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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Guys is this caused by lag?:
I have to empty a clip to kill someone (And yes the bullets are hitting the target), other times a couple of bullets and the job is done.
Dead bodies sliding trough the battlefields.
Dead bodies stuck on the reload animation (Or part of it)
Deads have like 2 seconds delay. (Its pretty crazy)
Have anyone else experienced this?
Fersis said:
Guys is this caused by lag?:
I have to empty a clip to kill someone (And yes the bullets are hitting the target), other times a couple of bullets and the job is done.
Dead bodies sliding trough the battlefields.
Dead bodies stuck on the reload animation (Or part of it)
Have anyone else experienced this?
Definately lag.


AranhaHunter said:
Also I gotta give myself a pat on the back for getting a 99 point round, I've never done that in any shooter. Actually I've never been able to keep my K/D ratio above 1 in an online shooter until Killzone 2.

I started playing online shooters by playing Halo 2 sporadically on my friend's XBox, and I've played a lot of online shooters this generation, from Warhawk to COD4 to Halo 3 to UT3 and my K/D ratio has always been below 1, usually around .7, so GAF tell me, am I getting better at shooting games or is Killzone 2 easier (or more fair) than those other games?

I hope you (and others) realize that the score (crosshair with circle) you get at the end of the match, which you may think is your K/D, isn't your true K/D ratio.
Because it includes points you got for headshots and killing bots.

You can't go by what it says during/after matches.
To get your real K/D ratio, you need to check your stats page either from the main menu or on KZ.com.

P.S. stats, K/D ratio, rankings, and leaderboards mean nothing in KZ2.
I've already explained why before.


AranhaHunter said:
Played with some JP players tonight (or at least their PSN looked Japanese), good to see, hopefully the game sells decent there.

Also I gotta give myself a pat on the back for getting a 99 point round, I've never done that in any shooter. Actually I've never been able to keep my K/D ratio above 1 in an online shooter until Killzone 2.

I started playing online shooters by playing Halo 2 sporadically on my friend's XBox, and I've played a lot of online shooters this generation, from Warhawk to COD4 to Halo 3 to UT3 and my K/D ratio has always been below 1, usually around .7, so GAF tell me, am I getting better at shooting games or is Killzone 2 easier (or more fair) than those other games?

You're getting better at shooting games. ¬_¬

Im lyin.


Dead bodies sliding through the battle field. You talking about the little giggly stutter step some dead bodies will do that is F'n Hilarious?

lmao lyulf and gqueb


Dementia said:
I thought you said Lyulf was the worst person on GAFA? Don't be so damn wishy-washy. :p

Lyulf is the worst player GAFA has. He makes Kittonwy look like a pro. :D

jk It's the other way around.


I dont know who I would consider the best in GAFA.

So many people can be in the top 3. The best players imo are the people who do it consistantly and win. Even then its moreso when we there are a lot of Gaffers on and your consistent, in small random games w/ like 3-5 gaffers I dont pay attention since public games are easy.

When someone can stay on top during gaf games all day and dominant, thats good.

I always see AJ(wouldnt call him the best but up there) at the top when I play, I even witnessed a 500 point game from him(fucken retarded), but I've never ran into him more than 3-4x. He is a engineer so racking up points isnt hard but 500 is sick. HE has to get some kinda mention, regardless of the gun, if your great with it you'll stand out when compared to people who whore weapons.

I havent played w/ Click enough but I hear he's beast,.

Lyulf, Cj, 10dollas, Icechai, amd someone else I'm forgetting, are usually in the top 5 but they dont stand out as the best, they hold their ground and any can come in 1st.

I like to consider myself in the top tier of GafA but my opinion is of little since I'm biased. If I play sucky its mostly when my mic is on and yelling or talking shit in mic sometimes I'm super high, drinking a monster and have custom soundtrack on and I play shitty leaving my controller alone and shit so sorry if I shit up a team sometimes.


I'm no longer in GAFA so I can't be considered for "best of clan" nominations...

But if I had to pick, the best player in the clan is you, oneHeero/FinestOne.
Not that it really matters because I dislike the whole "you stroke my e-peen and I'll stroke yours" trend happening around here recently. If you play smart, use classes that actually help the team win, and always try to complete objectives, I consider you a good player.

Plus, points and "who's got the highest score" doesn't mean much.... since this game has unbalanced classes and weapons, and the fact that there are people who don't care (much) about objectives and would rather point-whore or K/D-whore the entire game.

