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oneHeero said:
I'm def up for a GAFE vs GAFA.

We should practice and have thew game this weekend. We should leave the challenge and send the challenge saturday or sunday depending on how many BOTH clans have on. If not more than 6v6 we postpone it instead of playing low numbers.

This right here is a prime reason why we send the challenges and not you guys. Click take note.


Click said:
Huh? What are you talking about?

You complained about how we always make the rules and send the challenge. Well the fact that oneHeero wants to send the challenge the day of the fucking match so we don't have time to organise or rally the troops is a prime reason for us to send the challenges.

Click said:
What/whenever it is, I hope this time, GAFA makes all the rules and sends out the challenge. I hate how GAFe always makes up the rules and stuff...


Cagen said:
You complained about how we always make the rules and send the challenge. Well the fact that oneHeero wants to send the challenge the day of the fucking match so we don't have time to organise or rally the troops is a prime reason for us to send the challenges.

Umm... it's oneHeero's suggestion. Not exactly "prime reason for" Euro GAF to send the challenges. If I was still an officer in GAFA, I'd send out the invite earlier so you Euros can get your little practices in and set up a team with designated classes, blah blah.


If it has been suggested then it is a possibility and that is the sort of mentality you have in GAFA. We've sent a challenge before which hadn't been accepted until 30 minutes before the match leaving us wondering, until those 30 minutes, if the match will go ahead or not. The disorganisation in GAFA can screws us up if we are trying to play you guys.

Click said:
Umm... it's oneHeero's suggestion. Not exactly "prime reason for" Euro GAF to send the challenges. If I was still an officer in GAFA, I'd send out the invite earlier so you Euros can get your little practices in and set up a team with designated classes, blah blah.

For the record we don't have practices.


Cagen said:
If it has been suggested then it is a possibility and that is the sort of mentality you have in GAFA. We've sent a challenge before which hadn't been accepted until 30 minutes before the match leaving us wondering, until those 30 minutes, if the match will go ahead or not. The disorganisation in GAFA can screws us up if we are trying to play you guys.

That's why I'm no longer in GAFA. Too many people in the clan don't give 2 shits about clan matches or bother to show up to SCHEDULED games, leaving us with undermanned teams and 0 strategy/class balance all the time. But yet I get flamed for taking the clan and clan matches too seriously.

Cagen said:
For the record we don't have practices.

Not what I heard.


Click said:
Not what I heard.

I have no idea who you heard it from but they must have been mistaken. We have never once had a practice game, we play casually and set up games but not to practice before clan challenges. However, we do send out very basic map strategies and assign player classes/roles.


Cagen said:
I have no idea who you heard it from but they must have been mistaken. We have never once had a practice game, we play casually and set up games but not to practice before clan challenges. However, we do send out very basic map strategies and assign player classes/roles.

So you guys didn't practice on Visiari Hammer at all, setting up tactics and class designation, prior to the 7-0 ass-whooping you handed GAFA?

Whatever. I don't see what the big deal is anyway. Sure, it may be a bit annoying to not know whether a match is going to happen until just before the match begins, but you Euros have been bitching about this shit forever, constantly holding it over GAFA's heads. I thought these games were supposed to be "friendly" and "just for fun" and not taken so damn seriously. It's certainly turning out to be a very serious thing with you guys.


we did practice a bit TTP's tactics for Salamun Market games eons ago, that's all, GAFe gathers together everyday to have plain and simple fun either in random servers or GAF games.

edit: Visari Hammer? yes we had basic tactics, squads setups and roles sent to those playing, but we didn't practise them before the actual challenge.

Rolf NB

I did use the word "practice" but it was really just us (Lince, FFO, Rick, Negaiido, Cagen, JardeL and whoever else would be on) joining random servers together and playing, playing, playing. Cagen sent a rundown of best practices for the map via PM, and that was it, basically.

We prepared for the match only in the sense that we didn't jump into it after a week-long absence from the game. We were tuned in, so to speak, ready to play.


bcn-ron said:
I did use the word "practice" but it was really just us (Lince, FFO, Rick, Negaiido, Cagen, JardeL and whoever else would be on) joining random servers together and playing, playing, playing. Cagen sent a rundown of best practices for the map via PM, and that was it, basically.

