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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


H_Prestige said:
Bad decision. KZ2 stood out because of its dark visual design.

Totally agree. The visual style of KZ2 was something you'd see from David Fincher, KZ3 is more like George Lucas.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
JB1981 said:
FFO said it sucks :(

He told me the same thing, LOL

Hence it was a BETA in the early stages just like the beloved KZ3, hopefully the game has be refined, tweaked, etc. they got till end of April (game releases on the 15th or 17th of May, I forget)

I wouldn't mind an open BETA for Brink, see how it is
Took these in Uncharted 2 in honor of KZ3. I'll possibly take more later of Sev.




I have to say I've been having a blast with KZ3 all around thus far, which is surprising given the shear amount of negative feedback the game is getting around here. I finished the campaign a week ago and have playing the multiplayer on and off since then and think it's great. Granted I've actually only played Warzone because I enjoy it so much, but i haven't encountered a single bug or spawn issue yet o_O

Yeah, I've been spawn-trapped quite alot, but I'm so used to that in shooters by now that I almost don't even notice it.


GraveRobberX said:
From the videos the game is looking pretty good, I saw many MP videos, it looked like a spiritual successor to KZ2 to a point

Look @ this:


Watch these videos, tell me there aren't hints of KZ2, and a new dynamic way of playing a FPS:


i find it hilarious that the kz3 haters are grasping on to this game as if it was air and yet the video shows nearly zero recoil as well as enemies being downed just for having the corsair over them.


GraveRobberX said:
There was a MP BETA for EU in November/December if I remember correctly, was a closed hush-hush BETA

Indeed and all I will say is that my interest for that game is down the shitter having played that crap. The KZ2 butt hurts need to move on and skip or sell their KZ3 copy, there are so many other games out there or simply go back to KZ2. Brink being brought up in this thread is fucking retarded, don't give a shit that a GG employee went there but saying its MP is better than KZ3 without having even giving it a whirl? Very silly and goodness it's not, there are so so many better MP games out there. Was just a Beta though I guess, they just need to change everything. :/


KingDizzi said:
Indeed and all I will say is that my interest for that game is down the shitter having played that crap. The KZ2 butt hurts need to move on and skip or sell their KZ3 copy, there are so many other games out there or simply go back to KZ2. Brink being brought up in this thread is fucking retarded, don't give a shit that a GG employee went there but saying its MP is better than KZ3 without having even giving it a whirl? Very silly and goodness it's not, there are so so many better MP games out there. Was just a Beta though I guess, they just need to change everything. :/

damn and it seems promising if you like class/objective-based shooters.


Dibbz said:
Yeah but all I keep seeing in this thread is fucking gaffers who played KZ2 who don't like KZ3 that keep bringing Brink up because the lead level designer from GG went there after KZ2.

I'm 100% sure that these guys haven't even played Brink's MP yet somehow it's better than KZ3.

All I said was that it is looking to be better than Killzone 3 multiplayer, I have never claimed to have played it, though I know some of us have. However all they played was a very limited closed beta, nowhere near completion, with as far as I am aware, very little content.

The fact that Neil Alphonso moved to Splash Damage really means nothing to me, I am pretty sure he has only ever designed campaign levels (Killzone 2, Splinter Cell), balancing multiplayer levels is a whole different skill set he will have to develop. The multiplayer premise sounds and looks flat out better than Killzone 3.

Just because you have a hard on for Killzone 3 doesn't mean we all have to. I am enjoying the campaign, though even with that I dislike the changes they have made from Killzone 2 in terms of art direction and atmosphere, which is partly to do with different tech they are using this time around, partly due to ill concieved complaints of Killzone 2 and partly to do with the desire to put in some terrible, holywood style humour into the game. So far it has been a good ride though, multiplayer could be bareable if it wasn't for the terrible TSP implementation and the awful map design.

I can stomach the fact they ripped the heart out of the clan system, removed feature after feature, reduced recoil and health but the fact the maps are unbalanced and TSPs do not work with the Warzone game mode make it unplayable for me.

The big worry about Brink is that there looks to be no clan support, which is a huge downer.


Well stop bringing Brink up in this damn thread. Does it say Brink in the thread title? I played it, was shit.

