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Played some games last time after 3 weeks break. Won all 3 games. I don't go for K/D like some K/D whores but work towads the goals which is how it is supposed to be played. It is one of the best MP games, when you play with ppl who know what to do. By the way I love the new airbots! They can really kill now unlike before when they were just bunch of pussies hanging around! :lol

This game is awesome! It deserves so much better. Unfortunately the crying over controls pushed away a lot I guess.

Oh and its still the best looking game this gen! (yes even better than UC2 beta for now)

PS: Add me to GAF clan so I can join you guys sometime (PSN: ARK4U)
My PSN is LiabeBrave; please add me, FFObsessed. I'm in GAFw but no one else seems to play (I have the most points in the clan, and it's not like I'm some beast or anything). I will quit the clan tonight when I arrive home.

I was in the top 3% last week, if you should need proof that I'm still playing regularly.
patsu said:
Heh heh, I bumped into Liabe Brave last night in KZ2. He's definitely the only one from GAF there (Other than me :().

Hey, I didn't realize that was you. Good game! Your team was definitely more organized, and deserved the wins.

alr1ghtstart said:
engineer + air support + m4 is ridiculously easy to get kills. it takes awhile to unlock them all.
Well, it takes a lot, lot less time now that air support is fixed. The M4 is still kind of a drag, but that's because virtually everyone who makes a "Earn M4" game doesn't disable the M4, so players who've already earned it come in and feast on the popgun carriers. I just got the M4 last weekend, actually, because of this issue. I don't think I'm skilled enough to use it much, though. (Still better than the default!)


Sent invites to:

BarrelMakingFrog (edit: omg you're only the first rank! :p)

You last two need to rank up or Raist will cut you in a second ;P

Welcome aboard :~)


Liabe Brave said:
Hey, I didn't realize that was you. Good game! Your team was definitely more organized, and deserved the wins.

Ha ha, I can't even remember who're on my team. We played in the same team for the first round, and then we ended up playing against each other in the next round. I think some other clan were in my team. That's why it appeared that we were more organized. I sure didn't know what the hell was going on. :)


patsu said:
Ha ha, I can't even remember who're on my team. We played in the same team for the first round, and then we ended up playing against each other in the next round. I think some other clan were in my team. That's why it appeared that we were more organized. I sure didn't know what the hell was going on. :)

*revokes patsu's clan invitation*



FFObsessed said:
Sent invites to:

BarrelMakingFrog (edit: omg you're only the first rank! :p)

You last two need to rank up or Raist will cut you in a second ;P

Welcome aboard :~)

Awesome..thanks! looking forward to some good games!

I don't have any new maps :(. Do you guys play with new maps only?


Norml said:
Water is clearly better.

Yeah puddles with GIGANTIC WAVES are clearly better.


Thrakier said:
The transparency and the overall look actually IS better. Just not the hit reaction.

The transparency was done well, but the reflectivity was mostly missing. I like KZ2 water better because the effects are all there.


A couple good games tonight with a few GAFe boys. I was Rusty as hell, though. boost is a pain in the ass, as are blind teammates :lol Will definately be playing this more often now.

Don't forget, for those of you coming into GAFe, that there is a GAFe chat room. I'm not sure if you can join it without an invite, so please look up some of us OG GAFe regulars. Our PSN Id's are in this thread:


Feel free to shoot me a friends request. enjoy all our hard-earned VP :D

[edit]Raist, you've finished up your PhD, maybe you've got some spare time to update that OP ;p


oh god, my PS3 just turned itself off when I was playing with CrushDance then the power button just kept flashing, I thought it died! :lol

It seems to be fine now tho, phew!


FFObsessed said:
Sent invites to:

BarrelMakingFrog (edit: omg you're only the first rank! :p)

You last two need to rank up or Raist will cut you in a second ;P

Welcome aboard :~)

Will do. Thanks.


Facism said:
awwww that's shitty, mate. could be overheating? Might want to take the vacuum to it or something

Yeh could be it. But the fan is barely on, and usually the U2 Beta turns the fan on full but it hasn't this time. Maybe the fan's busted :( Gonna turn it off and give it a rest. Maybe a good kicking will sort it out :p


FFObsessed said:
Yeh could be it. But the fan is barely on, and usually the U2 Beta turns the fan on full but it hasn't this time. Maybe the fan's busted :( Gonna turn it off and give it a rest. Maybe a good kicking will sort it out :p

you could drag your nuts across it's glossy exterior in the hope your ps3 learns to love you.


FFObsessed said:
Yeh could be it. But the fan is barely on, and usually the U2 Beta turns the fan on full but it hasn't this time. Maybe the fan's busted :( Gonna turn it off and give it a rest. Maybe a good kicking will sort it out :p
Talk to it. Caress it, ask whats wrong. Treat it like a family member. No one treats their electronics right. Ive never had anything break on me. My xbox hasnt even red ringed.


Because he knows I dont want him to.


Zinthar said:
I'm relatively new to the KZ2 MP... is that strategy something you do with the Assault class (I'm only up to engineer currently)?

I don't have the M4 unlocked yet, but I guess it would be worth it to grab the pistol achievement so that I can try this.

Any other advanced tips that may not be obvious to newer players?

What you need to do immediately is grab the M4 just do it. The strategy is for the engineer class. At close range the shotgun is a beast, and the M4 is a monster at medium range and if you are good enough long distance. Engineer + M4 + Air bots=domination. That is probably the best combo IMO. Use your bots to weaken your enemies and finish them off with the M4 or shotgun. BTW people will bitch about you using the shotgun, but just do what I do laugh at them.


