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lunlunqq said:
haha, good games.

loved the trash talk before the game. made our domination so much sweeter.

also more ppl should accept the Pew Pew rifle as your personal savor. it will grant you eternal life in the heaven of awesome long-distance killings.

Damn when you were on the other team on radec we were both crouching still, I had you in my dot sights and empty a clip into you and you killed me with two shots, pew pew riflez is indeed powerful.


cjtiger300 said:
Yeah, its funny, I was playing pretty average before that. Then that dumbass called me out in the map select screen and it was on like popcorn. I must of shot his ass in the head like 10 times, lol!

Plus the kids trash talking was so average. He called me Tigger and asked where Winnie the Pooh was over and over. That is weaksauce IMHO. After the game, he didn't say a word! Classic!

Oh well, fun games tonight. My wife is out of school for now and she stays up later so I haven't been playing as much. I will try to get on earlier tomorrow!

Wherez ur winnie teh pooh tigger.

Yeah we shut him up pretty much.


Blablurn said:
what rank do i need to enter a gaf game?

Depends on the game. Typically there is no requirement to be met. I've seen 1 bars, who are fresh noobies still wet behind the ears, enter into our games. But perhaps on occasion, maybe the GAF game creator might restrict the ranks to only within range of his, thus restricting all access to players below the general pay-grade.


Fuck Cancer
Click said:
Rank: 'Awesome'

Yeah, that's why the first two weeks were the best for me. You guys even accepted me at that time. Nowadays I'm too scared to join because of how good you guys are. ;(

Rolf NB

Wasteland Bullet is so noisy. I rely on sound a lot for finding interesting places to be in an ongoing match, but all the rattling and wind and whatnot on that map makes it impossible to hear anything that isn't right in your face to begin with.


bcn-ron said:
Wasteland Bullet is so noisy. I rely on sound a lot for finding interesting places to be in an ongoing match, but all the rattling and wind and whatnot on that map makes it impossible to hear anything that isn't right in your face to begin with.

Well the level shakes alot as well, which can affect aiming, I think the overall atmosphere also makes the combat more chaotic than the other maps.


Digital Foundry
Wasteland bullet is pretty chaotic, but i'd also put it down as one of the more visually stunning maps. The shadow effects are amazing.

Nobody seems to play it though. I guess the expansion pack did splinter the Killzone userbase slightly.


RavenFox said:
Bad glitch, but really look at how this is done.

pretty easy, suicide and get revived, not a combination of magic button pressing or tricky jumps and crouch.

Revolutionary said:
Understandable glitch (respawn animation glitches it)...

understandable? I think these glitches should be easy to spot by the developers themselves or the in-house QA team... here we're, 70 days after release day, still waiting for a patch to fix the BG glitch and S&R/Bodycount exploits so we can play clan games again, yet they only bother to charge money for glitched content, way to go.


Lince said:
pretty easy, suicide and get revived, not a combination of magic button pressing or tricky jumps and crouch.

understandable? I think these glitches should be easy to spot by the developers themselves or the in-house QA team... here we're, 70 days after release day, still waiting for a patch to fix the BG glitch and S&R/Bodycount exploits so we can play clan games again, yet they only bother to charge money for glitched content, way to go.
My point is how many sane players jump into that particular corner to suicide? Who wants to suicide? I understand if your stuck in the lvl then yeah holding a grenade would be the other choice.


Revolutionary said:
Understandable glitch (respawn animation glitches it)... but yeah, obligatory:


I think the real problem is that they knew about this glitch and did patch it for the original maps but then let it slip on the DLC and now we once again have to wait weeks for a patch to fix it.


Lince said:
understandable? I think these glitches should be easy to spot by the developers themselves or the in-house QA team... here we're, 70 days after release day, still waiting for a patch to fix the BG glitch and S&R/Bodycount exploits so we can play clan games again, yet they only bother to charge money for glitched content, way to go.
Wasnt the Bodycount exploit fixed in the 1.24 patch? If you mean the no-respawn exploit.