Can someone explain what made the KZ2 clan system so much better? I fail to see how the "heart" has been ripped out. You can still get into clan matches and infact it's a lot easier this time around. No need to schedule, you just jump on with your clan and matchmaking pits you against another clan.


Dibbz said:
Well stop bringing Brink up in this damn thread. Does it say Brink in the thread title? I played it, was shit.

Can someone explain what made the KZ2 clan system so much better? I fail to see how the "heart" has been ripped out. You can still get into clan matches and infact it's a lot easier this time around. No need to schedule, you just jump on with your clan and matchmaking pits you against another clan.

Scheduling, valour wagers, multi-clan tournaments, setting your own rules/conditions > 20 minute wait for matchmaking wank that ends up being a massive lagfest for 1 of the teams playing.

Luckily it'll be half-fixed with custom games, but there'll be a lack of ingame organisation tools that were present in KZ2.
Dibbz said:

Can someone explain what made the KZ2 clan system so much better? I fail to see how the "heart" has been ripped out. You can still get into clan matches and infact it's a lot easier this time around. No need to schedule, you just jump on with your clan and matchmaking pits you against another clan.
Um, let's see...

1. Valor, being able to wager points against other clans and win big or lose big. It was the larger struggle to gain more points, gain higher standings by how much you are willing to bet.

2. Challenges, being able to outright challenge other clans from different regions and to schedule clan challenges to get your best roster. Also it did breed better rivalries between clans.

3. Tournaments, cruising through brackets to larger prize pool was some of the best clan based times I had in any game. You could have scheduling to insure that full rosters were able to compete.

4. Game customization, having larger or smaller clan battles or different weapon sets, or even different maps to play on. Each of those allowed for officers or leaders to choose their team best suited for a match.

Sure though finding a game is of course more important than any of those things...


Dibbz said:
Well stop bringing Brink up in this damn thread. Does it say Brink in the thread title? I played it, was shit.

Can someone explain what made the KZ2 clan system so much better? I fail to see how the "heart" has been ripped out. You can still get into clan matches and infact it's a lot easier this time around. No need to schedule, you just jump on with your clan and matchmaking pits you against another clan.

Guerrilla's target for Killzone 3 seemed to be all centered around accessibility and after the backlash they got from the controlls in Killzone 2 I don't blame them, however it has had a knock on effect, ruining it for people who wanted to take it slightly more seriously. I understand people like myself are in the minority but having all these features removed for a sequel you expected them to be improved on and are very passionate about is a bitter pill to swallow.

Yes they have made getting into and playing consequtive clan matches much easier in an attempt to get the more casual players joining in, however these more casual players don't care about clans, clan games or tournaments outside of having the same clan tag as their buddy in public games.

The match making in it's current form is completely broken though, making most matches 8v5 or similar numbers and removes any time to organise anything. In Killzone 2 myself and the other clan officers would organise the clan matches/tournaments and rotate players who wanted to play in the matches in and out to make it as fair as possible for everyone in the clan. I had time to decide who was going to play which class dependant on each players individual skills, designated who was each squad leader, what roles everyone had and had time to send out some basic tactics so everyone was on the same page for each game mode within Warzone before the match started.

In Killzone 3 you have no time to do any of this, outside of trying to sort out classes over the VIOP but you can't monitor everyones classes per round in Warzone making it futile and the best tactic for Killzone 3 with the horrible TSPs is for everyone to intially go Tactician as it is the only class that matters anymore.

Having a clan of 100 members is a task in itself to organise, of which Guerrilla have made impossible giving no information of clan members, you can not filter or organise the members list by any variable making it impossible to know who is active and who isn't, makes it hard to even find which players are online. Also having no clan officers make it a hell of a job inviting and kicking people from the clan for the leader. We went through 3 clan leaders initially which helped with having to invite over 100 different people but now we have people which I believed were inactive being removed because I have no feedback about it in game.

As for catering clan matches for a clan of our size (yes we have nowhere near 100 active members, probably closer to 30 of which aren't on all at the same time) it is impossible to do, we have the same people playing together each night and others getting completely left out because it is drop in and out play instead of being organised. I'd have no problem with that if we had ranked custom clan matches along side the match making, meaning we could organise and get people a fair chance to play in the games. Not only this but there is no way to join a clan member currently in a game making the clan feel very disconnected and pointless.

