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Killzone: Shadow Fall |OT| Nothing Stops This Rain

Is there big maps and matches in this? Every MP match I've tried so far has been tiny arena like maps. I miss the giant battle maps that we had in the previous Killzones


Some of the official Warzones are capped at 12, but you can make your own Warzone and set it to 24.

Not sure if you can search for it in-game, but you guys should play the one I made and let me know how it is: GAF Custom Warzone #1.1

You can also make your own custom Warzones here: http://shadowfall.killzone.com/

Just need to sign in with your PSN ID.

Thanks for the info. I didn't realize we could already access custom war zones. I was under the impression GG had to add them into the multiplayer for some reason. silly me.


I think I hit a campaign glitch :( I'm on the third mission. I'm supposed to hit a button to open a door but it doesn't work.


Neo Member
Beat the game on Hard this morning. I can't believe the reviewers and I are playing the same game.

The single player is awesome. I love the open ended-ness and the approachability of every situation. And I LOVE the fact that they don't slap you in the face with instructions on where to go. It reminds me of Half-Life (I'm not saying it's that good, settle down) where the environments are big and you have to figure out what you're doing and it isn't always obvious. There are a lot of story moments where you aren't just shooting people, plus the whole story is in first person.

Only played about 2 hours of multiplayer, I like it so far but it was a little slower than I expected. Was doing very well. I have K:D of 3:1 and a win ratio of 3:1 too.

Totally agree with you on the review thing. It is ironic because the biggest complaint for other games is the lack of freedom and the constant hand-holding, but when the guide rails are virtually gone, some people flip out and complain even more.

The multiplayer is great. Love how the modes change seamlessly on one map, so damn cool. Love playing as support and reviving dudes and tossing down spawn beacons. My team constantly wins though my K/D ratio is almost even. I have slightly more kills than deaths. I think it is because I keep playing the objective and because I have not played a FPS with a controller since Killzone 2 (4 years ago).
Is anyone having trouble getting the shadow pack? I put in the code and it said redeemed but it didn't download anything or add anything to the library.


I picked this game up today after trading in some old PS3 games. (about 43 of them)

But no PS4 yet. Hoping to get my hands on one tonight if I'm lucky.


The more and more I play this, the more I feel that everyone should know: the reviews lied to you. The campaign is fun, very interesting in its pacing (the 3rd mission "Doctor" is creepy, cerebral, and slightly Event Horizonish... Its so nice to have a shooter with atmosphere that isn't afraid to slow the pace down), gorgeous and plays very tightly. I'd say the campaign is a combo between Half Life 2 and Call of Duty 4. It reminds me of the criminally underrated Resistance 3 campaign, but more impressive and polished.

And the multiplayer... Oh jesus. So so good. Silky smooth,challenging,awesome maps with tons of pathways and areas to fight in, gunplay is extremely satisfying.

I mean come on people, all these bullshit "professional" reviews didn't even review the multiplayer. They said a couple sentences and that was that. They omitted one of the best parts of the game that'll keep people playing for months,;like Killzone 2 did.

Fuck the reviews. This is the best PS4 launch game. Period.
Listen to this guy, he speaks the truth.
KZ by itself is an excellent reason to buy a PS4 at launch.
As someone who has never played Killzone multiplayer, I have to say it's really fun. It feels a little slow and clunky as far as movement, but the shooting is great. Actually feels like Halo in some ways, and that's not a bad thing considering Halo 3 is my favorite multiplayer out there.

Edit: Also, the framerate really isn't close to a consistent 60.


Neo Member
Is anyone having trouble getting the shadow pack? I put in the code and it said redeemed but it didn't download anything or add anything to the library.

Once it is redeemed from the PS Store, start up KZSF and then you can set the look of your OWL from the OWL Skins option when Campaign is highlighted. When Multiplayer is highlighted, go to Personalization and you can change the skins of your robots (OWL, turret, drone) there. Not sure how to get the soundtrack yet.


I wonder why it is journalists continue to get Killzone so wrong? It's Mercenary all over again. Lack of auto aim? Weight? Difficulty level? Lack of attention, time or focus with the multiplayer? I just don't get it. But once again, user impressions are entirely different from the evidently overly harsh critic reviews.


Even on easy this game is too hard for me to care. Guys come out of nowhere spawning randomly. Checkpoints are too far between.

When I die I feel absolutely zero desire to go replay the next few minutes.


Ok guys. A really good question for the people who have beat the campaign

how good is it compared to other top tier first person shooters out there?

and what fps would you compare it to?

is the campaign atleast better than Halo 4?
Anyone know if brick and mortar stores were sent extra Shadow Pack codes? I wasn't able to preorder and now I feel a bit left you.

