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KINGSGLAIVE: Final Fantasy XV Thread: Everything for the future king


Apparently there was some talk about the deities in this game from impressions (might have been fake?) that sounded very FNC like. What does the movie have to explain the lore and whatnot?

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, but I was hoping for more tbh, like exploring the country's hierarchy system or how the world works or something.

It doesn't really provide us what what we don't already know.

The movie, like the title, is more about the Kingsglaive, or rather a Kingsglaive known as Nyx. Since it doesn't really establish the group that well. Would have been good if they actually showed how this group was formed but the movie already starts in media res.

I feel that if the function of this film is to setup what the game is about, it might have failed on that aspect.
There was no reason as to why they couldn't have obmited a group like the Kingsglaives and just retain the necessary scenes and leave them in the game as it is. It feels like the glaives were created for the purpose of this film and they've not been well explored because the movie also has to talk about the invasion, Regis and Luna. I thought it would have been better to just do a film focused on Regis, his relationship with Noctis and the eventual invasion, and leave the Kingglaives as footnotes like they probably will be in the final game.

Apparently there was some talk about the deities in this game from impressions (might have been fake?) that sounded very FNC like. What does the movie have to explain the lore and whatnot?

There isn't any mentioning of deities at all. Just how the bearer of the ring has to be judged by the old kings of Lucis and that a supposed ancient or powerful being is trapped in the ring itself. There isn't much lore in this but they did mention how Regis is getting too weak and old to continue fighting. No mention of Astrals and what not but something about Luna's destiny. They didn't say she's an oracle as well, only a princess. I might have forgotten or miss out on some of the dialogue as I wasn't feeling well so maybe duckroll and the rest can add on.
Disappointed to hear about the overcut battles and that the movie tries to squeeze too much in. Not surprised mind you, about what I expected.

Most modern action movies (e.g. anything with superheroes) have way too many characters and way too many scenes. Not sure how we got to this point from well paced mainstream masterpieces like Die Hard and Terminator, but, especially in contrast to better and better long-arc TV, it's depressing. Would have been a lot to ask for a game company to buck this trend.

But then, that's part of why I like long story-driven RPGs. The characters, world, and action (when these are worth a damn) have space to breathe.

Still, Kingsglaive at least sounds like reasonable fan service, so I'll still watch with some anticipation.


Apparently there was some talk about the deities in this game from impressions (might have been fake?) that sounded very FNC like. What does the movie have to explain the lore and whatnot?

Well, what's the tolerance level for spoilers here? I can talk about that all day... In fact, I was talking to Falk about it just a moment ago!


that puzzling face
Just spoiler tag everything. Film isn't out in major territories yet.

And won't be in parts of EU till September.


that puzzling face
I mean if you want an additional layer of safety you could even state what kind of spoiler it is - Kingsglaive spoiler, game rumination spoiler, things-mentioned-in-marketing spoiler for the anti-spoiler aficionados among us (who are browsing this thread because of a freak accident) etc.

That's what I've been doing.


Okay about the deities in FFXV based on Kingsglaive...

King Regis has a ring called the Lucis Eye or something like that. It's passed down from generation to generation, king to king, and contained great power channeled by all the Lucian kings of old. I guess the concept is kinda like Lion King except with actual magic power behind it.

Anyway various people try to use this power towards the end of the film, but as long as they are not worthy their arm burns up instead. At the end Nyx puts the ring on and taunts the kings about how they don't really care about the people and so on. In the magic vision the kings are all giant shadowy forms which definitely invoked the sense of Fal'Cie. In the end they agree to lend him their power in exchange for his life at daybreak. Nyx gets all powered up, and all the giant statues throughout Insomnia come to life as Knights of the Round to fight Diamond Weapon.

The FNC stuff is never specifically mentioned, but the idea of ancient god kings who grant chosen mortals great power in exchange for a contract is very reminiscent of Fal'Cie and L'Cie. Not to mention how there are references to a legend about "The Old War" and how it's not just a fairy tale.


Everything gets spoiler tagged until the film is released in digital form. Talking about general details like motion capture, music or art direction is ok to do without spoilers, but everything related to the plot and scenes not shown on promotional media should be done with spoilers.


One question is
Etro ever mentioned or is she gone?

The Amano painting is in Kingsglaive, but they moved it from a painting on display to... a painting... inside the aquarium tank... with Leviathan (?) floating inside it. Lol. Idk. Etro is never mentioned. There's no dialogue at all about seeing the souls of the departed or the light of the dying. All gone.


The Amano painting is in Kingsglaive, but they moved it from a painting on display to... a painting... inside the aquarium tank... with Leviathan (?) floating inside it. Lol. Idk. Etro is never mentioned. There's no dialogue at all about seeing the souls of the departed or the light of the dying. All gone.

