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andycapps said:
Honestly, you're probably able to dominate people in those games because you're not as good as FPS games as some people are.

This makes no sense at all. Also, like I said, it's not that I'm bad in KZ2. My K/D is ok. It just doesn't feel right.


Thrakier said:
This makes no sense at all. Also, like I said, it's not that I'm bad in KZ2. My K/D is ok. It just doesn't feel right.

Being able to dominate people at 2 games, then being unable to do the same in this one, while other people are able to dominate people says that your/my skill level is not on the same level as theirs. To me anyway.

I mean yeah, I can't get on a roll in this like I did in COD4 and R2, but I can honestly say it's because it's incredibly easy to get into those games and that you really don't have to be that good to dominate the masses on there. COD4 mostly, R2 I still got owned by GAF'ers when they were on there. Click used to destroy in that game.
Cagen said:

I might as well give it a try. 90% of the time I use health packs on myself. Whenever I try to give one to some in trouble they never see it on the ground. I have to smack them across the face with it for it to be useful. Maybe I should give up on that aspect of being a medic and give boost a whirl.


andycapps said:
Being able to dominate people at 2 games, then being unable to do the same in this one, while other people are able to dominate people says that your/my skill level is not on the same level as theirs. To me anyway.

I mean yeah, I can't get on a roll in this like I did in COD4 and R2, but I can honestly say it's because it's incredibly easy to get into those games and that you really don't have to be that good to dominate the masses on there. COD4 mostly, R2 I still got owned by GAF'ers when they were on there. Click used to destroy in that game.

1. I think R2 is easier than COD4.
2. My KZ2 K/D-Ratio (1.45) is better than in COD4 (1.3) and not as good as in R2 (1.6)
3. I'm also quit good in warhawk (1.6) - my K/D ratio is way better for the last months than 1.6 but it's kinda hard to get it up. Before it was lower than 1 but then I learned to fly a warhawk...hrhr.

However - I'm not feeling comfortable with the close combat controls in this game and that has nothing to do with my skill. It just feels wrong. I can also see that's the same for other people in the games (because they are running around like chicken).

One thing I would LOVE to know. If GG wanted to, could they make the game as responsive and precise like R2 or COD4? Or is it not possible because of the graphics and the engine and so they had to go for that "weighty" feeling.
oneHeero said:
How does this work? Just go in there and ask?
Yeah, actually I was in there a few times previously to purchase my PS3 (with a discount for working at Sony lol) and other things.

This time, I had the game with my in my car along with my PS3, all in the travel bag. I made the comment about playing the game and one of the staff said it'd be awesome, but they can't open any of their store copies. So I grabbed my copy, and they pulled out a controller for me to plug it into any of the TVs in their store.

As edited into my last post - I will do this again, and ninja some pictures. Although, please note that unless you have an OLED display you will not be able to see the sheer color and beauty output by that little monster. That tiny, $2500 monster :lol


Thrakier said:
1. I think R2 is easier than COD4.
2. My KZ2 K/D-Ratio (1.45) is better than in COD4 (1.3) and not as good as in R2 (1.6)
3. I'm also quit good in warhawk (1.6) - my K/D ratio is way better for the last months than 1.6 but it's kinda hard to get it up. Before it was lower than 1 but then I learned to fly a warhawk...hrhr.

However - I'm not feeling comfortable with the close combat controls in this game and that has nothing to do with my skill. It just feels wrong. I can also see that's the same for other people in the games (because they are running around like chicken).

One thing I would LOVE to know. If GG wanted to, could they make the game as responsive and precise like R2 or COD4? Or is it not possible because of the graphics and the engine and so they had to go for that "weighty" feeling.
1. I personally think cod is WAY easier than R2
2. Those kds are low for those games :\ but average enough so its cool(this depeneds on amount of kills. if its like 10k kills 8kdeaths its bad. If its like 1k kills vs 600deaths than your adapting still)
3. Very easy to have a HIGH k/d(like 3.0+) in this game, but its more about points than k/d

I have no problem in cqc, its easy if you can adapt if you cant than you struggle and look for something to blame.

COD4 and R2 are precise becuase they both have an INSANE amount of aim-assist. How you didnt know that is beyond me :\ M16/P90 were the best weapons in the game due to it being unbalanced. M16 can take out snipers from across the maps lol. P90 is a aim assist gun especially with silencer. To think its precise and responsive in either game is pretty inaccurate, its more to do with the aim-assist both games have.


