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Paper or plastic?
RoboPlato said:
Scan ability, maybe?
Yeah I know, I was being facetious. This is aimed at GG: NO PERSON from the other team should be able to pic you out from a distance, it doesn't make any sense.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Topher said:
Yeah I know, I was being facetious. This is aimed at GG: NO PERSON from the other team should be able to pic you out from a distance, it doesn't make any sense.

Those Sabs coming from a distance are actually the easier to spot. That's stupid to activate the disguise before reaching the hot spot (like the objective in S&D) because who's there knows most of his team is in close proximity so that makes them suspicious.

That said, the S&M ability is a double edge sword cos:

a) it marks turrets (allies can kinda be "distracted" by those red dots at the edge of the radar, thinking they are approaching enemies while they are not)
b) it marks injured enemies (kinda same as above)
c) it only marks enemies in view (so allies might rush uncautiously towards them and get killed by unmarked enemies behind cover)

Basically, when there is no spot and mark at work, you are 100% sure that every red dot you see is an active enemy. With spot and mark in action, you are not really sure. You can even end up feeling overwhelmed looking at all those dots around you.


Topher said:
Yeah I know, I was being facetious. This is aimed at GG: NO PERSON from the other team should be able to pic you out from a distance, it doesn't make any sense.

I'm at the point where there is nothing but rockets flying everywhere at all times. Sure it's really damn satisfying when you continually kill those bastards... but it just doesn't have longevity.

It honestly looks like GG just thought they were coming up with the best thing ever without doing any kind of real testing. Shit is so unbalanced it's not even funny.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Varna said:
I'm at the point where there is nothing but rockets flying everywhere at all times. Sure it's really damn satisfying when you continually kill those bastards... but it just doesn't have longevity.

It honestly looks like GG just thought they were coming up with the best thing ever without doing any kind of real testing. Shit is so unbalanced it's not even funny.

Don't play in matches with more than 16 players (in large maps - 8 in small ones). Game simply doesn't work with anything above that quota.


nods at old men
5 scrubs (myself included) vs 7 generals who were all snipers, sabs, and tacticians...

so rough....

But damn, killing that lone sniper running to his teammates and getting the final assassination kill to make it a draw game overall........... SO GOOD.

As soon as he went down, all 6 of of his teammates appeared around the corner.
He wasn't quite dead, pulled out the pistol and finished him off.

Go scrubs go!


Orlics said:
I'm officially a fan of Standard 2 (with RealTriggers) over Alternate 2... it's great if you like Halo, like me. :lol
Standard 2 + 360 adapter + patch = CoD/Halo quality aiming with a little less autoaim.


Varna said:
I'm at the point where there is nothing but rockets flying everywhere at all times. Sure it's really damn satisfying when you continually kill those bastards... but it just doesn't have longevity.

It honestly looks like GG just thought they were coming up with the best thing ever without doing any kind of real testing. Shit is so unbalanced it's not even funny.

It's still fun, but the game needs some minor to moderate tweaks for almost every class. imo.


Spawn restrictions base dupon proximity to objectives
Destroyable spawns
twice to delay between planting and smoke emmision (giving more time for them to be disabled)
Disable invinsibility from spawn
A combination of the above?


Give each engineer 1 turret (and the ability to plant a second for good play?)
Limit to total amount of turrents to 4 per team (People can still be an engineer, but it will mention that 'all engineer slots for turrents are taken' for people choosing an engineer after the 4th engineer is spawned)
Ability to remote detonate your turret

Do not disable disguise after 1 kill.
Do not allow Sniper to see saboteurs real identity automatically
(Maybe if he happens to fix his cross hairs on the player?)

None necessary (imo)

Restrict the rocket launcher use until later game (or make it unlockable based upon kills?)
Make the Assault class choose between 'boost' or double health?

I don't know.


This thread needs moar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX-6Ej2lnwg#t=1m20s



Remember... V_V
Anyone else loving the medic? I thought the healing pack perk sucked at first until I realized that you can heal yourself (It's kinda worthless dropping one health pack in a fire fight as you don't really have full control who gets the healing)


Gully State said:
Anyone else loving the medic? I thought the healing pack perk sucked at first until I realized that you can heal yourself (It's kinda worthless dropping one health pack in a fire fight as you don't really have full control who gets the healing)
I use medic the most. But as you get higher up in rank it gets slightly annoying when your facing teams full of saboteurs and scouts. I switch my class depending on the map. I use engineers on blood gracht and radec academy.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Zen said:
Limit to total amount of turrents to 4 per team (People can still be an engineer, but it will mention that 'all engineer slots for turrents are taken' for people choosing an engineer after the 4th engineer is spawned)

The total amount of turrets is already limited to 4 per team.
Gah I am doing so much worse ever since they patched the controls. The whiners have ruined the game. If they wanted CoD they should have stayed with CoD. Killzone 2 felt like a unique shooter. That first week was great and now it feels like any other shooter.


TTP said:
Don't play in matches with more than 16 players (in large maps - 8 in small ones). Game simply doesn't work with anything above that quota.

They should have released for more suitable maps. :(


SuperSonic1305 said:
Gah I am doing so much worse ever since they patched the controls. The whiners have ruined the game. If they wanted CoD they should have stayed with CoD. Killzone 2 felt like a unique shooter. That first week was great and now it feels like any other shooter.
Some people will make up anything in an attempt to excuse poor performance.


Tell me I'm not the only one who - after leaving the spawn - shoots everybody at least once, to see if they're a disguised enemy. =P On servers with FF-off, of course...


ruxtpin said:
Tell me I'm not the only one who - after leaving the spawn - shoots everybody at least once, to see if they're a disguised enemy. =P On servers with FF-off, of course...

