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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.


commish said:
Absolutely wrong.

I can't count the number of kills I've had defending my team's S&R location.

I've lost count of my much easier it is to hold a C&H location when you can hide cloaked and easily pick off anyone who is capturing.

For assassination defense, marksmen provide a great barrier between the enemy and the target. Enemies will often sprint right up to you without realizing you are there. Mow them down.

For assassination offense, snipers are probably the biggest worry people have, which is why they hide behind buildings or in rooms.

For bodycount, we all know how easy it is to get a great KDR using the marksman class.

For search and destroy offense, I prefer to go infiltrator until we get a plant, and if we have the advantage, I'll go marksman because a marksman can guard the plant zone better than anyone. I get a lot of kills doing this.

For search and destroy defense, obviously snipers make great defenders, and a sniper sitting on the bomb locations can take out most planters.

Invisibility is extremely useful when going after objectives. There are two ways to skin a cat. Simply planting the bomb isn't all that is needed to win S&D, and capturing the speaker isn't all that is needed to win S&R, etc etc.

What's your average score as a Marksman ?

I think sniper is better for SnR defense because they can zero in on the drop-off point entrance. In SnD defense, the attackers tend to be more careful. And there are usually multiple exits/entrances.


Digital Foundry
mickcenary said:
Also, holy fuck @ the 360 controller. I used to prefer it over the DS3 for shooters, but after having become just as competent with the Move these last couple of months, it feels nothing short of retarded and I never want to touch it again. Again, KZ3 has spoilt us in this regard. Massively.

So, long live the Move-enabled FPS, too (as long as it's handled with similar finesse, of course).
I truly hope more developers adopt Move in the future.

I'm amazed to say it, having spent at least 400 hours in total playing MW1 and 2 with a 360 controller, but I simply can't go back to the dual-stick setup either. It's difficult to even play Killzone 3 with a Dualshock 3 for long without feeling limited in terms of turning speed and accuracy. We have indeed been spoilt, and if Guerilla Games got one thing absolutely spot-on with this game, it's the turning mechanics and level of lock-on for the targeting reticule. It's perfectly tuned, in my view, and my movements are almost always accurately represented on screen.

Edit: For those still struggling, make sure you have these settings (quoted from a few pages back):

Deadzone Width: 0%
Deadzone Height: 0% (can be bumped up to 30%, but I'm used to a square DZ box)
Cursor Sensitivity: 0%
Turn Speed: 70%
Assist: None
Aim: Hold
Crouch: Toggle

Vibration: Off (PS3 menu).

To be honest, I'd say it's technically harder to play with the Move amongst other Move players, simply because the ceiling, as far as aiming proficiency goes, is that much higher. There's a lot more to master in terms of keeping a steady hand and placing your headshots faster than the opponent, which puts you almost in keyboard and mouse territory. But when playing DS3 users, the key difference is you can draw your gun faster than they can in a 1-on-1 scenario. However, keeping a steady hand as you unload your clip on a target can be harder, and will take a bit of practice. The big advantage is that initiative with the first shot; the ability to place the first bullet faster increases the likelihood of head-shots, which DS3 users find more challenging to pull out at a 20m+ distance within the same split-second window.

Really, I wonder how GG are reacting to the statistics of DS3 users compared to Move users, and if there's any urgent call for splitting the lobbies.

I've clocked 45 hours of play with the Move controller by this point. I guess my my conversion is complete, but I hope I can return to the dual-stick controls when there's no other option.


Galvanise_ said:
It really is a shame that there are only three Operations maps. I love it more than KZ3 warzone and just a bit less than KZ2 warzone, but I know I'll get tired of the same three maps. :(

Did they give any reason to why they arent making any new maps for (what I thought) one of the most hyped modes for Killzone 3? Is it that they would have to put together extra cutscenes or something?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
patsu said:
What's your average score as a Marksman ?

I think sniper is better for SnR defense because they can zero in on the drop-off point entrance. In SnD defense, the attackers tend to be more careful. And there are usually multiple exits/entrances.

