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Kingdom Hearts Unchained |OT| - It's not an X - [UP] Worldwide Release


I can't wait for another weekend raid boss...

Fought my party member's twice. Got over 60 coins each time.

Fought my own 6 times. Haven't gotten over 50 coins yet. Last time, I literally got the least coins possible (31)...


I haven't really bothered using them at all. Are they really that good? Good enough to not bother with full-turn, 2-tier boost medals like Pooh and/or Piglet?
I use Piglet in the first spot and then those two in their respective keyblades. Since I've got both guilted at 100%, they actually do a pretty decent amount of damage themselves and then I've got Tier 2 Generic + Tier 3 Attributed buffs for a couple of more or less powerful medals like Meowjesty and Musketeer Goofy who usually obliterate everything by themselves in all but the most difficult missions.

I guess if you have some of those Illustrated attributed buff medals, the two are useless, but some of us have been graced with such shitty luck that pulling those kinds of medals are beyond our grasp.


Unconfirmed Member
Well hey, at least we finally found Abu.

Does Abu even ever get found or is it like on quest 3498403442309342904329 in the JP version


my christmas gift was the gift of grinding

for all the evo medals I'll need for like 2 months and for MoG +21 heyooooooooooooooooo

also I made sure to push my Jack in the Box to level 10 today, too

drown me in those sweet, sweet stat boosts


New stuff for tomorrow:

- Casual Roxas? More like imma-fuck-you-up Roxas.
- Just perm it already, this is getting embarrassing.
- SENA seems to have confused "New Year's Eve Bash party wear" w/ "Studio 54, circa 1978".

Raid boss theme be like:
New stuff for tomorrow:

- Casual Roxas? More like imma-fuck-you-up Roxas.
- Just perm it already, this is getting embarrassing.
- SENA seems to have confused "New Year's Eve Bash party wear" w/ "Studio 54, circa 1978".

Raid boss theme be like:

Maybe they're just calling back to An Extremely Goofy Movie? =P

Speaking of which, I really want Max to be a character in this franchise. If Donald can get Scrooge, there's no reason why Goofy can't have Max.


I'm guessing 0ap will be back Wednesday night, Thursday morning?

I like how they're doing us a "favor" by having the raid boss go up 5 levels at a time... At least the tail HP goes down in higher levels compared to the teens...

Edit: Never mind... Just got 2400 coins defeating the level 51 raid boss...
Edit: 2600 from level 66. Weeee


I thought the boss upgraded 5 levels because I did him at a specific time. But it seems to be normal. And the coins increase. Maybe I manage to get some coins after all, since I am away the next few days.


Sölf;227216165 said:
I thought the boss upgraded 5 levels because I did him at a specific time. But it seems to be normal. And the coins increase. Maybe I manage to get some coins after all, since I am away the next few days.
You'll get the boards and have plenty of coins left over. No problem.


All boards cleared, 11 million lux ground up, and 6k coins left over.

...if this is all the event gives, and there isn't a new board to strive for with each new day, then this is gonna be REALLY disappointing...

seriously the main board have worthless trash on their nodes, what the fuck are you doing sena

you're going backwards


All boards cleared, 11 million lux ground up, and 6k coins left over.

...if this is all the event gives, and there isn't a new board to strive for with each new day, then this is gonna be REALLY disappointing...

seriously the main board have worthless trash on their nodes, what the fuck are you doing sena

you're going backwards

My guess is that these are the only boards, like the santa sora costume event a week or 2 ago. I cleared that one in about the same amount of time. Just going to be different bosses each day.

I look forward to being wrong though.

Edit: What would be a good ability to put on my pooh medal? I have attack prize plus, defense boost 1, lots of status attacks, attack boost all, attack boost 1.


The "do 5 10pulls for guaranteed banner medal" won't end today, will it? Not sure why but I've had it in my head that it would be back to 10 after today.


Damn, I'm actually going to have to think about how best to clear that last New Year's Event quest because my standard decks are cutting it. I hate that. Harrumph.

The "do 5 10pulls for guaranteed banner medal" won't end today, will it? Not sure why but I've had it in my head that it would be back to 10 after today.

That'd be pretty fucked up if they did that. I'm hoping future EPCs keep the "one or more 6*s w/ more than 3 pips filled in already" as recompense for not giving us brooms.

Also, I hope they give us brooms. Yes Malyse, I know why they won't want to... but that doesn't mean we can't give them hell for it.


Indeed, they either have to make those epic 3-dotted pulls permanent or add brooms soon. Otherwise they probably risk alienating a lot of people when the Proud mode comes out and, like, 90% of the people playing this game (who don't pay) can't finish most of those quests simply because they lack the jewels and/or luck to guilt any decent medals.


Damn, I'm actually going to have to think about how best to clear that last New Year's Event quest because my standard decks are cutting it. I hate that. Harrumph.

That'd be pretty fucked up if they did that. I'm hoping future EPCs keep the "one or more 6*s w/ more than 3 pips filled in already" as recompense for not giving us brooms.

Also, I hope they give us brooms. Yes Malyse, I know why they won't want to... but that doesn't mean we can't give them hell for it.

I mean, so long as you know. KHUX is still less greedy than something like Disney Magic Kingdoms, where you can spend money on all the event buys and *still* get RNG fucked over. Guarantee be damned.


If it isn't already obvious by now they work by Rare Enemy rules: raise up that perk as high as you can and you'll stand a better chance of getting enough to clear the higher objectives.


