God, I'd love a version that looked that clean.
I see Dreamdrop is banned yet again. Slow down kiddo!
yeah, pretend like you don't fuckin love meKeep strawmanning.
Welcome back rofl
I would want them to change the gameplay to have a mixture of KH2's move equip system (for more minor moves), and deck commands for magic/stronger moves. They should also keep KH2's controls/block and add some unique mechanic depending on the game. Getting rid of the whole "you have to deal a finishing blow to beat a boss" mechanic would be nice too.
They should also not add a mechanic that forces you to use a certain move when you attack, despite you not wanting to.Like finishers in BBS.
Which one (sword, staff, shield) do I pick again?
e: apparentlyis what you do on proud+ staff, - sword
Weird, I guess I can't read but I didn't see your post and did + shield - sword. It's going fine so far.Staff runs don't really pay off until the 2nd half when your magic repertoire is more robust. 1st half you're going to be struggling against even normal enemies on Proud. I figure you'd be better off with Shield for the defense boost and getting defensive abilities sooner. Early Guard, Leaf Bracer and Second Chance will save your ass (unless you choose to give up Staff, which gimps your AP)
is it december yet?
But that was perfect opportunity to do soIt can't be an "I wouldn't change anything". Seriously, don't be a lazy bum.
MysteriousFigure was the most frustrating secret boss out of all of them I've fought, not for his difficulty but for the annoying roulette attack which I had trouble with in Japanese (I didn't grasp what I had to do break out of it too well and me winning eventually was mostly due to luck)Just finished up KHFM extra bosses for the first time. Beating the mysterious figure was soooo satisfying and now im so ridiculously hyped for 2.5.
Is it October yet?is it december yet?
Apparently saying that Final Fantasy XIII was objectively not a bad game is a bannable offense.
I get banned every time I bring it up. What's really fun is that there is a thread right now saying that a 5/10 is average which is the entire reason I was banned °sigh°FF XIII is an awesome game tbh
Hard to say. They might try a different type of LE since thye had a poll shortly after 1.5 released IIRC that asked what people would like to see in a LE.Do you think II 2.5 ReMix will get another artbook style case? Can't say I like these, they should have did what namco did with Tales of Xillia, outerbox with game/artbook inside of it. They look so out of place on my shelve with my other PS3 games.
FF XIII is an awesome game tbh
I get banned every time I bring it up. What's really fun is that there is a thread right now saying that a 5/10 is average which is the entire reason I was banned °sigh°
/rant =_=
What are you talking about? I've never seen more finer craftmanship than this.Prepare for your badly-made statuettes everyone!
excuse meOrdered 1.5HD just now, will pre-order 2.5HD as soon as I get a bit more money.
Time for this year's KH series replay I think.
FF XIII sucks dick
excuse me
FF XIII to me was a pretty good game, great battle system and okay characters. It's linear but I got over that in like 2 hours so I just enjoyed it for what it was.
2.5s boxart is everything I could have dreamed of and more.
Thank you based Nomura-san.
We even both got it off of KHInsider loledit: wow, by seconds.
Yeah, that's what I noticed too minus Goblinort.It looks 'aight. It's interesting that he went for a softer look this time.
We got some screenshots of the 1.5 + 2.5 LE/Bundle and a picture of the figurine and packaging that comes with it, nothing we didn't already know but it's nice to see what it all looks like. (it's in falks link if you wanna take a look) It's a shame a bundle like that probably wont come to the West.Any infos about the LE?
We got some screenshots of the 1.5 + 2.5 LE/Bundle and a picture of the figurine and packaging that comes with it, nothing we didn't already know but it's nice to see what it all looks like. (it's in falks link if you wanna take a look) It's a shame a bundle like that probably wont come to the West.
Why is sora on it twice
He's a Pirate is one of the songs selected to be in the collector's edition OST.
I guess they're very confident about it, heh Falk? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why is sora on it twice
Cool guy riku isn't on it.
This box art as failed.
BTW, there is NO official art of cool guy riku, only a 3d model.
All I want is A Fight to the DeathI'm actually mildly surprised that there isn't as much boss/final boss music represented in the cross section considering how popular those are among fans, but there needs to be a reason for purchasing the 2.5-specific soundtrack too I guess!
You mean that cool guy Riku?
Edit: Also someone answer me this. WHAT THE HELL, is going on on the final mix cover of this game?
Track selections are ace- Monstrous Monstro and Pirate's Gigue were so definitive of the 1.5 HD remaster, and the selections from 2.5 are easily among the best in the project I've heard in both performance and production. I'm actually mildly surprised that there isn't as much boss/final boss music represented in the cross section considering how popular those are among fans, but there needs to be a reason for purchasing the 2.5-specific soundtrack too I guess!