I understand that some of the glitches and exploits in Killzone 2 can be frustrating, and i think that everyone should be allowed to say their opinion about the game, but with all due respect, dont you think that it is alittle disrespectful to say that GG only bother to charge money for glitched content? :\ In 70 days GG have released 4 patches (1.20, 1.21, 1.24 and 1.25 (what did patch 1.25 fix/add by the way, does anyone know?)). GG also said that when patch 1.24 was released, they would start working on the next patch that would be bigger than the 1.24 patch:


These things is an indication that GG is taking the bugs/exploits in Killzone 2 seriously, and that they are probably trying to fix them in the best way possible, at least in my opinion :)

The S&R exploit has still not been fixed, and that can be abit annoying when someone take advantage of this exploit, i agree, but i am sure that GG are looking into this exploit. I am no programmer myself, so unfortunately i have very little knowledge about programming, but i would wonder if it could take some time to implement a good solution to the S&R exploit. It sounds very easy to fix, but does anyone know if there is a good reason why it takes some time?

Hopefully the next Killzone 2 patch isnt that far away, and hopefully we will know soon enough what this patch fixes :)


Lince said:
understandable? I think these glitches should be easy to spot by the developers themselves or the in-house QA team... here we're, 70 days after release day, still waiting for a patch to fix the BG glitch and S&R/Bodycount exploits so we can play clan games again, yet they only bother to charge money for glitched content, way to go.

Heeeee's baaack...

test_account said:
........but with all due respect, dont you think that it is alittle disrespectful to say that GG only bother to charge money for glitched content?

Yeah, it's disrespectful to the customers / players what GG has been doing (or rather, not done in regards to patching the game properly).


Click said:
Yeah, it's disrespectful to the customers / players what GG has been doing (or rather, not done in regards to patching the game properly).
GG have released 4 patches so far for Killzone 2, and they are working on the next patch right now, doesnt that show that they are taking the problems seriously? Fair enough, some of the bigger complaints/exploits havnt been fixed in Killzone 2 yet, but it seems that GG are working on fixing issues with Killzone 2 at least :)

If GG hadnt released a single patch for Killzone 2 so far and/or if they hadnt announced that they were working on a patch, or if they had said that they werent working on a patch for Killzone 2, then i would probably agree with you. I am not sure i would directly have called what GG would have done in this case as disrespectful though, since i dont think that they are directly obliged to fix the issues, and Killzone 2 has been pretty much playable from day 1 (even if things in the game could have been done better). But on the other hand, if GG wouldnt have cared to fix anything in Killzone 2, then we might have wondered why they didnt care about it, and if this ment that they wouldnt care about their fans, and in this way it could maybe be looked at as being abit disrespectful. But luckily this is not the case, at least in my opinion :)

I am not a programmer myself, so i dont know much about programming, but i would wonder exactly how easy and quick it is to fix these bugs/exploits and then release a patch. I wish that GG could shed some light on how they are working on the updates and why some things takes time to be fixed.

I dont say that people shouldnt be allowed to complain about Killzone 2, because the game does have some issues that can be fixed and/or done better, i agree with that, but to say that GG only bother to take payed for glitched content, isnt that alittle disrespectful to say that towards GG, especially when they have been/are working activly on patching Killzone 2? I dont mean any disrespect towards Lince, but i just wanted to ask about this.

EDIT: I added some text.


what a friendly little GAF game we had. i dropped off. i laughed so lard that i forgot which side i was on... :lol :lol :lol :lol

lunlunqq said:
what a friendly little GAF game we had. i dropped off. i laughed so lard that i forgot which side i was on... :lol :lol :lol :lol


Yeah, lyulf is crazy as hell!


I got spawned outside of the map in Radec Academy yesterday night. It was during a retrieval segment. My team rushed for the delivery point. I took a rocket blast for the team and got blown into the back wall. I got revived and I somehow ended up outside the map. I couldn't shoot anyone or anything but when I dropped down I could see forever.


test_account said:
to say that GG only bother to take payed for glitched content, isnt that alittle disrespectful to say that towards GG, especially when they have been/are working activly on patching Killzone 2? I dont mean any disrespect towards Lince, but i just wanted to ask about this.

fair enough, I agree I'm being a bit harsh with GG though not disrespectful. Fact is they released new maps with additional glitches instead of fixing the main issues which are somewhat ruining the game.

test_account said:
I dont mean any disrespect towards Lince, but i just wanted to ask about this.

none taken don't worry, I enjoy your posts, we can have a nice "clean" discussion on this subject : )

on a different note... Lyulf suicide runs :lol


Lince said:
fair enough, I agree I'm being a bit harsh with GG though not disrespectful. Fact is they released new maps with additional glitches instead of fixing the main issues which are somewhat ruining the game.
I was only refering to the comment that they only bothered with taking payed glitched content, but ye, maybe disrespectful wasnt the best word, sorry. I should have written "abit unfair" instead.