If it isn't already obvious by now they work by Rare Enemy rules: raise up that perk as high as you can and you'll stand a better chance of getting enough to clear the higher objectives.

Even with rare enemy perk 8+, it still took about 20 times to refresh the quest to get 7 of them.

The defense on the level 300 ones is too much... Even with def -1, power 3+, strength 3+, ATBIII on a fully powered 100% meowjesty with a 2.70 boost on the keyblade doesn't knock it out and all other medals on the keyblade only do 1 damage to it...


Yeah, it's bullshit. It's that Level 400 Heartless quest all over again, only the whalest of whales need apply.

... Whales of Wales? Whatever.


Happy New Year, UnchainedGAF! If you were playing Japan side here's what you get:

3000 free jewels!

Free KHCoM Mickey medal!

Terra and Aqua Armor costumes you can win from the Coliseum Boards!

"Lucky Bag" Avatar Boards w/ 6 powerful skills, 1 each of Power/Magic/Speed Gems, 6 Mickey&Brooms and Meow Wow costumes for a real pricey 7770 jewels each!
Lucky Bag skills include Abnormal Status Triple EX, Abl2 & ATK L 100%, ATL Up XL, ATK Up L 100%, Abl & ATK Up L, and Lux & ATK Up L
The new skill offered in Lucky Bag boards, Abnormal Status Triple Ex, inflicts Poison, Sleep and Paralyze on all enemies for 1 turn

3 Day New Year's Event that gifts Brooms, Mirrors and Tickets!

Week-long event to win Medals from past events!

Special Draw w/ a chance to win the new Key Art #7!

And here's what Global players get.

Several new banners to waste jewels you don't have on! Each featured medal guaranteed after 5 draws! Better open those wallets, you only have 3 days to take advantage of these amazing deals!

New Avatar boards! Fluffy winter coats, freshly clubbed! Also AB2+APP and DB3 skills! And Magic Gems!

We're back on 0AP! Limited Time only!
no clip available

We're also getting Terra/Aqua armors as rewards in the Coliseum!

AND... Classic Goofy Event? Grind for medals!? Aim for max guilt before Jan. 16th to earn exclusive... title?
But wait, Goofy's official birthday isn't until May!?

And that's all. Happy New Grind!


Hm, with those free 3k jewels I am now at nearly 10k. Not sure if I should just save or buy the second avatar board, but I will probably save for now.

My Classic Goofy also got 86% guilt for the first try. :D


I have 10k jewels and am slightly tempted to pull on Illustrated Terra, but I think I'll pass. Something will come along in a few weeks that's actually worth pulling on more than once, and I'll regret spending it. Just wish this game would allow us to gain jewels as quickly as FF Record Keeper's mythril.


Any one know if they play on keeping the current banner format of 15,000 Jewel for a guaranteed premium medal? So, basically all you have to do is save 105,000 Jewels for a guaranteed guilted premium then... Any one up for the challenge?!


buy the current boards and save for ikairi2 and a pull on the hsc which has ariel/flounder
Is this the ikairi2 you're talking about? Would it still be worth pulling for even if they don't keep the strength boost that the JP version has (that they apparently added due to an error?)


Sooo... got a 100% Master Xehanort. Not quite fully Chipped yet, but otherwise max leveled and Attack Boost II Maxed. Did 150k damage with Tier 3 Generic Str Buff. Want to try with added Molana buff but haven't yet done a quest or gotten far enough in Colisseum where enemies stay alive long enough to test out a Tier 3 Generic + Tier 2 Magic str buffed attack. :p

Not the most useful medal thanks to its ridiculously high 5-gauge cost, but I'd imagine maybe it might have some uses in quests with a low number of (high level) enemies and/or bosses.


Sooo... got a 100% Master Xehanort. Not quite fully Chipped yet, but otherwise max leveled and Attack Boost II Maxed. Did 150k damage with Tier 3 Generic Str Buff. Want to try with added Molana buff but haven't yet done a quest or gotten far enough in Colisseum where enemies stay alive long enough to test out a Tier 3 Generic + Tier 2 Magic str buffed attack. :p

Not the most useful medal thanks to its ridiculously high 5-gauge cost, but I'd imagine maybe it might have some uses in quests with a low number of (high level) enemies and/or bosses.

I have the same medal. Guilted at 87% right meow with Atk II. With Three Wishes 2.40 multiplier, ikairi (Str+3) and iTerra (Mag+2) activated he was doing around 206K-209K to the pumpkin raid boss today. It hits like a nuke. The 5SP charge isn't so bad either because I have a three medals in my deck with Atk II + AP+ that regenerate the cost. Planning on saving ton of jewels to ensure an iKairi II medal or two. I mean that's only like 210,000 jewels for a Guilted Version. Maybe 105,000 if they keep the 15,000 rate going.


I could probably try it out in my MoG keyblade as its at Lv.27 and has a 2.70 multiplier I believe.

Sölf;227512071 said:
I now got 90% and 90% :0

I'm at 91% right meow. Was hoping to have it done and over with by now. Just doesn't want to stop on 100%.


I have a guilted Namine, Jasmine and Belle. I know that feeling.

I just guilted my Namine. 40%... I'll just put it next to my 40% Alice...

This is why I haven't guilted my Larxene B yet... Especially since my Larxene A is sitting at 52%...

I'm too scared to guilt my Master Xehanort now...
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