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Kingdom Hearts Community Thread: Now everybody can be a Keyblade Wielder!

For what I have seen and I have been told, this might be the first time I might be regretting purshasing a KH title at launch. And I even bought re:coded, this is my favorite franchise.

3D is one of my most disliked titles. 0.2 should have been part of 3D or 3 and
Back Cover seems pointless right now, there was no need for this type of teasing, we've had enough at this point

Should have just released 3D HD included in 1.5 + 2.5 and keep 0.2 for 3. I hope my impressions change when I actually play the game, but right now, I'm disappointed.

I don't think I'm going to regret purchasing it at all, but it's definitely the KH collection that gives you the least bang for your buck. Still kind of amazed 2.5 was priced the way it was on PS3 considering it had two mainline games with a ton of content between the two.

It's kind of crazy to know that KH3 as it was first conceived originally encompassed the scenarios of 0.2, KH3D in addition to what's being developed now.
I just finished up watching backcover (not so great) and a 0.2 run. What a rush that was. It was extremely difficult on Proud mode, moreso than quite a few critical mode Kingdom Hearts i've played.I mixed up special portals with secret portals, my bad. Not confirmed yet then. Not trying to plug myself here, but I streamed it in 60fps, so there's a bit here:

I got two questions:

Would you say 0.2 made you more or less excited for KH3, especially when it comes to gameplay.

And how does DDD feel. I always felt that way more than BBS it was held back by the hardware. Sad thing is that a ton of that obviously was meant for touchscreens ect. and chasing the Pokemon crowd so now we get to enjoy some more water barrels and tickling the ugly as fuck monsters. I'm not expecting DDD HD to be GOTY but it certainly will be interesting. I only played it on the OG hand cramp 3DS without the frankenstick.

Too bad to hear about Back Cover. When they first announced it I expected it to be something super minimal but the E3 trailer actually peaked my interest. I mean, it obviously would have been total schlock but the action seemed kinda nice and the models (and in general) felt like it had way more effort put into than I would have guessed.


I have plenty to fear based on 0.2. It has improved and I expect that the engine will be improved dramatically, but things like Yen Sid's office still look like a joke to me.. I haven't seen the whole demo so I can't comment on the rest.
I still imagine those look bad maybe because they didn't bother putting too much effort into upgrading character models & environment for those particular scenes maybe because they are only in 0.2 for such a short time (they need to cut corners somewhere...) and some of them not in KHIII at all (in their KHII outfits) so it makes no sense to use a lot of time & effort to upgrade many of the characters to line up with KHIII quality character models, though it would also look weird if they just continued to make the "modern time" scenes with the old PS2 era assets with no changes when rest of the game looks like the stuff in the Realm of Darkness, so the end result are those cheap looking for PS4 (even PS3...) quality visuals.

The KHIII scenes with young Xehanort and Eraqus we've seen, with character models & other assets that have been made in "proper" PS4 quality, are already vastly superior so I wouldn't worry about KHIII proper's cutscene quality (at least in that regard). Back Cover also looks pretty good and I imagine those have been made with the level of quality they are aiming for with KHIII or the quality they've reached with KHIII so far.

No lies detected here.

I don't know where this idea came that kingdom hearts had great looking in-game cutscenes lol.
The game looks really good during gameplay, which is good enough for me. Kingdom Hearts' in-game cut scenes...outside of the CG stuff.. have never been that impressive anyway...in fact in most of the series they're down right ugly.
What have both of you been smoking? I mean, sure, you have a point if you mean that the cinemathography and such are nothing special, but the graphics themselves have been mostly top tier (especially character models, some of the environments are perhaps a bit simple) for the level of platforms the franchise has been released for so far. There's just something off with the "modern era" cutscene character models in 0.2 that makes them look kinda bad even in comparison to the PS2 quality character models. Like they've tried to upgrade them but done it in such a half-assed way that even the PS2 quality assets would be more pleasing to the eye.