We prepared for the match only in the sense that we didn't jump into it after a week-long absence from the game. We were tuned in, so to speak, ready to play.

Not that this silly convo about "practice" matters :p but I think a better phrase would be "warm up". We don't practice tactics or even the map we're gonna play on, we just play in games to get warmed up before we jump into the clan game.

And I didn't play in that 7-0 unfortunately. Tho you bastards didn't need me at all! *sulks*


Click said:
So you guys didn't practice on Visiari Hammer at all, setting up tactics and class designation, prior to the 7-0 ass-whooping you handed GAFA?

Whatever. I don't see what the big deal is anyway. Sure, it may be a bit annoying to not know whether a match is going to happen until just before the match begins, but you Euros have been bitching about this shit forever, constantly holding it over GAFA's heads. I thought these games were supposed to be "friendly" and "just for fun" and not taken so damn seriously. It's certainly turning out to be a very serious thing with you guys.



FFObsessed said:
Not that this silly convo about "practice" matters :p but I think a better phrase would be "warm up". We don't practice tactics or even the map we're gonna play on, we just play in games to get warmed up before we jump into the clan game.

And I didn't play in that 7-0 unfortunately. Tho you bastards didn't need me at all! *sulks*

But you guys already know how to play the game, where to go, where to place turrets, where to place spawns, I think many of my clan's members haven't figured it out yet, they're still new.


oneHeero said:
I'm def up for a GAFE vs GAFA.

We should practice and have thew game this weekend. We should leave the challenge and send the challenge saturday or sunday depending on how many BOTH clans have on. If not more than 6v6 we postpone it instead of playing low numbers.

I also prefer we play with regular settings minus assault/rocket launcher, change the timings to suit modes better and the map being Saluman Market as that seems to be the favorite of GAF.

I'm definitely down if GAFA is down, if your up for it GAF, the higher tiered players should send me a PSN.

I dont want to exclude people, but this would be a competitive game and the team probably should be picked instead of just whoever is on.

I dont mind being the one who chooses as long as the people in GAFA wanna play send me a PSN to show me how serious they could be.

I would like to see more of you guys playing tournaments/clan matches but I think the clan needs to know further ahead of time to make sure everybody is ready to play. The last time me and CJ and another guy were playing on clan match, there was another one going on at the same time, so whoever that was enlisting in the matches need to at least check to see if there are any conflicts. Try not to do clan matches on a moment's notice unless you know we'll get enough people to fill the team and the people on the team know how to play with each other because a lot of GAFA don't.

I think my main concern is that if you guys want to play clan matches and tournaments, then be prepared and know what to do, which means we need to play on the same team more, I think CJ/AJ/Lyulf pretty much know how to approach each map but I'm still seeing a TON of snipers on maps where we could easily use more engineers, on one hand people can play however they want, on the other hand if people just kind of play the way they want to and pick the jobs they want to, it's going to be hard for whoever playing the matches to win, and losing is never fun.


Kittonwy said:
But you guys already know how to play the game, where to go, where to place turrets, where to place spawns, I think many of my clan's members haven't figured it out yet, they're still new.

Exactly! That's why we don't really need to "practice" loads before clan games. We just turn up, it's just that the main guys in GAFe have just played the game so much and on pretty much every map, we just know what to do. Doesn't mean we win every time, we've lost quite a few clan games actually :lol We almost lost that GG official tourney semi final yesterday because we were so unused to playing in those conditions we were just team killing each other :lol But we certainly don't specify that only the best players can play during certain games. Anyone can play in any game they want doesn't matter about their level. Once you start taking things like this so seriously, it takes away all the fun. Now we want to be organised, we don't want to run around like headless chickens, but I don't think that in any way means we take things too seriously, coz we don't. We're just a bunch of crazy Europeans having some fun!

