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Killzone: Shadow Fall |OT| Nothing Stops This Rain


Only issues I have with singleplayer are the story and enemy AI. Other than that, it's a gorgeous FPS that gives you plenty of ways to tackle scenarios without feeling boring.


Beat the game on Hard this morning. I can't believe the reviewers and I are playing the same game.

The single player is awesome. I love the open ended-ness and the approachability of every situation. And I LOVE the fact that they don't slap you in the face with instructions on where to go. It reminds me of Half-Life (I'm not saying it's that good, settle down) where the environments are big and you have to figure out what you're doing and it isn't always obvious. There are a lot of story moments where you aren't just shooting people, plus the whole story is in first person.

Only played about 2 hours of multiplayer, I like it so far but it was a little slower than I expected. Was doing very well. I have K:D of 3:1 and a win ratio of 3:1 too.

Agree with the half life comparison. I get the same vibe minus the story, which is weaker.


do the environments stay open throughout the game? I heard the campaign sort of tapers off into a corridor crawl, and ditches the openness of the early levels.
I would say majority of them are open. There are a couple missions that are linear.


The music in this game is so fucking good.

Does anyone know how many chapters are in the single player campaign? I'm wondering how much I have left. I am on
chapter 7.


God, that weird feeling when you go back to a console after 10 years xD

It takes me 2 min to aim at something ... while being stationary lol


The music really becomes INCREDIBLE, the industrial techno stuff is a PERFECT match for the Helghast areas especially.

Reviewers can go suck it, I rate this game's SP 9, it's better than the campaigns of its two main competitiors, COD and Battlefield. COD fatigue is far worse than this, and BF single player has always been shit.

On the downside it's a bummer that I can't see my own character when hacking into a maintenance bot, that's disappointing. I've also seen a couple LOD popups but they're very rare. The lighting in this game is incredible.
Just encountered a scripting bug on Chapter
that prevented me from progressing. I made a quick video to show it (I think it happened because I got exploded when it was supposed to activate and had to get revived), but, basically, if you're at what appears to be a
gravity well
but it isn't activated and you feel like it should be (press up on the D-pad and you'll know), you'll need to restart the checkpoint. I figured I should mention it since I don't know how common the issue is, though it's probably not common at all.

There's something about the feel of this chapter that I like. These aren't spoilers at all since I'm talking about really abstract feelings here, but I'm reminded of how I felt during certain parts of
Metal Gear Solid 4
Shadow of the Colossus
. It's really weird. Maybe the colors and destruction or something.
Are there only 12 player servers right now? I loved the chaos of killzone 2 and 3's multiplayer and this game almost has none of that in the 12 player servers.
So, I'm pretty far into the game now. The story isn't great, by any means, but I am thoroughly enjoying the campaign. Not for the story, more for the just having fun playing it. New to Killzone series
Just finished the campaign. That was quite a ride, and did not end the way I was expecting.

I almost wonder if there is an "alternate" ending. Given that even with Echo's final mission, the Helghast are still basically SOL with the VSA in possession of Stahl's weapon.

I will try the MP tomorrow before work, but this has been my favorite KZ game so far, and now more than ever I think most reviewers either didn't pay attention during the story or just didn't want to give this game a fair shake.


Alright, I'm up to the third chapter. Here are my thoughts (coming from a guy who got the platinum trophy in Killzone 3):

  • The visuals are amazing. This game really does look next-gen in person.
  • The DualShock 4 adds a lot, specifically, to this franchise. Shooting feels a lot less slow while the "weight" is still there.
  • I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. This story is aimless compared to the other Killzones I've played.
  • The open level design is nice, but I spent fifteen minutes wandering and getting killed left and right. When the story is so unfocused and vague, there's little to keep me invested and exploring, too.
  • The online multiplayer is fun, but it's best charm is, again, the visuals and the controls. It's smooth as butter.
  • For all the new hooks, like the Owl's abilities, I found myself spending five-ten minutes teaching myself the rules of said new perk. This game does nothing to help me figure out what is going on.