Not as high as it is when I go tactician or infiltrator. If I'm a marksman and I'm guarding the S&R point for my team, I might go minutes between even seeing an enemy. Same with C&D defense and some other modes. Sometimes my team is useless (or extra good) and I just point whore with marksman, and I can top 11 or 12k in a round after bonus.


I really enjoy GW for some reason. I like the smaller maps and the fact that I don't have to really worry about doing objectives or being a team player. I play medic and always seem to do really well in the matches. I think its the best class for this mode.

You get silenced m82 and machine pistol so you stay off the radar. I get tons of headshots with it from longer range. The medi-droid kills stuff but also functions as a detection unit. Plus you get to revive if you are in a good position. Plus revive others for extra points.

I have tactician maxed as well and its a good class but I think medic is more versatile for GW. I play with the move btw.

Anybody else play GW more than the other modes?



Galvanise_ said:
A marksman doesn't need to go for objectives to be incredibly useful. They can place themselves strategically with a view that leads up to the enemy objective or at enemy bottlenecks to put the fear of good into people. I know I think twice about going a certain way if I see people getting mowed down ahead of me.

A good marksman can lockdown entire areas of the map. Its entirely true that the Marksman is probably the least effective at attacking objectives, but they are ruddy useful for defending them.

Personally, I'm an engineer. Any other engineers out there? In my last six Operations games I've scored 6000+ and have been completing objectives while not dying very much. I've got my tactics locked down for:

Helghast MAWLR
Helghast Frozen Dam
ISA Akmir Snowdrift
Helghast Akmir Snowdrift

The only one I need to work out an effective objective-->points plan is ISA Frozen Dam. I find it hard to get stuck into that one.


I tend to alternate between Tactician, Engineer, and Medic. I almost always start off as a tactician to make sure that spawn points are being captured (and am frequently greeted by the sight of other people playing tacticians and capturing those points - yes even in public games). When the demolition points come up I will switch over to engineer (provided our foothold is stable enough if I'm the only tactician at the TSP) and place a turret to help reinforce our team.

Other times I play as a medic fora change of pace, but I like to keep a sharp eye on the TSP's to see if I need to switch over.

Guerilla Warfare

Medic/Tactician: I love the revive ability, and the 50 points that come with it, I'm also lethal with the silenced M82. Tactician for obvious reasons - Spot and Mark, and Air Bot.

Except in the jungle map (whihc is awesome in its own way).

Infiltrator with a shotgun, such a blast.
I must say, there is one difference that I noticed in this game compared to Killzone 2. Each time I play Killzone 3, I never get a squad invite. Almost everytime I played in Killzone 2, I would have one or more squad invites. I wonder why that is. Besides that, I really hope that the map glitch stuff is fixed relatively soon. It got annoying to me on Monday when I kept trying to play, noticed it was a retro map pack, backed out, and kept going to the maps no matter how many times I backed out. Hoping this issue is patched soon.


I'm finally falling into my groove, been doing a lot better than when I first got the game. I sold MAG two months ago and was only playing Bad Company 2 so I had to get used to the no aim assist shooting again.


I really hope the game isnt going to die that fast (on the GAF side of things anyway). Really cant see how there are campaign production value complaints either. I actually said wow when the exo vs robot beast scene happened. Accidentally trailed to close and got smacked by it.


lastinline said:
I must say, there is one difference that I noticed in this game compared to Killzone 2. Each time I play Killzone 3, I never get a squad invite. Almost everytime I played in Killzone 2, I would have one or more squad invites. I wonder why that is. Besides that, I really hope that the map glitch stuff is fixed relatively soon. It got annoying to me on Monday when I kept trying to play, noticed it was a retro map pack, backed out, and kept going to the maps no matter how many times I backed out. Hoping this issue is patched soon.

Well squads have no real benefit aside from acting as a party function, so many of your team members are probably in team groups with your friends.


Cataferal said:
I truly hope more developers adopt Move in the future.