But that's it you're right kittonwy, it's experience, not that we take the clan games super serious and practice tons like Click is saying. We've just played the game so much together because we enjoy it that we know what to do and how to work together during the objectives. And I've enjoyed every game with my fellow GAFe members. Even games where we've been destroyed <3


FFObsessed said:
Even games where we've been destroyed <3



FFObsessed said:
Exactly! That's why we don't really need to "practice" loads before clan games. We just turn up, it's just that the main guys in GAFe have just played the game so much and on pretty much every map, we just know what to do. Doesn't mean we win every time, we've lost quite a few clan games actually :lol We almost lost that GG official tourney semi final yesterday because we were so unused to playing in those conditions we were just team killing each other :lol But we certainly don't specify that only the best players can play during certain games. Anyone can play in any game they want doesn't matter about their level. Once you start taking things like this so seriously, it takes away all the fun. Now we want to be organised, we don't want to run around like headless chickens, but I don't think that in any way means we take things too seriously, coz we don't. We're just a bunch of crazy Europeans having some fun!

But that's it you're right kittonwy, it's experience, not that we take the clan games super serious and practice tons like Click is saying. We've just played the game so much together because we enjoy it that we know what to do and how to work together during the objectives. And I've enjoyed every game with my fellow GAFe members. Even games where we've been destroyed <3

I think you guys just have more people who have alot more experience with the game in terms of working together than most of GAFA. On one hand I want to make sure everybody is having fun, on the other hand it's really hard seeing some of the disorganization and people doing whatever random things they want and the team ends up getting destroyed as a result. It's easy for me to have you or Lince or CJ or AJ on my team in random games because you guys know exactly where to go and what to do to ensure victory.


Cagen said:
This right here is a prime reason why we send the challenges and not you guys. Click take note.
I guess since your GAFE you didnt understand.

I made the suggestion because one to many times have we had scheduled games and not enough people were online due to lack of dedication.

I stated that we should send a challenge on the day of the match, why? Well lets say we want to play GAFA vs GAFE tonight, we are all online and say its like 7v5 GAFA has more. Should we send the challenge for 7v7 and let GAFE play down 2 men? No we should postpone the match until we have enough people on for both clans that way there is no bullshit bout having less people.

It doesnt matter if the match is this weekend or next week, the point is we shouldnt send a challenge unless things get REALLY organized or until we both have enough people on.

In regards to practice, I always heard GAFe talk about in when in games, shit the last clan match we had when gafa had a little less people we heard them talk about their practice and what not.

Gafe tends to be a circlejerk of guys, bunch of cool people but its a circle jerk of people most times. Lol @ any jokes/pictures/comments and stroke each others ego's(although none say they are the best for the most part very humble) for fun.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I have to get back to KZ2... im missing some crazy nights with Lince and FFObsessed...
And by Lince i mean the guy who looks and lives like a Hollywood star!


Fersis said:
I have to get back to KZ2... im missing some crazy nights with Lince and FFObsessed...
And by Lince i mean the guy who looks and lives like a Hollywood star!

oh come on, there are lots of houses like mine in Andalusia (southern Spain) with bigger pools and more splendid and greener gardens, as for the looks yeah, you can have a crush on me if you like :p

we'll play tonight, just join us as usual.


^^ wtf is this shit?

I don't really understand why GAFe is a "circle jerk" (or what it even means exactly :p). We get on well and have a laugh together so what?

To be completely honest, I don't understand whats going on in this thread right now :lol

Maybe I just need to spread the love to some GAFA guys :lol

I think AJ is a great player, maybe the best overall from GAF. Kitton I enjoy playing with you a lot as you know what to do during objectives and you're awesome, Lyulf and 10dollars are great fun. CJ cracks me up. Miiickheeeeeead, best name ever! :lol
(probably forgot a bunch of guys :p)

KZ2 is the first game I've played with a lot of gaffers and it's been a pleasure. Had some great times, this is a great community I think.

*group hug*

There you go, cross Atlantic "circle jerk". Enjoy!


Lince said:
oh come on, there are lots of houses like mine in Andalusia (southern Spain) with bigger pools and more splendid and greener gardens, as for the looks yeah, you can have a crush on me if you like :p

we'll play tonight, just join us as usual.

Yay, me you n Fersis tonight! I'm gonna come round and pee in your pool! That'll teach you!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
Yay, me you n Fersis tonight! I'm gonna come round and pee in your pool! That'll teach you!
Dont worry ill clean the pool :3


FFObsessed said:
^^ wtf is this shit?

