of milliseconds till one shot the other guy...

I'm constantly asking myself if GG had to do it this way because of the performance of the game. I don't know, no technical knowlede behind that, just a feeling. For example, if you move the shotgun around you can see that the weapon moving animation stutters a bit for example...not the rest of the world though.

Oh, and I have to say that I have serios framedrops online when there are a lot of players online.

It's very gun specific. The light machine gun & shotgun are made for close combat, everything else pretty much isn't. I think if you play to the advantages of your character and weapon, you'll do great. If you use the default weapon, don't rush - stay back, pick people off. Improve your aim that way and you'll get great ratios. I don't know what the whole appeal of running into huge battles is with this game. I always fall back and attack from a distance or follow the perimeters of levels to sneak up on enemies.


tarius1210 said:
I suck at using iron sights in FPS games. To be honest I just suck at Killzone period.

You don't have to use ironsights unless the enemy is really far and you're trying to pick them off. Just shoot from the hip and keep your bursts short pewpewpew.


What is a better weapon at close range, the shotgun or the chaingun. Personally, I think the shotgun is most effective.

PSN: SuprStar


tarius1210 said:
What is a better weapon at close range, the shotgun or the chaingun. Personally, I think the shotgun is most effective.

Depends on who's using it, from what I've seen. The light machine gun (which I think you're calling the chaingun) has a lot of recoil and is harder to use than the shotgun, but it's pretty devastating because of it's power and how many bullets it holds before you have to reload. Shotgun is easier to use in that it's powerful, but it'll punish you if you're inaccurate because of the reload times. I think the light machine gun could potentially be more devestating than the shotgun, but it'd require a lot more practice to get there.



I LOVE Alternate 2 in MP. Cause there is no cover, so that L2 doesn't need to get held down = crouch toggle win.

But in SP, I have to change to Standard 1(?) because cover is damm important.


Is there any way to drop out a round and spectate without having to leave the game? Im offensively bad at Bloodgracht and Radec academy. I have my sensitivity way low to combat the fact that I over shoot a lot when aiming. But at the same time it lowers my reaction time significantly on those maps where turning corners and reacting quickly are both key.

I simply cant play those levels.


andycapps said:
I rarely use my iron sights at all. But maybe that's just me. I only use iron sights when I have to as it does get pretty hard to track someone unless they're at a distance. So if you're using iron sights a lot, that could be part of your problem.

URgh... you are sooo annoying to play against.. because it seems like you use ALLLL the same routes as I do in the Pryrr map!!! I swear i had like 10 kills off of you alone.. and then 12 deaths from you...



sex vacation in Guam
Thrakier said:
I hate the controls in close combat. Any tips how I can get better? I feel like I'm drunken trying to aim at a guy in front of me. I hate the shotgun. Any tips? Which sensitivity setting do you guys use?
Me too, I guess I am not used to it yet but I get annoyed in close combat and end up doing circles due to the frustration.
Aladuf said:
Does anybody know if there's a way to tell when you've finished one section and moved onto the next? It tells you exactly that on the Tharsis Refinery level, but that's the only one.
Select button. -_-


Neo Member
jett said:
Why do people hate the clusterfucks? They can be hilarious, and it's an easy way to rack up points. :p

Yup, nothing like shutting off your brain and wildly running into gunfire while your teammates do their best Malibu's Most Wanted impressions . . .
.GqueB. said:
How in gods name do you people stay alive in these games? I always tend to be 1:1 whenever I play with you guys. I just cant keep my ass alive it seems. Especially on radec and gracht where saboteurs are pretty much everywhere.

I look at the stats and I see Thirdengn with a 2:1 KD and Im just like "...how?"

Last night I quit that one game in Radec. I couldnt even keep up. It was a sad sad day. Then of course I went back down to my level and had that 2:1 but I hate playing in random rooms. It really does just turn into a death match. I thought you guys were exaggerating about assault but people were actually running into groups and shooting at the ground. It was jarring to say the least.
I use the Medic's health badge which keeps me alive longer. Although last night I was running around into anyone and not giving a shit because I'm trying to get that damn boost ribbon.


methane47 said:
URgh... you are sooo annoying to play against.. because it seems like you use ALLLL the same routes as I do in the Pryrr map!!! I swear i had like 10 kills off of you alone.. and then 12 deaths from you...


Hahaha when was this? I can't help it that we think alike! :lol


I really wish this game supported HQ mode. Socom Confrontation has the best voice chat quality of any console game I've ever played. I'm sure it's taxing as hell on the servers but it would be nice.

And Confidence Man: I think Blood Gracht can get pretty crazy but I kinda like it. I also love that map ..but if you guys aren't into it I'll take it out. Won't kill me to not play it.
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