I'm amazed to say it, having spent at least 400 hours in total playing MW1 and 2 with a 360 controller, but I simply can't go back to the dual-stick setup either. It's difficult to even play Killzone 3 with a Dualshock 3 for long without feeling limited in terms of turning speed and accuracy. We have indeed been spoilt, and if Guerilla Games got one thing absolutely spot-on with this game, it's the turning mechanics and level of lock-on for the targeting reticule. It's perfectly tuned, in my view, and my movements are almost always accurately represented on screen.

Edit: For those still struggling, make sure you have these settings (quoted from a few pages back):

To be honest, I'd say it's technically harder to play with the Move amongst other Move players, simply because the ceiling, as far as aiming proficiency goes, is that much higher. There's a lot more to master in terms of keeping a steady hand and placing your headshots faster than the opponent, which puts you almost in keyboard and mouse territory. But when playing DS3 users, the key difference is you can draw your gun faster than they can in a 1-on-1 scenario. However, keeping a steady hand as you unload your clip on a target can be harder, and will take a bit of practice. The big advantage is that initiative with the first shot; the ability to place the first bullet faster increases the likelihood of head-shots, which DS3 users find more challenging to pull out at a 20m+ distance within the same split-second window.

Really, I wonder how GG are reacting to the statistics of DS3 users compared to Move users, and if there's any urgent call for splitting the lobbies.

I've clocked 45 hours of play with the Move controller by this point. I guess my my conversion is complete, but I hope I can return to the dual-stick controls when there's no other option.

Yea this is how I feel about the Sharpshooter, feels so good. Just wish I could get it to stop drifting on me :mad:
smik said:
lets me get this off my chest


they can always get the jump on you, fring off on teammates when your not sure gives up location and gets annoying. Infiltrators are very undectable because by the time you look on your radar... boom their there and you keep second guessing everything.

they have such an advantage its not even funny.

they look like you, they have GT's like you, they don't come up under the radar,they are hardly noticeable and just completely breaks flow of the game.

even though im going a solid 25+&-8 in GW its just not the point, dont even get me started on how this game ultilizes its spawns system...omg, if your going against a team of tactician's too prepared to be playing in your spawn for the rest of the map.

im sorry, i would rather IW's spawn system to utilize 100% of the map (not trolling) FIX THIS SHIT

ok, i feel better now :p

The problem with infiltrators isn't so much that that they're too undetectable, it's that most people in the game suffer from tunnel vision and team baiting, and they tend to just let infiltrators walk right past them and gut one of their teammates so they can get the kill.


The move melee motion is really starting to aggrivate me. I always end up flailing about like an idiot and then not getting the kill. I wouldn't care so much but I currently have 0 of the better accuracy medals and id like to try that perk out. Can't wait till it gets mapped to the button.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
If you guys are needing a break from KZ3, should check out Homefront. So nice not to have to worry about C4 everywhere, cloaked snipers, infiltrators, exo suits :)
It's just their way of telling you to lose the Tier 1 beard.



The more I play this game the more I like it. Screw the haters!

The addition of the mechs, jetpacks, and the WASPs are welcome in my opinion. They give the game variety and make it *GASP* different from other military shooters.

I've only played multiplayer, by the way. Played the campaign briefly with a friend but I found it laughably dudebro and the cut-off split-screen is frankly shameful.


H_Prestige said:
But with shaving supplies? That has to be a first.

It looks like a broad base co-marketing effort for multiple games (GT5, inFamous 2 and KZ3), probably because they think/know the customer profiles "match". e.g., no LBP2 collaboration. ^_^

It's also another reminder that gaming is part of your life now (like eating at subway, burger king, mcdonalds, blah).

EDIT: Actually, they should do more consumer marketing. Otherwise people will only remember the casual games.


MalboroRed said:
The problem with infiltrators isn't so much that that they're too undetectable, it's that most people in the game suffer from tunnel vision and team baiting, and they tend to just let infiltrators walk right past them and gut one of their teammates so they can get the kill.