Ye, that is true, some issues in Killzone 2 is still yet to be fixed/changed, but i am abit confident that at least the "camp in base" exploit in S&R will be fixed in the next patch, i would at least be alittle surprised if this issue isnt being worked on. For the spawn grenades, i dont know if that will be fixed/changed anytime soon, but who knows :)

Lince said:
none taken don't worry, I enjoy your posts, we can have a nice "clean" discussion on this subject : )
Thanks! :) I know that i sometimes asks abit many questions, so i just wanted to mention that i dont mean any disrespect with any of these questions.

Ye, it is nice to have a "clean" discussion on this subject, i agree! :)

Rolf NB

Nah, it's just that in relation to average-GAF, Killzone 2 players are simply more responsible family members. For one, we take our mother's day duties more serious. Killzone 2 players also have a more developed fashion sense, have whiter teeth and smell more pleasant than the GAF aggregate.


Don't know if this has been posted or not but Gamasutra has a really nice KZ2 interview up:


Totally changing track, relatively soon after the game shipped, you came out with a control patch. I just want to talk about that process. What spurred it? And what was that like? Because prior to this you guys have had PC development experience, but this is the first console game where you've been able to ship a patch.

AB: Well, we've done patches also for Killzone 1, right? Though the systems then were less meant to do these patches, but still, we were able to do that.

I was talking to some other guys out of Bungie at GDC on the idea that games don't ever finish anymore, right? So, you go into this kind of service model, and you keep on improving your game. We kind of found this issue, we investigated some things, and if we find issues that we think, "Yeah, that's a bug, we have not seen this" or "we've forgotten about this," then we can patch it, and we have that system.

We're thinking about continuous improvements to our game. If we find issues, we now have a million-plus people playing the game actively -- if you look at the Killzone.com site, [that's] how many people are playing it. So they're bound to find issues or cheat.

You know, we had an issue with auto-aim being a kind of cheaty solution sometimes, so we fixed that, just to make the experience nice for everybody. I think that will continue for the next half year.

You know, the Halo guys are working on Halo 3 still two years down the line. I think that's the kind of model that you're looking at. The Left 4 Dead guys, I think they did 70 patches or so? And they slip it under the curtain. You don't see it anymore, with Steam. That's the kind of way that you need to think about these kinds of things.

So, I think it's a strong thing. It's a strong thing that we listen to our customers and we fix these things when we find them, and just help improve the game continuously.

I think that people will find that pretty fascinating. It's interesting because among most people, even developers, very few proportionally are working on games of this stature. You know what I mean, triple-A, first party, single platform, 190 people at a top of the line team.

HH: It's kind of a developer's dream to get that kind of opportunity to not only make a game of that magnitude but also do it specifically for one platform and not have to sort of find the lowest common denominator.

It really is great. That's also very much the reason why Arjan and myself decided to sell the company to Sony, because we got that opportunity three years ago.



First of all, you must get a huge volume of data with a huge audience like that. But also is it things that people say? Do you also mine data based on server logs and stuff like that?

AB: So, data mining is a big thing for games, right? I've been attending all these lectures at GDC, and everybody is doing that. You look at Valve, the Steam stats, that Bungie thing, and we're doing a lot of stuff on Killzone that's going with the Battle Replay. It's really awesome, I think that's the next step in how you see that kind of stuff evolving.

And trying to get that data back in and anonymize it -- within the legal bounds of not dealing with personal information -- there's a lot of value to be had there. I think that you can also use it to keep on improving your game.

And even the single-player aspects. You know, if you find levels that have too many deaths in certain sections, you can kind of fix those during development but maybe also after development. We can also patch such things if we need to.

And just analyzing all that data, you know. 700,000 or more people, how long are they playing? Why are they leaving? What patch do they reach? Is it our ramp up of reaching patches? Is that good enough? Does that need to be steeper or not?

Those kinds of patterns, we're all analyzing and thinking about, "Do we want to fix this for Killzone 2 or for our next game?" Such things, you know, it's really important.