Guerrilla removed the valour system, a fairly original wager system for clans to bet their ranking points against each other, this gave clan matches a lot of tension and was something no one else was doing on consoles. There were problems with clans abusing the system, creating a new clan and playing their main clan, wagering all their valour points and purposefully losing. Instead of working out a solution, they ditched the entire system. The replaced it with some ranking formula that I do not know but when we have a ranking of over 1900 and get matched, all night long, against clans with ~1800 ranking and only win 1 or 2 ranking points for a win is useless, if we happened to lose a match we would lose ~50 points, it makes no sense.

In turn they also removed the tournament system, playing matches and moving through the bracket gave a great sense of progression for your clan, could show your win wasn't just a one off due to lag or luck, having to beat multiple clans in a row. Guerrilla set up at least one official tournament, with the bracket being on their website for everyone to follow, progressing through that with GAFe, even though it was with a stupid rule set including 32 players with rockets and assault class on Corrinth Crossing, was extremely fun and I was proud we came out on top after 63 other clans battled it out.

The tournament system and valour points was, to me, the heart of the clan system, it had its faults, the tournament list was fucking atrocious trying to navigate, the valour system did get abused but it was robust and unique for a console shooter and made, for me, Killzone 2 multiplayer excellent.

In Killzone 3 there are no clan challenges (yes they will be coming in a later patch but they will be unranked and have no consequences or benefits other than bragging rights) meaning there is no clan rivialry. We had some excellent and very heated inter GAF matches that were extremely fun to have been a part of.

Removing the robust clan system and replacing it with a system designed for 8-10 friends to get together with the same clan tag and play together was in my opinion a baffling thing to do. Couple this with terrible map design and broken spawn system for competetive play makes for a sorely disappointed franchise fan.
Mawlr Graveyard seems impossible for ISA to win in Operations. Everytime I play this map they get as far as delivering the batteries and fail.

Operations is nice game mode although Helghast need some more victory cutscenes.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Cagen said:
A ton of stuff.

I agree. I've played 2 nights with FTSG (what an aptly named clan) because I've had the luck of being randomly invited. I kept an eye on the forum to see if people have been online but at the same time I have other commitments which needs my time which means I can't stand around in a lobby for 2 hours in hopes that someone starts something.

Plus, the last game I did join was so badly organized. Thanks to the rushed invite and no discussion entering into Operations and me eating dinner I was forced to turn off the head-set. Sure, I could sit out, but it was so hard to communicate that so I just tagged along. The lack of organizing hurts players like me who can show up at a time but is not going to sit around for 5 hours waiting for a game.

While I enjoy playing with randoms I find it alot more fun getting to know people and learning what kind of gamers they are. One thing I've really taken from the years I've lived in World of Warcraft. There is no community-thinking here. Only quick-play. Like they've planned not to support this game in the long run. And that's a shame for an AAA-title.
I have about 20 hours into MP. It's been a ton of fun.... but I'm pretty bored of these maps. First off, EVERYONE always votes Turbine. Two, a lot of the maps are vastly un-balanced. Third, why does the DLC map come up all the fucking time and STAY on said map? Putting the game down for a while until the next map pack comes out


teepo said:
i find it hilarious that the kz3 haters are grasping on to this game as if it was air and yet the video shows nearly zero recoil as well as enemies being downed just for having the corsair over them.

True true.

After spending a lot of time with Killzone 3, I think I prefer its online multiplayer to that of Killzone 2. I do miss the recoil in Killzone 3, and some other things, but the improved response time, better framerate, easier aiming, and far better player count, superior weapon balance, and brutal melee, just tip it over the edge for me.

Spawn Grenades had their pluses, but I'd rather have a TSP in favor of the obnoxious kill rooms that developed in Killzone 2, even after they removed spawn invincibility. There were potential fixes for them in Killzone 2, but those fixes only exist on paper so its a moot point.

X-Frame said:
What's the point of putting jetpacks into the game if they're only available on 1 map?

They're already adding them into more maps, I think they didn't want to get too crazy with their initial maps for fear of fucking things up.


OK I get why some of you guys are annoyed that KZ3 doesn't have certain features that KZ2 has but they stated that they had to rewrite nearly all of their online code. It's not like they went out of their way to remove features.

Valor system was abused now you have ratings. Tournaments and a decent UI for the clan system in game (the one on the website is really good though) are the only real drawbacks for KZ3.