I'm about 75% sure I'm going to swap this for Need For Speed. It's been cool to see this on my TV at home, but I frankly haven't had a lick of real fun with it yet. Every time I start to feel like I know what I'm doing I find myself dying out of nowhere or getting confused. The open levels, Owl, and first-person climbing/vertical takedowns are all cool, but I feel like I'm fumbling into all of them.

It's not hot garbage or anything, but this isn't as strong a launch FPS as, say Fall of Man was back in 2006.

I'm currently somewhere in Chapter 4 so I've made it past you. I find the story to be quite clear. This isn't a sandbox game. You have firm direction and objectives. Plus, all the way up to your chapter its supported by cutscenes

Perhaps I'm less picky though then a lot of people because I only play a small amount of games throughout the year. I usually grab a game with lots of player interaction (like Dark Souls), and play it for most of the year

Btw, perhaps you should just consider starting over at an easier difficulty. I started over on Easy mode myself and been really enjoying this game! I'll put on my try-hard pants for multiplayer. For singleplayer I just want to cruise, relax, and enjoy the scenary


Just played a lot of multiplayer with a friend and man we had so much fun. This Multiplayer is super smooth. Dedicated servers + 60 fps + 1080p === PURE SOLID JOY. This one game makes my PS4 so worth the purchase :)
Holy shit I just finished Chapter 3!! What a fucking level that was! Up to this point -- Best FPS of 2013. Yep, takes out Crysis 3, BF4 and Metro SP for me. :)

Mr. Helios

Neo Member
Even on easy this game is too hard for me to care. Guys come out of nowhere spawning randomly. Checkpoints are too far between.

When I die I feel absolutely zero desire to go replay the next few minutes.

Kind of with you on this one - though I'm on normal setting. The first level outdoors where the guys keep re-spawning until you disable the alarms is the worst. Does that mechanic carry over to the other chapters?

That said, I do love the weight and feel. I just don't know why I suck so bad at Killzone. I barely beat Killzone 2, and couldn't beat K3 after trying a million times. It's starting to feel like I won't be able to beat Shadow Fall either (currently on the third chapter).
Reviewers can go suck it, I rate this game's SP 9

I'm just not feeling it. I'm about to chapter 8 and I'm struggling to stay interested enough to finish it. At this point what's most frustrating is the level design, and how I'm often struggling to figure out which way to go. Trying to discern which doors I can open and which I can't - because they practically look identical. Which control panels Owl should or shouldn't hack. Usually it ends up being a hand-print panel somewhere...

AI is almost non-existent. My favorite tonight was when a squad of badguys were coming out of an elevator to intercept me, so I hid for an ambush and all they did was walk off the elevator and stand there in a group. I waited a good minute for them to spread out so I could pick them off, but nope. Went in guns a'blazin' as per usual. They tried to design for encounter variety in this game, but it's just not there.

Cutscenes and dialogue are clunky with their delivery. Weird pauses with no flow. Lines that just don't resonate or often make any sense.

I don't know, I'd hate to say it, but I'm with Gies on this one. 5/10. But that's a real 5/10, not an IGN 5/10. Average. Uninspired. Muddy. A few good qualities.


I played some of this, and some Warframe tonight, and spent time with them yesterday..maybe a few hours, and I have yet to hear another humans voice in chat.

Is chat down? is no one using the free mic? I dont even get the feel that my voice was heard.

Anyone got a low down on that? This game is like a tactical masterpiece online...minus the mutes.

Edit - id like to see them make the names over the players a WEeeeeeeee bit bigger, I have put more bullets into teammates than I am proud of due to little itsy bitsy names...the devil on the other side says that the game feels so realistic that I should have to rely on visual confirmation that its an enemy or friendly, and not a red / green floating name.

its like the COD player in me is fighting against my better judgement.


Neo Member
I'm really loving the SP. I hate to say it but I don't quite understand the MP yet. I just die and die and die and die. lol.

It took me a while to get the hang of everything in the SP. Once I did the game became an instant classic for me. It has such memorable missions/levels: The intro. The forest. The spaceship. The terrorist blowing up the building. The train rail area!