Oh my, WTF, seriously I'm sorry that I'm not a Pro-Gamer. But it's not like I totally suck, ok? I know that COD and R2 have aim assist but this is NOT my problem. As I said, the controls in KZ2 are just slow and clunky in comparison (don't tell me that they aren't because it's "intended" like that) - therefore, close combat is clunky and slow too, in reality the close combat should be the fastest. Also, I'm not the only one who's noticing that.


Awesome game, though i have a few Q's:

I heard about HQ voicechat mode? How?

Also, i have the Warhawk headphone, if i buy another one will it be better?(Cause Voicechat really sucks ass for me atm)

And ehm, how do you enable squad chat only? I allways hear my entire time rattling and yelling.


Thrakier said:
Oh my, WTF, seriously I'm sorry that I'm not a Pro-Gamer. But it's not like I totally suck, ok? I know that COD and R2 have aim assist but this is NOT my problem. As I said, the controls in KZ2 are just slow and clunky in comparison (don't tell me that they aren't because it's "intended" like that) - therefore, close combat is clunky and slow too, in reality the close combat should be the fastest. Also, I'm not the only one who's noticing that.

Wow change your sensivity settings perhaps? You sound like me bitching in the beginning about being to slow, till i figured out how to make it more sensitive, its even a tad bit too fast now.


Thrakier said:
Oh my, WTF, seriously I'm sorry that I'm not a Pro-Gamer. But it's not like I totally suck, ok? I know that COD and R2 have aim assist but this is NOT my problem. As I said, the controls in KZ2 are just slow and clunky in comparison (don't tell me that they aren't because it's "intended" like that) - therefore, close combat is clunky and slow too, in reality the close combat should be the fastest. Also, I'm not the only one who's noticing that.
Your right, everyone else who isnt adapting to a different game is complaining. Good call, end of argument.

Hmm...don't think that's true at all. It is not easy to have a +3.0 k/d.

If your good it is. I remember the beta, the kid gerginator, he was a beast had a REALLY high k/d like 10.0+. All you need to do is either stay in the air and get good in a plane. Or you can travel the land in tanks/turrets taking people out. If you kinda ignore the objective its easy to maintain a high k/d. Granted you have to be good.

Personally, the K/ds he listed are about average, which isnt bad, I dont know why he got up in arms.
Its seems like you dont know how to adjust the settings, press start on the ds3, go to controller settings(maybe worded different), than change the y-axis/x-axis settings, set them higher so it moves faster.

If its still not to your liking simply stop playing if its to hard to adapt. The controls have been tweaked(who knows how much or by what) so I douybt GG is going to go on and tweak them again so no use in complaining. :\


Raiden said:
Awesome game, though i have a few Q's:

I heard about HQ voicechat mode? How?

Also, i have the Warhawk headphone, if i buy another one will it be better?(Cause Voicechat really sucks ass for me atm)

And ehm, how do you enable squad chat only? I allways hear my entire time rattling and yelling.
1. Only works w/ Sony official bluetooth headset(socom one or buy solo)
2. The other is way better.
3. Join a squad :)


This is where my experience as a cgi artist kicks in. This is why just because you read an article on the internet does not mean the person who wrote it is an expert. Anyone can write articles on the internet and claim to be a professional.

:lol :lol :lol

And dissing KZ2's lighting and so called overuse of normal maps, by comparing it to GEARS 2.
I'm dying :lol
Kittonwy said:
Let's not waste space in the Killzone 2 thread to talk about an inferior game.

What? We're already up to 174 pages of talk about the inferior game. Why stop now?

I'll be on in a little bit for MP


oneHeero said:
Your right, everyone else who isnt adapting to a different game is complaining. Good call, end of argument.

Wait, why are you so overly sensitive? I think the MP in KZ2 is fine, it's fine for mid- and long range fighting and I'll definitiy play it till general. I enjoy it for the most time. But that still doesn't change my feeling that close combat IS clunky. I can SEE that a lot of people have those problems. If only some elite can master the controls that means that probably someting isn't 100% fine tuned.
And at this point I didn't ask why holding a knife is as clunky as holding a rocket launcher... ;)


Raist said:
:lol :lol :lol

And dissing KZ2's lighting and so called overuse of normal maps, by comparing it to GEARS 2.
I'm dying :lol

I died many times but this part absolutely obliterated me

random fucker said:
Start the game up and look at all of the set pieces on the level you are playing. Notice how a lot of the set pieces have no shadows, notice how they appear very PS1 like on a graphical level.


