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Ahhh man, havent played in days and its killing me. Stupid school. At least I'm almost done in a couple of weeks:D
Ok I was almost to the point of swearing to not play this game until they took out the double health for assault class.



It's awesome. Assualt + M4! It's my favorite thing in the game. I was playing a game on Tharsis earlier on the ISA side and these guys decided to build bots in front of and above our base, position two snipers right accross the entrances, add flying bots, throw a spawn grenade in our base, and position shotgun engineers around there too. I decided to switch over to Assualt which was gimped only allowing the M4 and I just made them so miserable. They were going insane. We won. :lol
BruceLeeRoy said:
I am absolutely ashamed for it but I got the air support medal is the only one I got through unscrupulous means. Even then it was hard!
I'm so close to doing that too :lol

I'm going to try and get them legit for a little while longer though. Maybe my luck will take a turn for the better.


don't ask me for codes
mgviperman said:
I'm so close to doing that too :lol

I'm going to try and get them legit for a little while longer though. Maybe my luck will take a turn for the better.

Upping the damage done by sentry droids is being looked at.


Has some great games last night again. Once again it was a 6 vs. 2 match and for some reason the other guy from my team disappeard so i was all alone on the isa side. Those mo'fuckers didnt even let me out of my base but i still kicked their asses :D'i had about 100 points after a 15 mins match.

I would really appreciate a GAF clan invite :)

Btw. Did you notice there are a lot of girls playing kz2??? There been two girls in my match yesterday and i constantly see at least one girl in almost every match i play.


fun games yesterday with lots of GAFe members destroying GAFa + randoms, I was somewhat shocked with the abuse of rocket / grenade launchers + boost at a certain moment in the game though... I guess you want winning at all costs ! :lol it was way more enjoyable than random games anyway ! :D
cyclone87 said:
Yeh just noticed that, it's about to overtake the Halo 3 thread.

With just little over a month and with a 3rd of the post the Halo 3 thread has,wow it look like many people actually wanted to see Killzone 2 after all.


Rapping Granny said:
Ok I was almost to the point of swearing to not play this game until they took out the double health for assault class.

I think they should fix the buggy shotty kills first. Amazing how you can get head headshoted from 10+ feet away yet you unload a full ass clip to the person's body and they dont die. WTF


Tempy said:
Upping the damage done by sentry droids is being looked at.

Meaning, turrets too? These are fine, IMO.

What needs more attention I think is their aiming (turrets aim pretty good, it's not rare to be headshot. Flying bots on the other hand can't aim for shit), and their amazing propension to fly into the next obstacle and blow up in a heartbeat.

Also, is the tourney system being looked at too? We need more infos on the settings.
And please, ban these fucking VP abusing clans or something >:[
Tempy said:
Upping the damage done by sentry droids is being looked at.

I don't know that upping the damage is really the best solution to this problem. Air support can be an annoyance in larger skirmishes and because it can move around it can be hard to destroy. Giving them the ability to do more damage may make them too much of a threat. With turrets you can quickly turn to them and toss a grenade/fire a rocket/shoot them, or just get out of their line of fire. You don't really have those options with Air Support. This means that entering into an area with air support will mean that you have to take them out first which can put the team at a disadvantage as it will be easy to toss one down at any time (upon respawn).

Perhaps you could give them a spot&mark ability like the Scout, but for a limited range and the ability would put the little blue x's on everyone's screens for as long as the bot is active.


Perhaps making it actually good against turrets?


Make the requirements for the badges something different - like spotting 5 people or some such thing.

My problem with the turrets is the badge requirements and how much they suck against turrets (or rather, how awesome turrets are against air support). Air Support is great for adding some confusion to larger skirmishes and it would be unfair if they just started racking up kills. Perhaps they should mark Scouts as a primary target though?


Not pure anymore!
TTP said:
Me too. Bodycount is totally pointless and boring. I hate that as a mission and I stay away from BC-only games.
Me three! I hated deathmatch and team deathmatch in MGO too. (the only other online game that I used to play a lot)


Hot damn, this thread's number of views jumps wildly from day to day. The view/post ratio is insane, I wonder what people come here looking for... and then why they run away scared. :lol


rexor0717 said:
You don't have to like it, but calling it a garbage game is extreme. There is quality there, and if you don't like it, thats fine.
And the true joke is you thinking I'm insecure.

After have been sleeping and gone through my statements again, I might have exaggerated a little bit to much. Cod4 is still a good game, not garbage, but it is dam overrated and don't comes near KZ2 in MP experience. :)

mgviperman said:
I'm so close to doing that too :lol

I'm going to try and get them legit for a little while longer though. Maybe my luck will take a turn for the better.

