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Kittonwy said:
Sure thing, I'm sure people will be interested, even last night there were a bunch of us on late, we just have to work out the time. >:p

Just please don't do it at 1 AM unless it's Friday night. I can't make it that late during the week, gotta get up at 6 AM. :D


Rapping Granny said:
Next time somebody makes a GAF game with FF on, please disable the assault class.

thank you :)

after the good games we had yesterday with GAFe, GAFa and some GAFw members I'm leaning towards creating GAF games with FF off and assault enabled but... no rockets/grenade launchers, it somewhat works and GAfe's proud Cagen will own you with his M4 skill.

Thrakier said:
I hate radec on elite. I hate that fucking game. I'm thinking of playing it NEVER again.

still stuck ? :lol
search Youtube for some strats :p


I watched the youtube vids but they don't help at all because it's pure fucking luck where they go up, if rico gets hit, if they hit you in the head etc. - it's just fucking shit gamedesign and I hate it. I should have never started that elite playthrough, never. And I swore to myself that I wonÄt touch MP again if I can't finish the game on elite...so go figure.


Thrakier said:
I watched the youtube vids but they don't help at all because it's pure fucking luck where they go up, if rico gets hit, if they hit you in the head etc. - it's just fucking shit gamedesign and I hate it. I should have never started that elite playthrough, never. And I swore to myself that I wonÄt touch MP again if I can't finish the game on elite...so go figure.

:lol :lol

I got it in 3 times, I guess I was lucky to know the "debris" strategy beforehand and saved the grenade launcher for the second wave of guys trying to go upstairs, the rest was pretty easy.


Rapping Granny said:
Next time somebody makes a GAF game with FF on, please disable the assault class.

thank you :)


andycapps said:
Just please don't do it at 1 AM unless it's Friday night. I can't make it that late during the week, gotta get up at 6 AM. :D

Considering you guys are ~7 hours behind us, it will have to be during the day time on a weekend or the majority of GAFe wont be able to make it.
Thrakier said:
I hate radec on elite. I hate that fucking game. I'm thinking of playing it NEVER again.

I just run around til it sounds like he isn't right behind me, turn around (he will be running for you) and shoot, don't aim for the head just shoot and land all the shots on his body.

If he starts using his gun find cover and shoot.

Rinse, repeat.


Cagen said:
No, just common sense.

Enabling a class to run around at double speed with double health is just extremely bad game design. Speed and armor/health is a classic balancing pair where you can only have one. Higher speed gives you less armor/health, and vice versa. That's really the only way to do it unless you have some drastic other drawback. And with the revolver (and possibly lots of explosive power) no such drawback exists, it's just pure power. Pure stupid game design. Get over it.


Rapping Granny said:
Next time somebody makes a GAF game with FF on, please disable the assault class.

thank you :)

You know what is even better letting a rocket loose in a small room killing three people. Then, hearing the other team bitch and moan that someone used a rocket :lol


TheFatOne said:
You know what is even better letting a rocket loose in a small room killing three people. Then, hearing the other team bitch and moan that someone used a rocket :lol
Yeah it's pretty funny hearing them yell at their teammate. Last night I believe it was cjtiger who was killed by his teammate just so he could pick up the propaganda speaker and return it himself. cjtiger was so pissed and just went off...since I was on the opposing team I just stopped so I could hear him through proximity chat. It was epic. :lol

I think an automatic kick after a certain number of team kills, like in CoD:WaW, would be a nice addition to this game.


I'm back in the online mode dear GafE. Radec finally understood my skill is superior and put a bullet in his brain.


Still hate it though...


BobTheFork said:
What keep happening to me lately is that a teammate blows up MY turret because there are 12 engineers and they can't get one built :/

That is exactly why I stopped using the engineer class.


aka andydumi
Nightz said:
Yeah it's pretty funny hearing them yell at their teammate. Last night I believe it was cjtiger who was killed by his teammate just so he could pick up the propaganda speaker and return it himself. cjtiger was so pissed and just went off...since I was on the opposing team I just stopped so I could hear him through proximity chat. It was epic. :lol

I think an automatic kick after a certain number of team kills, like in CoD:WaW, would be a nice addition to this game.

Yep. Or have it as a movable target. For every TK you get a +3 to your spawn timer. A poorly placed rocket can kill 5 teammates at once, so maybe not auto kick for that but give them a chance to improve by making them wait another 15 seconds for each personal death until the end of the current round.

And if you reach a certain death cap of say 10 in a game you get kicked.


BobTheFork said:
What keep happening to me lately is that a teammate blows up MY turret because there are 12 engineers and they can't get one built :/

There should be a penalty enforced for that.