Kittonwy said:
Let's not waste space in the Killzone 2 thread to talk about an inferior game.

L3 run works fine in Killzone 2, just click it once and point the stick forward to run, ease up to stop, very simple.

Personally i dont think that the controllers in Resistance 2 is inferior to the controllers in Killzone 2 (i see that you say "inferior game" though, but what you quoted earlier was about the controls, so i just wanted to comment on the controls only, not about the who game itself :)). I think that the controllers in Resistance 2 works great. When i first played the Killzone 2 demo, i wish there was a Resistance 2 controller setting for Killzone 2 as well, because i liked the Resistance 2 controllers, especially that you could run by using the L2 button :)

But now that i have played over 50 hours online in Killzone 2, i have now gotten used to the controls and i think they work fine and i dont feel the need to have a Resistance 2 or any other controller setup for Killzone 2 now :) And i agree that the L3 works fine for running :) I am glad that you dont have to hold in the L3 button to run at least, but maybe that would have worked ok as well if i have had gotten used to it :)

EDIT: I added some text.


Thrakier said:
Oh my, WTF, seriously I'm sorry that I'm not a Pro-Gamer. But it's not like I totally suck, ok? I know that COD and R2 have aim assist but this is NOT my problem. As I said, the controls in KZ2 are just slow and clunky in comparison (don't tell me that they aren't because it's "intended" like that) - therefore, close combat is clunky and slow too, in reality the close combat should be the fastest. Also, I'm not the only one who's noticing that.

You're the only one that is complaining about them post-patch. Clearly it is not a technical hurdle since the "clunkyness" of it was changed in the patch, so I don't really know what you are complaining about. If you want it to be as responsive and aim-assisted as COD, go play COD...

I have no problems getting a bead on someone in close quarters, I'd suggest upping your x-sensitivity a bit.


Raist said:
:lol :lol :lol

And dissing KZ2's lighting and so called overuse of normal maps, by comparing it to GEARS 2.
I'm dying :lol

I don't see what is so funny, it's all a matter of taste. Also, I think that Gears 2 is definitely the better SP game : better rythm, replay value and gunfights/situations.
But KZ2 MP is clearly better imo.
Aladuf said:
I think Blood Gracht needs to be booted from the map rotation, the map is pretty terrible. But also, since we seem to be doing FF from now on I think that's mainly why it needs to go. Even Third got three straight grenade teamkills on that map a couple of nights ago because that map is just clusterfuck after clusterfuck the entire time.

Highly disagree. I think it's the 2nd best map in the game behind Radec Academy.


Nafai1123 said:
You're the only one that is complaining about them post-patch. Clearly it is not a technical hurdle since the "clunkyness" of it was changed in the patch, so I don't really know what you are complaining about. If you want it to be as responsive and aim-assisted as COD, go play COD...

I have no problems getting a bead on someone in close quarters, I'd suggest upping your x-sensitivity a bit.

The only one? Seriously? I don't think so. ;) Also, I don't know how the game responded before the patch. Also, I never said that I want to play COD instead. The only thing I said is: The controls are fine, only in close combat they are clunky. You may adapt to this but that doesn't mean that they are not clunky. And it's not realistic.


Thrakier said:
Wait, why are you so overly sensitive? I think the MP in KZ2 is fine, it's fine for mid- and long range fighting and I'll definitiy play it till general. I enjoy it for the most time. But that still doesn't change my feeling that close combat IS clunky. I can SEE that a lot of people have those problems. If only some elite can master the controls that means that probably someting isn't 100% fine tuned.
And at this point I didn't ask why holding a knife is as clunky as holding a rocket launcher... ;)

I think you are just shit, and you can't admit it to yourself..... Its everybody else's fault you are getting your ass handed to you ain't it?

I kid, but I find the controls great, I can pop heads like no other game I've played, they just click with me....