It's easy to score super high as Engineer (repairs, bot kills - air bots and players, shotgun-whoring, camping. etc.). But if you score really high as a Tactician actually doing your job and not using the class just for the M82, then that's a different story.


Click said:
Lyulf is the worst player GAFA has. He makes Kittonwy look like a pro. :D

jk It's the other way around.



Click said:
I'm no longer in GAFA so I can't be considered for "best of clan" nominations...

But if I had to pick, the best player in the clan is you, oneHeero/FinestOne.
Not that it really matters because I dislike the whole "you stroke my e-peen and I'll stroke yours" trend happening around here recently. If you play smart, use classes that actually help the team win, and always try to complete objectives, I consider you a good player.

Plus, points and "who's got the highest score" doesn't mean much.... since this game has unbalanced classes and weapons, and the fact that there are people who don't care (much) about objectives and would rather point-whore or K/D-whore the entire game.

It's easy to score super high as Engineer (repairs, bot kills - air bots and players, shotgun-whoring, camping. etc.). But if you score really high as a Tactician actually doing your job and not using the class just for the M82, then that's a different story.

Why are you no longer in GAFA? Too good for us? :D


Click said:
I'm no longer in GAFA so I can't be considered for "best of clan" nominations...

But if I had to pick, the best player in the clan is you, oneHeero/FinestOne.
Not that it really matters because I dislike the whole "you stroke my e-peen and I'll stroke yours" trend happening around here recently. If you play smart, use classes that actually help the team win, and always try to complete objectives, I consider you a good player.

Plus, points and "who's got the highest score" doesn't mean much.... since this game has unbalanced classes and weapons, and the fact that there are people who don't care (much) about objectives and would rather point-whore or K/D-whore the entire game.

It's easy to score super high as Engineer (repairs, bot kills - air bots and players, shotgun-whoring, camping. etc.). But if you score really high as a Tactician actually doing your job and not using the class just for the M82, then that's a different story.
I agree Engineer is an easy class to rack up points, really easy, but playing w/ aj a couple times is crazy in terms of points he can accumulate in 1 round. I had never seen over 200 lol but like I said I've never had an actual problem going against him when I do.

I also agree in your opinion in terms of;
If you play smart, use classes that actually help the team win, and always try to complete objectives, I consider you a good player.
That's a good player to me. I feel the same way in every game, even the ones w/o classes. I've tried to do it in every game instead of worrying about my K/D, I'll go out of my way to do the little things, do the shit no one likes to do and so on. I'm competitive so I rather win more than anything. I k/d whore in some public games or raise kd by playing TDM(any game not just kz) OBJ type games I always go for the obj, I constantly run for the speaker/falgs in games, or the nodes/hold points in games so my k/d suffers in those games.

Did you join up w/ a more competitive clan Click? Are you attempting to clan at all? There is a 60k Tourney for KZ you know. ;)


oneHeero said:
Did you join up w/ a more competitive clan Click? Are you attempting to clan at all? There is a 60k Tourney for KZ you know. ;)

No, I'm pretty sick of KZ2 as of now. May or may not quit. Not sure yet. Taking a break.

Plus, clan games are too flawed for me. If/when they fix Bodycount and S&R exploiting, and maybe balance out the classes (especially Engineer) and weapons, which is highly unlikely, I may think about playing clan games again (if I don't quit the game entirely).


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Click said:
No, I'm pretty sick of KZ2 as of now. May or may not quit. Not sure yet. Taking a break.

Plus, clan games are too flawed for me. If/when they fix Bodycount and S&R exploiting, and maybe balance out the classes (especially Engineer) and weapons, which is highly unlikely, I may think about playing clan games again (if I don't quit the game entirely).
I was taking a break until the next patch,tough i ended up playing the TTP Hardcore match to check it out.:D
*Goes back to KZ2 break*


oneHeero said:
I'll go out of my way to do the little things, do the shit no one likes to do and so on. I'm competitive so I rather win more than anything. I k/d whore in some public games or raise kd by playing TDM(any game not just kz) OBJ type games I always go for the obj, I constantly run for the speaker/falgs in games, or the nodes/hold points in games so my k/d suffers in those games.

that's the mark of a good player to me, high five!


Click said:
No, I'm pretty sick of KZ2 as of now. May or may not quit. Not sure yet. Taking a break.