Crushdance - BTW, I'm sorry for team killing you last night with the sniper rifle. You were running straight towards me from their side so I didn't look at my radar and thought you were a saboteur. I felt so bad!
Well, now that the new patch has proven that GG can add in search filters, I propose that the following be added in to help us search more efficiently:

Friendly Fire (On/Off)
Faction Balancing (On/Off)
Custom Badges (On/Off - no need to get specific as it is generally just the Assault class)
Game Types (Warzone, Body Count, Assassination, S&R, S&D, C&H, custom)

Also, please fix the annoying ability to have teams of 9vs7 in a 16p match. It kind of shakes my faith in humanity when I see people waiting until the game is in play, then switching sides specifically to be on the team with more players. In games where there are less than the max number of player it is annoying to see things like 8on5 or so, but I fail to see the point in allowing teams to have more than half the maximum number of players on them.

Finally, perhaps in the future GG could allow people to set up servers with the option to allow for custom weapons for each class (where the server settings allow you to affect the intial load out of players by restricting or providing access to weapons outside of their class - so an Assault could load out with LMGs, Engineers could load out with ARs . . .). Also, it would be nice if you could have the option to restrict primary or secondary badges without restricting the secondary or primary badges, respectively.
andycapps said:
Crushdance - BTW, I'm sorry for team killing you last night with the sniper rifle. You were running straight towards me from their side so I didn't look at my radar and thought you were a saboteur. I felt so bad!

Haha, the danger of FF on. My advice, if you see the light, don't shoot!

Boss Man

Dante said:
There should be a penalty enforced for that.
Maybe so, but at the same time sometimes people will put up shitty turrets just because their timer is up (or they've died) without considering that the whole team can only have four up. If I see a horribly placed turret, or one that's up somewhere for an objective that's ended, I'll blow it up. Even if I'm not playing Engineer.


VNZ said:
No, just common sense.

Enabling a class to run around at double speed with double health is just extremely bad game design. Speed and armor/health is a classic balancing pair where you can only have one. Higher speed gives you less armor/health, and vice versa. That's really the only way to do it unless you have some drastic other drawback. And with the revolver (and possibly lots of explosive power) no such drawback exists, it's just pure power. Pure stupid game design. Get over it.

I am getting so tired of the complaining and arguing about the Assault class so I am not going to get into the never ending argument about it, however in clan games or GAF games there is absolutely no reason to turn it off.

Anyway, the reason I said what I did is because FF is the one counter to rocket spam so I don't see why people would want to have FF off when the Assault class is enabled. Also, Rapping knows how good I am with the Assault and an M4, so it was bordering on a joke.


Thrakier said:
I hate radec on elite. I hate that fucking game. I'm thinking of playing it NEVER again.
I cursed radec on my first run on Veteran, I think I died as much on that fight as the rest of the game. However, I beat him on Elite on my third or fourth try. :) I was literally sprinting the whole fight back and forth. :p


Cagen said:
I am getting so tired of the complaining and arguing about the Assault class so I am not going to get into the never ending argument about it, however in clan games or GAF games there is absolutely no reason to turn it off.

Anyway, the reason I said what I did is because FF is the one counter to rocket spam so I don't see why people would want to have FF off when the Assault class is enabled. Also, Rapping knows how good I am with the Assault and an M4, so it was bordering on a joke.
Yesterday I got into a 10v10 match where 8 out of the 10 people on the opposing team were nothing but assaults. It COMPLETELY broke the game and was so bad that we could not leave our spawn point, nobody left for the entire time I was there. When that crap is able to happen, that says that the class is VASTLY overpowered and should be changed to a degree. It is also why I completely condone the banning of the class from the game or change the weapons available to the class.


Why can I no longer search for games with certain maps and game types but not exclusively?

I used to always search for games which contain Saluman Market in the rotation... now you can't.

Oh well, I'll just play in this SM only game... :(


the_prime_mover said:
Also, please fix the annoying ability to have teams of 9vs7 in a 16p match. It kind of shakes my faith in humanity when I see people waiting until the game is in play, then switching sides specifically to be on the team with more players. In games where there are less than the max number of player it is annoying to see things like 8on5 or so, but I fail to see the point in allowing teams to have more than half the maximum number of players on them.
One of my main gripes with the game..
How difficult could it be to fix this? I'm a software engineer myself (though not gaming related) and it seems like such a trivial fix I'm baffled as to why this is still an issue after two patches.


Rikyfree said:
Yesterday I got into a 10v10 match where 8 out of the 10 people on the opposing team were nothing but assaults. It COMPLETELY broke the game and was so bad that we could not leave our spawn point, nobody left for the entire time I was there. When that crap is able to happen, that says that the class is VASTLY overpowered and should be changed to a degree. It is also why I completely condone the banning of the class from the game or change the weapons available to the class.