But does it feel hard in the 2FM way or BBS/DDD bullet sponge bullshit missile attacks from out of nowhere because cramped screen (possibly 3DS exclusive issue) way.

kinda both I guess? Haven't played DDD yet but I feel it's closer to 2FM in that I don't feel the difficulty is cheap bullshit that much. But because stuff like Devil's wave is like how it is with so many stuff on the screen, it's sometimes hard to see the attack when you play it for the first time. Some of the damage output of the boss is ridiculously high but that's kinda KH thing I guess..
This is actually really good news. The full MP cost forces them to actually think about making the fights more manageable outside of just loading yourself with cures against bosses that might or might not react to your attacks.

Literally the only problem I have with the KH2 MP system is that it doesn't regenerate outside of MP charge. Once you are almost out of MP it discourages the use of magic too much since you need to save it for cure, it should slowly fill up when you attack enemies like in KH1 (and considering the nature of MP charge once you are outside of combat it should automatically start regenerating).

When KH2 first came out I was really mad because I *looooooved* the KH1 MP system (the pre-FM version where MP Rage was ridiculously overpowered) but I've totally come around on it after KH1FM and KH2FM made such huge improvements to the core of both games.


Bleh, Back Cover is soooo boring and doesn't answer shit, endings a flaccid nudge to go pay and play Chi Season 2.

Aqua's stuff was nice tho, trailer gave almost all of it away but whatever, that Sora and Kairi montage in the credits was super cute.


0.2 climax silly stuff spoilers.

Why did they go out of their way to have Mickey's clothes explode? It's been ten years, I could more than accept that in that time he stopped wearing his BBS outfit. But he wears it for ten years, he gets hit, and his clothes go flying off conveniently just because he wasn't wearing a shirt during the ending of KH1. They should have just had mickey not wear a shirt during the whole game, it would make more sense than me now wondering why everyone else's clothes don't get knocked off when they are hit hard. :p

Yeah, this seemed weird. It wasn't enough to simply have
Mickey Mouse look like Mickey Mouse, they had to explicitly show him wearing his 'traditional' clothes.

Also, I'm looking for a video of certain scenes from the game that I've seen people talk about. Apparently there's a scene where
Kairi encounters Lea? I assume it was added to DDD, but I haven't seen it yet. Does anyone have a link to this?


Yeah, this seemed weird. It wasn't enough to simply have
Mickey Mouse look like Mickey Mouse, they had to explicitly show him wearing his 'traditional' clothes.

Also, I'm looking for a video of certain scenes from the game that I've seen people talk about. Apparently there's a scene where
Kairi encounters Lea? I assume it was added to DDD, but I haven't seen it yet. Does anyone have a link to this?

She doesn't meet Lea, Merlin just mentions that he want's them to have Keyblade training together. She's reluctant but Riku vouches for him


One quick mention about 0.2 i'll say aswell is despite being mostly slight remixes of old tracks they're all fantastic
Aswell as the final boss theme. They do something with Aquas theme where they add a couple of notes into it to make it dark and it's absolutely brilliant.
Most of the tracks are up on youtube now.
I got two questions:

Would you say 0.2 made you more or less excited for KH3, especially when it comes to gameplay.

And how does DDD feel. I always felt that way more than BBS it was held back by the hardware. Sad thing is that a ton of that obviously was meant for touchscreens ect. and chasing the Pokemon crowd so now we get to enjoy some more water barrels and tickling the ugly as fuck monsters. I'm not expecting DDD HD to be GOTY but it certainly will be interesting. I only played it on the OG hand cramp 3DS without the frankenstick.

Too bad to hear about Back Cover. When they first announced it I expected it to be something super minimal but the E3 trailer actually peaked my interest. I mean, it obviously would have been total schlock but the action seemed kinda nice and the models (and in general) felt like it had way more effort put into than I would have guessed.
Way way more excited. It felt like a taste of it and without spoiling when it ended I wanted more and it makes me so so sad we probably wont get it until next year at the very earliest.

