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Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TrAcEr_x90 said:
who got 1 percent badge this week?

I scored a little over 2,000 points for last week, but didnt get any badge. I guess I just got the same percentage as the previous week. It seems I need to at least get about 6,000 points to be in the 1 percent.

I had a bit over 5000 points and I got the 1% badge. You had to be in the top 2600 or so, and I was at 1950 I believe.
I hope the patch allows us to have a pure human versus bot matchup...
Then again, I am not sure how this works.

Humans get to pick ISA or Helghast on joining...
But how do I tell the bots to "always be ISA" or something like that?

Argh... Please don't screw this up GG.
I just beat the game on Elite! That final fight was a true test of my patience.

But the game better and better the more times I play it. I swear the graphics looked even better this time. Probably because the first time through it was just too overwhelming to take in at once. Like a sensory overload. It takes a few play throughs to really absorb what an amazing job Guerrilla has done here.
Lince said:
I got my third 1% badge this week with only 1/3 of the playtime of previous weeks.
Me to.

PuppetMaster said:
I just beat the game on Elite! That final fight was a true test of my patience.

But the game better and better the more times I play it. I swear the graphics looked even better this time. Probably because the first time through it was just too overwhelming to take in at once. Like a sensory overload. It takes a few play throughs to really absorb what an amazing job Guerrilla has done here.

I absolutely agree. The bridge sequence, The sniper area all of it looked even better to me. During MP I still find myself stopping just to look up into the sky to marvel at all the insane stuff going on.


commish said:
Can we keep sales numbers out of this thread, please? ugh.

GAFA needs to get some clan matches set up!

yeah, its already awesome how now we have a lot more ppl playing together, but Kitton needs to get on the events, or appoint someone else who plays as much to.
icechai said:
yeah, its already awesome how now we have a lot more ppl playing together, but Kitton needs to get on the events, or appoint someone else who plays as much to.

Hey Ice, you and I are Officers, so we can set up matches and tournaments. At least I think we can.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
SetUhatU said:
Had a great match last night and finished -38. Man sometimes it is fun to be a real sabateur and teamkill all the live-long day.

-38? While I am not condoning your actions, I would think that, if you were a true teamkiller, you could do better than -38.


More invites sent.


Haha familiar faces a plenty in this last page. Was fun playing with yall last night.

May I get an invite for the clan? I play under the name i0dollas.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
xiked said:
Wasn't that the pre orders game stores had made not the amount of ppl that pre ordered? Correct me if I'm wrong.

BTW. Have Sony told you or anyone else at GG how many copies KZ2 have sold? I really would love to know. Want KZ2 to be as big success as possible. Even though Sony PR is vary bad at promoting games I hope it did well at retail.

Would be nice to get an response from Iain Howe.

I heard initially that was pre-orders at stores by people - but later evidence has led me to believe it's actually the numbers that retailers pre-ordered for stock.

I'm not sure of anything beyond the week 1 numbers, which I already posted earlier. I don't remember Sony giving GG updates regularly on sales for KZ1, except when certain milestones were hit. They might be giving them more information now, but I'm not with GG anymore so I can't say for sure.


cjtiger300 said:
Hey Ice, you and I are Officers, so we can set up matches and tournaments. At least I think we can.

Your first duty is to challenge GAFe seeing as you failed to accept our challenge! :lol

Just remember that we are ~7 hours ahead of you when scheduling.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Chrange said:
I thought someone pointed out in the NPD thread that the PS3 install base was a couple hundred thousand ahead of the 360's install base at the point Halo 3 launched.

Realllly? Interesting. Maybe the Marketing Apocalypse had more effect than I thought. Plus Halo enjoys a franchise reputation that Killzone can't really boast as yet.

Give it another good game, though...
Cagen said:
Your first duty is to challenge GAFe seeing as you failed to accept our challenge! :lol

Just remember that we are ~7 hours ahead of you when scheduling.

Honestly, we didn't have enough guys online in the afternoon. Most of us play at night, around 10pm EST. We will work something out though.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
cjtiger300 said:
Honestly, we didn't have enough guys online in the afternoon. Most of us play at night, around 10pm EST. We will work something out though.

I (tigerheli) can be on during the day...

As a side note, it's sad that I might have to retire my beloved sab class. There just aren't enough people consistently picking tactician, or if they are, doing a good job. I'm not saying I'm the best, but I know enough to realize that you can't win without quality spawn points. I suck horribly with the assault rifles :\
commish said:
I (tigerheli) can be on during the day...

As a side note, it's sad that I might have to retire my beloved sab class. There just aren't enough people consistently picking tactician, or if they are, doing a good job. I'm not saying I'm the best, but I know enough to realize that you can't win without quality spawn points. I suck horribly with the assault rifles :\

You and me both. I tend to load out as a Sab initially then switch to Tactician when I come to the sad realization that absolutely no one else is going to step up. It is unfortunate that this seems to be the case in most games I play. However, if I go almost an entire match where no one plays as tactician or makes a squad, I will sometimes pick the tactican class and then lay down some of the worst spawn points I can conceive of.