I suppose you could say oh custom games to, but at least this way you know every clan is playing the same game as you.

There are jetpacks on the new map in the up coming DLC. I rather they not try and shoe horn things into maps if they are not needed.


The matchmaking really is terrible. I'm constantly put in games that are in progress or matched up with lopsided player counts. Why can't they just do a Bungie or a Dice? What is so hard about matching up players? Seriously?


MariusElijah said:
I just can't seem to get use to these maps like I did with KZ2 even the retro maps seem busy/ugly.

Turn down the sharpness on your TV, Killzone 3 has some sort of sharpness filter going on that doesn't hep things. I've gotten use to the new look (Gratch and Salamun look flat out amazing) but I had to turn down the sharpness on my system.


bish gets all the credit :)
teepo said:
i find it hilarious that the kz3 haters are grasping on to this game as if it was air and yet the video shows nearly zero recoil as well as enemies being downed just for having the corsair over them.

It's team play focused, looks to be balanced, and hopefully has great map design. Everything KZ3 is not. I'm sure if you love TDM, you'll love KZ3. If you enjoy team-based gameplay, Brink looks to be promising.


JB1981 said:
The matchmaking really is terrible. I'm constantly put in games that are in progress or matched up with lopsided player counts. Why can't they just do a Bungie or a Dice? What is so hard about matching up players? Seriously?

If you select a specific map the game you'll put you in a server that only runs that map. Needless to say these are usually more empty, depending on the map and time.

Leaving the map selection to Any I'm matched in rooms with 20-24 players 100% of the time.
So I've logged over 24 hours in multiplayer, and I must say the map design is terrible. I feel like I designed better maps myself in Timesplitters 2....

One question: Why are the starting spawn locations in Warzone so complex? I end up spinning around just to get my bearings, jump off a balcony or staircase, spin around again to look for an exit, go out the exit, and spin around to the objective markers. All just to leave the damn base....it's infuriating because I'm usually in a hurry. I didn't even know how to get out of the Hig base in MAWL Graveyard for like 20 seconds when I first played it, with the confusing color palette and lack of intuitive design. Same with Frozen Dam on the Hig side. It's just an unnecessary waste of precious time.

Oh, and then I have to spend at least another 15-20 seconds sprinting to the action, navigating haphazardly placed objects, labyrinth hallways, and awkward terrain geometry. Unless I'm lucky enough to have a team that actually captures TSPs. Which, I don't blame them for not bothering since they only give out a measly 50 points.

Sorry to add to the negativity but I just can't comprehend why simple design choices were ignored by a professional game development team.
JB1981 said:
The matchmaking really is terrible. I'm constantly put in games that are in progress or matched up with lopsided player counts. Why can't they just do a Bungie or a Dice? What is so hard about matching up players? Seriously?
Yup and if I put ANY I get the DLC map 90% of the time. Brilliant.


The thing is the game is not casual friendly at all, at least Warzone isn't. If you are playing with randoms and you are pitted against an organized squat you are going to get SMOKED. I just played two Warzone games in a row just now and I was number one with most points and 40 kills and my team still lost 0-7 on Turbine Concourse. Ugh that fucking map. Beyond frustrating.

Mikey Jr.

Yeah, hardcore KZ2 fan, and I think I've had enough for now. Stopped at level 22.

Gonna wait until a significant patch comes out to try it again. We'll see what they come up with. HOPEFULLY they'll fix the map loop bug eventually. The fact that its not even in the upcoming patch is really quite sad.
So I bought a slim since my old Ps3 died. And I got a move controller with it. So I fired up this demo and tried it out. Now, I have NO clue how anyone can play that way. I put everything down to zero yet I could barely keep control of the damn thing. I wish there was way so the cross hair never moved and it would just turn like a stick, the gun moving is sooo dumb. And I feel sick from it right now. Blah.


Neo Member
Dibbz said:
I suppose you could say oh custom games to, but at least this way you know every clan is playing the same game as you.

Guerrilla Games said that they are going to be adding custom games in an upcoming patch. Kinda suprised at the amount of content from Killzone 2 they cut from 3 though.
JB1981 said:
The thing is the game is not casual friendly at all, at least Warzone isn't. If you are playing with randoms and you are pitted against an organized squat you are going to get SMOKED. I just played two Warzone games in a row just now and I was number one with most points and 40 kills and my team still lost 0-7 on Turbine Concourse. Ugh that fucking map. Beyond frustrating.