Definitely. Every time I see a friend running at me I shoot them just to make sure.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Kak.efes said:

If you're in a squad, is chatter limited to those actually in the squad? If so, why do I still hear everybody's chatter?

There is a close proximity chat going on. It's not everybody.
Squad chat allows comms between players outside of close proximity chat range.

Btw, I think that range is a bit too wide.


CrushDance said:
xbox controller+adapter+patch
I honestly feel like I'm cheating sometimes. Yet the claims that the PS3 controller is just as suitable for FPS games keeps my conscious clean.
I got out of the Beamber game after the second match. The whole point of joining GAF games is the fact that the players aren't going to be a bunch of douchebags. It's a shame that it was completely over run.


who are those other clan people who go in there and talk a lot of shit? I was on a team with them and they were good natured on the whole but would be mocking the hell out of this forum, wtf?

Been playing bits of single player lately and I can say this is one game where I will enjoy finding all the hidden symbols and intel as each firefight is a little bit different the 2nd or 3rd time around :) wooo, I die way too much though >_< more than in multiplayer :p


Paper or plastic?
Kak.efes said:
Does it register the opposition team as well? Because I could have sworn I heard people bemoaning my tactics

Yes. I hear people blaming the game all the time when I kill them.
Kak.efes said:
Does it register the opposition team as well? Because I could have sworn I heard people bemoaning my tactics


yes unfortunately which leads to 30 people talking at once in your ear on the smaller maps. they definitely need to lower the proximity range and also show some kinda indicator that shows the team of the person talking over proxy


Varna said:
Definitely. Every time I see a friend running at me I shoot them just to make sure.

The problem with this approach is: Your other teammates may not know you're just testing. I got gunned down by a whole team because of misunderstanding/testing like this.

(I was just running to join them)


Ah the campaign is even more awesome the second time around. Been replaying in Veteran this time! Before this game I had never noticed how games used very few lights. Every game after KZ2 looks so fucking flat.

Gonna burn me some ghast motherfuckers.


TTP said:
The total amount of turrets is already limited to 4 per team.
I understand that, but the system is the way it is because they probably didn't want a disproportionate amount of engineers and 32 turrets on a map. Their solution was to make a limit of 4 per team. But this generates a problem because of people hogging turrets (by sniping when a turret becomes available, even with the cool down it happens) and having a bunch of engineers running around waiting for a free turret to pop up, and having outdated turrets just sitting around if they aren't destroyed by someone.

Just giving each engineer their own turret, but making a limit of 4 active engineers with 1 turret each (and a possible second if they get a certain amount of turret kills?) is a much better solution, imo.

At the very least the engineers need to be able to remote detonate their own turrets, but with the current system that means you'll have some other engineer sniping your turret usage. So asigning a turret specifically to the engineer is a better solution.


I like how I can just spot a sab almost immediately now after seeing so many, I hardly notice the crosshair or the radar, they just look wrong.


Rapping Granny said:
What a bunch of losers.

hur hur Gaf is retarted but we keep playing with them because we're fucking losers.
Yup, one's existence can't get much more pathetic than that.

Can the host of the match not ban players from the game?


Rikyfree said:
I like how I can just spot a sab almost immediately now after seeing so many, I hardly notice the crosshair or the radar, they just look wrong.


freaking hate saboteurs, man. :p


I'd be in the dick
jett said:
Ah the campaign is even more awesome the second time around. Been replaying in Veteran this time! Before this game I had never noticed how games used very few lights. Every game after KZ2 looks so fucking flat.

Gonna burn me some ghast motherfuckers.
That's exactly how I felt. Veteran is a lot more fun and my second time I really slowed down to take everything in. Working on Elite now.
EazyB said:
I honestly feel like I'm cheating sometimes. Yet the claims that the PS3 controller is just as suitable for FPS games keeps my conscious clean.
Right, and 99.9% of us play with the PS3 controller and can still clean up. His point is not an excuse.


Rapping Granny said:
You can only set up a vote to ban them.
Seems like the right way to implement it. Were there just too many of them to pass a vote?
CrushDance said:
Right, and 99.9% of us play with the PS3 controller and can still clean up. His point is not an excuse.
That's because 99.9% of the people you're shooting off against are using the PS3 controller...

If he's performing worse than he used to it's because he can't adapt to the slightly tweaked, and much improved, aiming. It's still entirely possible to get 3:1 K/D ratios and clean up if your on your game.
CrushDance said:
Right, and 99.9% of us play with the PS3 controller and can still clean up. His point is not an excuse.
It comes down to what you're used to playing with. I need to get a DS3, I've been holding back for a while now but the lack of weight to the Sixaxis makes me feel really uncomfortable. Or maybe a 360 adapter since I have a wired controller.
wow. This has never happened before. Either I'm better than i thought or PSN players skills are just below what im use to playing because I am always at #1 and sometime#2 on the player lists. I love it.

The ping that signify you took someone down is genius. So satisfying.

Im at the middle rank and still dont know ow to equip my ribbons. Aside from the class stuff, are the bonuses you get for completing ribbon challenges just automatically applied to you character? I was lead to believe pre release they where like perks that i had to equip. How does it work?
Hey I just got the highest rank level on MP like many others here.....you think they are gonna raise the cap? I mean I got it pretty fast, probably only about 12 or 13 hours of MP play time. I remember it took waaaaaaaay longer on CoD and I never even got it, only got like lvl 54
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