I suck with the AR, but know that is an extension of my lack of playtime with the weapon. However, I don't like the tactician because I can't equip a useful secondary ability. If people are willing to get together and help out with that badge then I will be more than happy to play as tactician almost exclusively.


the_prime_mover said:
You and me both. I tend to load out as a Sab initially then switch to Tactician when I come to the sad realization that absolutely no one else is going to step up. It is unfortunate that this seems to be the case in most games I play. However, if I go almost an entire match where no one plays as tactician or makes a squad, I will sometimes pick the tactican class and then lay down some of the worst spawn points I can conceive of.

I suck with the AR, but know that is an extension of my lack of playtime with the weapon. However, I don't like the tactician because I can't equip a useful secondary ability. If people are willing to get together and help out with that badge then I will be more than happy to play as tactician almost exclusively.

First man that is diabolical. Second we should have gotten that badge before that GAF3 game. Next time I see you on I'll make a game so we can get this piece of shit badge.


Sweet, 100% of the multiplayer trophies in the bag. Now, on to playing the MP for real (and having some more fun with SP)!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
the_prime_mover said:
I suck with the AR, but know that is an extension of my lack of playtime with the weapon. However, I don't like the tactician because I can't equip a useful secondary ability. If people are willing to get together and help out with that badge then I will be more than happy to play as tactician almost exclusively.

God yes. Unlocking that secondary ability would make my life complete. It really is the shitty secondary that annoys me most of all. Hit me up if you ever want to try that. PSN is tigerheli


I just got 367 points (or 367.5 points to be precise, but the .5 doesnt get counted i think?) :) I think that this is the highest score i have gotten during 1 game. This game had very long rounds, like 30 minutes for everything or something. And i joined the server later on so i didnt get to play the Body Count. Maybe i could have gotten around 400 points if i played the game from the very begining :)

EDIT: This was on a server where the grenade launcher and the rocket launchers werent avalible by the way. The map was Blood Gratch (or what it is called).

I really like Killzone 2. Even after i have reached the general rank and got all the ribbon, i still think the game is pretty cool to play. I also ordered a headset today :)


Zen said:
WHile a number of people are going outside again, or wahtnot, that's not really a valid way of explaining the degree of the drop off...
I dont think that people are going outside is the only reason for that some people have stopped playing Killzone 2 online, but who knows how much the upcomming spring has affected the Killzone 2 online numbers :)

Iain Howe said:
I'd say that 1.5 to 2.0 million isn't an unreasonable estimate.

People expecting Halo 3 numbers need to remember that the PS3 has a smaller installed user base at the moment. And I'd hardly be taking liberties if I suggested that just maybe Microsoft's marketing team seem to know what they're doing more than their oppo's at Sony.

Say what you like about Killzone 2 - it's going to sell pretty well, it's a good game and it's providing a damn firm base for the development of the franchise. Whatever else is taken away from this, you won't see people writing Killzone 3 off before they've seen it running!

Which is almost a pity, in one way, because watching virtually the whole industry press choking down huge helpings of crow was fucking awesome.
I guess that you maybe are talking about people in general, but i didnt expect Halo 3 numbers from Killzone 2. I just wanted to mention it since you first quoted what i said :)

Ye, Killzone 2 is going to sell pretty well indeed :) I am looking forward to the march NPD sales numbers, and soon i think we get this months ELSPA sales awards numbe (sales numbers for the UK). But regardless on how much Killzone 2 will sell, the game is a really really great game, and i am sure that there will be people playing Killzone 2 for a long period of time so it shouldnt be any problems finding people to play with online anytime soon :)


I assume the "killing spree" stat is how many people you kill before you die. I got 22 today in a game as a Sniper on Visari Hammer before I died and it hasn't counted. Still says 15 :(

I finished the game, didn't get disconnected or anything...


CST here so I can be on after 6pm on weekdays or anytime on weekends, would love a game against GafE, so them where the skill lies(in NA mofos).


I wish more people knew what the fucking objective was on S&D games... you plant explosives and defuse them! When defending don't just fucking stand there until they explode for fucks sake!
TheFatOne said:
First man that is diabolical. Second we should have gotten that badge before that GAF3 game. Next time I see you on I'll make a game so we can get this piece of shit badge.

Sounds good. Usually those type of matches work well with 4 or so people. I am sure a lot of people would like the air support badge.

commish said:
God yes. Unlocking that secondary ability would make my life complete. It really is the shitty secondary that annoys me most of all. Hit me up if you ever want to try that. PSN is tigerheli

See above. I will send you a friend invite the next time I jump on, Tiger.


Hey Kitton can I get an invite to GAFA please? i been in GAFw forever but its always empty =(

Psn = Bajan32

wanna play with you guys more
Thanks a mil


FFObsessed said:
I assume the "killing spree" stat is how many people you kill before you die. I got 22 today in a game as a Sniper on Visari Hammer before I died and it hasn't counted. Still says 15 :(

I finished the game, didn't get disconnected or anything...

There is like a 20-30 minute delay before stats are updated.


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
Where did people get the Run & Gunner trophy, the one where you have to kill 3 Helghast using single clip without releasing trigger?
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