Plus, clan games are too flawed for me. If/when they fix Bodycount and S&R exploiting, and maybe balance out the classes (especially Engineer) and weapons, which is highly unlikely, I may think about playing clan games again (if I don't quit the game entirely).
Well whenever your up for some MP I'm always game, I like playing w/ people I'd know. I'm up for anything really, WH, R1, Socom, COD4 if you want to play but prefer playing w/ friends.

I like to take mini breaks from KZ and pop in something else but end up not playing anything else MP-wise if no one to play w/ so I always go back to Kz2.

Lince said:
that's the mark of a good player to me, high five!
High five!


Click said:
No, I'm pretty sick of KZ2 as of now. May or may not quit. Not sure yet. Taking a break.

Plus, clan games are too flawed for me. If/when they fix Bodycount and S&R exploiting, and maybe balance out the classes (especially Engineer) and weapons, which is highly unlikely, I may think about playing clan games again (if I don't quit the game entirely).

I'm a little sick of it too but still planning on playing with GAFfers as well occasionally. Join me on Left 4 Dead on Steam. That's my new obsession this weekend.


It took me a long time to unlock the repair ability of the engineer. Now that I have it though, it's really a game changer. I mean, you can use those stationary turrets whenever I want now. My K/D ratio has been superb since I unlocked it.
All I do is try to win the game. My K/D is .95 because of this. I don't mind taking one for the team if it means that we will win. Lately I have been playing Tac a lot more than usual, because no else has been playing it.


Lince said:
Cagen, lag-swithcher CrushDance and Dezimator don't agree :D

and the "You're not alone" duet with that crazy guy... that was some awful singing omg, you're so crazy FFO, but I still love you. You need to go out more and play KZ2 less, look at me: 35º centigrades in Spain today, excellent day for sun bathing in my pool, I'm heading there right now, I'll send you photo evidence for you to get jealous of my awesome life. :lol

I'll play later this afternoon, you better be there

Hey, we can't all be the richest man in Spain you know! :lol

CrushDance was hilarious in that game. He'd join, be completely invincible for a minute straight then get stuck in the "meleeing" position as he disconnects . Rejoin and repeat about 5 times. :lol

Yooooooou aaaaare noooot alooooone!
I am heeere with yoooooooou!

He was the greatest non gaffer of all time... and I've forgotten his name haha


cjtiger300 said:
All I do is try to win the game. My K/D is .95 because of this. I don't mind taking one for the team if it means that we will win. Lately I have been playing Tac a lot more than usual, because no else has been playing it.

I think when you, AJ and I play randoms we do alot better than in GAF games. I don't mind letting someone else do tact tbh, I get killed alot less as a result, the last game we played together Lyulf was tact and it was great for me, I just run around the hot spots getting killz and we were winning.


cannot wait to play with you guys tonight. you guys are playing tonight right? being away from KZ2 for more than a week makes me realise how much i like it.
Kittonwy said:
Batman is a gimp.

You're a gimp, you gimp!


Oh and I agree with the whole "Use your skill class wisely yet fulfill the job needed to win the objective." I hate when it's Assassination and everyone is focusing on killing the people other than the one who needs to be assassinated, or when it's S&D and nobody is attempting to plant the C4.

Ofcourse, I shouldn't be complaining because it also distracts the opponent and I can easily sneak past them but when the C4 are planted, start the grenade rain, call in air support and deploy some turrets, as well as throw some C4 near the destruction site, some health packs and smart placement of Spawn grenades. Also, when the assasination target is down, make sure you let others know so they can start grenading/rushing the injured player on ground.

Ofcourse, I can't do all these myself so I rely on the entire team. I also hate it when we have LOADS of tacticians in our team yet no one is using Spawn grenades. When they indeed use it, its too far away from the destination and when you finally reach there, you don't get there as a team and more of a scattered squad which the opposing team can easily take down one by one (I know, I've done it with shotgun).

People who have played with me might have seen that my deaths are FAR TOO HIGH than my kills, not because I can't take a kill or two but because I'm more focused on the objective to give a damn who is running around me. I only kill when they are right in front of me.

I also hate changing my class halfway through the game just cause someone else is not doing their job well. How hard it is to see the HUD on the bottom of the screen and see how many sentry bots are deployed or how many spawn grenades are left? Don't save the spawn grenades/bots for no apparent reason (unless ofcourse the round is ending and you need to rush to next destination). Keep count of what objective is done and which ones will possibly show up so you can be planting C4s or carrying the speaker as soon as the round starts.