You guys don't to have to do that. Do as I did, play as normal but when enemies are near an flying bot, wound them whit two shots and the bot will take care of the rest. Got my last 4 ribbons that way :p just a tip :) What GG really need to do is to fix 1% thophy!....
FirewalkR said:
Hot damn, this thread's number of views jumps wildly from day to day. The view/post ratio is insane, I wonder what people come here looking for... and then why they run away scared. :lol
I have NOTHING to do at work so I read different game forums all day long. This thread is a great place to hear about news about upcoming patches, fixes, tips on how to play etc.


ilanna said:
Me three! I hated deathmatch and team deathmatch in MGO too. (the only other online game that I used to play a lot)

Lies TDM in MGO was awesome because of how the game played.


Tempy said:
Upping the damage done by sentry droids is being looked at.

awesome to know you guys are constantly looking at balances :) Thought air sentry bots weren't bad in the beta, they just seem gimped now that turrets rocket the crap out of them. A lot of us got the air sentry ribbons in beta by playing normally but almost no one has gotten the medal in retail through normal games.


Ploid 3.0 said:
3,004,000 views. What does it take for a view to register? Can it be from people refreshing? How is this possible?

This must be running at about 4000/5000 views per hour at the moment. I think a reload counts. vBulletin could avoid counting reloads from the same IP in a short amount of time or something like that but I have no idea if it does.


Not pure anymore!
AndyD said:
I agree.

I suggested this before, requiring a spawn to be built and able to be un-built. They need to give that to the engineer along with repair. And also allow repair gun to "un-repair" friendly and enemy gun emplacements and ammo boxes, as well as enemy spawn points. I hate setting up a nice turret array for a certain game type, then it changes and all of them are uselessly placed. I would love deconstructing them and then rebuilding elsewhere without wasting ammo or grenades and giving away my position on the map by firing like crazy.

It would increase the engineer's worth tenfold. As they could plant a turret to defend the spawn point from being un-built by the enemy.

Also, the tactician should get a "overall map display" of some sort to direct battle. Sort of a semi-general role with whole map oversight to help with spawn placements.

I really think the intermittent smoke at the end of life of a spawn is a fantastic idea.

Also, why is there no ribbon/medal that increase the amount of points for grenade kills? There seems to be one for everything else.

We played a couple of games last night where the top 3 got over 600 points. I made over 200 in 6th both times, but I was working on my sabo and melee ribbons. Nothing more satisfying than walking up as a sabo behind an enemy and whacking them in the back of the head.
Listen to this man, GG!

Facism said:
Lies TDM in MGO was awesome because of how the game played.
Well, okay TDM was kinda fun compared to deathmatch. But I've never been a huge fan of either, unless I'm playing with friends only, TDM matches with random players weren't that fun, imo.

I think GG should learn from MGO's search. I hate KZ2's search system, hate going through dozens of matches to find the one I like. :( It's not fun! And the games in lobby has very basic info. See, in MGO, you don't even have to do custom search just enter the lobby and everything is there. Also love the comment at the bottom so you know what to expect. I also like the text chat thing before the match, and kick votes (can you do that in KZ2?), also like the voting system for changing teams.


Some great games yesterday. Fuck you Lince for killing me so much :lol

Highlight of the day tho: TTP hiding in a pipe as the assassination target. An Italian in a pipe, couldn't stop thinking of Mario :lol


FFObsessed said:
Some great games yesterday. Fuck you Lince for killing me so much :lol

Highlight of the day tho: TTP hiding in a pipe as the assassination target. An Italian in a pipe, couldn't stop thinking of Mario :lol



FFObsessed said:
Some great games yesterday. Fuck you Lince for killing me so much :lol

Highlight of the day tho: TTP hiding in a pipe as the assassination target. An Italian in a pipe, couldn't stop thinking of Mario :lol

what? I thought it was you and your kitton friend who were killing me all the time !!!!

TTP !! old dog :lol :lol :lol

next time first thing I'm going to do is plant some C4 in the damn pipe :p


ilanna said:
Listen to this man, GG!

Well, okay TDM was kinda fun compared to deathmatch. But I've never been a huge fan of either, unless I'm playing with friends only, TDM matches with random players weren't that fun, imo.

I think GG should learn from MGO's search. I hate KZ2's search system, hate going through dozens of matches to find the one I like. :( It's not fun! And the games in lobby has very basic info. See, in MGO, you don't even have to do custom search just enter the lobby and everything is there. Also love the comment at the bottom so you know what to expect. I also like the text chat thing before the match, and kick votes (can you do that in KZ2?), also like the voting system for changing teams.

Fair enough :)


God imagine KZ2 with Natural Selection commander mechanics. Squads, waypoints etc.

What could have been.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
FFObsessed said:
An Italian in a pipe, couldn't stop thinking of Mario :lol


Do not forget there is a similar hiding spot on the other side of the map. In the container near the small bridge. You can jump in it and then behind the stuff that's in there. Easy to get pwned by grenades tho.