Umm... they haven't really patched single player at all. There are certain sections, specifically the end, where people die over and over and over. Their data mining didn't show this? People bitching on forums for weeks didn't show this? What about the fact that your AI partners die constantly, especially at higher difficulties. And what about endless spawning of enemies if you don't reach invisible checkpoints? No data on that either?

I suppose their data mining capabilities also don't tell them how many people play certain classes compared to other classes. Because if it did and they cared, they'd see that Engineer and Assault, with Saboteur close behind, are proportionally overused compared to the other classes. They'd also see that many, many games/rooms ban the use of Assault and/or grenade/rocket launchers. If their data mining fails to show them these things, all they need to do is take a look at the game search results or forums to see that there's a major issue with class and weapon balance.

It's a strong thing that we listen to our customers and we fix these things when we find them.

They (GG) listen to a few customers about a few issues and fixed a few things that they personally feel is a problem worth fixing. There are still tons of major problems with the game that are still left unpatched/unfixed 2+ months after release.

...and not have to sort of find the lowest common denominator.

LOL, he somewhat flamed other consoles by making this comment. If GG was really concerned with not bothering to find the "lowest common denominator," they should have been a PC-only developer, instead of selling their company to Sony.


A couple of things.

Kinda tired of playing, I thought the DLC maps would renew new interest, but I've moved on to inFamous ( sorry ) but I need new shit in my life. I got a shit ton of time out of multi player so NO COMPLAINTS!

Click, I know you got skills, but you're getting pretty sad. If you don't dig the game, why are you one o the most active posters in this thread? It honestly comes across like you got a grudge against Kittonwy for not liking R2, and are taking it out on this thread.

Honestly I don't play a TON of multi-player, but this game got quite a bit from me and that left quite an impression, I hope GG can get me to return soon :)

I'm all about Cole now :) Thanks GG!
Dante said:
A couple of things.

Kinda tired of playing, I thought the DLC maps would renew new interest, but I've moved on to inFamous ( sorry ) but I need new shit in my life. I got a shit ton of time out of multi player so NO COMPLAINTS!

Click, I know you got skills, but you're getting pretty sad. If you don't dig the game, why are you one o the most active posters in this thread? It honestly comes across like you got a grudge against Kittonwy for not liking R2, and are taking it out on this thread.

Honestly I don't play a TON of multi-player, but this game got quite a bit from me and that left quite an impression, I hope GG can get me to return soon :)

I'm all about Cole now :) Thanks GG!

everytime i join you late at night you always happen to leave the second i get in the game :(


Dante said:
A couple of things.

Kinda tired of playing, I thought the DLC maps would renew new interest, but I've moved on to inFamous ( sorry ) but I need new shit in my life. I got a shit ton of time out of multi player so NO COMPLAINTS!

Click, I know you got skills, but you're getting pretty sad. If you don't dig the game, why are you one o the most active posters in this thread? It honestly comes across like you got a grudge against Kittonwy for not liking R2, and are taking it out on this thread.

Honestly I don't play a TON of multi-player, but this game got quite a bit from me and that left quite an impression, I hope GG can get me to return soon :)

I'm all about Cole now :) Thanks GG!

i'm the same way.

I played a shitload of KZ2 and I'm kind of burned out on it. I need a break.

The multiplayer is absolutely fantastic, but like other top tier shooters, it has its issues that eventually prevent me from playing for it constantly for years. I'll come back to it of course, but the game needs some tweaks to add longevity (being able to play with your friends easier, party system, personal rank system so you have something to achieve by playing it besides XP, instant clan matchmaking w/ valor betting, auto-matching maps with certain maximum player counts for optimal play, etc). Still, the game is probably the best mp shooter I've played this gen even with all of its infrastructure flaws.

but Click sounds incredibly bitter that the fanbase didn't pick up on R2...sorry dude, but KZ2 is way beyond R2 with the gunplay, graphics, handling...everything, almost. I couldn't get into R2 because it felt like uncompetitive garbage for casuals or something. like there wasn't any skill involved in any of it, just huge ass 60 player matches with little production values or thought gone into the actual gameplay.

but yeah! InFamous for the next month or so, then the Uncharted 2 beta shortly thereafter

then Fat Princess

then Heavy Rain

then the new Ratchet

then MAG

then Uncharted 2

then Gran Turismo 5

then God of War 3

for fuck's sake, how am I going to have enough time to play KZ2 inbetween all that? I'll find a way periodically, but Sony's pipeline is STACKED every single month or two for the next year it seems. Hit after hit after hit. Hopefully we get KZ3 by Fall 2010 (probably not, but would be nice!)