Thank you,
I do believe that Goddess (While not named Etro) still has a role to play as I believe she is the one on the Logo and has something to do with the Plague of Stars
Okay about the deities in FFXV based on Kingsglaive...

King Regis has a ring called the Lucis Eye or something like that. It's passed down from generation to generation, king to king, and contained great power channeled by all the Lucian kings of old. I guess the concept is kinda like Lion King except with actual magic power behind it.

Anyway various people try to use this power towards the end of the film, but as long as they are not worthy their arm burns up instead. At the end Nyx puts the ring on and taunts the kings about how they don't really care about the people and so on. In the magic vision the kings are all giant shadowy forms which definitely invoked the sense of Fal'Cie. In the end they agree to lend him their power in exchange for his life at daybreak. Nyx gets all powered up, and all the giant statues throughout Insomnia come to life as Knights of the Round to fight Diamond Weapon.

The FNC stuff is never specifically mentioned, but the idea of ancient god kings who grant chosen mortals great power in exchange for a contract is very reminiscent of Fal'Cie and L'Cie. Not to mention how there are references to a legend about "The Old War" and how it's not just a fairy tale.

It's called the Ring of Lucii.

A fair comparison is that to Avatar: The Last Airbender to be honest and not anything really resembling Fal'Cie. Additionally Fal'Cie are tangible, physical things, while the kings of old are...well that's a bigger spoiler.


Honestly, the kings (and Noctis) feel like l'Cie more than anything. With their whole middle names and all and having power bestowed upon them.


Saying FFXV has people with powers, summons, and wars over crystal means it's FNC, is like saying FF6 was also FNC.

Summons are not Eidolons, they are Astrals. There is no Bhunivelze either.
There are no brands or Focus'. Noctis got his powers through the Crystal and being part of the Royal Bloodline. People use magic grenades yes, but the Ring also gives magic according to the trailer, certain people can also use it.

There are some similarities, but this draws back to tropes way before the FNC.
Tabata said himself it's disconnected from the FNC. It's time to stop.


The feeling I get is that the ringbearers who are deemed worthy are L'Cie, but when the kings die and join the Old Kings, they become like a council of Fal'Cie.

Keep in mind that this would fit the general FNC mythology rather than FFXIII's specific interpretation of it. Fal'Cie are like demigods who govern the land, while L'Cie are "chosen" mortals. There's no indication that Fal'Cie are physical beings. In Type-0 they are the essence of the crystals. In Kingsglaive, the ring itself seems to serve this purpose, as a communication channel between the one seeking power and the guardian spirits of Lucis.
Saying FFXV has people with powers, summons, and wars over crystal means it's FNC, is like saying FF6 was also FNC.

FF6 was made before FNC existed.

In fact, Fabula Nova Crystallis = "new tales of the crystals". I always thought the pre-FF13 games were the "old" tales of the crystals.

Ran rp

Okay so I'm still on the train but goddamn. Nozue is still a really weak director and it shows. Terrible actiob storyboarding, chaotic cuts, poor transitions, cantseeshit. Half the movie is set at night with close up action filled with garish effects and iffy sound mixing.

Fans familiar with the FMV in FFXIII where they all ride their summons to attack Eden on the highway will recognize the same nonsensical camerawork here. Visualworks animated the hell out of the movie but the direction is still amateur shit. >_<

I've been afraid of this ever since I saw the Glaucoma scenes in the trailers. Really disappointed to hear most of the film is like that.

No, not at all. If anything, it makes me worried that the game will be a simplistic barebones story of two people reuniting, peppered with eyerolling tryhard faux socio-political fluff.

After Kingsglaive I am convinced that almost nothing remains of the Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet inspired stuff Versus promised. Tabata has a different style and I'm not a fan.

The dialogue was very good for what it is though. Very natural, other than the nonsense names and terms.

Well I just watched it. The english version is already in cinemas in Malaysia. Here's my short spoiler free review:

Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive is a mess and the first 2 acts are like a bunch of 5 minutes shorts stitched up together. Everything moves too fast and no scenes are allowed to breathe. The dialogue and acting at times too, was cringy. Ansolutely bad action cinematography at times that you just get confused on whats happening.

The final 3rd act however, was pretty cool.

Okay, so yeah. Well, that was... something. The film felt like Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. A bastard child possibly from an aborted relationship that ended badly, raised by someone who is honor-bound to care and treat it like family, but aware enough that it isn't good enough to showcase and legitimize as an heir. I would give it a solid A+ for technical effort, and a C- for the actual result.