TTP said:

Do not forget there is a similar hiding spot on the other side of the map. In the container near the small bridge. You can jump in it and then behind the stuff that's in there. Easy to get pwned by grenades tho.
What map? HGH industries? Blood Gratch?


the_prime_mover said:
I don't know that upping the damage is really the best solution to this problem. Air support can be an annoyance in larger skirmishes and because it can move around it can be hard to destroy. Giving them the ability to do more damage may make them too much of a threat. With turrets you can quickly turn to them and toss a grenade/fire a rocket/shoot them, or just get out of their line of fire. You don't really have those options with Air Support. This means that entering into an area with air support will mean that you have to take them out first which can put the team at a disadvantage as it will be easy to toss one down at any time (upon respawn).

Perhaps you could give them a spot&mark ability like the Scout, but for a limited range and the ability would put the little blue x's on everyone's screens for as long as the bot is active.


Perhaps making it actually good against turrets?


Make the requirements for the badges something different - like spotting 5 people or some such thing.

My problem with the turrets is the badge requirements and how much they suck against turrets (or rather, how awesome turrets are against air support). Air Support is great for adding some confusion to larger skirmishes and it would be unfair if they just started racking up kills. Perhaps they should mark Scouts as a primary target though?
Fully agreed and been thinking of the same ideas myself. The main problem with air support is the unreasonable ribbon requirement. I think upping damage is a bad idea.
What I would tweak:
- Less prone to randomly smash against walls
- Better at evading turret rockets (and nerf the turret's rocket firing rate)
- Better aim and more active in looking to spot sabo's disguise and scout's cloak (they should be as effective as ground turrets for spotting out these guys, but keep the damage low)
careful said:
Fully agreed and been thinking of the same ideas myself. The main problem with air support is the unreasonable ribbon requirement. I think upping damage is a bad idea.
What I would tweak:
- Less prone to randomly smash against walls
- Better at evading turret rockets (and nerf the turret's rocket firing rate)
- Better aim and more active in looking to spot sabo's disguise and scout's cloak (they should be as effective as ground turrets for spotting out these guys, but keep the damage low)

Yeah, those are very good suggestions. I also agree with the idea of being able to shut down a spawn, but I don't think it should be something that is built. Running headlong into the enemy's zone of control with the spawn grenade's pin pulled so that it will deploy after you get killed is a great tactic for pushing a front line. I don't quite know how GG could implement a deactivation though.

I also think that GG should consider introducing different grenades. I don't know if the Electric grenades would work well in MP, but the smoke grenades would. They are in single player, but would be a great tool for the Tactician to use. Perhaps give them that instead of the normal grenade? Something like that would be great for concealing snipers, turrets or narrow passageways.

Also, with the little April Fools joke from GG, I started thinking that there should be an option in Clan only game/tournaments to elect a Radec or Templar type. This character would be a Rifleman class with access to all weapons and secondary badges (assuming everything is unlocked), but they could be a squad leader's squad leader - thus giving other squad leaders someone to spawn under. This squad leader could then have voice contact with all squads and be able give commands to the entire team.


CitizenCope said:
Since it has passed the H3 view count total expect it to slow down considerably if you catch my drift.

I doubt that. And I doubt people actually come in to this thread just for that. I think it's because of the nature of the game, it's platform exclusivity and because of it's graphical potency. I mean, even after passing H3's viewing numbers, it's still going up very fast.


Just kind of started playing the KZ2 Multiplayer recently...

This is easily the most fun I've had with any online fps on any system in a long long time - haven't had this much fun since the early days of CS and Tribes. It's incredible and it's worth the price of admission alone. In 3 hours of playing last night I only heard one derogatory statement over voice chat, which makes it a bit more pleasant right off the bat.
Tried to play Resistance2's Competitive mode again after finishing the SP on Superhuman

....man, I just can't do it ....not after the glory of Killzone2

Coop is still awesome though


AgentOtaku said:
Tried to play Resistance2's Competitive mode again after finishing the SP on Superhuman

....man, I just can't do it ....not after the glory of Killzone2

Coop is still awesome though

Yeah I tried to do competitive on Monday after I bought the map pack and the character pack to support Insomniac and I was horrible at it. Horrible. It was weird playing something that fast after KZ2. Was playing it with a friend that knew nothing about Resistance 2 and he was doing better than I was. Embarrassing. I ended the first game with 1 or 2 kills and about 10 deaths.. That's how hard it was for me to transition between the two games. I got better after that but man it was different.


fronn said:
Just kind of started playing the KZ2 Multiplayer recently...

This is easily the most fun I've had with any online fps on any system in a long long time - haven't had this much fun since the early days of CS and Tribes. It's incredible and it's worth the price of admission alone. In 3 hours of playing last night I only heard one derogatory statement over voice chat, which makes it a bit more pleasant right off the bat.

I see you havn't played a game with me yet then.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I'd love for sentry damage to be increased. I even resorted to jumping in those "long games, easy xp" type servers, and I still couldn't get the required number of kills. I did finish up my turret badge, though. Playing with 32 people just drives me insane. The spawn points were placed in mind boggling locations.

Mind. Boggling.


Lince said:
what? I thought it was you and your kitton friend who were killing me all the time !!!!

TTP !! old dog :lol :lol :lol

next time first thing I'm going to do is plant some C4 in the damn pipe :p


Now you should be afraid.
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