So far, im pretty happy. There have been a few cheesy moments in the story, but Im pretty happy with everything so far. The lack of handholding is nice. Sure, it can be a bit frustrating, but its nice going out and exploring all these areas. GG are masters at level design. This is such a beautiful world.
Halfway through the campaign now and I have to say its pretty outstanding so far. One of the better FPS campaigns I've played in years. The real wow moment for me was the beginning of chapter 4 (the reveal level).... that was jaw dropping. I think the game was somewhat unfairly treated by certain reviewers.


Beat the game on Hard this morning. I can't believe the reviewers and I are playing the same game.

The single player is awesome. I love the open ended-ness and the approachability of every situation. And I LOVE the fact that they don't slap you in the face with instructions on where to go. It reminds me of Half-Life (I'm not saying it's that good, settle down) where the environments are big and you have to figure out what you're doing and it isn't always obvious. There are a lot of story moments where you aren't just shooting people, plus the whole story is in first person.

Only played about 2 hours of multiplayer, I like it so far but it was a little slower than I expected. Was doing very well. I have K:D of 3:1 and a win ratio of 3:1 too.

Couldn't have said it better. Other than the sub-par writing the game is great. Runs smooth, a lot of tactical options, and it looks fantastic.
Would anyone recommend this game for SP alone? It seems there is universal praise for MP but SP is a little mixed. I'm not a MP gamer.

Totally. The SP campaign is a bit old school which is a good thing. I've put in 4-5 hours and am slightly under halfway through. The graphics alone are worth the price on admission. Nothing else (I've got AC4 and a buddy has BF4) comes close.


Just beat the campaign on hard....holy crap did that kick my ass. Had a blast and would definitely recommend it to any FPS fan.

Really excited about jumping into the MP but a little taken back by the missing features. If I am reading the impressions right there is no voice chat or parties. I don't understand how this got left out and is incredibly frustrating. Really want this to be my main online shooter but I just can't see that when it is missing the most basic features.
I think I'm close to finishing the campaign, and my main complaints are how unobvious some of the objectives were, and how confusing it could be to figure out where you had to go and what routes you could take to get there.

And I'm not talking about intentional unobviousness designed to enhance gameplay and make you think, like a puzzle in Zelda. I'm talking you're standing in a room and can't figure out what the fuck you're supposed to interact with, or that you're supposed to press X to climb up a very specific platform. Minor annoyances that would easily slip past testers that have played a level more than once.

Aside from that, the game is beautiful and the gunplay is great. I really hope they focus on cleaning up their next project's IQ, reducing pop-in, and improving the animations, so that the incredibly detailed character models are more visible.

And, as always, they could do a hell of a lot more with the backstory. The campaign would've been a lot more immersive if they had added in more details like where exactly a mission is taking place on a planet, better relayed to you how you got where you are form the previous mission, gave you more details about how the Helghast returned to Vekta, discussing the politics of this initial transition that lead to the current day tensions, told you who the fuck the refugees were and why they were traveling to the Helghan partition, and so on. It feels like the writers took a very solid plot and turned it into an incoherent mess. Or maybe the directors only gave them so much screen time with which to tell their tale.

I have yet to dive into multiplayer. Aside from the aesthetics, the foundation laid by Killzone 2 is the best part of the series. <3 Warzone.


Beat the game on Hard this morning. I can't believe the reviewers and I are playing the same game.

The single player is awesome. I love the open ended-ness and the approachability of every situation. And I LOVE the fact that they don't slap you in the face with instructions on where to go. It reminds me of Half-Life (I'm not saying it's that good, settle down) where the environments are big and you have to figure out what you're doing and it isn't always obvious. There are a lot of story moments where you aren't just shooting people, plus the whole story is in first person.

Only played about 2 hours of multiplayer, I like it so far but it was a little slower than I expected. Was doing very well. I have K:D of 3:1 and a win ratio of 3:1 too.

do the environments stay open throughout the game? I heard the campaign sort of tapers off into a corridor crawl, and ditches the openness of the early levels.


Beat the game on Hard this morning. I can't believe the reviewers and I are playing the same game.

The single player is awesome. I love the open ended-ness and the approachability of every situation. And I LOVE the fact that they don't slap you in the face with instructions on where to go. It reminds me of Half-Life (I'm not saying it's that good, settle down) where the environments are big and you have to figure out what you're doing and it isn't always obvious. There are a lot of story moments where you aren't just shooting people, plus the whole story is in first person.

Only played about 2 hours of multiplayer, I like it so far but it was a little slower than I expected. Was doing very well. I have K:D of 3:1 and a win ratio of 3:1 too.

I definitely agree. I actually haven't played a game where the reviewers have been as far off as they have been with Shadow Fall. I actually like the single player better in this game than KZ 1,2 and 3.


Why do you guys think reviews were over critical on this game? Is it because it's a big next gen AAA shooter, so it makes for an easy target? Perhaps I'm just really shallow, but I enjoy shooters for being shooters, and it seems like reviewers keep wanting them to "be something more", whatever that means. I love fps's that "transcend" the genre so to speak, Escape from Butcher Bay being a good example, doesn't mean I can't also enjoy a well made standard shooter that allows me to just shoot lots of dudes.