The film is simple enough. It's about an elite taskforce set up by Regis to help repel the invading army over the course of a 12 year war. The taskforce is made up of people from the regions outside of Insomnia, considered "foreigners" by "pure" Lucians. There's an attempt to make a social statement about immigrant conscription and what a home is to these people, but none of it is really deep. Instead most of the runtime is filled with action setpieces which range from kinda entertaining to whatthefuckamIlookingatcantseeshit. Mostly the latter. The sound mixing is also incredibly poor, making chaotic quick cut action scenes even more confusing because the audio cues are just a mess.

For those who have not already read 50 wikipedia articles about the lore and setting of Final Fantasy XV, it's really easy to get lost in this film. There isn't much exposition, which is usually a good thing, but there really isn't much development either which is not okay. The film starts with a long droning narration by Luna about the state of the world and how the war started, but instead of feeling like an organic introduction to a fantasy story, it feels like a poorly edited LAST TIME ON FINAL FANTASY XV intro in a TV show.

I liked a lot of the designs, and I think the conscious attempt to ground the direction in the non-action scenes actually worked. Unfortunately there simply isn't enough of these scenes, and while they try to do quite a bit with the small original cast in the film, a lot of it falls flat and feels wasted because no one really knows any of these characters, and never will. Without a connection to these people, the only thing we have to go on is what they say about themselves, which frankly isn't interesting at all. There isn't enough interaction between the characters to build up any sort of natural dynamic and development for any sacrifice or tragedy to have impact.

I think long time FF fans, especially FFVII fans will be very pleased with the visual homages and boss nods throughout. Unfortunately that's all surface level fanservice because there's no reason for any of them actually being in the film. They're just pretty props. The final action set piece was clearly designed to be visually complex and I totally got what Nozue was going for in designing it the way he did, but his lack of ability to execute it in an elegant way made the entire fight confusing and messy rather than showcasing a really cool comparison of scale between two related but separate duels going on at the same time. Huge waste there.

Yeah, the film wasn't very good at all. But it's a Final Fantasy movie, so I guess it was pretty much what I expected. I wonder how useful it will be as a promotional tool for FFXV though. At my screening when the credits started rolling, it felt like the entire audience had a collective "huh, that's it?" reaction. And those who stayed for the post-credit game tease just laughed.


Canceling my Deluxe edition pre-order.
Saying FFXV has people with powers, summons, and wars over crystal means it's FNC, is like saying FF6 was also FNC.

Summons are not Eidolons, they are Astrals. There is no Bhunivelze either.
There are no brands or Focus'. Noctis got his powers through the Crystal and being part of the Royal Bloodline. People use magic grenades yes, but the Ring also gives magic according to the trailer, certain people can also use it.

There are some similarities, but this draws back to tropes way before the FNC.
Tabata said himself it's disconnected from the FNC. It's time to stop.

This is correct.

The feeling I get is that the ringbearers who are deemed worthy are L'Cie, but when the kings die and join the Old Kings, they become like a council of Fal'Cie.

Keep in mind that this would fit the general FNC mythology rather than FFXIII's specific interpretation of it. Fal'Cie are like demigods who govern the land, while L'Cie are "chosen" mortals. There's no indication that Fal'Cie are physical beings. In Type-0 they are the essence of the crystals. In Kingsglaive, the ring itself seems to serve this purpose, as a communication channel between the one seeking power and the guardian spirits of Lucis.

I get where you're trying to go with it, but it is a stretch.

Versus never was
strongly connected with FNC, with Nomura even saying many elements like l'Cie and Fal'Cie not being in the game back then. The only strong connection to FNC even during the Versus days was Etro.

The connection to FNC for this title has always been almost non-existent. XV is its own universe and doesn't bend to any FNC Mythos.
PSY&#12539;S;213276672 said:
Glaucoma scenes



I get where you're trying to go with it, but it is a stretch.

Versus never was
strongly connected with FNC, with Nomura even saying many elements like l'Cie and Fal'Cie not being in the game back then. The only strong connection to FNC even during the Versus days was Etro.

The connection to FNC for this title has always been almost non-existent. XV is its own universe and doesn't bend to any FNC Mythos.

Someone asked about the stuff in the movie, and I'm explaining what was in it and how it appeared to me. Whether it is intended or not is irrelevant since the question was about similarities to FNC themes, not whether it is officially part of the FNC brand. There are definitely similarities especially in the presentation. No need to get your panties in a bunch, we're just discussing themes.
Someone asked about the stuff in the movie, and I'm explaining what was in it and how it appeared to me. Whether it is intended or not is irrelevant since the question was about similarities to FNC themes, not whether it is officially part of the FNC brand. There are definitely similarities especially in the presentation. No need to get your panties in a bunch, we're just discussing themes.