It's not the game, it's your teammates.

Basically a good team consists of people who can rack up kills and a willingness to do objectives and understand how to coordinate with people while moving around the map, and have good peripheral vision to keep each other from getting flanked.

You can have a bunch of people who are essentially very good at killing but turtle alot and don't know how to move with people giving each other cover and that team will simply get smoked. What I find is that there are a lot of people who will refuse to spend a few lives just to capture a key spawn point.


.GqueB. said:
So Ive been playing all day and Im gonna eat crow in one aspect. These maps fucking suck. And not in the same way you all seem to think they suck. I dont care about balance or TSP placement and all that crap. Who gives a shit.

I care about my eyes.

Is my brightness up too high or what? Just about every map gives me a fucking headache. ESPECIALLY Phyrrus Crater. Everything is glowing. Everything all of it. There is just too much going on in these maps. Too much visual stimulation and it gives me a headache. Id hate to ask for plain as hell, stagnant maps like Halo or COD but I find myself doing so here.

Take it easy GG.

And what the hell is with people not liking operations? For one thing, its easy as hell to get points and it happens quickly. Ive only been playing today and my Tactician/Medic are nearly full equipped... and I SUCK at this game. Averaging about 2k a game and a ridiculously low KDR.

7-22 anyone? bwahaahaha

But yea I dig this game. Too bad Im gonna have to turn my brightness down and never EVER play in the dark.

Operations is good but having only 3 maps makes it limited. I make more points on warzone just following mission objectives. I make sure to play on even teams and that most are following thier class roles. I have two classes fully unlocked, Medic and Infiltrator and almost done with Engineer and Tactician. Marksman will be last since I find that class is just boring to play. Wish this was more like KZ2 where you can modify class characteristic. Damn you Guerrilla, this is a step back from character customization perspective.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Question about completing the game on Elite. On the chapter select screen it shows what difficulties you've beaten each section on, right? I did my first play through on Trooper, and redid a lot on Recruit, so those difficulty logos show up filled in silver and bright. Now I'm going through on Elite but it's only appearing in the muted form, just like Veteran which I haven't touched at all. I don't particularly want to keep going and think I've completed Elite if the game's not recognizing it.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Little by Little shit I said which was considered whining/bitching, but now everyone is starting to realize the faults that GG committed, and starting to see WTF I was talking about

I'm passionate about KZ, enjoyed 2, wanted the same thing for 3, but it really does fail

The reason I'm still staying in this thread is to keep showing others, that this game isn't all the hot shit it was supposed to be

You can't say "enough negativity, more positive reinforcement", when the game doesn't come to being what I and others thought it was going to be

I platinumed and 100%, now I go play MAG for MP and Mass Effect 2 for SP, I'll help answer ?'s, and give advice for whom who want and request

The game is retired until patches/DLC, no point playing the game for me rather than releasing frustration while playing, makes it more frustrated with bullshit


An blind dancing ho
Just finnished the Campaign Mode, overall Better than Killzone 2, I liked the Jet-pack, It needed more missions with it imo, more with the Exoskeleton and less with gun turret/on-rail shit, the Jungle level was very cool I wished there was more like this or more like it ( or more missions with Sev alone).

Things I absolutely hate..

-The utter and pure shit ending left a bad taste in my mouth, It must be the worse ending in any game this gen, if Guerrilla Games aim for " super shitty ending in a great game" award then they got, I can't understand how they can make it so bad like this, damn, it's pathetically stupid, there was no effort in it.

It's like a hidden note from Guerrilla Games to Sony saying
We killed best character in the series last time and now we killed everything on the planet, please let us make something else other than Killzone

-Guerrilla Games made the Helghast stupid like headless monkey, The full military nation ,The same guys who can invade other planet now can't wipe their asses, hell even their security scanners don't work right, one squad can take them all, seriously Guerrilla Games?

-Rico, It's like "Red Rico Redemtion" or some bullshit, Guerrilla guys look like they really love Rico, but hell in the end Rico now is more annoying that he ever was, and I still don't give a fuck about him.

Next time these guys at GG should do the gameplay and hire someone else for the story,seriously guys other devs hire freelance writers for this, do it.