While I agree that Assault class being yanked out would result in a better game, if your team had one tactician, they should have sprinted out of the 'spawn', and dropped a smoke, even if its 10 feet outside, it will break the 'camping', cause then you can spawn there, be invincible, get another smoke another 3 seconds away, then you have 4 spawn points in a small area that offer you 2-3 seconds of invincibility...with that, you should be able to either beat back the other team, or flank them enough to draw their fire and let the other spawns breathe.
Kittonwy said:
I'm a uniter not a defector.

We're uniting all the GAF clans for North America into GAF America, do you want in?

That last one was tough but we were losing pretty badly in the last round.

Can I get a clan invite- I'm jdirty01


careful said:
One of my main gripes with the game..
How difficult could it be to fix this? I'm a software engineer myself (though not gaming related) and it seems like such a trivial fix I'm baffled as to why this is still an issue after two patches.

yesterday i was in a 5 vs. 2 match and then somebody joined the game. First i was like, kool and then i check the player states and he was on the other side and then i was LLOOOLLL. Anyway the other player was pretty good and we had a lot of fun fighting versus 6 people and being only 2.


the_prime_mover said:
Haha, the danger of FF on. My advice, if you see the light, don't shoot!

I know, I just didn't think of it in the heat of the moment with a guy that I thought was a saboteur (by the actions) running towards me at almost point blank range. It was on Saluman Market and I was in the middle under one of the sides columns near the street and he was running up the middle of the street towards me but from the other teams side. That's what made me think he was a saboteur. Just wanting to put out there that I didn't team kill on purpose! :lol


My problem with the GAFA games is that it includes both FF and Objective games. I would be fine with FF if the game was just Bodycount, but the Objective games are too damn hectic to support that well. Every once in a while after I died I took a look at my stats and saw I had like -12 points. That confused the hell out of me and then I realized my teamates kept running over the C4 I kept planting on the Search and Destroy bombing spots. You have these tiny rooms with spawn smoke, grenade smoke and explosions, bullets, and bodies flying everywhere and it just because a death trap for everyone as they're running around the rooms/areas trying to make sense of what's happening in the game.


GodofWine said:
While I agree that Assault class being yanked out would result in a better game, if your team had one tactician, they should have sprinted out of the 'spawn', and dropped a smoke, even if its 10 feet outside, it will break the 'camping', cause then you can spawn there, be invincible, get another smoke another 3 seconds away, then you have 4 spawn points in a small area that offer you 2-3 seconds of invincibility...with that, you should be able to either beat back the other team, or flank them enough to draw their fire and let the other spawns breathe.
Yes, this works most of the time against base camping (unless you're outnumbered by a lot).

Though I'm thinking on Radec playing as Helghast, both spawn exits are very tight (long corridor on top stairs and small door on ground floor) with the third exit in the corridor. If most of the other team is rocket spamming then it could be pretty difficult to even get out and drop the spawn nade.


Cagen said:
Anyway, the reason I said what I did is because FF is the one counter to rocket spam so I don't see why people would want to have FF off when the Assault class is enabled. Also, Rapping knows how good I am with the Assault and an M4, so it was bordering on a joke.
And what I was saying is being "good" with Assault+M4 is to exploit an obvious imbalance in the game, to which the only cure is disabling the class altogether.


I feel bad for anyone who jumps into my games, I seem to find the worst possible ones, and all the retards end up on my team...

Gonna snipe on Pyrrhus Rise only map. :)


careful said:
Yes, this works most of the time against base camping (unless you're outnumbered by a lot).

Though I'm thinking on Radec playing as Helghast, both spawn exits are very tight (long corridor on top stairs and small door on ground floor) with the third exit in the corridor. If most of the other team is rocket spamming then it could be pretty difficult to even get out and drop the spawn nade.

Yea, thats a pretty tight escape, but even getting a spawn in the tunnel should allow you to get out..well at least to the end of the tunnel where some a-hole is probably camping anyone who climbs the ladder...a-holes...all of them :D

Problem is, you almost just need one tact. to pull of the escape, get one smoke by the doorway, then die, then spawn and sprint for the yard and drop another smoke...if a 2nd tact is putting a smoke in the tunnel or stairs, your still pretty stuck.


Kuroyume said:
My problem with the GAFA games is that it includes both FF and Objective games. I would be fine with FF if the game was just Bodycount, but the Objective games are too damn hectic to support that well. Every once in a while after I died I took a look at my stats and saw I had like -12 points. That confused the hell out of me and then I realized my teamates kept running over the C4 I kept planting on the Search and Destroy bombing spots. You have these tiny rooms with spawn smoke, grenade smoke and explosions, bullets, and bodies flying everywhere and it just because a death trap for everyone as they're running around the rooms/areas trying to make sense of what's happening in the game.