Another thing I would like to add is that DESTORY the turrets as soon as the objective/mission is over for the next objective might be miles away from where you are and the bot might be required at that destination.

Another simple tip: destroy any enemy turret/support as soon as you see them. It takes a few clips but it's very well worth it especially in maps where there is a gunner right beside S&D objectives.

One last tip: Know your map well. It's weird how they don't show in the radar where the opponent is going to place the propaganda speaker. Observe where location that most allied players are defending and only one squad should focus on placing the speaker. It's also essential to have the boost ability but if you don't then make sure you're marching with the entire squad of four.

TL :/


lunlunqq said:
cannot wait to play with you guys tonight. you guys are playing tonight right? being away from KZ2 for more than a week makes me realise how much i like it.

Ohh yea I'm playing tonight. I am going to set up a GAF game around 8:00PM EST.


Kuroyume said:
No Engineers

Nah engineers are fun. Plus killing AJ with a shotgun is awesome. You feel like you accomplished something, and upon further review the game is going up at 8:45PM EST. BTW why don't you like engineers?, or is it the shotgun you dislike?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
TheFatOne said:
Nah engineers are fun. Plus killing AJ with a shotgun is awesome. You feel like you accomplished something, and upon further review the game is going up at 8:45PM EST. BTW why don't you like engineers?, or is it the shotgun you dislike?

People dislike being on the other end of the Engineer shotgun.


They're annoying.

- Shotgun with 40 foot range
- Four deployable turrets

If there's only one Engineer on a team that's like someone having 5 guns going at once. :lol


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I was wondering if one of the good stewards of the GAF-A clan could send me an invite since the other GAF clan I was in has gone to pot. Thanks in advance.

PSN: Denogginizer


TTP said:
People dislike being on the other end of the Engineer shotgun.

well, ppl should fear the awesome Pew Pew rifle too. it's just no enough ppl use the Pew Pew rifle so they don't know... i've played several times where i killed ppl on the other team so many times from afar they started to call the rifle a "cheap weapon." ppl just naturally hate anything that kills them.
lunlunqq said:
well, ppl should fear the awesome Pew Pew rifle too. it's just no enough ppl use the Pew Pew rifle so they don't know... i've played several times where i killed ppl on the other team so many times from afar they started to call the rifle a "cheap weapon." ppl just naturally hate anything that kills them.

THIS. i believe ive been called cheap with every weapon in the game except the helghast AR:lol im at the point where i dont care what guns/abilities anybody uses, even assault class with rockets can be easily beaten once you know how to fake them out it just takes practice:D


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I think what exacerbates the shotty hate is lag. It's the only weapon that really shows how bad it is since it deals one shot kills.


aj2good4you2 said:
THIS. i believe ive been called cheap with every weapon in the game except the helghast AR:lol im at the point where i dont care what guns/abilities anybody uses, even assault class with rockets can be easily beaten once you know how to fake them out it just takes practice:D

when i'm on the opposite team as you, i HATE HATE HATE your turrets.... HATE them!!! :mad:
TTP said:
I think what exacerbates the shotty hate is lag. It's the only weapon that really shows how bad it is since it deals one shot kills.

but it also goes the other way too though many times ive shoot a guy 2-3 times in the chest 3ft out and he wont go down, from what ive seen the shotty and the smg pack a lot of punch but are both very inconsistent especially during laggy games.

lunlunqq said:
when i'm on the opposite team as you, i HATE HATE HATE your turrets.... HATE them!!! :mad:

one of the reasons i go engineer so much is cause ive never seen any other engineers get as many kills with bots as i do, the main reason is that i have all my placement spots worked out for every mode on every map which took alot of experimentation but i think it pays off quite a bit.
Hahaha, played alot this weekend. GG needs to get on this game, I love it to death but it's at metagame level. I am officially changing my tune to ride the Click train.

Alot, alot, alot of Engineers being exploited, alot of spamming the Assault class simply for the extra armor, spawn shoot a missile or two (when allowed) and then pick up the first assault rifle you see not to play the class but to use the"perk" to your advantage, I don't blame them. A few balancing tweeks are definetly needed.

I still really like this game and will be playing it for a long time to come.
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