-And the very last section, Why in hell you don't end FPS games with regular ass FPS gameply but you decided to throw some on-rail shit on us? why many games/dev these days do this? just focus on the best thing about your game( shooting with a gun) , and put a good boss fight instead of this crap.

Also extra pointless rants.

What the point of Visari's daughter again? and oh,Shouldn't helghast skin be pale and messed up? This girl look fine just like normal human.

Seriously what with the body scanners if they can't tell the different between helghast and others

-Jammer,I thought that GG failed completely at making her the "Tough girl among men" here.

-Helghast seriously need to actually use their own toys not just let other use them on their bodies.

overall, yeah, gameplay wise this was very, very good, yet the ridiculous story and ending almost ruined it for me.


PaddyOCanager said:
So I've logged over 24 hours in multiplayer, and I must say the map design is terrible. I feel like I designed better maps myself in Timesplitters 2....

One question: Why are the starting spawn locations in Warzone so complex? I end up spinning around just to get my bearings, jump off a balcony or staircase, spin around again to look for an exit, go out the exit, and spin around to the objective markers. All just to leave the damn base....it's infuriating because I'm usually in a hurry. I didn't even know how to get out of the Hig base in MAWL Graveyard for like 20 seconds when I first played it, with the confusing color palette and lack of intuitive design. Same with Frozen Dam on the Hig side. It's just an unnecessary waste of precious time.

Oh, and then I have to spend at least another 15-20 seconds sprinting to the action, navigating haphazardly placed objects, labyrinth hallways, and awkward terrain geometry. Unless I'm lucky enough to have a team that actually captures TSPs. Which, I don't blame them for not bothering since they only give out a measly 50 points.

Sorry to add to the negativity but I just can't comprehend why simple design choices were ignored by a professional game development team.

Did this make anyone else LOL? I sure did because I can relate 100%

Hell, I still get lost out of Mawlr on the Higg side, especially considering that GG spawns you in different spots throughout the home base so it's different every time.

Once I got lost on the ISA side of Salamun Market for a good 10 seconds because I had no damn clue where I was -- I thought I accidentally spawned outside of the map or something.


Any idea when the next dlc is due for release?

Junkyard looks amazing and i'm dying for more maps.

I really believe i'm an unstoppable force with Move, anyone out there with a higher k/dr than 1.90 with Move? :p


Totobeni said:
Also extra pointless rants.

What the point of Visari's daughter again? and oh,Shouldn't helghast skin be pale and messed up? This girl look fine just like normal human.

I agree that her inclusion felt like pointless filler because KZ3 certainly showed that GG isn't interested in properly building the fiction of Killzone, even though I feel like there's so much potential. I'm guessing her skin looks fine because she's wearing makeup.
Dan said:
Question about completing the game on Elite. On the chapter select screen it shows what difficulties you've beaten each section on, right? I did my first play through on Trooper, and redid a lot on Recruit, so those difficulty logos show up filled in silver and bright. Now I'm going through on Elite but it's only appearing in the muted form, just like Veteran which I haven't touched at all. I don't particularly want to keep going and think I've completed Elite if the game's not recognizing it.

Thought the same thing, it was even more confusing because the difficulty itself felt easier than veteran. It is recognizing it as completed on elite though. I believe if you check an elited level with one you know you haven't completed yet you should see the icon is brighter than it used to be once you complete it. It is weird though, how the elite icon is duller than the others, you'd think if anything it would be the other way around. Not something you should have to think about.


GraveRobberX said:
Little by Little shit I said which was considered whining/bitching, but now everyone is starting to realize the faults that GG committed, and starting to see WTF I was talking about

I'm passionate about KZ, enjoyed 2, wanted the same thing for 3, but it really does fail

The reason I'm still staying in this thread is to keep showing others, that this game isn't all the hot shit it was supposed to be

You can't say "enough negativity, more positive reinforcement", when the game doesn't come to being what I and others thought it was going to be

I platinumed and 100%, now I go play MAG for MP and Mass Effect 2 for SP, I'll help answer ?'s, and give advice for whom who want and request

The game is retired until patches/DLC, no point playing the game for me rather than releasing frustration while playing, makes it more frustrated with bullshit

Oh, that's so nice of you. I like it when people are on serious missions about serious topics. Seriously.
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