I just want to congratulate you on your interview Falk. You seem really excited. Actually less than two months to go
for japan
You're actually half right about that! Rikku was supposed to be in KH1 but they took her out because of the whole name thing. It was Yuffie that took her place though, not Selphie.
Pic related.
I think option 3 is a PS4 1.5 + 2.5 + DDD collection.Only two solutions I see them making to the "Not everyone has played DDD" problem:
1) Include the Dream Drop Distance story as a pack-in with KH3 ala Days or Coded
2) Re-release, but so as not to be seen as lesser value compared with 1.5 and 2.5, they will include a separate KH3 prologue.
Expecting them to go with option 1.
All the DDD talk has finally made me decide to finally replay the game. Let's see what the Critical Mode on this one is all about.
Only two solutions I see them making to the "Not everyone has played DDD" problem:
1) Include the Dream Drop Distance story as a pack-in with KH3 ala Days or Coded
2) Re-release, but so as not to be seen as lesser value compared with 1.5 and 2.5, they will include a separate KH3 prologue.
Expecting them to go with option 1.
You're forgetting the much more likely option 3: recap the need-to-know major plot points - which literally boils down to"7 lights, 13 darknesses/Xehanorts, Riku is a Keyblade Master, Lea and Kairi are being trained."
I suspect that virtually none of the minute-by-minute story of 3D will be relevant in III.
Only two solutions I see them making to the "Not everyone has played DDD" problem:
1) Include the Dream Drop Distance story as a pack-in with KH3 ala Days or Coded
2) Re-release, but so as not to be seen as lesser value compared with 1.5 and 2.5, they will include a separate KH3 prologue.
Expecting them to go with option 1.
You're forgetting the much more likely option 3: recap the need-to-know major plot points - which literally boils down to"7 lights, 13 darknesses/Xehanorts, Riku is a Keyblade Master, Lea and Kairi are being trained."
I suspect that virtually none of the minute-by-minute story of 3D will be relevant in III.
That's possible-ish, in the sense that the Sora-being-sucked-into-the-wrong-dream stuff doesn't directly affect KH3. But I think you're underestimating just how huge DDD's clumsy exposition dump was.
Yes. (3D spoilers of course)That, and they still have to provide exposition for why (BBS)Even at the length that it was, the whole explanation for "Xehanort's found a way to rip alternate time-shifted versions of himself by using his heartless as a scout and Young Xehanort as a conduit" was already baffling.are where they are.Aqua, Terra and Ventus
Oh god how the hell are they going to pull all this off?
Like I said before, if there's no deus ex machina/MGS4-tier exposition cutscenes in KH3 then my mind will be blown![]()
My heart just skipped a beat. I tought I was over that.HOPEFULLY it'll all be designed in such a way that the game could also easily have a Dissidia-style multiplayer brawler mode with playable heroes and villains from the entire series.
Like I said before, if there's no deus ex machina/MGS4-tier exposition cutscenes in KH3 then my mind will be blown![]()
I think the big question about KH3 in terms of multiple-character design stuff is whether it'd be structured with a few separate campaigns (a la BBS), whether it'd have party sizes much bigger than the three we've been rather artificially limited to in the past (imagine an endgame party with Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus in it), whether we'd have both or some mixture between the two, and so on.
As I see it, *from a design perspective* the main obstacle to overcome in having a large cast of playable characters in KH3 would be the RPG-elements side of it - in the sense that progression with one character would sort of feed into the other characters without causing a feeling of disconnect. I think the Bonus Level system introduced with KH2 and held onto throughout most of the rest of the series would go a long way toward solving this issue, but managing the RPG-elements side of too many characters could be really unpleasant if done poorly (though I suppose Final Fantasy games have set a precedent for that sort of thing).
Isn't the Genie voiced by Dan Castellaneta in the KH games?
Heck, there are potentially enough characters and 'classes' at this point to go actual Final Fantasy style where you choose your own party makeup.
Stop thinking about cool shit before you all disappoint yourselves when KH3 comes out in 2020.
Come here to post what Falk said
They could do it Shin Megami Tensei style and give party members completely fixed learnsets and Sora/Riku with the customizable ones.The fixed learnsets would also go a long way towards differentiating the keyblade wielders (if they are indeed playable). I think they may also end up making equipment more limited to reduce the load. (weapon slot and, at most, two accessories. I think armor's going to go since accessories can easily be made to do the same thing.)
I can't imagine how confusing playing only KH3D must be.
Ehhh. I mean, that's possible, but I would really hope that they could graduate to making each party member fully fleshed out rather than the less-than-Sora approach taken so far with Donald and Goofy. There's plenty of differentiation that can be accomplished between fully realized characters, as we've seen from BBS and DDD.
It ought to be stressed, though, that combat stances, special moves and combo styles have already been established for just about every humanoid KH-original character in the entire series. That doesn't fully cover every element of a fully fleshed-out playable character, but all of the original Organization XIII, TAV, Riku, and obviously Sora have all been playable in some form already.
Looks like there's some new Birth by Sleep Final Mix HD Screens out, courtesy of 4Gamer.
Man, as awesome as having HD, English translated versions of KHFM, Re:CoM and KHIIFM is, BBSFM really stands to gain the most from this series of ports. Can't wait to play it on a proper controller (With the shoulder buttons mapped to scroll through commands at that; Why this wasn't implemented for KH3D's Circle Pad Pro Controls, I'll never know) with hopefully minimal to no framedrops.
This is true.
On a related note, I couldn't help but notice that the UI for KH3 actually looks like it has enough room for 4 party members at once. Look next to Sora's Health bar and you'll see what I mean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr9twjpM7gU[/SPOILER]
Nice find. Buuuuut I really doubt that it's the final HUD.
I could never do that much platinums, all I ever did a platinum for was inFamous 2.