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xenorevlis said:
Yeah, actually I was in there a few times previously to purchase my PS3 (with a discount for working at Sony lol) and other things.

This time, I had the game with my in my car along with my PS3, all in the travel bag. I made the comment about playing the game and one of the staff said it'd be awesome, but they can't open any of their store copies. So I grabbed my copy, and they pulled out a controller for me to plug it into any of the TVs in their store.

As edited into my last post - I will do this again, and ninja some pictures. Although, please note that unless you have an OLED display you will not be able to see the sheer color and beauty output by that little monster. That tiny, $2500 monster :lol
For some reason I conflated both of your posts to mean that you found a 40" OLED display for $2500. So I spent 10 minutes looking for such a thing which I was sure didn't exist, but now I realize that I'm just an idiot. Carry on.
Topher said:
Not to mention the daft ones who throw them right next to the default spawn.
I was chewing someone who did this the other day. I think I yelled, "Do your freaking job" three times over the mic. I felt bad afterwards though.


templeusox said:
I was chewing someone who did this the other day. I think I yelled, "Do your freaking job" three times over the mic. I felt bad afterwards though.

That's quite restrained - Don't be such a stupid c**t is what usually spills out of my mouth after they've done it a few times:lol


The feel of this game is perfect. Every bullet feels like it's ripping away at the enemies intestines (or head, I suck), especially in SP mode. Tried to go back and play CoD and felt like I was shooting paper cutouts or something, so odd.
Topher said:
Not to mention the daft ones who throw them right next to the default spawn.

I actually find those very useful. Instead of spawning way the hell back in the tight corridors, or spawning to a grenade blast in the middle of the map, you can spawn just outside your main base to get things going from a closer location. Nothing wrong with that.
Q-bert said:
In KZ2, you can line up all you want with the dot sight, but it's going to be up to a random number generator whether or not you hit the guy.
Are you crouching to fire? This tightens the spread. On a stationary target, I don't believe I've ever missed with every bullet of a short burst when crouched. I'm pretty sure crouching does guarantee at least one bullet exactly on target. This is at normal distances, of course (under 100m). You can shoot very, very far with the M82, but there is some possibility of a miss when you're trying to "snipe".


A quick question for those of you who have done the trophy for beating every mission without dying.. I'm nearly done with it and I just want to be sure about something for when I get to it. Let's say I was fighting
Radec (is this even a spoiler anymore?)
at the end of the game and I got to the last part and I get killed. Now, can I just select "restart checkpoint" or do I have to restart the whole section of the act/level and redo it all?


I hate voicechat on ps3, i so fucking hate it. Everyone goes out to buy the crappiest bluetooth mic they can get and broadcast their whole surround sound to the channels. I so hate that. The two or three people per day that you actually understand go on singing shit and shouting profanity with their high pitched 12 year old voices.

Oh and the british. WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you guys? WHY DO YOU KEEP SINGING THROUGHOUT ENTIRE MATCHES?!? Seriously, what the hell??
JB1981 said:
You dudes want to play tonight?

I'm ready to go NOW, sir. (Seriously, I'm in bed by 8:30 or 9 EST so I can actually be rested at work. I miss last week when I didn't have to worry about that...)

Also, question: why is it that proximity chatter is heard through the headset instead of the speakers? That seems odd to me. Is there some option I'm missing (beyond ALL chatter going through either the headset or speakers)?
Aladuf said:
A quick question for those of you who have done the trophy for beating every mission without dying.. I'm nearly done with it and I just want to be sure about something for when I get to it. Let's say I was fighting
Radec (is this even a spoiler anymore?)
at the end of the game and I got to the last part and I get killed. Now, can I just select "restart checkpoint" or do I have to restart the whole section of the act/level and redo it all?
You cannot select "Restart" from the in-game menu at all. If you do, it still counts the death you had. You have to choose "Quit Game", and then go to Mission Select and start at the appropriate checkpoint. You don't have to do the whole level, though.


guggnichso said:
I hate voicechat on ps3, i so fucking hate it. Everyone goes out to buy the crappiest bluetooth mic they can get and broadcast their whole surround sound to the channels. I so hate that. The two or three people per day that you actually understand go on singing shit and shouting profanity with their high pitched 12 year old voices.

Oh and the british. WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you guys? WHY DO YOU KEEP SINGING THROUGHOUT ENTIRE MATCHES?!? Seriously, what the hell??
Shit happens on the 360 as well bro


Dante said:
Most spawn points have a camera, why would it even be an issue? Don't like the spawn point? Don't spawn there.

spawn points are a limited resource. if there's a poorly placed point, you have to wait for one to expire AND place the better-placed one before someone else does (possibly re-creating another poorly placed one).

Ditto for turrets and air support, except you can destroy those two and place better ones.