I honestly have to say I feel this game has more memorable missions than any Halo game I've ever played. In other words I hardly remember anything about Halo, maybe a couple of missions/areas that stood out. 10 years from now ask me about this game and I WILL remember.

I only wish they did a better job of making the story stick. The game doesn't explain very well why I'm doing what I'm doing. I may not know why I'm doing something but it sure is fun to do nonetheless. Great game so far. Enjoying every minute of it.


Holy shit I just finished Chapter 3!! What a fucking level that was! Up to this point -- Best FPS of 2013. Yep, takes out Crysis 3, BF4 and Metro SP for me. :)

yeah, chapter 3 was a big surprise to me. i didn't expect a level like that in a killzone game. it was great.
I played some of this, and some Warframe tonight, and spent time with them yesterday..maybe a few hours, and I have yet to hear another humans voice in chat.

Is chat down? is no one using the free mic? I dont even get the feel that my voice was heard.

Anyone got a low down on that? This game is like a tactical masterpiece online...minus the mutes.
there is no in-game chat. you are supposed to go to your recently met players under the friends area of the pdm (ps4 menu) and invite them to a party...

yes, it's ridiculous. i read it on the killzone forums. a dev posted that information.


I'm totally enjoying the Single Player campaign. It's great!

I'm even enjoying the story so far. It's nothing deep and the characters are pretty predictable but at least it's entertaining. My favorite thing so far is the OWL and what it adds to the gameplay. The AI on your little buddy is really good and it adds so many options for how I deal with enemies. I love it!

And of course, the graphics continue to blow me away. Great stuff. I'm on like Chapter 4 so I don't know how far I am but so far, I've connected more with this Killzone than previous entries. It's got a more "Star Trek" futuristic esthetic going for it that I very much prefer to the "WW2 in space" vibe of previous games.
The AI is weird because there are times where they separate into groups, flank and I'm reminded of the best of Killzone and FEAR moments but most of the time they just kind of flounder about. Wonder if it's bugged?

In any case, I really enjoyed the campaign. Outside of a weird obsession with energy sources early on the campaign was quite varied and beautiful throughout. Many of the levels had a nice degree of openness that reminded me of Crysis 2/3, which is something I much prefer to the CoD style hallways so many people seem to prefer. Also had spots where the Half-Life influence came through where you could just wonder about and listen to the lives of the people living around. Shame that Killzone continues to flounder on the potential of the story and universe it has though. Major improvement on 2 and 3 but some poor dialogue and weird character choices really set things back at times. Echo was pretty cool though and some of the audiologs were well written.

Looking forward to trying the multiplayer out.


there is no in-game chat. you are supposed to go to your recently met players under the friends area of the pdm (ps4 menu) and invite them to a party...

yes, it's ridiculous. i read it on the killzone forums. a dev posted that information.

my brain just broke...no proper party system I can work around, but no team chat, where do they get off making that decision.

Such a good MP, they better fix this.

Guerilla fix this shit (had to say that!)

Edit - and how the f**k were we supposed to know that? I never saw a 'to chat, invite strangers to a party'..bizarre. I suspect they are being hammered over this.
Guerrilla will need to address these things in a patch:

FOV improvement
Party system
Voice chat

I just found out today that there isn't in-game chat... and this is a new-gen FPS game in 2013. Come on, Guerrilla...


I'd be in the dick
yeah, the story hasn't been amazing, but it has kept my interest. i'm a sucker for sci-fi, so that's probably why.
I agree. From the comments in here you'd think it was atrocious but for a military shooter it's fine. The cutscene direction is also far, far better than the previous games.


So would you guys say the campaign rivals Halo 4? which is the weakest entry in the series imo.

Halo 4's story is better than this. Halo 4's story is kneecapped because it requires you to have read the novels for any sense of urgancy to be felt...but it was still coherent.

Shadow Fall's story...It's like a sunday afternoon SyFy movie that's not making the turn to So Bad It's Good.
I think I already know the answer to this, but does this game have tilt controls ala motion keyboard? I'd REALLY love to aim that way, but I'm betting GG didn't care enough to implement that :(


Guerrilla will need to address these things in a patch:

FOV improvement
Party system
Voice chat

I just found out today that there isn't in-game chat... and this is a new-gen FPS game in 2013. Come on, Guerrilla...