Not sure about letting teammates killed by Infiltrators but I know sometimes people forgot that they were near an enemy TSP. So enemies may have spawned right behind them. I made that mistake a few times. ^_^


So, me and my mate were on last night. I didn't have a mic on and my sound was turned down. Apparently some guys were talking mad shit about my "performance" in the squad. I was playing as a sniper that round on the phyrrus warzone map. The guy was saying I didn't know how to play and wasn't contributing in the team as a sniper. Problem was, I already racked up 10 kills (0 deaths) in the first 2 minutes of the game and had the back alley behind the only optional spawn on lockdown by myself.

1. Sniper using the VC32 in that map is not the best idea. I was mainly using the M66.
2. You complaining about me killing people?! haha.
3. We had that spawn point. You complaining about me shutting down a way in by the enemy by myself?! haha.
4. I d/c'd and got on the other team. It's no wonder they were losing but I played tact and captured that spawn point 5x in the last 5 minutes. Great teamwork douchebags! Letting one sole tact outsmarting your whole squad.

I usually play tact but wanted to mix it up a bit. My k/d would shoot right up if I played as sniper 100% of the time but it doesn't win games. Sorry for the rant but I just wanted to vent.
HalcyonTB12 said:
The move melee motion is really starting to aggrivate me. I always end up flailing about like an idiot and then not getting the kill. I wouldn't care so much but I currently have 0 of the better accuracy medals and id like to try that perk out. Can't wait till it gets mapped to the button.

I really really really really hope they patch in the ability to map melee to a button. The thrusting motion totally ruins my aim, I hate it. At least allow me to remove the reload/square button if they don't have enough buttons. The reload "twist" motion at least remotely useable.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
MomoPufflet said:
I really really really really hope they patch in the ability to map melee to a button. The thrusting motion totally ruins my aim, I hate it. At least allow me to remove the reload/square button if they don't have enough buttons. The reload "twist" motion at least remotely useable.

If they allow melee to be mapped on the NAV O (circle), it would really help
Nav has the X & O buttons, an it's just inches away, no reason even to move your hand on the Move


H_Prestige said:
Wow. That is pathetic.
Promotions like these are great in that it gets the dlc onto more ppl. So more ppl play said maps online and it's not barren like the kz2 dlc maps which no one bought. And those who did couldnt play.

Also leads to easy giveaways and potential explotation(rip code from product? Lol).


MomoPufflet said:
I really really really really hope they patch in the ability to map melee to a button. The thrusting motion totally ruins my aim, I hate it. At least allow me to remove the reload/square button if they don't have enough buttons. The reload "twist" motion at least remotely useable.

They're patching that in.
Been maining engineer and staying far from marksman. Deciding to secondary med or infultrator but so far enjoying med more since they are more fun than KZ2's med.

I do hate most games having to tactitian at the start though just to make sure your team isn't 100% dumb
Lucentto said:
How anyone manages to like this game baffles me, game is pure ass.

Well, look. That comment of yours is more "pure ass" than Killzone ever will be, but hey, I'll give it the time of day; mostly because you seem like a bit of an idiot and you could use the attention.

Anyway, you're kinda right, as long as these issues are present:

> Incredibly unbalanced teams
> Incredibly shitty map, i.e. Snowdrift/Turbine
> Spawn killing
> Lag

For me, that last attribute is incredibly rare; the rest are hit and miss. Even then, fun can be salvaged.

When this game is on song, though, I adore it. After playing a game like Homefront, you appreciate the presentation side of things that KZ3 offers; not to mention, I don't see how anyone can prefer the shitty feel of a Homefront/CoD after becoming competent with this game. It controls like butter.


Move, motherfucker.



Have a fun! Enjoy!
mickcenary said:

Move, motherfucker.


Right. Move makes any game awesome. Or rather better than it would feel without.

I'm often hesitant when people ask me opinions about Killzone 3 or (recently) SOCOM 4. I always end up with something like "bare in mind this applies to when played with the Move. Not sure with a DS3" :D


Because the MP game is pretty dynamic so far. It looks like all hell will break lose because everyone is overpowered but somehow most of the time, the game plays out fine as people adjust their tactics. It's most interesting when you try your best to win all,

I don't even worry about TSP so far. Just do my best to help any teammate and go with the flow. The other players will adapt and those who stay for the game will eventually streamline their approach, just like R1, MAG and KZ2.
TTP said:
Right. Move makes any game awesome. Or rather better than it would feel without.