Liabe Brave said:
Are you crouching to fire? This tightens the spread. On a stationary target, I don't believe I've ever missed with every bullet of a short burst when crouched. I'm pretty sure crouching does guarantee at least one bullet exactly on target. This is at normal distances, of course (under 100m). You can shoot very, very far with the M82, but there is some possibility of a miss when you're trying to "snipe".

No, I hadn't tried that. Usually just standing still. I'll try that to see if it helps. Thanks.


Nafai1123 said:
I think the responsiveness you are craving in the close combat situations is merely a side effect of heavy auto-aim in other games. KZ2 does not have as much, which makes it more difficult to keep your aim on someone in close quarters, particularly in situations where an enemy is moving across the screen quickly. It's not as difficult or noticeable at longer distances since you are making smaller adjustments. I honestly don't think it's an issue with the "clunkyness" of the game as you say, and thinking it has something to do with the graphical fidelity of the game is just ridiculous.

No, I don't think so. For me it's definitly the accleration and I don't know exactly why they went that way. I don't think that it's more realistic. Maybe in the overall movement but definitly not in the aiming departement. I mean, seriously, if two soldiers meet in a room, do you really think that it would be that way that the one guy is trying to shoot the other guy who's running around in circles trying to melee the shooting guy? XD Hilarious. They should get rid of the accleration and instead lower the highest sensivity setting so that the game is still slow.


Liabe Brave said:
You cannot select "Restart" from the in-game menu at all. If you do, it still counts the death you had. You have to choose "Quit Game", and then go to Mission Select and start at the appropriate checkpoint. You don't have to do the whole level, though.
Yeah, I knew I didn't have to do the whole level over again but that chapter of the level has to be completely redone, seriously? I have a feeling I'll get to the last part of that and die a couple of times, only to have to go restart the whole boss fight all over again. :/

Hopefully I don't do as bad as I'm scared I will.

methane47 said:
Soo when you're in a squad.. no one else on your team can hear you?
Not unless you're close together.
Aladuf said:
Yeah, I knew I didn't have to do the whole level over again but that chapter of the level has to be completely redone, seriously? I have a feeling I'll get to the last part of that and die a couple of times, only to have to go restart the whole boss fight all over again. :/

Hopefully I don't do as bad as I'm scared I will.
While going for Untouchable you do have to start the Radec fight completely over if you die near the end. If you find it too hard, just drop the difficulty. No point pulling your hair out over it.


gametime 7:45 pm est

need to start a little earlier tonight
password: believe
Autobalance: OFF
22 players
different map rotation.
No classes/weapons disabled.


Liabe Brave said:
While going for Untouchable you do have to start the Radec fight completely over if you die near the end. If you find it too hard, just drop the difficulty. No point pulling your hair out over it.
I'm on the lowest difficulty right now. It's not really hard at all, that shit just took sooooo loooooong when I first did it. It'll fucking suck to get 10 minutes in and then get killed real fast and have to start over again.

Oh well, it's all part of the trophy...


JB1981 said:
gametime 7:45 pm est

need to start a little earlier tonight
password: believe
Autobalance: OFF
22 players
different map rotation.
No classes/weapons disabled.
How long is that off? I am in the UK now and need to get some sleep before college tomorrow.
JB1981 said:
gametime 7:45 pm est

need to start a little earlier tonight
password: believe
Autobalance: OFF
22 players
different map rotation.
No classes/weapons disabled.

Your friends list is full. Can someone who has him add me so I can get in?



I've never had an issue with spawn points except perhaps nobody playing as a tactician, and not having any. Only thing I ever have an issue with is people who would rather pretend every round is body count and totally ignore objectives.


The_Inquisitor said:
Your friends list is full. Can someone who has him add me so I can get in?

I'll add you. Is it Inquistor or Inquisitor? (not sure if you spelled it correctly given your username)

Tom Penny

K/D ratio is a tricky thing when figuring if someone is "good" You have the sit back type and you have the people that are on the offensive alot and are nasty. CS is the perfect example. I play with some people that have good K/D ratios but they play like cowards vs people that are just sick and have the same K/D but rush even with pistols and weak weapons and own. If they sat back they would get way more kills but they actually are trying to win. Alot of K/D ratio is know maps and finding "spots" IMO. That is one of the most important things in any FPS. In this game for instance...get to the enemy spawn as a tactitian take out as many as you can and switch to engineer when you die and put up turrents and rake up some serious kills.


JB1981 said:
gametime 7:45 pm est

need to start a little earlier tonight
password: believe
Autobalance: OFF
22 players
different map rotation.
No classes/weapons disabled.
You better be on all night Beamber! I cant get on right now, need like 1hr 30mins.