Thrakier said:
The only one? Seriously? I don't think so. ;) Also, I don't know how the game responded before the patch. Also, I never said that I want to play COD instead. The only thing I said is: The controls are fine, only in close combat they are clunky. You may adapt to this but that doesn't mean that they are not clunky. And it's not realistic.
Seriously, try upping the X-sensitivity by at least two spaces. I went three spaces up and they feel great to me. Try it. :D


Paper or plastic?
Mini rant:

If you're not going to deploy spawn grenades in useful places, don't be a tactician.

Your turn:

If you're not going to _____, don't be a _____.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Sooo im the only one who gets a : You have been disconnected from the network while playing KZ2 Online? (But i keep connected to the PSN)


Thrakier said:
The only one? Seriously? I don't think so. ;) Also, I don't know how the game responded before the patch. Also, I never said that I want to play COD instead. The only thing I said is: The controls are fine, only in close combat they are clunky. You may adapt to this but that doesn't mean that they are not clunky. And it's not realistic.

I think the responsiveness you are craving in the close combat situations is merely a side effect of heavy auto-aim in other games. KZ2 does not have as much, which makes it more difficult to keep your aim on someone in close quarters, particularly in situations where an enemy is moving across the screen quickly. It's not as difficult or noticeable at longer distances since you are making smaller adjustments. I honestly don't think it's an issue with the "clunkyness" of the game as you say, and thinking it has something to do with the graphical fidelity of the game is just ridiculous.


Thrakier said:
The only one? Seriously? I don't think so. ;) Also, I don't know how the game responded before the patch. Also, I never said that I want to play COD instead. The only thing I said is: The controls are fine, only in close combat they are clunky. You may adapt to this but that doesn't mean that they are not clunky. And it's not realistic.

I'm going to have to agree with you 100% that the controls in this game are not ideal.

I've completed the single-player game and have logged 20 hours in MP, and I'm still forever fiddling with the sensitivity bars to find something I like. I think it's the momentum-based movement that gets me. The fact that the crosshairs change speed as you push the stick just throws me off regularly. I'll get so I'm doing fine at medium distances, and then I'll get into a close-quarters fight and holy shit, my POV is swinging wildly all over the damn place.

I've never had this problem in other first-person shooters. It's a unique "feature" of KZ2 and no, I'm not terribly fond of it. Yes, I would prefer it if the game didn't feature momentum-based controls and handled like any other "lesser" shooter.


My biggest issue with the controls is using the iron sights - i swear there have been so many times where i have a Hig head on the fucking DOT of my M82 sight and the fucker NEVER GOES DOWN. GO DOWN MOTHERFUCKER (lag??)


Keikoku said:
I don't see what is so funny, it's all a matter of taste. Also, I think that Gears 2 is definitely the better SP game : better rythm, replay value and gunfights/situations.
But KZ2 MP is clearly better imo.
Read first post later. Nawt the other way around brosef.


Topher said:
If you're not going to _____, don't be a _____.

If you're not going to actually try to sabotage the enemy, don't be a saboteur.

Hate it when people use saboteur but retain an all-out-assault style gameplay.


Keikoku said:
I don't see what is so funny, it's all a matter of taste. Also, I think that Gears 2 is definitely the better SP game : better rythm, replay value and gunfights/situations.
But KZ2 MP is clearly better imo.

We're (well, the secret CGI artist) not discussing gameplay, but graphics, here. Saying that KZ2 has shit lighting and cheats on shadows, and has too much normal mapping, while comparing it to Gears 2 on these points, is a fucking joke.
Someone help me. I still can't seem to get aiming down right. I have a HORRIBLE K/D ratio. I have adjusted sensitivity from standard all the way to max and back again.

Does anyone have any tips for getting my aiming down other than with playing w/ bots offline?


Will Eat Your Children
xenorevlis said:
You know, I completely neglected to mention this but a couple days after the release I took the game over to my local SonyStyle store. They've said to come in any time and use their TVs to play PS3 games, etc.

So I did, on the tiny OLED and the 40-inch super-thin LCD:



I gained such an immediate crowd on both sets that I never took a picture of it (nor was I technically allowed to, but they told me it'd be okay if it was ninja photography). Planning to go back and do it again on the OLED and some of their larger Bravias in the sound rooms.

Even some of the staff was standing around staring at it instead of working :D

Will take pics next time (hopefully)
Wow man, please do! :D OLDE is way too fucking sexy


fps fanatic said:
Seriously, try upping the X-sensitivity by at least two spaces. I went three spaces up and they feel great to me. Try it. :D
You get a much more accurate diagonal movement with the Y-axis a notch or two higher than the X-axis.