The way 0.2 is structured i'd say it's very different to 3, the difficulty is extremely ramped up (I was playing on proud, critical's unlocked) and you're left in some really tight positions where you have to juggle general magic spells, items similar to with what you got with KH2. A can't put enough empasis on while it took 3 hours it was so difficult, they honestly got it feeling like a continuation from BBS where you're a powerful Aqua but the enemys are even more powerful.

I was playing on original PS4 hardware and there was a couple of things I noticed, there was a random jumpyness that popped up that caught me off guard, but it was so rare and might not even pop-up in the English version. I'm no framerate expert but i'd say it was locked at 30fps on original PS4 hardware. The camera movement feels a bit slower/stiffer compared to other Kingdom Hearts games and I got used to it fairly quick, but i'm left wondering if better performance on the pro may make it seem different.

But yeah it does what I wanted it to. I'm left with a few hours taste of KH3 and i'm left wanting more.
The ending is the biggest tease
Gameplay wise it felt like KH2 Final Mix honestly, and less like Birth By Sleep if anything honestly. The only difference is shotlocks were included and I was controlling Aqua through it, so her movements and moves in general were practically 1:1 with BBS.

I'll admit I don't know Japanese so Backcover may be more exciting, but even people on the stream watching with me were like when the Credits rolled "That's it?" It just feels less like a movie and morelike a bunch of scenes chucked together with not too much continuity other than going forward to me. Again though I played in Japanese, so it might be different when I finish it.

DDD feels great in 60fps, but I feellike that's more Kingdom Hearts in general as this is my first experience with 60fps KingdomHearts The game itself does look visually really pretty in HD, but honestly with the 3D on (and this might be a unpopular opinion) I still feel like on 3DS it could give it a run for its money. I'd rather play it in 3D and enjoy the things they do with depth of field than in HD personally. Also on the original PS4 there's letterboxing (for me at least) with no way that I know of to change the screensize like in 1.5/2.5 which makes me thing that they perhaps couldn't get 60fps and 1080p without a slight compromise, it was rushed or i'm missing something and it is just my monitor.

With that said though the important thing i've noticed is the drop gauge having double the timer is so much better. You have so much more time to mess around with one character and it doesn't interfere as much.

And some of the control choices are really puzzling. Perhaps it can be changed in the options but the touchpad is almost never used at all bar dream eater patting and minigames, which is a really questionable decision given it felt fitting for stuff like flicking.
Instead you just press Triangle and Circle together and it's really weird to adjust. But again that may be changeable in options.

I feel like this is the weakest collection and in all honesty like Backcover was tacked on to give it more content, but I can't deny I loved every single moment of 0.2 and can't wait to play it again real soon, it got me even more excited for Kingdom Hearts 3 and am so happy DDD finally has a HD version I can play.
I don't think I'm going to regret purchasing it at all, but it's definitely the KH collection that gives you the least bang for your buck. Still kind of amazed 2.5 was priced the way it was on PS3 considering it had two mainline games with a ton of content between the two.
Yeah it was amazing value. If 1.5+2.5 is budget priced that's going to be insane value with all of those games in there.


Finished 0.2. Took me 7 and a half hour lol. But I played really slowly and died a lot.

It was really good experience and got my hyped more for KH3. That tease at the end!!!


What is there in terms of sidequests/secrets?
Prettymuch all you've got is chest collecting and general goals like use this action/defeat this enemy a certain amount of times for unlockable customisation items, but by the the time I finished I only did like a quarter of them, so there's a ton. And there's a littlebit of exploration/multiple paths looking for them, so there's a decent amount. The game leads you on a linear path towards the end but most of the areas give you plenty to explore in that world, so you can branch off the main path a bit to go looking for chests in small self contained areas. I got lost a few times when they popped up trying to find the main path.
Woooooooops, lol
Simple mistake haha. I used to get the two confused myself.


I watched Back Cover without understanding japanese and i was so disappointed. I didn't expect much and i was still disappointed. I don't know what was being said but i feel that most of the stuff they showed was somewhat known.