I'd be in the dick
Finished Veteran earlier and played through Blood Meridian on Elite. I'm definitely having a much easier time with Elite than I did on Veteran up to this point but I know that'll change sooner or later. I'm adapting to not having the cross hair too. I think I'm actually able to fire more accurately from the hip than before. Not looking forward to the end but Elite has been fun so far.


RoboPlato said:
Finished Veteran earlier and played through Blood Meridian on Elite. I'm definitely having a much easier time with Elite than I did on Veteran up to this point but I know that'll change sooner or later. I'm adapting to not having the cross hair too. I think I'm actually able to fire more accurately from the hip than before. Not looking forward to the end but Elite has been fun so far.

Did you pass Visari Square yet? I hit a roadblock there with Elite, and quit out of frustration.


Pojo said:
The feel of this game is perfect. Every bullet feels like it's ripping away at the enemies intestines (or head, I suck), especially in SP mode. Tried to go back and play CoD and felt like I was shooting paper cutouts or something, so odd.

I know exactly what you mean, but this is super hard to explain to people who haven't played the game yet.


Tom Penny said:
K/D ratio is a tricky thing when figuring if someone is "good" You have the sit back type and you have the people that are on the offensive alot and are nasty. CS is the perfect example. I play with some people that have good K/D ratios but they play like cowards vs people that are just sick and have the same K/D but rush even with pistols and weak weapons and own. If they sat back they would get way more kills but they actually are trying to win. Alot of K/D ratio is know maps and finding "spots" IMO. That is one of the most important things in any FPS. In this game for instance...get to the enemy spawn as a tactitian take out as many as you can and switch to engineer when you die and put up turrents and rake up some serious kills.
My K/D ratio is something I desperately want to get nice. It's .91 right now. I'd like to at least keep an average of 1.0 or higher. *e-peen stroke*


I'd be in the dick
BeeDog said:
Did you pass Visari Square yet? I hit a roadblock there with Elite, and quit out of frustration.
No, I'm on that mission now. I'm sure it'll kick my ass though.:lol I die so much in FPS games but I eventually things click and I can power through it.


RoboPlato said:
Finished Veteran earlier and played through Blood Meridian on Elite. I'm definitely having a much easier time with Elite than I did on Veteran up to this point but I know that'll change sooner or later. I'm adapting to not having the cross hair too. I think I'm actually able to fire more accurately from the hip than before. Not looking forward to the end but Elite has been fun so far.
Would you recommend me playing Elite from Normal? I'd like to try it. Another Trophy to add is never a bad thing. ;)


I'm wondering, has anyone bothered with custom soundtracks? I tried it once but just hearing the ambient sounds is much more awesome. :p
fps fanatic said:
Would you recommend me playing Elite from Normal? I'd like to try it. Another Trophy to add is never a bad thing. ;)

I played through Veteran first, then Easy and now going through Elite, it's not that hard up until the point where I am right now, but some parts will get frustrating and since I've already finished the game twice I have a good plan going for those parts.


fps fanatic said:
Would you recommend me playing Elite from Normal? I'd like to try it. Another Trophy to add is never a bad thing. ;)

That's what i went from and i never had any huge problems. I finished Elite today and the only play through before that was on Normal (though i've put a lot of hours into MP). There's only really 3 areas that caused a bit of trouble and they were, the
, the
and the last level.


AranhaHunter said:
I played through Veteran first, then Easy and now going through Elite, it's not that hard up until the point where I am right now, but some parts will get frustrating and since I've already finished the game twice I have a good plan going for those parts.
I pretty much had the same thought before going through Elite.

As a matter a fact, I probably died less times on Elite than I did on Vet (first playthrough) because of it. Since you know what to expect and what's expected, the simple difference of you doing less damage and them doing more isn't that big a deal.


fps fanatic said:
My K/D ratio is something I desperately want to get nice. It's .91 right now. I'd like to at least keep an average of 1.0 or higher. *e-peen stroke*
With a name like fps fanatic you better have something above 2.0 or you fail


Paper or plastic?
Saboteur really is a class that requires you to play conservatively instead of gungho. It's also important to stay away from your other teammates as it might tip the other faction off as to who you really are. You pretty much become the spec ops portion of your team, you go it alone. Engineering has been bumped down to my 2nd favorite. I'm in love with Saboteur AND I just earned the C4 badge.


Topher said:
Saboteur really is a class that requires you to play conservatively instead of gungho. It's also important to stay away from your other teammates as it might tip the other faction off as to who you really are. You pretty much become the spec ops portion of your team, you go it alone. Engineering has been bumped down to my 2nd favorite. I'm in love with Saboteur AND I just earned the C4 badge.
Is it at all like the spy from TF2? I recently started playing with that character and have found it must satisfying to completely fool the other team (i.e. get healed by a stupid medic!)
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