There's no in-game voice chat? lol That's terrible. That and the fact that you can't even see both kills and deaths after a match. And also you can't change your load out between matches without backing out of a war zone.

It's all basic stuff, I don't know how it gets left out but it's pretty ridiculous.
How does saving work? I think I cleared most of the forest, but I turned the system off to go do something else. I come back and I am at the start of the level again. I don't see an option to save manually.

I face the same issue in part 1 and part 3! I don't get it. It's like I get pushed back two checkpoints when I resume a game.

Anyone know how or when the game saves? Only at certain checkpoints?


Neo Member
Just beat it. Is there anything after the
credits? I accidentally skipped them and I know the last KZ games had post-credits stingers to set up a next game.
There's no in-game voice chat? lol That's terrible. That and the fact that you can't even see both kills and deaths after a match. And also you can't change your load out between matches without backing out of a war zone.

It's all basic stuff, I don't know how it gets left out but it's pretty ridiculous.

You can change your loadouts ingame. It's really easy to do during the 30 seconds or so before spawning at the start of a Warzone.


I'd be in the dick
One nitpicky thing I noticed that's kind of annoying is that the ADS reticules are just HUD overlays and not part of the sights. Seems odd that they stay centered while the guns shakes around it.


I face the same issue in part 1 and part 3! I don't get it. It's like I get pushed back two checkpoints when I resume a game.

Anyone know how or when the game saves? Only at certain checkpoints?
It's similar to the way RE5 and 6 handles saves. There is a permanent save that you can go back to after quitting for each section of the level. Within each section are checkpoints that disappear once you quit.
It's similar to the way RE5 and 6 handles saves. There is a permanent save that you can go back to after quitting for each section of the level. Within each section are checkpoints that disappear once you quit.

Ouch. I understand now, thanks for the helpful response.

Really finding this save thing and the constantly being lost and wandering aimlessly kind of frustrating. I loved KZ mercenary on vita, but never felt lost (even the saving was easy thru standby mode).

Maybe I should trade in for BF4?


Guerrilla will need to address these things in a patch:

FOV improvement
Party system
Voice chat

I just found out today that there isn't in-game chat... and this is a new-gen FPS game in 2013. Come on, Guerrilla...

Thats why its so quiet in multiplayer.. wtf


Wow. That chat thing is awful. I was hoping to get more involved with the multiplayer of this killzone, but having to invite these random stranger teammates to a party just to chat with them is ridiculous.


Gold Member
Guerrilla will need to address these things in a patch:

FOV improvement
Party system
Voice chat

I just found out today that there isn't in-game chat... and this is a new-gen FPS game in 2013. Come on, Guerrilla...

also make the mission text bigger! i cant see that shit at all.


How difficult would it be to implement a chat system? It is going to have such a negative impact on the community if it is not added within the month.


Yeah this is some utter bullshit. Trying to tell people that there is someone behind them is impossible, and I am not going to invite randoms strangers into my party chat cause im already talking to my friends on Teamspeak. Man, 2013 FPS without in-game voice chat, no party system. Come on GG freaking figure it out.
There's no in-game voice chat? lol That's terrible. That and the fact that you can't even see both kills and deaths after a match. And also you can't change your load out between matches without backing out of a war zone.

It's all basic stuff, I don't know how it gets left out but it's pretty ridiculous.

This is just wrong, go over it like you were gonna select it and hit square or triangle.


Good looking game. Just put two hours into the multiplayer and it's very impressive, except......

I'm lost as shit and not entirely clear what to do for some of the modes or how to use the abilities.

Also, I know I'm in the minority, but......


There's nothing worse than shooters where no one is working together or even trying to communicate. I don't know if it's all those years of Socom over a decade ago, but it drives me crazy when everyone is running every which way without even attempting to coordinate something. It's part of the reason I've never gotten into Battlefield. I've always found it to just be a chaotic mess.
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