Here's the YouTube live stream from earlier today that got archived:


There's a match in there where I just went nuts with 50 or 60 kills.

Also, Instant Teleport to Ally is probably my favorite ability right now. I use it quite a bit in one of the matches.

Did you use a game capture card for this? I want to get my videos off my PS4 with getting compressed by facebook =\.


Why do you guys think reviews were over critical on this game? Is it because it's a big next gen AAA shooter, so it makes for an easy target? Perhaps I'm just really shallow, but I enjoy shooters for being shooters, and it seems like reviewers keep wanting them to "be something more", whatever that means. I love fps's that "transcend" the genre so to speak, Escape from Butcher Bay being a good example, doesn't mean I can't also enjoy a well made standard shooter that allows me to just shoot lots of dudes.

If the reviews were primarily focused on the single player, they were dead accurate. There are a lot of non-interactive segments that drag on, some pacing issues in the middle, the enemy AI is atrocious, the writing is bad going on okay at times, and some of the enemy encounters are not thought through.


If the reviews were primarily focused on the single player, they were dead accurate. There are a lot of non-interactive segments that drag on, the enemy AI is atrocious, the writing is bad going on okay at times, and some of the enemy encounters are not thought through.

hmm, single player seems to be pretty indecisive and mixed on this board. Some saying it's great and the best in the series, while others saying it's awful.


I've been asking around but haven't had any feedback yet, perhaps you'll help out a EU Gaffer.

How long is the game? I've heard around 10-12 hours is that about right, sounds long for a FPS as they usually go for 6-8 max.

What is the Soundtrack like? Do the two composers work well to establish a score that compliments the different tones throughout the game?

It took me 8 hours and 13 minutes to beat the game on hard with about 25% of the collectables. The game has a surprising amount of replayability if you want to collect everything. As well as Trophy challenges for a few levels, like "Don't sound any alarms on ____". So I'll be going back to do some additional stuff.


Would anyone recommend this game for SP alone? It seems there is universal praise for MP but SP is a little mixed. I'm not a MP gamer.
Don't forget there's bots that you can play mp with, they are fun to fight as they know how to play the objectives. I just got my PS4 today so I haven't delved into the sp yet but botmode works great!


Okay I'm really really confused...

I keep seeing people post screenshots. My game simply doesn't look the same in some aspects.

1. The shadows in my game have a very "last-gen" feel to them, jagged with that ugly blocky-ness to them.

2. The rain in my game does NOT look like the rain in the tech trailer from earlier this week. Its basically pure white streaks like in the other video that people latched onto and discussed for 100 pages.

Is there a patch or something that I may have accidentally skipped?


Just beat the campaign on hard....holy crap did that kick my ass. Had a blast and would definitely recommend it to any FPS fan.

Really excited about jumping into the MP but a little taken back by the missing features. If I am reading the impressions right there is no voice chat or parties. I don't understand how this got left out and is incredibly frustrating. Really want this to be my main online shooter but I just can't see that when it is missing the most basic features.

Haven't played MP myself but someone said that parties = PS4 UI party chat. You can't chat with people otherwise? Sounds really weird...since a lot of people play these games solo. How are you supposed to communicate with your team members? I don't necessarily want to friend request randoms lol


Alright, I'm up to the third chapter. Here are my thoughts (coming from a guy who got the platinum trophy in Killzone 3):

  • The visuals are amazing. This game really does look next-gen in person.
  • The DualShock 4 adds a lot, specifically, to this franchise. Shooting feels a lot less slow while the "weight" is still there.
  • I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. This story is aimless compared to the other Killzones I've played.
  • The open level design is nice, but I spent fifteen minutes wandering and getting killed left and right. When the story is so unfocused and vague, there's little to keep me invested and exploring, too.
  • The online multiplayer is fun, but it's best charm is, again, the visuals and the controls. It's smooth as butter.
  • For all the new hooks, like the Owl's abilities, I found myself spending five-ten minutes teaching myself the rules of said new perk. This game does nothing to help me figure out what is going on.

I'm about 75% sure I'm going to swap this for Need For Speed. It's been cool to see this on my TV at home, but I frankly haven't had a lick of real fun with it yet. Every time I start to feel like I know what I'm doing I find myself dying out of nowhere or getting confused. The open levels, Owl, and first-person climbing/vertical takedowns are all cool, but I feel like I'm fumbling into all of them.

It's not hot garbage or anything, but this isn't as strong a launch FPS as, say Fall of Man was back in 2006.
Did you use a game capture card for this? I want to get my videos off my PS4 with getting compressed by facebook =\.

Yeah, the Elgato Game Capture with an HDMI splitter. This was actually my first time live streaming to YouTube, and it looks better than what I'd get on Twitch.

Gonna be doing another live stream tomorrow.
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