Dante said:
Click, I know you got skills, but you're getting pretty sad. If you don't dig the game, why are you one o the most active posters in this thread? It honestly comes across like you got a grudge against Kittonwy for not liking R2, and are taking it out on this thread.

You call me one of the most active posters in this thread? LOL, not really. Especially not recently.

I'm not taking my grudge "out on this thread." I'm just waiting for GG to "put their money where their mouth is." I'm waiting for them to patch this game up to a respectable state.

It has nothing to do with Kittonwy's 5+ months worth of trolling R2. Since my last call-out (10 days ago, page 502), he seems to have resisted and suppressed his urge to constantly bash that game, so that's over with (for now). But since you and JoJo brought that issue up again, out of the blue, I have to respond to it again.

BTW, just FYI Kittonwy had very little playtime in R2, whereas, I've had 3+ times more playtime than he does in KZ2. And my criticisms with KZ2 are all valid and well-informed, unlike his of R2. Another difference between us 2 is, I actually liked playing KZ2 and want this game to get better, whereas Kittonwy never gave R2 a chance, never liked playing it, and wanted it to fail hard.

Good to see the Kittonwy Defense Force is still alive and well.


Click said:
You call me one of the most active posters in this thread? LOL, not really. Especially not recently.

I'm not taking my grudge "out on this thread." I'm just waiting for GG to "put their money where their mouth is." I'm waiting for them to patch this game up to a respectable state.

It has nothing to do with Kittonwy's 5+ months worth of trolling R2. Since my last call-out (10 days ago, page 502), he seems to have resisted and suppressed his urge to constantly bash that game, so that's over with. But since you and JoJo brought that issue up again, out of the blue, I have to respond to it again.

BTW, just FYI Kittonwy had very little playtime in R2, whereas, I've had 3+ times more playtime than he does in KZ2. And my criticisms with KZ2 are all valid and well-informed, unlike his of R2. Another difference between us 2 is, I actually liked playing KZ2 and want this game to get better, whereas Kittonwy never gave R2 a chance, never liked playing it, and wanted it to fail hard.

Good to see the Kittonwy Defense Force is still alive and well.

WOW....Thanks for proving my point...:/


Click said:
You call me one of the most active posters in this thread? LOL, not really. Especially not recently.

I'm not taking my grudge "out on this thread." I'm just waiting for GG to "put their money where their mouth is." I'm waiting for them to patch this game up to a respectable state.

It has nothing to do with Kittonwy's 5+ months worth of trolling R2. Since my last call-out (10 days ago, page 502), he seems to have resisted and suppressed his urge to constantly bash that game, so that's over with (for now). But since you and JoJo brought that issue up again, out of the blue, I have to respond to it again.

BTW, just FYI Kittonwy had very little playtime in R2, whereas, I've had 3+ times more playtime than he does in KZ2. And my criticisms with KZ2 are all valid and well-informed, unlike his of R2. Another difference between us 2 is, I actually liked playing KZ2 and want this game to get better, whereas Kittonwy never gave R2 a chance, never liked playing it, and wanted it to fail hard.

Good to see the Kittonwy Defense Force is still alive and well.

His criticisms of R2 were very valid. His playtime is irrelevant to the discussion. I didn't play more than 3 hours of R2's multiplayer because it was awful, while I've put in over 100 hours into KZ2 despite its shortcomings. I find KZ2 to be a much more fun game to play even though it isn't structured in an ideal way.

Your criticisms of KZ2 are somewhat valid, but you exaggerate and blow shit up to a ridiculous degree. No, KZ2 isn't perfect (no game is), and yes it could use improvement. R2 could just use a WHOLE LOT MORE.

The difference between KZ2 and R2 is that while KZ2 can be made better by simple infrastructure patches, R2 CANNOT. It would require a complete revamping of almost everything other than the netcode and perhaps the infrastructure. The gameplay itself, however, is just plain BAD. It's like the opposite problem of KZ2 where the gameplay is a fuckload of fun but it's just a pain in the ass to get things organized. R2 would need significant development time devoted to the map designs, gun handling, weapon balance, and gameplay modes to make it fun. Might as well not even bother when it would cost so much. Just devote those resources to the next game.
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