My PS3 died today. It will load up to the XMB, but it only lasts a few seconds before it collapses, gasping for air.

R.I.P. Charlene

April 15th 2007 - 24th June 09

She died doing what she loved, playing KZ2.



FFObsessed said:
My PS3 died today. It will load up to the XMB, but it only lasts a few seconds before it collapses, gasping for air.

R.I.P. Charlene

April 15th 2007 - 24th June 09

She died doing what she loved, playing KZ2.

That sucks :(

I blame Lince. Fix this shit, GG.


FFObsessed said:
My PS3 died today. It will load up to the XMB, but it only lasts a few seconds before it collapses, gasping for air.

R.I.P. Charlene

April 15th 2007 - 24th June 09

She died doing what she loved, playing KZ2.

So what's next for you? PS3 now or Slim?


Wollan said:
So what's next for you? PS3 now or Slim?

She's not even cold in the ground goddamn you!! :p

I dunno. It gives me an excuse to buy a Slim I guess so I'll do that definitely. Whether at launch or not depends on the price...

In the meantime my brother is staying for the summer so I can use his now and again in the short term. After that, I dunno, will probably be PS3-less til the Slim.


FFObsessed said:
She's not even cold in the ground goddamn you!! :p

I dunno. It gives me an excuse to buy a Slim I guess so I'll do that definitely. Whether at launch or not depends on the price...

In the meantime my brother is staying for the summer so I can use his now and again in the short term. After that, I dunno, will probably be PS3-less til the Slim.

I posted somethign that could interest you in the online thread, if the wait becomes unbearable :p


FFObsessed said:
She's not even cold in the ground goddamn you!! :p

I dunno. It gives me an excuse to buy a Slim I guess so I'll do that definitely. Whether at launch or not depends on the price...

In the meantime my brother is staying for the summer so I can use his now and again in the short term. After that, I dunno, will probably be PS3-less til the Slim.
Maybe you could read some online instructions to dismantle your Ps3. These could be dust clogging the fan plus you're out of warranty so it wouldn't hurt.


Just remembered I still had KZ2 in the drive and just managed t get it to turn on long enough to get it out :lol

pixelbox said:
Maybe you could read some online instructions to dismantle your Ps3. These could be dust clogging the fan plus you're out of warranty so it wouldn't hurt.

Guess I could try that as a last resort. I'll call Sony and see what they say, it is a launch unit, so the warranty ran out over 14 months ago, so I'll have to pay a fortune for a refurbs which will probably just break in a few months anyway.

I need to wipe my account details, I'll see if it stays on long enough to format it. I could always removed the HDD, put it in my brothers PS3, format it and then put it back. This is so fucking annoying. RAGE.


FFObsessed said:
My PS3 died today. It will load up to the XMB, but it only lasts a few seconds before it collapses, gasping for air.

R.I.P. Charlene

April 15th 2007 - 24th June 09

She died doing what she loved, playing KZ2.


Charlene? That's why she died. What a terrible name. And the PS3 is a dude anyway.

Mine is The Hulk.

Oh and :'(


pixelbox said:
For the engineer class, does anyone know if GG will patch in the "hack" ability?
That almost doesn't seem worth it during gameplay :/ Unless you mean reclaiming ammo caches/fixed guns without blowing them up first, then I agree!


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
pixelbox said:
Maybe you could read some online instructions to dismantle your Ps3. These could be dust clogging the fan plus you're out of warranty so it wouldn't hurt.

is it more complicated than disassembling a PS2?


borsdy said:
That almost doesn't seem worth it during gameplay :/ Unless you mean reclaiming ammo caches/fixed guns without blowing them up first, then I agree!
From my understanding you could "hack" enemy's turrents and make them your own along with what you stated. But with badge combos, that's essentially gives all class the engineer's primary ability. Although one could say that you can't control placement, so it's not the same.
levious said:
is it harder to dismantle than the ps2
Oh god yes. There's layers of parts in the Ps3. Here's a link on how to dismantle a Ps3 due to YLOD...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U70SgRDVcBo&feature=related


pixelbox said:
From my understanding you could "hack" enemy's turrents and make them your own along with what you stated. But with badge combos, that's essentially gives all class the engineer's primary ability. Although one could say that you can't control placement, so it's not the same.
Err, sorry I got confused. Did you mean by your "hack" feature request for spawn points or enemy bots? I thought you meant the latter.


FFObsessed said:
My PS3 died today. It will load up to the XMB, but it only lasts a few seconds before it collapses, gasping for air.

R.I.P. Charlene

April 15th 2007 - 24th June 09

She died doing what she loved, playing KZ2.


Oh no. And we just met. :(

This shit happened to me twice. Got it repaired every time. I don't know if you have repair shops for that stuff in the UK but I guess so. If it's a YLOD because of the Mainboard, you can get a reflow. Or exchange the power thingy, that's even easier.
AranhaHunter said:
That's twice in a row the networked just crapped out on me
Yeah, I was having a good game last night with Bajan32 and joeinnit when all of a sudden half the people in the game were dropped...and then a few seconds later I was.

Joining GAFe paid dividends immediately, though. Less than a minute after accepting the invite I was in a game with other Gaffers (which then proceeded to lock up, but hey). Thanks, Raist and FFObsessed--and sorry to hear about your PS3.
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