I don't really understand why GAFe is a "circle jerk" (or what it even means exactly :p). We get on well and have a laugh together so what?

To be completely honest, I don't understand whats going on in this thread right now :lol

Maybe I just need to spread the love to some GAFA guys :lol

I think AJ is a great player, maybe the best overall from GAF. Kitton I enjoy playing with you a lot as you know what to do during objectives and you're awesome, Lyulf and 10dollars are great fun. CJ cracks me up. Miiickheeeeeead, best name ever! :lol
(probably forgot a bunch of guys :p)

KZ2 is the first game I've played with a lot of gaffers and it's been a pleasure. Had some great times, this is a great community I think.

*group hug*

There you go, cross Atlantic "circle jerk". Enjoy!


FFObsessed said:
^^ wtf is this shit?

I don't really understand why GAFe is a "circle jerk" (or what it even means exactly :p). We get on well and have a laugh together so what?

To be completely honest, I don't understand whats going on in this thread right now :lol

Maybe I just need to spread the love to some GAFA guys :lol

I think AJ is a great player, maybe the best overall from GAF. Kitton I enjoy playing with you a lot as you know what to do during objectives and you're awesome, Lyulf and 10dollars are great fun. CJ cracks me up. Miiickheeeeeead, best name ever! :lol
(probably forgot a bunch of guys :p)

KZ2 is the first game I've played with a lot of gaffers and it's been a pleasure. Had some great times, this is a great community I think.

*group hug*

There you go, cross Atlantic "circle jerk". Enjoy!
I'm talking about on the forums not the game. Its a group of guys basically flirting/jokingly/stroking egos/having fun between the GAFE guys.
Nothing wrong w/ it, but its pretty obvious lol I mean all the "omg I <3 lince I wanna have his babiez" or "omg ffob is so funny I love that guy" etc. I dont know about online, every time I've played with gafe they usually off in their own squad or opposite team.
But for the most part, the gafe ppl I've played with are fun in the game, I was speaking about online.

Need an example? The above 2 post LOL. That would fall under having fun between each other, but come on, its like you guys are gay(which is fine by me). :p :D


Some of you guys seem to get just a little too into what is essentially an internet clan, wow. Like, chill. I mean that both ways, the 'circle jerk' is creepy. :lol


FFObsessed said:
^^ wtf is this shit?

I don't really understand why GAFe is a "circle jerk" (or what it even means exactly :p). We get on well and have a laugh together so what?

To be completely honest, I don't understand whats going on in this thread right now :lol

Maybe I just need to spread the love to some GAFA guys :lol

I think AJ is a great player, maybe the best overall from GAF. Kitton I enjoy playing with you a lot as you know what to do during objectives and you're awesome, Lyulf and 10dollars are great fun. CJ cracks me up. Miiickheeeeeead, best name ever! :lol
(probably forgot a bunch of guys :p)

KZ2 is the first game I've played with a lot of gaffers and it's been a pleasure. Had some great times, this is a great community I think.

*group hug*

There you go, cross Atlantic "circle jerk". Enjoy!

I thought Fersis was posting this at first :lol


TheFatOne said:
I thought Fersis was posting this at first :lol
Dont get me started on Fersis.

I'm sure everyone remembers when we were playing GAFa vs GAFe for fun(some mixture) and Fersis joins GAFA runs in when we are defending the obj and proceeds to kill 4 ppl on our team all at once. :lol :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
oneHeero said:
Dont get me started on Fersis.

I'm sure everyone remembers when we were playing GAFa vs GAFe for fun(some mixture) and Fersis joins GAFA runs in when we are defending the obj and proceeds to kill 4 ppl on our team all at once. :lol :lol
Yeah but i always say Sorry after that kind of things.
At least its something isnt? :(


shooting blanks
Zen said:
Some of you guys seem to get just a little too into what is essentially an internet clan, wow. Like, chill. I mean that both ways, the 'circle jerk' is creepy. :lol



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
*Hugs GAFE and GAFA clan members* (Except Kittonwy)
Just kidding! :)
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