I'm often hesitant when people ask me opinions about Killzone 3 or (recently) SOCOM 4. I always end up with something like "bare in mind this applies to when played with the Move. Not sure with a DS3" :D

True that. Killzone 3 would kinda just be "another shooter" without such great Move implementation, in my opinion. It's going to hurt getting sucked into another MP FPS and thinking, "... Wow... This game would be THAT much better if it was Move enabled".
Completed Killzone’s single player campaign last night and wow what a rush!!!

I luved the variety of the locations (snow levels, jungle section, junkyard etc) and the switch from jet pack sections to mech / space shooting areas were awesome too.

While I wasn’t too fussed about the campaigns story I have to say its one of the most enjoyable FPS campaigns I’ve played in a long while and definitely going to start an Elite run.

Visually it might be the best looking game on the PS3 so no need to expand on that and the improved speed of the controls and frame rate of the campaign is great.

The online mode (especially Warzone), maps take some getting use to but are really good. Game is very fast and smooth and I’ve not experienced any lag so all round I’ve very happy and its better than K2 (SP and online)

Well done GG
Meijimasha said:
That's where I stopped reading because a statement as false as that cannot possibly be followed up by anything remotely intelligent.
But he is right. That is the entire reason we can have teams so large. It doesn't take many people to actually do each objective but if planned out correctly, a team can 'control' certain area's that give them an advantage.

Case in point with the marksman, it is very very obvious on Salamun market that there are area's where marksmen can simply watch objective areas from far outside the area and become a major nuisance.


Loving the Medic class and the machine silence pistol but...

why is there only 5 playable Warzone (TDM) maps?

like,come on.

thats just way to little of map variety for TDM, its not like they cant place spawn points and patch it in for the other maps, it comes off as pure laziness.

i would have never bought it if i had known that the 8 maps where split into 3 separate modes (Dont have the retro pack)

again, thats just flat-out lazy.


smik said:
Loving the Medic class and the machine silence pistol but...

why is there only 5 playable Warzone (TDM) maps?

like,come on.

thats just way to little of map variety for TDM, its not like they cant place spawn points and patch it in for the other maps, it comes off as pure laziness.

i would have never bought it if i had known that the 8 maps where split into 3 separate modes (Dont have the retro pack)

again, thats just flat-out lazy.

I'm hoping they're gonna pull off some EA/Dice shit and announce free VIP map packs.

Doubtful though, they just ain't that market clever.


staticneuron said:
But he is right. That is the entire reason we can have teams so large. It doesn't take many people to actually do each objective but if planned out correctly, a team can 'control' certain area's that give them an advantage.

Case in point with the marksman, it is very very obvious on Salamun market that there are area's where marksmen can simply watch objective areas from far outside the area and become a major nuisance.

I think that's what he meant. The Marksman should go after the objectives to be more useful even though he may score less.

Besides watching over SnR objective in Salamun Market, he could also camp at the objective room with a silenced rifle. You can do that with other classes too though. Walked into an ending SnR game last night as a medic. Decided to defend the drop-off point. Both teams had 2 drops. I stood right in front of the objective and fired at anyone who entered the room. At the last 5 seconds, 3 men showed up. They all walked into my bullets straight without looking, probably because no one was there during the first 2 drops. If I had been there earlier, I'm sure someone would come after me before the carrier.

You can defeat a watching sniper by taking a serpentine path with an Infiltrator.

Both defense tactics are good, or you can use the Exo and WASP.


apparently you can get £35 instore credit for KZ3 at gamestation until the 21st of March. Anecdotal at the moment, i'll update on whether it's truth tomorrow when i trade it in for Yakuza 4.


You don't need a manly beard to shave. Regular ones would do. Kinda makes me wonder if you ever shave... ^_^

I don't eat at subway and burger king or drink mountain dew, doesn't mean games that co-market with them are pathetic.
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