Probably best then in that case to infiltrate their side of the map and leave the C4 on paths where the enemy is likely to be the only one crossing. Yeah if you're leaving the C4 at the S & D site that is probably going to get you some team kills, but that's the way the game was designed. FF on still far outweighs the downsides, IMO.


GodofWine said:
Yea, thats a pretty tight escape, but even getting a spawn in the tunnel should allow you to get out..well at least to the end of the tunnel where some a-hole is probably camping anyone who climbs the ladder...a-holes...all of them :D

Problem is, you almost just need one tact. to pull of the escape, get one smoke by the doorway, then die, then spawn and sprint for the yard and drop another smoke...if a 2nd tact is putting a smoke in the tunnel or stairs, your still pretty stuck.
Yeah it can be tough to coordinate between multiple tacts. It's probably best to have one dedicated tactician per team. On Pyrrhus S&D from ISA side, I trecked all the way across the bridge to Hig side and dropped a spawn in the walled up building to at least have a foothold there before trying to get closer to the objective. Then I make it across the open area close to the stairs leading up to the bomb site and I'm about to drop the second spawn around there, but no spawns available.. After dying, I see someone else dropped a spawn right next to my original one (and it was backwards at that). Fail.


FFObsessed said:
I feel bad for anyone who jumps into my games, I seem to find the worst possible ones, and all the retards end up on my team...

Gonna snipe on Pyrrhus Rise only map. :)

I would rather have games that don't force auto-balance so I don't have to play with random losers against gaffers, I don't care if it's 16 Gaffers to 1 random loser, it's all about winning. >:|
VNZ said:
And what I was saying is being "good" with Assault+M4 is to exploit an obvious imbalance in the game, to which the only cure is disabling the class altogether.
No, that is not the only cure. Better aim is another: headshots kill Assault in one bullet just like everyone else. Or, if you have the M4, you only have to get in one more shot than them. Or use Boost to suddenly make him miss. Or draw him into an area where there's airbots, turrets, or C4. Co-ordinate with teammates. Drop medpacks ahead of time so his health advantage isn't there. Or die, but bog him down so long he's not helping with his team's objective. Etc. etc.

There are many, many ways to kill Assault units, or to make them useless to their team. I get killed by them a lot, but I've also had the pleasure of hearing Assault players whine over prox chat "How the hell did he kill me?!" because they mistakenly believe (like you evidently do) that Assault is an invincibility suit. It isn't.

All this applies even more forcefully to friendly-fire servers, where idiot Assault players hurt their team more than help it.


Kuroyume said:
My problem with the GAFA games is that it includes both FF and Objective games. I would be fine with FF if the game was just Bodycount, but the Objective games are too damn hectic to support that well. Every once in a while after I died I took a look at my stats and saw I had like -12 points. That confused the hell out of me and then I realized my teamates kept running over the C4 I kept planting on the Search and Destroy bombing spots. You have these tiny rooms with spawn smoke, grenade smoke and explosions, bullets, and bodies flying everywhere and it just because a death trap for everyone as they're running around the rooms/areas trying to make sense of what's happening in the game.

Your own team does not set off the C4s.


Cagen said:
I am getting so tired of the complaining and arguing about the Assault class so I am not going to get into the never ending argument about it, however in clan games or GAF games there is absolutely no reason to turn it off.

Anyway, the reason I said what I did is because FF is the one counter to rocket spam so I don't see why people would want to have FF off when the Assault class is enabled. Also, Rapping knows how good I am with the Assault and an M4, so it was bordering on a joke.

So that's why I can't kill u cuz ur assault.


I have a lot of invites pending, please if you have asked for invites and I have sent them, leave your current clan so you can accept them to join the united clan.


I am @ work so can some one answer this: do the unranked matches let you access any weapon/badge? Or they are restricted to what you have earned so far?


A.R.K said:
I am @ work so can some one answer this: do the unranked matches let you access any weapon/badge? Or they are restricted to what you have earned so far?
Why would they? The only in-game difference is they have Bots enabled.


Rapping Granny said:
Fuck Objectives, they are boring as shit. Body Count only matches with FF on FTW.

It's really where the game shines.

am i the only one who loves objectives, especially with FF on? you just have to watch your shots. Last night I played one game just using LMG (thanks to Kitton for being tactician this time :p) and I had 0 team kills! Also assaults just get destroyed against the LMG especially if there's teammates around and they're worried about teamkills. And shooting that saboteur who thinks he's so smart in FF games is even more satisfying :p
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