JB1981 said:
My biggest issue with the controls is using the iron sights - i swear there have been so many times where i have a Hig head on the fucking DOT of my M82 sight and the fucker NEVER GOES DOWN. GO DOWN MOTHERFUCKER (lag??)

Yeah, I noticed this in the demo early on. Not sure what the proper term for it is (weapon accuracy? bullet dispersal? spray spread?), but I wish that at least the first bullet out of a short burst would go exactly where the dot sight is +/- some minor inaccuracy.

For example, in SOCOM, any of the assault rifles combined with a medium scope and single shot are more than adequate to take someone down across some of the smaller maps (e.g. the map center in crossroads) --- if the guy is standing still, you can line up and take your headshot.

In KZ2, you can line up all you want with the dot sight, but it's going to be up to a random number generator whether or not you hit the guy.
My k/d is usually even in most games I play but that's more because of my playstyle than skill so that never bothers me. Bragging about superior k'd ratios is funny because some people play way too safe to be considered "good" when you see their k'd ratio. Not saying everyone is like that but it's inevitable that you're going to die if you actually go into enemy areas and start kicking ass. Not so much if you kick back and wait for oppurtunities or if play in a "circle jerk" (the name I give to players who roam around a map in a pack).

I love being my own army running into a room that my team is avoiding because of the enmy threat and just taking out or even just damaging the enemy for my fellow teammates. It takes their focus off them and on to me giving my team an oppurtunity to attack. That's me.

EDIT: Fuck... I'm editing this not to correct my mistakes but shit talk my POS wireless keyboard/typing skills. wojghqjrengkljrehglkjneglqe


Topher said:
Mini rant:

If you're not going to deploy spawn grenades in useful places, don't be a tactician.

Your turn:

If you're not going to _____, don't be a _____.

Most spawn points have a camera, why would it even be an issue? Don't like the spawn point? Don't spawn there.


JB1981 said:
My biggest issue with the controls is using the iron sights - i swear there have been so many times where i have a Hig head on the fucking DOT of my M82 sight and the fucker NEVER GOES DOWN. GO DOWN MOTHERFUCKER (lag??)
I noticed the same thing. I even tried it in offline skirmish to see if it wasn't lag, but same thing... I can get headshots so much easier hip firing than iron/scope sighting. It happens so often, I feel disadvantaged when scoping..

Q-bert said:
In KZ2, you can line up all you want with the dot sight, but it's going to be up to a random number generator whether or not you hit the guy.
:eek: Didn't know that.


Dante said:
Most spawn points have a camera, why would it even be an issue? Don't like the spawn point? Don't spawn there.

It's not all about spawning into a clusterfuck, a badly placed spawn can loose the team vital seconds in getting to an objective
Q-bert said:
Yeah, I noticed this in the demo early on. Not sure what the proper term for it is (weapon accuracy? bullet dispersal? spray spread?), but I wish that at least the first bullet out of a short burst would go exactly where the dot sight is +/- some minor inaccuracy.

For example, in SOCOM, any of the assault rifles combined with a medium scope and single shot are more than adequate to take someone down across some of the smaller maps (e.g. the map center in crossroads) --- if the guy is standing still, you can line up and take your headshot.

In KZ2, you can line up all you want with the dot sight, but it's going to be up to a random number generator whether or not you hit the guy.

I don't hit anything off the dot sight when I burst 2 or 3 bullets but when I fire just one bullet, it hits dead on.
Dante said:
Most spawn points have a camera, why would it even be an issue? Don't like the spawn point? Don't spawn there.

2 reasons.

1. Waste of spawn points. If you throw 2 spawns in useless places, now NOBODY can put it somewhere useful, which puts the team at an obvious disadvantage.

2. Direction. From the camera, I don't know what direction I will come in. If an idiot tactitian spawns me in facing the wall, that's something I'll only find out after I'm already spawned in.


My kdr is 1.45. Cod4 it's 2.73(360 version). With this game I find I need to rely on teammates more. Cod 4 I can easily go out a take out the whole team without issue. He'll, for shits, while playing s&d, I wait in spawn for my team to get wiped out so I can go hunting!!
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