I was also afraid that Unchained S2 will have some important story that the movie did not touch upon, making it even harder for newcomers. Should we start suggesting people play 1.5, 2.5, 2.8 and then watch Unchained cutscenes on YouTube? Damn it Nomura...


Finished 0.2. Took me 7 and a half hour lol. But I played really slowly and died a lot.

It was really good experience and got my hyped more for KH3. That tease at the end!!!

Is there secret ending, following that ending
sora in gummi ship


Any tips for the boss in 0.2
with Mickey when you walk into the light and fight the giant blob of heartless? I don't understand how I'm supposed to get away without dying when it turns into an angry tornado and pummels me and Aqua can't move. Also, when it hurls you into the air, what they hell can you do? I keep dying, and it feels really cheap. Playing on Proud.


I watched Back Cover without understanding japanese and i was so disappointed. I didn't expect much and i was still disappointed. I don't know what was being said but i feel that most of the stuff they showed was somewhat known.

I was also afraid that Unchained S2 will have some important story that the movie did not touch upon, making it even harder for newcomers. Should we start suggesting people play 1.5, 2.5, 2.8 and then watch Unchained cutscenes on YouTube? Damn it Nomura...
Well, that would take about 2 to 3 minutes considering how much essential story there has been so far (which is almost zero).


I watched Back Cover without understanding japanese and i was so disappointed. I didn't expect much and i was still disappointed. I don't know what was being said but i feel that most of the stuff they showed was somewhat known.

I was also afraid that Unchained S2 will have some important story that the movie did not touch upon, making it even harder for newcomers. Should we start suggesting people play 1.5, 2.5, 2.8 and then watch Unchained cutscenes on YouTube? Damn it Nomura...

We'll reserve that judgement until the US version comes out. Doesn't seem fair to label it as confusing because you don't speak Japanese.

Also a lot of people haven't even touched the mobile game and don't plan to so back cover would be entirely new to them

I'll have to bail out on this thread for a while to avoid major spoilers. Even the tagged ones offer temptation


Any tips for the boss in 0.2
with Mickey when you walk into the light and fight the giant blob of heartless? I don't understand how I'm supposed to get away without dying when it turns into an angry tornado and pummels me and Aqua can't move. Also, when it hurls you into the air, what they hell can you do? I keep dying, and it feels really cheap. Playing on Proud.

I think when it hurls you in the air you got to air dash toward empty areas so you don't get hit by the balls popping up. Tbh I still haven't completely figured out that part and how to not get hit at all. Even if I try to get to empty spots I do get hit once or twice at least but at least not constantly until death...


I think when it hurls you in the air you got to air dash toward empty areas so you don't get hit by the balls popping up. Tbh I still haven't completely figured out that part and how to not get hit at all. Even if I try to get to empty spots I do get hit once or twice at least but at least not constantly until death...
I was having no trouble until this boss fight. It feels super cheap when one hit makes contact, then a bunch constantly start hitting me with no opening to escape. I'm just spamming heal then hoping it will register in time, and then a random hit in the combo will kill me. I was one hit away from winning once. This is very frustrating. I think I'm just having bad luck, because this is the most I've ever had trouble fighting something in a KH game. This is awful...


We'll reserve that judgement until the US version comes out. Doesn't seem fair to label it as confusing because you don't speak Japanese.

Also a lot of people haven't even touched the mobile game and don't plan to so back cover would be entirely new to them

I'll have to bail out on this thread for a while to avoid major spoilers. Even the tagged ones offer temptation

It's not confusing, just boring. Doesn't answer anything it's a flaccid push to get people to check out Chi season 2.


It's not confusing, just boring. Doesn't answer anything it's a flaccid push to get people to check out Chi season 2.
Or it's mainly for KH fans who didn't follow or aren't aware of Chi season 1... Even if it's from the perspective of the foretellers, as you guys have been saying it retells a lot of already known stuff so I don't think they ever intended for it to cater mostly to those completely caught up with Chi.


You sure it's not just something so people don't have to go through Chi because it's long and repetitive?