I apologize if I came across as agitated or flustered. That was not intended at all. I did my best to sound as neutral as possible while explaining. I clearly failed in that regard.

These impressions make me sad

Nothing is universally praised.

See it and form an opinion you might like it.

While I too am disappointed with some of the impressions some have posted, most have been praising the movie. From what I have personally seen, it seems most people who have seen it have been very positive and that's really all one can ask for.

As NoctisVsStar above has said, nothing is legitamently universally praised as people have different expectations and taste when it comes to art. You should watch the movie yourself with an open mind, free of preconceived notions, and form your own opinion, be it positive or negative.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Does it appeal in the way that Advent Children did?

Which is to say... the story is STOOPID..... but it's visual eye candy and delivers aesthetic thrills?


Does it appeal in the way that Advent Children did?

Which is to say... the story is STOOPID..... but it's visual eye candy and delivers aesthetic thrills?

Well, I think it's similar but in different ways. Kingsglaive's story is actually way less stoooopid compared to Advent Children. But it also wants to be taken more seriously, but doesn't quite have what it takes to achieve the desired impact. Some of Advent Children's action is also way better directed than Kingsglaive. But obviously technology has improved much more so this looks way better. Some of the facial capture stuff is really super impressive.

There's a ton of FF fanservice in Kingsglaive too. The scale is also much larger. Would be far more entertaining if I could see what the fuck was going on half the time though.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Well, I think it's similar but in different ways. Kingsglaive's story is actually way less stoooopid compared to Advent Children. But it also wants to be taken more seriously, but doesn't quite have what it takes to achieve the desired impact. Some of Advent Children's action is also way better directed than Kingsglaive. But obviously technology has improved much more so this looks way better. Some of the facial capture stuff is really super impressive.

There's a ton of FF fanservice in Kingsglaive too. The scale is also much larger. Would be far more entertaining if I could see what the fuck was going on half the time though.

I see. Seems like it pretends to a level of smart political intrigue that it can't quite deliver on..?

Still, I just want shiny pretty, ultimately. Maybe it's sad that this is the level of expectation I have for FF storytelling, but it hasn't been particularly smart since the 90s (in relation to its peers).


So odd that few people in here saying its bad, or that it may have under delivered in some aspects.

Everyone everywhere seems to be loving it and hyping it up.
Does anyone know how long the select theater run (in the US) is going to be? I may not be able to see it on the 19th, but would definitely be able to that weekend.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So odd that few people in here saying its bad, or that it may have under delivered in some aspects.

Everyone everywhere seems to be loving it and hyping it up.
Coming of the spirits within and advent childrens, theres no way this movie can be bad. I mean it has sean bean!


Crystal Bearer
So odd that few people in here saying its bad, or that it may have under delivered in some aspects.

Everyone everywhere seems to be loving it and hyping it up.
How is it odd? Not everyone is going to like the same thing and people tend to have differing expectations depending on their experiences.


How is it odd? Not everyone is going to like the same thing and people tend to have differing expectations depending on their experiences.

True that... I'm already going to instantly love it for the Lucis visuals and alone tho, and the Versus lite tributes.


No, not at all. If anything, it makes me worried that the game will be a simplistic barebones story of two people reuniting, peppered with eyerolling tryhard faux socio-political fluff.

After Kingsglaive I am convinced that almost nothing remains of the Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet inspired stuff Versus promised. Tabata has a different style and I'm not a fan.

The dialogue was very good for what it is though. Very natural, other than the nonsense names and terms.

Even Crisis Core (and probably Before Crisis, since it's based on the Turks) is filled to the brim with pseudopolitics within Shinra. I guess it's just a Tabata trope at this point.

Yep. Even in Matsuno's work, the politics affect the plot pretty directly in FFT/TO/VS but in FFXII it's pretty clearly there largely to provide atmosphere and not to have any concrete effects on how the story plays out.


Purple Drazi
Yep. Even in Matsuno's work, the politics affect the plot pretty directly in FFT/TO/VS but in FFXII it's pretty clearly there largely to provide atmosphere and not to have any concrete effects on how the story plays out.

I may be misunderstanding the point here, but are you saying Tabata had a role in FFXII's development? I don't recall that having been the case.
I may be misunderstanding the point here, but are you saying Tabata had a role in FFXII's development? I don't recall that having been the case.

Yeah I'm not understanding that post either. Is the point that FF has a history of doing politics well but under Matsuno's stewardship? Tabata was working on Crisis Core at the same time FF12 was being developed by Matsuno. There's no overlap between the two.
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