Or it's mainly for KH fans who didn't follow or aren't aware of Chi season 1... Even if it's from the perspective of the foretellers, as you guys have been saying it retells a lot of already known stuff so I don't think they ever intended for it to cater mostly to those completely caught up with Chi.

lol It doesn't even get to the end of Chi so people just watching the movie are still behind.Yes I'm sure it's not, the ending is blatant in it's agenda to push the mobile games next season which they already said would have more story.


lol It doesn't even get to the end of Chi so people just watching the movie are still behind.Yes I'm sure it's not, the ending is blatant in it's agenda to push the mobile games next season which they already said would have more story.

I don't think that actually matters to people who aren't as deep in as long as they aren't lost when KH3 comes out. That's the general feel that I get from all KH threads, anyway


lol It doesn't even get to the end of Chi so people just watching the movie are still behind.Yes I'm sure it's not, the ending is blatant in it's agenda to push the mobile games next season which they already said would have more story.
I haven't watched Back Cover yet and am not going to until the English release but I'm having a hard time imagining them obviously pushing the mobile game at the end... But again I haven't seen it so I can't say. That sucks if people watching the movie will still be a behind on season 1 but maybe they just got across the most important stuff to know before KH3.

I know the next season will have more story, but if they're teasing the next season's story content with Back Cover's ending maybe they just plan on explaining the important stuff from the next season within KH3 itself.


I haven't watched Back Cover yet and am not going to until the English release but I'm having a hard time imagining them obviously pushing the mobile game at the end... But again I haven't seen it so I can't say. That sucks if people watching the movie will still be a behind on season 1 but maybe they just got across the most important stuff to know before KH3.

I know the next season will have more story, but if they're teasing the next season's story content with Back Cover's ending maybe they just plan on explaining the important stuff from the next season within KH3 itself.

yeah exactly.
the e3 2014 teaser was all about the lost masters and the oldest keyblade.


I know the next season will have more story, but if they're teasing the next season's story content with Back Cover's ending maybe they just plan on explaining the important stuff from the next season within KH3 itself.

Hopefully. Their inability to stick to "the whole saga on one console" promise is staggering.
Unchained X is not even canon so it's not like it matters.

Can I just say how fuckin stupid SE is with the WOFF Sora DLC? Like, either I finish the game now and never get to play around with it or I wait until it releases and, guess what, I'm not playing it and neither is the core KH fanbase cause fuckin 2.8 is out (along with Resident Evil 7!).



Unchained X is not even canon so it's not like it matters.

Can I just say how fuckin stupid SE is with the WOFF Sora DLC? Like, either I finish the game now and never get to play around with it or I wait until it releases and, guess what, I'm not playing it and neither is the core KH fanbase cause fuckin 2.8 is out (along with Resident Evil 7!).


Apparently everything is canon. Everything. Even the stuff in other dimensions.
It's canon, it just doesn't matter to the main plot and people will be able to read a two sentence summary in KH3 that catches them up completely. Chirithy and those two named keyblade wielders definitely aren't showing up because nobody gives a shit about them.


It's canon, it just doesn't matter to the main plot and people will be able to read a two sentence summary in KH3 that catches them up completely. Chirithy and those two named keyblade wielders definitely aren't showing up because nobody gives a shit about them.
Loooollll you need to see Back Cover, those three are GOING to show up no doubt, BC makes Chirithy vital. Irrelevant shit no one asked for becoming super relevant is a KH staple


This guy found

This is how I feel when I see spoilers I can't click on.


The internal conflict is killing me.


This is how I feel when I see spoilers I can't click on.


The internal conflict is killing me.

Oh, how long can trusty Gaffer Lnds hold out? How can he possibly resist the diabolical urge to click the spoiler that could ruin his very existence?

Will his tortured mind give in to its uncontrollable desires?

Can he withstand the temptation to click the spoiler that, even now, beckons him closer? Will he succumb to the maddening urge to spoil 0.2? At the MERE CLICK of a SINGLE SPOILER! The beeyootiful shiny spoiler! The jolly candy-like spoiler! Will he hold out, folks? CAN he hold out?
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